Law Firm Marketing Strategies to Grow Your Legal Practice

Want to know which marketing strategies will deliver results for your law firm? Read this guide to find out:

  • The top 14 law firm marketing strategies
  • The four Ps marketing strategies
  • How law firms attract clients
  • How a law firm’s marketing strategy affects their reputation
  • The benefits of marketing for law firms

What Is the Best Way to Market a Law Firm?

These attorney marketing activities have the power to help you reach more potential clients and improve your conversion rates — turning more prospects into new business for your law firm.

1. Launch a Mobile-Optimized Website With a Modern Website Design

Reach more users and get them to stick around with a beautifully designed law firm website that loads quickly and looks great across devices, operating systems, and browsers. Your website is your best online marketing tool because you have total control over the look and feel of your web design and the content it features.

2. Improve Your Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

If you’ve already established an online presence for your law firm, it’s time to ensure your practice comes up at the top of search engine results when your client base is looking for providers.

Use our guide about local SEO for lawyers to learn how backlinks, social media, and online reviews influence your law firm website’s placement among search engine results pages (SERPs).

3. Use Call-To-Action (CTA) Buttons, Lead Generation Forms, and Landing Pages

Want to improve your website traffic conversion rates? Add clear call-to-action buttons, lead generation forms, and landing pages to your website. Use these to get more:

  • Free consultations
  • New leads
  • Email marketing subscribers by collecting names and contact information)

4. Create a Content Marketing Strategy

When planning your digital marketing, having great blog content is super important. In fact, Google Search says content is the #1 factor that affects how well you show up online and in local searches. But how do you make a content strategy work? Let’s find out by taking a closer look at what makes up a content marketing strategy:

Editorial Calendar

Start with an editorial calendar. It’s like a schedule that shows what topics you’ll cover, when you’ll publish them, and who’s responsible for making them. This helps you stay organized and makes sure you cover a wide variety of new and interesting topics.

Content Production

Now, you gotta make the content! That means writing copy or making videos, pictures, or other stuff that people want to see. This is the part where you research ideas, create the content, and then edit it so it looks professional, engaging, and most importantly, on brand.

Content Distribution

Once your content’s ready, you gotta get it out there! Share it on social media, in emails, on other websites—everywhere your audience hangs out. The more places your content shows up, the more people will likely see it.


Last but not least, keep an eye on your stats. Look at things like how many people are visiting your website, how long they’re staying, and if they’re clicking on your content. This helps you see what’s working and what’s not so you can make changes accordingly.

5. Use Email Marketing to Connect With Leads and Clients

Email is an effective marketing channel with a sizable return on investment (ROI) of $36 for every $1 spent on email marketing campaigns. That’s well above what experts consider a solid marketing ROI of 5:1. Use email to follow up with:

  • New leads who haven’t booked a free consultation yet
  • High-quality leads who have had a free consultation but haven’t converted to new clients
  • Past clients to generate repeat business, referrals, online reviews, and testimonials

6. Improve Your Law Firm’s Visibility on Social Media

Most social media users leverage platforms such as LinkedIn, Yelp, Facebook, and Twitter to find local businesses—so it’s essential to set up profiles for your law firm on these sites. Make sure your profiles are complete and up to date by adding important details, such as:

  • Your contact information
  • Your practice area and legal services
  • A link to an attorney lead generation form where potential clients can sign up for a free consultation
  • Client testimonials

7. Get More Online Reviews on Online Directories

Nearly every one of us reads online reviews before we decide whether to do business with a particular entity. Ensure your online reviews stay fresh by regularly asking clients to write reviews for your business listings on review platforms such as Google Business Profile (formerly Google My Business) and Yelp.

Automatically request reviews to amplify your online reputation

8. Harness the Power of Testimonials and Case Studies

You can’t hand-pick which online reviews prospective clients come across on social media and online directories, but you can control what they see on your owned marketing channels. Select your favorites and showcase them on your law firm’s website, in email marketing campaigns, and via social media.

