How to generate personal injury leads for law firms

When business is good and personal injury cases are abundant, it’s easy to get complacent about lead generation. It makes sense, but panic can ensue when new cases dry up and you don’t have a personal injury lead generation strategy for your law firm.

Personal injury attorneys can’t rely on new clients stumbling across a newspaper or radio ad when they need a lawyer. Victims of a car accident or other personal injury will search online when they need legal help.

This means law firms must proactively generate personal injury leads as a part of their digital marketing strategy. It is the difference between a successful law firm and one that struggles.

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How can I generate personal injury leads?

Generating leads for your personal injury law firm requires some planning and focus. There’s a lot of information on the internet, so you need to adopt strategies to help people find your website, appeal to potential clients in their time of need and convert them into new clients.

The following tips are low-cost strategies to generate more personal injury leads for your law practice.

Improve your law firm’s SEO

Investing in search engine optimization (SEO) is one of the most cost-effective and reliable ways to generate high-quality leads over the long term. It takes time to produce results, but it will only get better over time and generate leads on autopilot.

Here are a few tips to improve your law firm’s SEO:

Use the right keywords on your law firm website

Personal injury lawyers are extremely niche and need to use keywords and phrases that someone who’s just been in an auto accident or the victim of medical malpractice might search for. However, you can’t just guess the right keywords.

Do some research, so you use keywords and phrases with high search volume and low difficulty that will help improve SEO.

Claim your Google Business Profile

One of the best ways to find new leads in your local community is with a Google Business Profile (formerly Google My Business). It’s your digital business card and can drastically improve your local SEO. If someone in your city searches Google for a personal injury lawyer, there’s a better chance your law firm will show up if you have a Google Business Profile.

Start a blog

A blog is essential to any content marketing plan. It’s an excellent opportunity to offer legal help (not advice!) on specific topics related to personal injury claims.

When you know which keywords people use while searching for legal help, you can turn them into blog posts.

For example, if someone comes across your blog on what to do if their property gets stolen, they may follow up with a phone call and become your next new client.

Post regularly on social media

While social media might feel like an unorthodox channel for a law firm to attract legal leads, it’s actually very useful. Social media is a great place to educate people on your practice area and develop relationships with prospective clients.

It’s also the perfect opportunity to share more about yourself, such as hobbies and interests outside of work. This will help people connect with you on a personal level and strengthen your image from a different perspective.

Consistently posting on social media helps increase awareness of your law firm as people engage and share your posts. For this, you need to make sure your posts are valuable to your audience! And remember to use a variety of media like candid images and videos.

Add lead generation forms to your website’s landing pages

Most people who land on your website aren’t ready to commit to legal help right away and will require nurturing. This means your website needs more than your law firm’s phone number and email address to increase conversion rates.

A lead generation form is a way to maximize your marketing efforts and continue the conversation with someone who showed interest in your legal services. If someone fills out a form on your website with their contact information, they’re more likely to convert down the line.

A lead generation form is also a great way to build your email list and follow up with email campaigns.

Ensure you include a lead generation form on every landing page, including blog posts, with a compelling call-to-action (CTA). This could be anything from a free consultation to a PDF download on the best questions to ask a personal injury attorney during the first meeting.

A web chat is also a great way to communicate with prospective clients in real-time, get their contact information and follow up with them later.

Get referrals from online reviews

In a digitally driven world, online reviews carry equal weight to word-of-mouth and personal referrals. 84% of people trust online reviews as much as a personal recommendation, and 75% of prospective clients search for a lawyer online.

Prospective clients want to know that your law firm has successfully helped other people resolve their personal injury claims. Using third-party review sites such as Google, Facebook, and Yelp will help increase your firm’s online reputation.

Online reviews can improve SEO as well. Search engines such as Google reward businesses with many positive reviews by ranking them higher in search results because they want to ensure their users have a good experience.

Reputation management software can help your law firm collect and manage reviews and attract more leads.

Try pay-per-lead marketing services

One of the fastest ways to generate personal injury leads is with pay-per-lead generation services (PPL). It’s cost-effective as you pay the marketing agency after they’ve delivered a list of exclusive leads.

Similar to pay-per-click (PPC) ads on search engines, a pay-per-lead marketing service can offer predictability in your monthly marketing budget. You’ll know ahead of time how many leads to expect each month and the cost to acquire them.

Lawyer specific lead generation sites such as and are a good place to test drive paying for attorney leads. Both lead generation sites are easy to use and track your return on investment (ROI).

It’s important to note that a lead generation company doesn’t close your legal leads. You still need to follow up with each lead and persuade them that you’re the right lawyer to take on their personal injury case.

FAQ about generating personal injury leads for law firms

What is the definition of a personal injury lead?

In marketing terms, a lead refers to making contact with a potential client who’s shown interest in your legal services.

Every law firm needs legal leads to stay in business. The size of your law firm will determine how many personal injury cases you need to acquire each month to remain profitable.

What is the goal of generating personal injury leads?

Every service-based business, including lawyers, need clients to survive. The goal of generating leads is to attract prospective clients and convert them into paying legal clients.

Of course, not all leads are good ones, which is why it’s critical to develop a lead generation strategy that attracts high-quality personal injury leads.

Why might a personal injury attorney need to generate personal injury leads?

Every personal injury attorney needs a steady influx of high-quality leads. While some law firms have an in-house marketing team or sales team dedicated solely to finding new clients, not every law firm is in the position to do so.

Regardless of the size of your firm, you need a lead generation strategy as part of your overall legal marketing plan.

Generate more personal injury leads with Broadly

As a personal injury attorney, your main focus is helping clients get the best results from their personal injury case. Whether that’s a dog bite, a medical malpractice or a motor vehicle accident, they are your top priority.

However, you might not have time to set up and run lead generation marketing campaigns. That’s where Broadly’s suite of marketing tools can help.

Broadly can help you with an SEO-friendly website, reputation management software for collecting and managing online reviews and a centralized dashboard to track your metrics so you can get the best return on investment from your marketing efforts.

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