Digital Marketing for Plumbers: Strategies to Grow Your Plumbing Business

Word-of-mouth is a classic growth strategy for plumbers, but it doesn’t only occur in face-to-face conversations between neighbors—it also happens through online conversations on social media. That’s where digital marketing for plumbers can come in handy.

Plumbing businesses with an online presence can be more successful at building brand awareness and attracting potential customers than those who only use traditional marketing. 

With the right digital marketing strategies, like search engine optimization (SEO) and pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, plumbing companies can expand to new neighborhoods that local referrals might not reach. 

If you’re looking to gain more business, a digital marketing plan may be just the solution you need. 

Automatically request reviews to amplify your online reputation

The Benefits of Digital Marketing for Plumbers

Increases Brand Awareness and Improves Credibility

Even if a potential customer hears about you from a friend, they’re likely to do their own online research before hiring you. A professional website, established social media presence, and high ratings on third-party review sites all show customers that your plumbing company is reputable. 

Providing detailed information about your plumbing services and transparent pricing online can help people feel more confident about working with your company. Relevant blog content on your web page can also demonstrate to customers that your business has expertise in the plumbing industry. 

Provides a Consistent Source of Plumbing Leads

When you invest in online marketing, new customers will come to you. They might find your company through positive reviews on social media platforms, a Google search for local plumbing companies, business listings in online directories, or a paid advertisement. 

Also see: Why to Choose Broadly for your Plumbing Business

Results in Higher Conversion Rates

Digital marketing helps your business reach its target audience more precisely, making it more cost-effective than strategies such as direct mail advertising. For example, Facebook and Google ads allow you to reach customers in your service area based on what they’re looking for online.

Local search engine optimization helps draw in potential clients who are more likely to do business with you than people who aren’t actively searching for plumbing services. 

Provides Measurable Results to Guide Future Marketing Strategies

It’s difficult to assess the results of traditional advertising. You can’t know how many people heard your radio advertisement before hiring you. 

Digital marketing, on the other hand, is driven by data. You can evaluate how many people Google your business, how many times an ad is viewed, how many website visitors you get because of your marketing efforts, and the return on your investment. That knowledge can help you adjust your internet marketing strategy to be more cost-effective over time. 

Helps Retain Existing Customers through Digital Communications

Digital marketing campaigns aren’t just about growing your customer base—they also help you get repeat business. Plumbing contractors can send email subscribers personalized coupons and appointment reminders. A periodic newsletter keeps them informed about new services and can provide tips about water conservation and home maintenance so your plumbing business remains on their radar. 

Top Digital Marketing Solutions for Plumbers

Business Website

It’s crucial for plumbing companies to establish a mobile-friendly website as part of their plumbing marketing strategy. A plumbing website can include testimonials, pricing and packages, your phone number, and other contact information. A web chat feature on your website enables you to immediately engage with new customers.

Search Engine Optimization and Local SEO

SEO is a strategy for boosting your company’s search engine ranking to bring more traffic to your website and reach more potential customers. 28% of searches for local businesses result in the customer making a purchase, so it’s especially important to optimize your website for local searches.

Some plumbing businesses may choose to invest in SEO services since a poor ranking can be detrimental. It’s difficult for potential customers to find your business if it doesn’t show up on the first page of search results. 

  • Local SEO will help you get found in Google Maps by people local to your business
  • Optimize local listings such as Google Business Profile, Facebook, Apple Maps, Yelp, and Bing Places

Pay-Per-Click Advertising

Using a PPC program, like Google’s Local Services Ads, puts your business in front of more potential customers when they Google plumbing contractors. People searching for local plumbing services will immediately see your business in the top results. The best part is, you only pay when a potential client clicks through to your website. 

Email Marketing

Email marketing enables you to stay in touch with existing customers and new subscribers. You might send newsletters, coupons, service reminders, announcements, and even holiday cards. 

With consistent communication, your customers will remember your business the next time they need plumbing services, and potential clients may be more motivated to schedule an appointment. 

Social Media Marketing

Another way to promote your business online is through social media marketing. A whopping 97% of businesses use Facebook, the platform with the most monthly users, for content marketing.

Create profiles on social media platforms, such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, Google Business Profile (formerly Google My Business) and Nextdoor. Creating a video for YouTube also goes a long way in promoting your business.

Encourage customers to interact with you on social media by including links to your profiles on your website and remember to post regularly to stay at the forefront of customers’ minds.

Content Marketing

Long-form content is your personal online storyteller, weaving narratives that resonate with your audience. This type of content, if done effectively over time, also positions you as an industry authority in the eyes of search engines like Google and Bing. 

When writing long-form content, consider how effectively you dive into your customers’ pain points and desires, and craft content that not only answers their questions but anticipates needs. 

Effective content marketing tactics are not just about the words on the page, they include visuals, infographics, and downloadable resources to further enhance the user experience. Utilize storytelling techniques to make your content relatable, fostering a connection that goes far beyond just information-sharing.

For even more content marketing tips, check out these 8 ways for plumbers to market themselves.

plumbing marketing

Video Marketing

Video testimonials breathe new life into your brand. People are more inclined to connect with your message when it is presented by a real customer. Consider conducting interviews with satisfied patrons, capturing their emotions and experiences truthfully and authentically. 

Another type of video marketing you can experiment with is explainer videos. Explainer videos simplify complex topics but also inject a bit of your unique personality, making your brand stand out and more memorable. 

Educational videos are also a popular form of video media. Educational videos can be repurposed into blog posts, webinars, or podcasts, expanding your content’s original reach. 

When it comes to best practices for video marketing, it’s key to strategically place videos on landing pages and social media to maximize your potential for user engagement.

SMS Texting

Texting has emerged as one of the preferred modes of communication for many Americans. It offers a direct and personal channel to connect with potential clients, and the nature of texting being a private, one-on-one space to communicate, allows you to more effectively engage with your leads, and provide them with valuable information almost immediately.

Measuring Digital Marketing Results

Each advertising platform and search engine provides tools to track various metrics. However, one of the most insightful approaches is focusing on measuring leads by source. By identifying where your leads come from, you gain valuable insights into the effectiveness of your plumbing marketing channels. Sometimes, it’s as simple as directly asking customers how they discovered your business, closing the loop on the customer journey.

Suppose, for example, a homeowner discovers your plumbing services through a targeted Facebook ad, offering a discount on their first service call. Intrigued, they explore your website, where you have a series of informative blog posts addressing common plumbing issues, DIY tips for minor fixes, and in-depth guides on the latest plumbing technologies. In the end, they find value in your expertise and click on the call to action (CTA) found at the bottom of one of your blogs to reach out to you.

Using analytics tools like Google Analytics, you can track the entire journey—from the ad click to blog engagement to requesting services. Armed with this data, you can now refine your Facebook ad targeting to reach homeowners with specific plumbing needs, adjust your blog content strategy to address trending topics, and tailor newsletters and SMS messages to offer personalized solutions based on common issues homeowners face.

Broadly Is a One-Stop Marketing Tool for Plumbers

You don’t need to hire a digital marketing agency or pay for web design services to grow your business. Broadly has all the tools you need to attract and retain customers, including review management software to help your business stand out, website design with web chat to elevate your customer experience and email marketing campaigns with templates designed for the plumbing industry.

Transform your local business with revolutionary AI-powered software

This article was updated on November 22nd, 2023.