Customer feedback question examples

Don’t you wish you could gauge how satisfied your customers are? You can, by conducting a customer feedback questionnaire. These handy surveys are a smart way to get in your customers’ heads. You can receive invaluable feedback on how to improve your business with customer questionnaires, but only if you use them correctly.

For the most effective and useful customer feedback survey, you must supply the right questions.

Here are the steps to writing a great customer feedback questionnaire:

  1. Know what types of questions to ask
  2. Ask them at the right time
  3. Questions for customer service
  4. Questions for products and shipping
  5. Questions for customer loyalty

We will also provide you with some examples and templates to follow for crafting your questions, so you’ll have an excellent framework to reference. It’s not difficult to create compelling questions, but it is important that you try. Are you ready to unlock key customer feedback to boost business?

know what customer feedback questions to ask

Know what questions to ask

The first component of crafting an effective customer feedback questionnaire is to brainstorm what questions you will be asking. What kind of information do you need from your customers? How will you obtain that information?

Closed-ended questions

A smart way to control the variety of answers you receive is to provide closed-ended questions. This means using questions that have either a rating scale, multiple choice, or a drop-down menu instead of a blank text box for fill-in answers. This way, you can accurately compare answers to all the questions since you will have a control on the types of answers you can receive.

For example, if you use a rating scale of 1-15, you can compare the numbers from each answer to assemble a clear data set of rating scores. A 5 on customer service compares easily to a 14 on product quality. You can easily analyze the data to make improvements.

Similar types of closed-ended questions can use yes or no answers as well as semantic scales (“1 strongly disagrees, 5 strongly agree”). As long as you have a uniform rating system that can be used across the board, you will have a much more successful dataset to use.

Clear, simple questions

Another thing to keep in mind when crafting questionnaire questions is the person on the other end. Will they find this wording confusing? Does this question have too many parts to it? Is it tiring to answer?

All of these thoughts must be considered as you’re writing your questions. It is important to keep them as clear as possible, so you don’t confuse your customer. A confused customer can easily exit out of the survey webpage if they feel you’re asking too much of them. So, remember that. Ask one-part questions, and make it as simple as possible to answer. Often, brevity is best.

Customer Feedback Question Examples

Know the right time to ask

After you know the right questions to ask the next thing you need to know is when to ask the customer for the feedback.

  • Ask when the customer is happiest. Nobody wants to rave about how great your business is if they were not happy with your product or service.
  • Ask the customer right after the service is completed. Similar to asking when the customer is happiest. Usually, they’re most excited soon after the purchase, or the service is completed.

Using a review platform can help automate sending customer feedback questionnaires and monitoring the sentiment of your customers before they leave a review on a public forum.

Example questions for customer feedback

customer feedback questions

Though every company’s customer feedback surveys will be different because of their goals and specific questions. There are still some general subject areas that apply to most types of business.

Every company, whether they realize it or not, is in the business of customer service. Without happy customers, a business cannot succeed. That means, when creating your customer survey, you’ll want to ask the right kinds of customer service questions to get the best, most useful answers.

Below are a few examples to help you get started:

  • Did our staff make you feel like a valued customer?
  • Did our staff communicate with you clearly?
  • On a scale of 1-10, with 1 being the least helpful, how well do you feel your agent handled your request?
  • Overall, do you feel that our staff was knowledgeable about the services we offer?

Notice that all of these questions ask about specific points of service—this helps you receive clear, actionable answers.

Examples of questions for products and shipping

Your products go hand-in-hand with customer satisfaction. If your customers are not enjoying your product, they are likely not enjoying your company. Before you lose valuable customers for good, it’s important you assess the state of your product quality and your shipping efficiency. Product creation and delivery are what keep your business thriving, so why wouldn’t you want to improve these aspects?

Especially in the online world, we operate in these days, customer expectations continue to increase. Much of Amazon’s success can be accredited to their speedy 2-day shipping and seamless process. It’s time for you to get a piece of that pie. For reference, Business Insider says the way to beat this retail giant is to offer same-day shipping. As you can imagine, shipping and product quality are more important than ever.

To help gain crucial insight into your products and shipping, take a look at the below question examples to prompt helpful answers.

Below are a few examples to help you get started:

  • Did your product arrive on time?
  • On a scale of 1-10, with 1 being the least satisfied, how happy are you with the product quality?
  • Is the service easy to use? If not, please explain any difficulties.
  • Are you satisfied with our shipping options? If not, please tell us the options you would prefer.

Examples of questions for customer loyalty

Lastly, a customer survey questionnaire is a great opportunity for you to improve your customer loyalty and longevity. A loyal customer is your most prized possession because these are customers that are invested in your brand and choose to come back to you time and again. The way to obtain loyal customers is to reach your customer on an emotional level—you want them to feel connected to your brand.

To achieve better customer longevity, you can use strategic questioning in your survey to find out what you may be doing wrong in customer retention. Sometimes the answers may not be pretty, but, remember: You need to hear the good and the bad to grow. No company is perfect, but surveys can help you be the best you can be.

Try the below customer loyalty questions to gain insight into your realistic customer retention:

  • On a scale of 1-5, with 1 being the least likely, how likely are you to recommend our service/product to a friend, colleague, or family member?
  • If you are not likely to recommend our service/ product, please tell us why. [You can include an N/A option here in addition to a text box]
  • Do you plan on purchasing from us in the future?
  • Would you like to stay in the know with upcoming deals, events, and company news?

As you might imagine, customer loyalty questions are also a smart spot to try to increase customer loyalty. While you have your customers commenting on their satisfaction, the happy ones will be emotionally invested. These emotionally invested customers are more likely to respond to a call-to-action at the end of your survey, so consider using one of the questions as a marketing vehicle. The final example question listed above is a great feeder to add loyal customers to your email list, further cementing their status as a champion for your brand.

If you use them right, customer feedback surveys can give you loads of data to improve your business. As long as you ask the right questions and craft a questionnaire that’s simple to understand and complete, you can greatly leverage your customer feedback. We hope these examples and tips were helpful for you!

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