How to create law firm marketing materials to attract law clients

Even if most of your potential clients come from referrals, the right marketing materials are key to converting those leads into paying clients. Those prospective clients might receive a business card from a friend and then review your law firm website or online reviews. It’s critical for your marketing efforts to establish a positive online reputation for your practice.

With a marketing plan in place that includes both print and digital materials, you’ll be able to rapidly grow your practice. Here’s what you need to know.

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5 steps to take before creating your law firm marketing materials

1. Understand your target audience

Determine the type of person most likely to need your legal services. This will probably depend on your practice area. For example, bankruptcy attorneys may target middle-aged, low-income consumers. DUI attorneys may focus on a younger audience.

Find out where your target audience is most active and which channels will help you reach them best. It’s not a coincidence that personal injury lawyers often advertise on billboards and moving vehicles to reach people on the road.

As you develop your marketing materials, create messaging that speaks directly to your audience. Consider what’s most relevant to them when developing your content marketing plan.

2. Identify what makes your firm stand out

Your marketing materials should make it clear that your firm is the best choice for consumers seeking legal help in your practice area. You may stand out because of your award-winning lawyers with years of experience, glowing testimonials, affordable pricing or innovative approaches. Highlight key aspects of what makes your firm unique in your marketing materials.

3. Determine which marketing channels you’ll use

You’ll want to use a variety of attorney marketing strategies, including direct mail, word-of-mouth advertising, social media marketing, content marketing, email marketing and search engine optimization (SEO). You should use a combination of online marketing and print marketing materials to generate new business.

4. Get everyone on the same page

Everyone involved in your marketing initiatives should clearly understand your firm’s audience, value proposition, vision and mission statement.

5. Develop your marketing plan

Determine who will be responsible for managing each channel and create schedules for ongoing tasks like email campaigns and blog posts. Each marketing campaign should have a budget. Create metrics for your legal marketing efforts and track results to measure success.

Top 10 marketing materials every law firm needs

1. High-quality web design

A professionally designed website gives prospective clients from referral sources a place to learn more about your firm. Up to 75% of people seeking an attorney use the Internet at some point.

Apply basic law firm SEO principles to improve your website’s rankings. Be sure to include your contact information so new clients know how to reach you and include a call-to-action (CTA), such as “book a free consultation” or “download brochure.”

2. Law firm logo

Your law firm logo will be on your letterhead, LinkedIn page, business card and perhaps even promotional items (pens, keychains, etc.) that you give to your clients. Make sure it’s visually appealing and aligns with your firm’s vision.

3. Business cards

Business cards make it easier for past clients to refer new clients to you. You may want to develop a tagline that represents your vision to print on the card. You should also include your contact information and practice area.

4. Law firm brochure

A brochure allows you to go into detail about your legal services and what clients can expect when working with you.

For example, an estate planning attorney might use a brochure to educate people about the different types of trusts. Brochures may be less effective than your digital marketing efforts, but they’re great for potential clients to have as a reference.

5. Mailers and other print advertising

While it’s difficult to track the effectiveness of direct mail advertisements, such as postcards or flyers and print advertising in newspapers and magazines, these methods may have a place in your overall marketing strategy. There’s a lot to be said about marketing materials that potential clients can hang on their refrigerators.

6. Case studies and testimonials

Once you put together a case study and collect testimonials from past clients, you can showcase them on your website and social media accounts or include them in your brochure.

Reviews are critical for lawyers because prospective clients will look at your case studies, testimonials, and online reviews to ensure your firm can meet their needs. In fact, 84% of consumers trust online reviews as much as recommendations from a friends or family.

7. Email newsletters

Email marketing campaigns are a fantastic way to stay in touch with past, current and prospective clients. You might use a monthly newsletter filled with relevant content to stay fresh in everyone’s minds. You can even use automatic, personalized texts or emails to remind current clients to sign important documents or attend court dates.

8. Blog content

Not only will posting educational content on your website improve your search rankings and help with attorney lead generation, but it will also establish your firm as an authority in your practice areas. If you choose to include a blog on your law firm website, be sure to update it regularly with new content.

9. Social media posts and graphics

Online marketing plans for attorneys should include a social media strategy. You’ll want to schedule regular posts, preferably at least once per week, with content that will interests and engages your audience. Infographics and images will garner the most attention.

10. Educational videos

Posting videos on YouTube and TikTok is another way to engage with both current and prospective clients. Use video to answer common questions that someone who needs legal services may search for. Be sure to appear friendly and personable while also being knowledgeable about the topic.

Tip: Law Firm Marketing Strategies

Attract more law clients with Broadly

If handling your firm’s marketing plan feels overwhelming, know that there are affordable and powerful marketing tools you can use to grow your business.

With Broadly, a dedicated web designer can build a responsive website for you with a web chat feature. Plus, you’ll be able to automate email marketing campaigns, respond to all your online reviews in one place and even communicate effortlessly with other lawyers in your firm.

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