Get leads for your dental implant practice with Facebook Ads

Like every service-based business, your dental implant practice needs a constant influx of new patients to grow and increase profits. It would be wonderful if people never switched dentists and referred all of their friends and family to your practice, but unfortunately, people move and word-of-mouth is unreliable.

Traditional marketing doesn’t work as it used to now that 87% of the population relies on the Internet to find a healthcare provider. Finding creative ways to get people’s attention is hard enough, let alone standing out in a sea of online dentistry ads.

How do you generate new leads for your dental implant practice when you’re busy with patient care? The good news is dental implant Facebook ads can help you promote your business and generate leads for your practice.

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Why Facebook is a great place to market your dental practice

Facebook currently has over three billion active users, and 1.6 billion of those users are connected to small businesses.

Of course, not everyone on Facebook is searching for dentistry in your area. Still, these numbers attest to Facebook’s influence over getting your dental practice in front of prospective patients.

Aside from the number of users on Facebook, there are several more reasons you should consider dental Facebook ads.

Ability to hyper-target an audience

Thanks to the ability to target people based on interests and keywords, Facebook advertising is a popular place for a niche service like dental implants to get in front of a specific demographic.

Facebook ads are affordable

Running Facebook ad campaigns is relatively inexpensive compared to other digital marketing channels such as Google Ads.

Even with a small budget, your Facebook ads will still get in front of prospective patients. This makes Facebook a lucrative marketing channel for dental implant lead generation.

Facebook ads are easy to set up

Facebook ad campaigns are easy to set up and run. Yes, there are certain things you need to know, like Facebook’s strict advertising policies. Still, it’s relatively uncomplicated, and you could have your first marketing campaign up and running the same day.

How do dentists target the right audience with Facebook dental ads?

When used correctly, Facebook is a powerful social media marketing tool that can help dentists reach the right audience and find new patients.

To begin, you must have a Facebook Business Page for your dental practice. If you still need to get one, check this detailed guide on how to make a Facebook Business Page. We’ve also posted some of the best tips you need to succeed.

Once you’ve set up your business page, use the following recommendations to optimize your dental implant Facebook ads.

Create a patient persona and market to your target demographic

Before engaging in any dental marketing, it’s imperative to know who your target demographic is. With this critical information, you will save marketing dollars by showing your ads to people who are already interested in dental implants.

Start with people within a geographical distance of your dental clinic. Within that demographic, consider the people who might be interested in dental implants, like athletes who’ve suffered tooth damage, seniors whose dentures keep failing them or people who’ve shown an interest in other dental procedures like teeth whitening and Invisalign.

Your patient persona will guide your Facebook marketing strategies and ensure your advertising is consistent across all your marketing channels.

Create your Facebook ad

As you can imagine, with millions of posts and videos, your dental ad needs to stand out.

It’s unlikely you’ll get your creative right on the first try, but don’t despair. Every marketing expert has to test creatives to learn what works with a particular audience.

Experiment with different images, videos and ad copy until you land on an ad creative that converts potential patients. A high-quality ad that resonates with your target demographic will result in more dental implant patients for your practice.

Boosted post vs. Facebook ad

Any time you post content on your Facebook Business Page, you’ll be prompted to boost your post with the promise of more views and likes. This is fine if you’re looking for a bump in Facebook or Instagram followers. But more social media followers aren’t the answer when you’re looking to generate dental leads.

To run the most effective dental Facebook ad, you first need to open Facebook Ads Manager, where you can:

  • Accurately create a target audience
  • Write ad copy to match your ad intention and audience
  • Pick where you’d like your ad to show up
  • Select an appropriate call-to-action (CTA)
  • Split test your ad, also known as A/B testing
  • Set a budget
  • Track ad campaign insights to optimize future ads

As you can see, setting up your dental implant ads through Facebook Ads Manager offers greater customization than boosting a regular Facebook post.

Set your budget

One of the awesome things about Facebook ads is you can reach a large audience on a small budget. Even one or two dollars a day is enough to find new dental implant patients.

Within Facebook Ads Manager, you can set your daily budget and let the ad run until you decide to turn it off — just don’t forget about it, or the cost will add up! You can also choose to set the lifetime budget, and the ad will automatically turn off when you hit your limit.

Take advantage of this feature and specify a budget for your Facebook ad campaigns when creating your dental marketing plan. This will ensure you don’t overspend on Facebook advertising.

Set up conversion tracking

Before you can analyze the effectiveness of a Facebook ad campaign, you need to set up conversion tracking.

To set up conversion tracking, place your Facebook Pixel (a piece of code found inside your Facebook Business Manager) on your dental website homepage and every landing page where you want to track conversions.

Conversion tracking tells you how many people clicked on your dental ad so Facebook can find more people who are likely to convert and show them your ad.

With this information, you can also run retargeting Facebook ads to people who recently visited your website but didn’t book an appointment.

Use analytics to track your return on investment

Running dental implant Facebook ads without tracking your return on investment (ROI) is like brushing your teeth with dirt — a terrible idea!

Facebook offers exceptionally detailed marketing insights so you can constantly improve your dental ads to get more bang for your buck.

The goal of your ad campaign will determine what constitutes a conversion — clicks to your website or filling out a lead form, for example — and help you build a more optimized campaign to gain even more high-quality dental implant leads.

Do dental implant Facebook ads work?

The reason why so many implant dentists flock to Facebook advertising is that it works!

The average conversion rate for Facebook ads in healthcare is 11% compared to 1.08% across other industries. And the cost-per-click for healthcare is well below average. Those are pretty impressive numbers and why Facebook is a popular choice for dental marketing.

Manage your dental implant Facebook campaigns with Broadly

If your dental practice isn’t taking advantage of the high conversion rates on Facebook to find new implant patients, now is a good time to start.

Managing Facebook ad campaigns can be overwhelming, regardless of the size of your practice. The good news is Broadly’s suite of marketing tools can help.

Find new dental leads, improve your online reputation and easily follow up with prospective patients from Broadly’s centralized Dashboard. Broadly can even assist with an SEO-rich dental website to help with greater conversions.

Are you ready to get the most from your dental implant Facebook ads?

Ready to discover how Broadly’s marketing platform can help your dental practice grow?

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