The nature of great attorney marketing

Marketing can be an effective way to grow your law firm and build your reputation as a lawyer. Legal marketing can encompass everything from digital marketing to social media marketing, and it can be an excellent way to make your business stand out from the competition. 

The benefits of marketing strategy for attorneys

Taking the time to develop a high-quality marketing strategy can benefit your legal practice in many ways. 

  • Engage with prospective clients and build their trust in your authority
  • Generate new potential clients as your business expands into new practice areas
  • Drive referrals from past clients 
  • Stay top-of-mind with prospective clients so they think of you when they need your services
  • Encourage clients to leave online reviews and testimonials to help you maintain a positive public perception of your law firm

Take your law firm to the next level with these marketing tips for attorneys

These best practices can help you optimize the time and money you invest in marketing for your law practice. 

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Set your marketing goals

Start by determining your marketing objectives. These often closely align with your business goals. Some key objectives could be increasing public awareness of your brand or generating new leads that become new clients. 

By setting precise marketing goals, you can determine the types of law firm marketing that are worth pursuing. With established objectives, you can also measure the effectiveness of your marketing. 

Choose your marketing strategies

There are many attorney marketing methods you could use for your firm. 

  • Content marketing
  • E-newsletters and email marketing
  • Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, such as Google Ads
  • Landing pages and special offers to encourage e-newsletter subscriptions
  • Search engine optimization (SEO) of your law firm website
  • Social media marketing

You will need to choose the lawyer marketing strategy that works best for your goals, budget and marketing capacity. As you select the types of marketing solutions you want to explore, you can incorporate those solutions into a marketing plan. 

Determine your law firm’s USP

Before you start planning a marketing campaign, take some time to determine your law firm’s unique selling proposition (USP). Your USP is a statement that demonstrates what makes your firm unique and sets you apart from other attorneys. It’s a crucial step in marketing for small businesses, as well as in marketing for larger enterprises.

Determining your USP can take time, but defining what makes your law firm special in critical. Once you understand your USP, you will convey this key point in all of your marketing efforts. 

Make sure your website is ready

Your website serves as the central hub of all of your marketing. Whether you’re posting on social media platforms or paying for digital ads, you will direct those potential leads back to your website. 

It’s well worth the cost to invest in a professional website design. Remember, your website will be many potential clients’ first point of contact with your firm, so you want it to make the best first impression possible. 

Ensure that your website reflects your USP and optimize it for the search terms that your audience will use. Include any offers, like a free consultation, right on the site to engage potential clients. 

Establish a social media presence

Social media is a valuable lead generation tool. You can interact with potential clients right on these platforms. Providing this personalized touch helps develop relationships and a sense of trust with your followers. 

You can also manage client reviews you receive on social media and request that your past clients leave reviews on the platforms. 

When using social media as a marketing tool, it’s essential to post regularly to each platform and quickly respond to comments and inquiries. Don’t take on too many platforms at once, but LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter are often good starting points. 

Focus on content marketing

Content marketing strategies like starting a blog on your website help your site rank for specific keywords and provide another connection with potential new clients. Focus on topics that would interest new clients and use your blog as a chance to show your desire to help. 

With content marketing, you can target specific keywords like “family law,” “criminal defense,” “legal services,” “estate planning” and “personal injury.” You can pair those keywords with local town names or zip codes, creating phrases that potential local clients would search for when looking for a law firm, so your website ranks high for these local SEO terms.

Use metrics to evaluate your marketing

As you develop marketing campaigns and try new marketing strategies, gather metrics on your marketing efforts to determine what is working and what adjustments you need to make. 

Metrics give you valuable information and help you improve your future marketing campaigns. By continuously reviewing metrics, you can maximize your marketing budget’s return on investment (ROI).

Market your law firm with Broadly

Broadly offers comprehensive marketing solutions to help improve your lead generation and online marketing. Our website designers will help you optimize a mobile-friendly website with SEO keywords. The review management platform allows you to view and respond to reviews all in one place. And email marketing is a snap with Broadly Campaigns. 

Broadly will also help you monitor the success of your marketing activities with actionable metrics so you know where to focus your efforts. With Broadly, you can boost your online presence and build customer relationships to generate new leads for your law firm. 

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