Maximize your online presence with Broadly’s landscaping reputation management software

If you want your landscaping company to attract potential customers searching for local lawn care and landscaping businesses online, then you need to invest in reputation management to maximize your word-of-mouth marketing. You can start by finding the right landscaping reputation management software for your small business.

With an online home service reputation platform like Broadly, you’ll get the tools you need to: 

  • Generate more positive reviews
  • Monitor and follow up with negative reviews
  • Successfully convert new customers
  • Optimize your customer reviews and overall online presence in search engines, Yelp, social media channels and review sites
  • Improve your marketing know-how

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How landscaping businesses can manage their reputation with Broadly’s online reputation management software

Landscaping business owners and managers have enough on their plates without having to check customer feedback and star ratings across Yelp, social media, search engines and review websites daily. If you blink, you could miss a positive review worth adding to your website’s customer testimonials or, worse, a negative review that needs to be responded to ASAP.

With Broadly’s online reputation management software and reputation management services, you can:

  • Keep track of your online reviews and customer feedback in real time with our cross-channel social media monitoring and social listening. Get alerts about new reviews on platforms like Google Business Profile (formerly known as Google My Business).
  • Respond to both negative and positive online reviews from across channels in one single platform. These efforts will help with your company’s search engine optimization (SEO). (See our guide: Does Responding to Reviews Help SEO? The answer is yes.)
  • Get an instant reputation analysis for your landscaping company, complete with your small business’s overall star ratings and online reputation management score.
  • Generate more online reviews from satisfied customers using Broadly’s automated review requests to increase customer referrals from existing clients. 

Enjoy the top benefits of Broadly’s reputation management software for landscapers

Broadly’s platform is designed to help landscaping businesses and business owners like you:

  • Enhance your digital marketing strategy: Boost your online presence on social media, search engines and review sites
  1. Increase your positive word-of-mouth by generating more online reviews
  2. Follow up with negative reviews and improve the customer experience
  3. Get more referrals for your lawn care company or landscaping business and book more landscaping services
  4. Stand out as a trusted provider within the landscaping industry

Get to know Broadly’s online reputation management software’s most popular features 

As part of our reputation management software for landscaping businesses, Broadly offers two must-have tools: Reviews and Dashboard.

Reviews will help your lawn care company or landscaping business:

  • Instantly request online reviews from your customers in real time via automated SMS and email marketing campaigns
  • Consolidate your online reputation management in one platform, meaning you save time monitoring and responding to customer feedback on search engines like Google, social media channels and other review sites
  • Get ahead of the competition in the landscaping industry by generating a steady stream of high-quality reviews to bolster personal recommendations from real customers and drive referrals

Small businesses use Dashboard to:

  • Keep track of and take action based on customer feedback, analyze sentiment and identify promoters and detractors
  • Measure overall business and team performance across channels and locations to improve the customer experience 

Investing in reputation management can pay off if you want to put your best foot forward online. After all, nearly everyone reads online reviews (91%), and most consumers (84%) say they trust customer reviews on review sites as much as they trust personal recommendations from friends. 

When potential customers search for local businesses within the landscaping industry via search engines, social media platforms and review sites, which business do you think they’ll contact first? The one with more recent reviews and thoughtful responses from business owners and managers or the one with negative reviews that have no replies from the company?

Manage your online reputation and online presence with Broadly

Improve your online reputation with Broadly’s landscaping reputation management software solutions. As a trusted partner of lawn care and landscaping businesses, we offer a suite of online marketing tools, including:

  • Website: Build a modern and responsive website to improve your customer experience and convert potential customers into new customers
  • Inbox: Keep track of customer feedback and messages from Google, Facebook and your website all in one place
  • Campaigns: Send best-in-class marketing campaigns via email and SMS to drive landscaping services bookings

Want to learn more about our services?

Transform your local business with revolutionary AI-powered software