9. Offer Free Consultations

Include a call to action in your marketing campaigns. According to Gartner, mentioning a free trial or demo will increase conversion rates and result in high-quality leads. Offer free consultations to move your new leads down the marketing funnel, educating them about your legal services and the qualifications of your legal team, and soon, they’ll be new clients.

10. Launch Paid Marketing Campaigns

If you have room in your marketing budget, try paid marketing channels to increase your reach and generate new leads faster. Run a few test marketing campaigns to see which platforms yield high-quality leads without breaking the bank.

Pay-per-click (PPC) ads can help you boost awareness, while pay-per-lead (PPL) or pay-per-conversion ads will help you collect contact information for high-quality leads. Both options are available on popular platforms, such as Google Search and social media.

11. Deliver the Best Client Experience

Most consumers find lawyers through referrals from someone they know personally, so one of the most effective marketing tools you have is the type of client experience you provide. Be sure to offer one that motivates customers to generate positive word-of-mouth marketing on your behalf.

12. Utilize Video

Video content is an incredibly powerful tool for engaging with your audience and showcasing your legal expertise. Here are some effective ways to incorporate video into your law firm marketing strategy:

Educational Videos on YouTube

Create informative videos that address common legal questions, explain complex legal concepts in simple terms, or offer practical tips and advice. By providing valuable information, you can position yourself as a trusted authority in your field and attract potential clients who are seeking answers to their legal concerns.

Short-Form Videos for Social Media

Produce short, attention-grabbing videos for platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok. These videos can highlight interesting case studies, share quick legal tips, or showcase behind-the-scenes glimpses of your firm’s work environment—just be careful to protect your clients’ privacy. Short-form videos are perfect for capturing the fleeting attention of social media users and driving engagement with your brand.

Answer Legal FAQs

Compile a series of videos that address frequently asked questions about various legal topics relevant to your practice areas. By addressing common concerns and providing clear, concise answers, you can establish yourself as a helpful resource for individuals seeking legal guidance.

Reaction Videos of Prominent Cases/Rulings

Share your insights and reactions to notable legal developments, high-profile court cases, or significant changes in legislation. Reacting to current events in your field demonstrates your expertise and thought leadership, while also sparking conversations with your audience and encouraging them to engage with your content.

13. Take Time for Networking

Building strong relationships within your professional network and local community is key to growing your law firm’s reputation and building your portfolio of clients. Here are some effective networking strategies you should consider:

Network with Other Legal Professionals

Attend industry conferences, seminars, and networking events to connect with other lawyers and legal professionals. Building relationships with colleagues in your field can lead to valuable referrals, collaborative opportunities, and access to valuable resources and insights.

Network with Local Business Owners 

Establish connections with business owners and professionals in your community by attending Chamber of Commerce meetings, industry mixers, and local networking events. By forging partnerships with local businesses, you can expand your presence in your local community, tap into new client markets, and create mutually beneficial relationships.

Hosting or Sponsoring Local Events

Organize or sponsor community events, charity fundraisers, or educational seminars related to legal topics or issues of local interest. Hosting events allows you to showcase your expertise, raise awareness of your firm, and demonstrate your commitment to giving back to the community.

Sponsoring Sports Teams

Support local sports teams, youth leagues, or recreational clubs by sponsoring their events, uniforms, or equipment. Sports sponsorships offer excellent exposure for your firm’s brand and provide opportunities to connect with potential clients in your area.

Hosting a Legal Advice Workshop

Offer free or low-cost legal advice workshops to provide valuable guidance and assistance to individuals in need. Hosting workshops allows you to demonstrate your firm’s commitment to serving the community, establish trust with potential clients, and generate leads for future legal services.

Attending Local Chamber of Commerce Meetings

Get involved with your local Chamber of Commerce by attending meetings, joining committees, and participating in networking events. Chamber of Commerce membership provides access to a diverse network of business professionals, community leaders, and potential clients, as well as opportunities for business development and collaboration.

