The Secrets to Unstoppable Text Subscription Success (5 Proven Steps)

Are you tired of your email campaigns going unread, or not producing the results you’ve been looking for? It might be time to try out text subscriptions

You see, the world out there is changing, and staying current with how your audience prefers to communicate is one of the best ways to ensure your message reaches its target. But what exactly is a text subscription?

Text subscriptions are when a lead or paying customer signs up for regular updates from your business via text message. Think of appointment reminders, promo deals, and parcel tracking numbers.

Text subscriptions are more than just another marketing tool—they are a great strategy to increase engagement and build a loyal customer base. Let’s explore why text subscriptions might be just what you’re looking for, and review five proven steps to ensure that your text subscription strategy is truly unstoppable!

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Why Text Subscriptions Matter

The amount of folks who send and receive text messages is expected to rise to 5.9 billion by 2025 (SlickText). That, combined with the fact that text-based communication strategies are not saturated in the small business market yet, means there is huge potential just waiting to be tapped into (Forbes). 

But enough talk. Here’s why text message subscriptions are a must-have in your marketing toolkit:

  • Higher Open Rates: SMS messages have an open rate that’s through the roof— over 98% (SlickText). That’s way better than emails or social media posts at making sure your message gets seen and heard.
  • Direct Communication: Text messages feel personal and urgent, in fact, nearly 90% of mobile users check a text message within the first 3 minutes (Sender).
  • Personalization: You can tailor your messages to each customer’s preferences. Personalized texts? Yes, please!

SMS vs. Email

To text, or not to text, that’s the question—and an important question too! 

To fully gauge if text subscriptions are a good fit for your small business’s goals, we gathered some really great insights from the internet. Check them out:

text subscription: sms vs email

(Source, Mailmodo)

Across the board, it’s clear that these numbers paint a pretty rosy picture of text subscriptions. 

While SMS can’t compete with free {we’re looking at you, emails and social media), the ROI of text subscriptions is still ten times your initial investment, with drastically higher open rates, click-through rates (CTR), and nearly twice the conversions of email subscriptions.

And that’s just a start, we’ll dive deeper into the benefits of text subscriptions in the next section.

Benefits of Text Subscriptions

Text subscriptions are nothing to sniff at—they’re actually incredibly effective. Here’s why you should hop on the SMS bandwagon:

  • Instant Engagement: Most texts are read within minutes. 
  • Cost-Effective: SMS marketing is budget-friendly and packs a comparatively high ROI to other paid marketing options. That means you can save money while making money.
  • Customer Loyalty: Regular, valuable texts build stronger relationships. After all, happy customers = repeat customers.

Now that you know what text subscriptions are, and why they’re awesome, it’s time to roll up our sleeves and dig into how to put them to work for your local business.

5 Steps to Starting Text Subscription Marketing

1. Building Your Subscriber List

First things first: you need a rock-solid subscriber list. Here’s how to build one the right way:

  • Incentivize Opt-Ins: Offer exclusive deals, special discounts, or cool giveaways. For example, a café might give a free coffee for signing up, or a flower boutique might offer a discount code on their client’s next purchase.
  • Referral Programs: Why not turn your subscribers into ambassadors? Offer rewards for referring friends and family by using a special code.
  • Use Lead Generation Tools: Lead generation software like the Broadly Inbox helps you capture and manage lead data like a pro. Efficient and easy!

2. Crafting Compelling Content

Your messages need to sparkle to keep subscribers hooked. Here’s how to craft text subscription messages that wow:

  • Be Concise: Short and sweet does the trick. Aim for 160 characters (or less) to keep it punchy.
  • Grab Attention: Start with a catchy hook—think questions, fun facts, or urgent calls to action (just not too urgent otherwise it might come off as spam).
  • Provide Value: Every message should offer something useful. Discounts, updates, tips—you name it.

