Why Google reviews are the most valuable online reviews

All online reviews simply aren’t created equal. Remember the last time you researched online business reviews on the Yellow Pages? Me neither. That’s because certain review platforms hold more value for customers, and for search engines. That being said, let’s talk about the value Google My Business reviews provide your business.

Free Guide: How To Optimize Your Google Business Profile


Google reviews increase your visibility & SEO 

When you’re looking for a new place to eat dinner on Saturday night, you “Google it!” Google My Business reviews are the first thing that show up when you’re searching and comparing local businesses on Google. Google’s local business reviews factor into their own search algorithm, and thus affect how you’re ranked online. Getting consistent, positive reviews is important to ranking high in search results on Google.

Google reviews are easy 

The second reason to prioritize Google reviews is the simple fact that the large majority of Americans use – and have accounts for – Google products (like Gmail, Google Maps, etc), and already have a Google account. It’s easy for Google users to leave you a review on Google, since they don’t need to create a profile – they already have one! Google reviews can be left by anyone who has any sort of Google-owned account.

(Almost) everyone uses Google

As we’ve mentioned in another post, about 80% of consumers use Google as their primary search engine, and Google displays their own brand of business reviews above all other search results. So, if you want your business to be found, make sure you’re ranking at the top of Google My Business search results & get those Google reviews!

So go get Google reviews!

As a business, you should focus on the review platforms that benefit you the most, which is why you should prioritize reviews on Google. Consumers are massively more inclined to choose your business if it shows up on the first page of Google’s search results because over 91% of people do not go past page one of search results. Only when your business looks amazing on Google and is getting consistent, positive feedback, should you focus on other review platforms.

Do you have a strategy to generate great customer reviews on Google? Let us show you how Broadly can manage the process, to ensure your business looks amazing online!

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