14. Set a Budget

Effective budgeting is incredibly important for managing your law firm’s marketing expenses and maximizing the return on your investment. Here are some practical tips for setting and managing your marketing budget:

Determine a Budget

Assess your firm’s financial resources and set aside a portion of your revenue specifically for marketing activities. The U.S. Small Business Administration recommends allocating around 7%-8% of your firm’s gross revenue to marketing, but adjust this figure based on your firm’s growth goals, current market, and overall business objectives (Chron).

Stick to Your Budget

This is the difficult part. Once you’ve established your marketing budget, you need to stay disciplined about adhering to it to avoid overspending or financial strain. Monitor your marketing expenses regularly, track your spending against your budgetary allocations, and make adjustments as needed to ensure that you stay within your financial limits.

Prioritize Your Investments

Identify the marketing strategies and tactics that are most likely to yield positive results for your firm and allocate your budget accordingly. Focus on activities that align with your target audience, support your business objectives, and have the potential to deliver a strong return on investment.

Monitor Performance

Keep track of the effectiveness of your marketing efforts by monitoring key performance indicators (KPIs) such as website traffic, lead generation, client conversions, and return on investment (ROI). Use analytics tools and performance metrics to evaluate the impact of your marketing campaigns, identify areas for improvement, and make data-driven decisions about resource allocation.

Adjust as Needed

Remember, marketing is an ongoing process, and it’s important to be flexible and adaptive in response to changing market conditions, consumer preferences, and competitor dynamics. Continuously evaluate the performance of your marketing initiatives, solicit feedback from clients and stakeholders, and be prepared to adjust your strategies and tactics as needed to achieve your business objectives. 

Law Firm Marketing Strategies FAQ

What Are the Four Types of Marketing Strategies (a.k.a. The Four PS of Marketing)?

When developing a broader marketing plan to guide your marketing efforts and reach prospective clients, it’s critical to consider the 4 Ps of marketing. The 4 Ps are also referred to as the marketing mix. These include:

  1. Product: What legal services do you offer? Do you have a particular practice area or specialty, such as immigration law or handling personal injury cases?
  2. Price: What are your rates, or what is your fee structure? New clients often want to know how much they will be paying for your legal services.
  3. Place: Where are you licensed to practice the law? Which geographic areas do you offer your legal services? This will be important to keep in mind when setting up targeted ads on platforms such as LinkedIn and Yelp.
  4. Promotion: What marketing channels and marketing tactics are you considering using? Which have been successful in the past? How will you measure your success? Which metrics will you track?

How Do Law Firms Attract New Clients?

Law firms can use a combination of organic, paid, traditional, and digital marketing efforts to reach target clients and gain new clients. The most popular tactics include:

  • Law firm SEO
  • Social media marketing
  • PPC ads and pay-per-leads ads on popular advertising networks, such as Google Ads, and social media platforms, such as LinkedIn

How Does a Law Firm’s Marketing Strategy Affect Its Reputation?

Allocating resources to bolster your law firm’s marketing strategy can enhance your online reputation. Here are some examples of marketing strategies that can strengthen customer perceptions of your law firm’s brand.

  • Building a high-quality law firm website will help you make a strong first impression with your ideal clients, while a website that’s hard to find, navigate, or understand can have the opposite effect.
  • Asking past clients to write customer reviews about your law firm on Yelp, social media, Google Search, and legal directories: Reviews are critical for lawyers because they influence consumer expectations about your client experience.
  • Creating helpful content marketing resources that provide legal advice and insights can help build your authority and credibility in your practice area.

What Are the Benefits of Marketing a Law Firm?

The benefits of investing in a successful law firm marketing plan and leveraging effective legal marketing tactics include:

  • Boosting brand awareness
  • Driving interest in your legal services among your target audience
  • Getting more new leads and referrals, positive reviews, website traffic, email marketing subscribers, and free consultations
  • Improving your organic SEO rankings
  • Bringing in new business and expanding your law practice

Grow Your Small Law Firm With Broadly’s Marketing Services

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This article was updated on March 26, 2024.