Top 12 personal injury lawyer marketing ideas

Between car accidents, medical malpractice cases and product liability issues, hundreds of thousands of personal injury case claims are filed each year and that number is rising. In 2020, the number of personal injury filings rose 97% from the year prior.

Personal injury lawyers stand to gain more business as these issues persist, particularly personal injury law firms that optimize their online presence and use these marketing ideas to gain more visibility among their potential clients.

How to build a personal injury practice and gain clients

No personal injury practice can stay in business for long without reaching potential clients and bringing them on board as new clients. While law firms often benefit from referrals from existing customers, at some point, most personal injury attorneys will need to build a law firm marketing plan and use marketing tactics and marketing campaigns to:

  • Raise brand awareness
  • Reach potential clients
  • Attract high-quality leads
  • Boost conversion rates and land new clients

In this guide, we’ll share the top marketing channels and marketing ideas to explore as part of your marketing efforts.

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Top 12 personal injury marketing ideas for lawyers

Stand out in search engines, drive word-of-mouth via social media and make a solid first impression via offline and online marketing channels when you implement a marketing strategy. The right marketing plan will help you get discovered by more personal injury clients who will benefit from your legal services.

1. Improve your law firm’s website design

Almost all (99%) customers look for local businesses online, and 78% do so weekly or more frequently.

When potential customers search for law firms in your practice area, you want your law firm’s website to not only be the one they click on, but also the one they stick around to learn more about. The challenge is that you only have seven seconds to make a strong first impression.

Get a leg up on the competition with a website optimized for mobile, desktop and tablet devices and easy to navigate and read. Make it simple for potential clients to book that initial consultation and become new clients.

2. Enhance your search engine optimization (SEO)

Traffic from organic search engines, such as Google Search, accounts for more than half of all web traffic small businesses receive. If you only invest in improving one attorney marketing tactic, focus on strengthening your search engine optimization (SEO).

When potential clients look for personal injury lawyers in your area, you want your website to come up at the very top of the first results page — especially when you keep in mind that over one-quarter of users click on the first result and half of users click on one of the top three results.

Check out Broadly’s guide on local SEO for lawyers for tips and the latest best practices for navigating search engine algorithms.

3. Add lead generation forms to your landing pages

Once you have visitors to your website, you want them to get in touch before they check out the competition. Make it easy for them to request a call back from your law firm or schedule a free consultation with attorney lead generation forms on every page of your website.

4. Generate more leads through content marketing

Conduct keyword research to find out what phrases potential clients might use to search for personal injury attorneys online. For instance, they may be looking for advice about what to do after being in a car accident or if they suspect they’ve been a victim of medical malpractice. Use these lessons and:

  • Create authoritative, expert content
  • Ensure your content is easy to understand
  • Testing which content delivers better results: written content or video marketing
  • Encourage readers to reach out to your law firm for a free consultation
  • Share your content on social media platforms, such as LinkedIn and Facebook

According to Google Search, content is the most effective marketing tactic for improving your company’s SEO.

5. Get discovered by potential customers on social media

Search engines aren’t the only marketing channel where customers look for and connect with professional service providers and small businesses. More than half of consumers use social media platforms to discover local businesses. Check out these Broadly guides for getting started on two of the biggest social media platforms:

6. Use pay-per-click (PPC) campaigns to increase brand awareness

For personal injury law firms just starting, paid marketing channels offer a great way to quickly generate more awareness. Reach potential clients faster compared to organic marketing channels that tend to deliver results gradually.

Social media platforms (such as Facebook Ads and LinkedIn Ads), search engines (such as Google Search) and third-party directory websites (such as legal directories) offer self-service pay-per-click advertising (PPC campaigns) where you can:

  • Set a small budget
  • See how many potential clients your ads reach
  • Keep track of business results from your campaigns, either as clicks to your website or phone calls to your practice

7. Launch pay-per-lead (PPL) campaigns to get more leads

If you want to do more than just get the word out about your practice and actually have more potential clients scheduling free consultations or filling out a lead generation form, then consider pay-per-lead campaigns over PPC ads. For example, with Google Local Services Ads, you only pay when leads fill out a form or contact your firm.

9. Keep in touch with past customers and leads via email marketing

Once you have multiple marketing efforts up and running, you’ll be adding new leads to your customer relationship management (CRM) database and getting new clients in the door. You can keep in touch with existing clients after you’ve successfully helped them with their cases and encouraged them to send referrals your way via email marketing.

You can also use this marketing channel to keep in touch with potential customers, educate them about your services and encourage them to schedule a free consultation to increase conversion rates among new leads.

10. Ask past customers for online reviews

Once you’ve successfully helped your personal injury clients with their cases, you can ask these customers to leave online reviews about your law practice on social media, Google Business Profile (formerly Google My Business), legal directories and other review sites. You will stand out among the competition with improved star ratings and SEO.

This is one of the easiest marketing ideas to pursue and the most impactful, too. After all, nearly all of us are influenced (93% of consumers) by reviews posted online.

11. Add testimonials to your law firm’s website

As your online reviews start coming in, select your favorites and add them to your website to make an impressive first impression with prospective clients.

12. Give traditional marketing tactics a try

If you want to make a name for yourself and increase brand awareness in your community, don’t overlook the basics, such as ordering business cards. If you have room in your budget, explore whether billboards or other print signage around town can help drive more calls to your phone number and visits to your website.

Get more personal injury clients by partnering with Broadly for your digital marketing

Ready to take your legal marketing to the next level? A trusted partner of small firms across the legal industry, Broadly offers go-to tools for online marketing for attorneys, generating more reviews on lawyer review sites and managing lawyer reviews.

Want to see how we can help with your personal injury law firm marketing strategy?

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