Building an email list for home builders, remodelers and contractors

If you’re struggling to get customers for your construction mailing list, a great way to turn that around is through email marketing.

When it comes to growing your general contractor business, it’s not just about good customer experience or quality service offerings. Email marketing keeps your potential customers and regular customers up-to-date on how you can meet their needs. To deliver strong email marketing campaigns, you need a construction company email list.

Tip: Business email addresses are more credible and professional. Subscribers are more likely to open the message if they know your email content is business related.

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Why is building an email list important?

Building a contractor’s email list is vital because it helps you keep in touch with past customers in the construction industry or even real estate developers that could give you new business. Building an email list is a better marketing strategy than collecting mailing addresses for direct mail marketing campaigns.

Here are three other reasons building an email list is critical.

Building an email list is the beginning of a relationship

It’s easy for customers to follow an account on social media or even connect on LinkedIn. However, if you want engagement that can lead to new business or returning clients, building a marketing list can take you to the next level.

If someone is willing to give your business their contact information, phone number, job title or email address, then you have an interested customer. Email marketing campaigns are a great way to start the relationship and welcome them into your client base.

Email lists are the best way to keep customers engaged

Marketing through an email list is a great way to keep customers updated on any specials your company is running and any work you’re doing. They view these emails as an opportunity to learn more about your general contracting business and trust your brand.

Effective email marketing campaigns can lead to referrals or new business from construction professionals, real estate agents or decision-makers in the construction industry.

Email marketing matters

Email marketing campaigns are proven to help businesses grow. They are stronger marketing strategies than social media and direct mail because of the more intimate relationship you build with your customer through an email message that can be customized for their needs.

How do I create an email mailing list?

Creating an email list is easy and affordable for general contractors and construction companies. Once you build your company’s email list and determine your marketing campaign deliverability, you can find business success.

1. Determine your target audience

Before you build your construction email database, you want to figure out what type of customers you want to email. This is critical because your message will vary accordingly.

What category of building construction is your company in? Does your construction company focus on flips or rebuilds? Are you marketing to homeowners or other construction companies?

Depending on the type of construction or home improvement work you do, you may be reaching out to roofing professionals, electrical contractors, interior designers or plumbing contractors. Get their email address at trade shows, networking events or as a referral to start the customer relationship.

2. Create an email marketing strategy

Now you’ve got their email address, how can you keep them engaged and make the most of your email marketing? Consider a weekly newsletter featuring promotions and ongoing construction projects or repairs. Employee stories about their background and experience can also make all the difference in building customer relationships.

3. Choose your email marketing provider and set up an account

To implement your email marketing strategy, you will need an email service provider that can reach your subscribers’ inboxes. There are several things to consider when choosing your email provider. Determine the following items to select the best email service provider for your construction company or general contractor business.

  • Integrations make your ability to do lead generation, send emails and organize contact information easier. Your provider should have integrations with software your construction company already uses.
  • Deliverability is how fast a provider can send an email to your subscribers, whether scheduled for the future or in real-time. This is critical if you send out urgent information or flash deals.
  • Analytics help you determine the success of your construction marketing emails, including the conversion rate and which email content your subscribers are responding to or engaging with the most.
  • Fees are charged as a monthly or annual subscription by email marketing providers depending on factors like list volume and estimated number of emails sent. Budget accordingly as your email list grows and needs to scale for weekly or monthly emails.

4. Add a “subscribe” option to your website, landing page and other marketing materials.

So you’ve got an email list and a provider to really get your construction company’s email marketing strategy going. As you work to keep building your email list, consider adding a pop-up for new website visitors to subscribe. You can also create a landing page to collect contact information from more qualified leads.

Tip: Getting a customer’s contact information should not be taken for granted. Incentivize customers to subscribe to your email list with a free consultation or project estimate.

5. Create a “welcome” email for new subscribers.

Keep it simple and use a high-quality template from your email service provider to create a professional welcome email message for new subscribers. This email typically goes out automatically as people subscribe to your email list or on a weekly basis to the newest subscribers for that week.

This is an example of why deliverability is crucial. You want to make sure your subscribers receive the email in a timely manner.

6. Send out your first newsletter or email message

Of course, you will want to welcome new subscribers to your email list with a message, but what happens after that?

Depending on your marketing strategy, you’ll want to send out an email to your subscribers with content relevant to your business, the home improvement or construction industry and your geographic location. This type of information should keep your subscribers engaged and up-to-date on your company.

Tip: Have a call-to-action (CTA) in your emails that asks your subscribers to email you back directly. This empowers your customers to speak with you and embrace your brand.

7. Create a referral incentive for subscribers on your email list

Develop special offers just for subscribers that forward an email as a referral. This is a win-win for the referrer, the receiver and your business. When you ask your subscribers to share your business emails with potential customers, this could result in a new subscriber and new business for your general contractor company.

Grow your business with Broadly

Building your email list is the first step to executing your email marketing strategy and getting new business for your construction company. Broadly can help you make the most of your email list, home service marketing campaigns and overall customer experience.

Reach out to Broadly to get started on advancing your business’ online presence today. We help thousands of companies like yours get new customers and keep them coming back.

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