3. Timing and Frequency

Timing is everything. Nail it with these tips:

  • Optimal Send Times: Research shows the best times are between noon, 2:00 pm, and 6-8 pm (Sender). Test different times to see what your audience responds best to.
  • Manage Frequency: Don’t be a text pest. Stick to 2-6 messages per month max.
  • Employ Automation Tools: Leverage tools like Broadly’s campaign scheduling feature to send messages automatically, saving you time and headache trying to do things by hand.

More helpful resources:

4. Compliance and Privacy

Playing by the rules keeps everyone happy. Here’s what you need to know:

  • Regulations: Stay on the right side of the law by abiding by the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPR) and General Data Protection Regulation. They’re there for a reason and are designed to protect your customers.
  • Proper Consent: Get clear consent before texting, also, make opting out of text subscriptions extremely easy to do.
  • Potential Consequences: Non-compliance can mean major fines, legal woes, and a bad reputation. Stay compliant so you can stay in the best light.

5. Measuring and Optimizing Performance

How are your text subscriptions actually doing? Not sure? Here’s how to track and tweak for success:

  • Open Rates: Track how many people open your messages. High rates mean your content is doing its job.
  • Click-Through Rates (CTR): See how many click your links. This shows how engaging and convincing your messages are.
  • Conversion Rates: Measure actions taken after your messages. Purchases, sign-ups, visits—Broadly can help with that!

Pro Tip: Broadly is for more than just gathering reviews. Campaign tracking, AI web chats, social media, and local SEO, we do that too!

text subscription: track individual engagement with Broadly

Best Practices

Let’s look at what the pros are doing to make their text subscription campaigns truly shine:

Consistency: Keep a Regular Schedule

Imagine you’re at a party and someone tells a fantastic joke. Now imagine that person falling off the radar for months and then randomly showing up to your house one day to tell another joke. It’s awkward, right? 

Consistency is key to avoiding that awkwardness in your text campaigns. Set a regular schedule for your messages to keep your brand top-of-mind. Whether it’s weekly updates, bi-weekly promotions, or monthly offers, sticking to a schedule helps build anticipation and reliability. Your text subscribers will start looking forward to your texts, just like they anticipate their favorite TV show.

Personalization: Tailor Messages to Individual Preferences

Everyone loves a personal touch. It’s the difference between receiving a generic “Hello, customer!” and a warm “Hey, Alex! We’ve got a special deal just for you.” 

Use the data you collect to personalize your messages. From there, segment your audience based on their behaviors, preferences, and past interactions. Did a customer recently purchase a summer dress? Send them a follow-up message with matching accessories or a discount on their next purchase. 

The long and short of it is that personalized messages make your subscribers feel valued and understood, increasing their engagement and loyalty to you.

Also see: Sample Text Messages to Customers

Clear Call to Action (CTA): Drive Your Audience to Act

Every message should have a purpose, and that purpose should be crystal clear to your subscribers. When conducting business text messaging, a compelling CTA guides them on what to do next. 

Whether you want them to “Shop Now,” “Sign Up Today,” “Claim Your Discount,” or “Learn More,” make your CTA stand out. You can use action-oriented language and create a sense of urgency when appropriate. 

For example, “Hurry! Limited stock available!” or “Sign up before midnight for an exclusive offer!” A strong CTA turns curiosity into action and boosts your conversion rates.

Experiment, Refine, and Shine

Don’t be afraid to test new ideas and strategies. What works for one audience might not work for another, so experimentation is key. 

Try different types of messages, send times, and offers. Track the performance of each campaign and use the data to refine your approach. 

Your audience may respond better to humor, or they might prefer straightforward, no-nonsense messages. You’ll discover what resonates best with your subscribers by continuously experimenting and refining your strategy. Tools like Broadly make it easy to test, track, and optimize your text subscriptions, ensuring a smooth and successful marketing journey.

Pro Tip: Seeing is believing, check out these real-life text subscription examples in our blog all about launching effective SMS campaigns for local businesses.

Text Smarter with Broadly

Text campaigns are your ticket to stellar engagement and business growth. Follow these five steps and best practices to send automated text messages that wow your audience and boost your bottom line.

For more awesome tips on text marketing, check out our related articles:

Start your text subscription strategy today and watch your business grow like never before!

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