Guide to dental implant ads

Whether you’re just starting your dental practice, have been in business for years or are switching your area of expertise, you need dental implant patients.

Unfortunately, there are no scenarios in business where you can just “build it,” and patients will magically show up. Regardless of your field, you need to promote your services.

And in a competitive industry like dental implants, it’s especially critical to learn the best strategies for your dental implant ads.

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How can I promote my dental implants?

Since over 90% of American adults use the internet, it makes sense to prioritize digital marketing to find new dental implant patients.

The following guide to dental implant ads will help you get started on a marketing plan to promote your dental practice.

1. Create a patient persona

Before you publish any dental implant ads, you must know who you are marketing to. If you skip creating a patient persona, you’ll waste money promoting ads to people who might not become new patients.

To create a patient persona, focus on the demographics you want to attract to your dental practice. Give your ideal dental implant patient a name, age range, lifestyle, education and any other specific details you can add.

For example, are you targeting an older demographic with missing teeth or dentures that constantly fail? Or adults who’ve neglected their dental health and are now candidates for implants?

This detailed patient persona will influence how and where you market your dental clinic. If you want to advertise to diverse dental patients, you can create multiple personas and use different targeted ads to market each one.

2. Use social media marketing

Social media marketing is a low-cost way to expand your reach and attract new dental implant patients. It should be an essential part of your dental implant marketing strategy.

Posting regularly on the social channels where your target audience spends time is a way to interact with existing and potential patients.

You can share educational videos and posts on oral health care, debunk myths about dental implants, explain the different types of dental implants and share patient testimonials. The goal is to be creative, engaging and helpful.

3. Create content (blog)

It’s easy to overlook blogging as part of your dental implant marketing strategy because it doesn’t produce quick results. It’s a long-term strategy, but it can significantly increase your online visibility when done consistently.

A blog is an excellent way to connect with potential patients by offering educational articles on dental implant procedures and treatments. It shows readers you are an expert in dental implants and builds trust with potential patients.

Adding a call-to-action (CTA) at the end of each blog is a popular technique to convert prospective patients. The CTA is like an invitation to call your office or book an online consultation.

Blogging is also a great way to add new content to your website. Gone are the days when you could build a website and forget about it. Search engines like Google want to see you adding new content regularly and will reward you by improving your rankings in search engine results pages (SERPs).

A blog that is performing well can also be used in dental implant ads to drive traffic to your website.

4. Invest in paid advertising

Paid advertising like pay-per-click (PPC) on Google and audience-targeted Facebook ads are cost-effective ways to generate dental implant leads quickly.

Targeting specific keywords on Google Ads (or other search engines like Bing) allows you to connect with prospective patients who are already looking for information on dental implants.

Including keywords or phrases in your paid ads like “does medicare cover dental implants” or “dental implant procedure” can help to attract high-quality leads.

Facebook is an excellent platform for running interest-based dental implant ad campaigns. You can select a target audience based on criteria in your patient persona like age, location and education. You can also target ads to people who’ve interacted with your social media channels or recently visited your website.

Both are excellent options for paid advertising as you can get creative with your dental implant ads and easily control your budget.

5. Invest in SEO

While paid advertising is a tactic to quickly get new traffic and leads, search engine optimization (SEO) is a long-term dental implant marketing strategy to organically attract new patients.

92% of internet searchers never make it past the first page of search engine result pages. This means you must do everything you can to show up on page one.

When people search keywords like “dental office near me,” “dental care” or “dental implants,” you want them to see and click on your content.

Use these SEO tactics to increase exposure and get more eyes on your implant dentistry practice:

  • Claim your Google Business Profile
  • Use third-party review sites such as Google to showcase patient testimonials
  • Include target keywords on your website
  • Write blogs on topics that prospective patients are searching for
  • Ensure your website loads quickly and is mobile-friendly

6. Use before and after marketing pictures

Internet users are savvy and know when they’re looking at stock photos versus high-quality authentic images. Original before and after pictures of real, happy patients will give your dental clinic more credibility with prospective patients.

Use these images on your website and social media profiles. But skip using them in your dental implant ads on Facebook Ads or PPC Google Ads because before and after pictures aren’t allowed on these platforms.

7. Offer financing options

Offering financing options is an excellent way to target prospective patients who may have written off dental implants as being too expensive. Unlike many other healthcare services, health plans rarely cover implants, as it’s considered cosmetic dentistry.

Let people know in your dental implant ads that financing their implants can be part of their treatment plan.

8. Track your campaigns and analyze the data

Tracking your campaigns and analyzing the data are critical for successful dental implant ads.

If you don’t do this, you risk wasting money on marketing efforts that aren’t working. Track everything from your engagement on social posts to ad clicks, page views and more.

With this information, you’ll outperform the competition because you’ll know what works and what doesn’t. And when you know what’s working best, you can do more of it. Partnering with a marketing company such as Broadly can help make this part easier.

Broadly has a centralized Dashboard where you can monitor your ad campaigns, reviews and overall business performance.

Why are there so many ads for dental implants?

According to the American College of Prosthodontists, 120 million Americans are missing at least one tooth. Over 36 million are missing all of their teeth.

With numbers like that, it’s no surprise more dentists are adding dental implants to their services. The cost of dental implants has been a deterrent for many people, but as the price is more affordable now, dental implants have become the standard for tooth replacement.

Sadly, some implant dentists are willing to lower their standards and use misleading advertising, cheap implants and equipment.

Because of this, it’s critical to ensure your marketing campaigns set your dental practice apart from the sea of cheap and fast implant dentists.

Manage your dental implant digital marketing with Broadly

As you can see, there are many moving parts to marketing dental implants. From designing and running ad campaigns to managing social media channels and everything in between, putting together a marketing plan can feel daunting. The good news is you can automate and streamline your digital marketing efforts with Broadly, thanks to a range of marketing tools.

To start, Broadly can help you build an SEO-focused website with an integrated blog. From there, you can manage reviews, track your metrics and monitor your business performance from the centralized dashboard.

Ready to get serious about your online dental implant marketing and gain new patients?

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