Broadly Q&A: Kilgore & Co. Accountancy

Broadly Q&A features our small business partners. This week, we are featuring our conversation on referrals, web presence, and yelp with Randall Kilgore, Owner, Kilgore & Co. Accountancy of Sacramento, CA:

What makes Kilgore & Co. Accountancy stand out? Why do clients choose to work with you?

Our goal is to reduce the taxes of our clients. We try to be conscientious and aggressive in looking for deductions, while at the same time minimizing audit risk. I’ve been doing this for 30 years, and we have learned to achieve both of these goals pretty well. At the same time, we have the experience of audits. It’s no fun, but that’s the world we live in, and I think it helps us be better tax preparers when we have to defend our work from time to time.

We have a really good staff, and our clients really like them. They like Stephanie, Katie, Jay, they like our dogs (we have 3 in our office). For the most part, the dogs help our clients relax. Some people come in with a lot of anxiety, and the dogs help with that.

How has your practice traditionally attracted new clients?

In the past, we relied heavily on referrals – strictly by referrals.

What made you decide to partner with Broadly?

My wife is a shareholder and also works here. She has said for years that we didn’t have any significant web presence. People looked for us and couldn’t find us, or they had an old address. Tiffany called from Broadly, and made a proposal to improve our web presence. We only wish we had done it sooner.

How are clients finding your practice today?

Now, the referral is the exception. It’s much more common if somebody calls and says ‘I heard about you from Yelp.’ The reviews are getting to Yelp, and the referrals are pretty good. So far, we haven’t even had one bad one.

How do you know that the Broadly program is working? Can you measure your ROI?

I’m delighted by the way our website ended up looking and how it incorporated my art pieces. We could probably attribute about $40,000 in gross sales over the next ten years, which I think is a pretty fantastic return on investment. Of course, we still have some modest marginal costs and we have to earn the fees by doing the tax returns and all that, but still! I can’t say enough how much I appreciate what Tiffany and the Broadly crew have done for us.

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