Total carpet cleaning marketing guide

As a carpet cleaner, you know that many people in your area need your home services. When potential customers do a Google search for carpet cleaners in your city, you want to show up at the top of the results.

Effective marketing can help you stand out from your competitors. Drive traffic to your website and make a great impression to help convert prospective clients into paying customers. If you’re ready to grow your carpet cleaning business, check out these marketing tactics.

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Carpet cleaning marketing tips

Carpet cleaning marketing is multifaceted, so you’ll want your marketing efforts to span platforms. These tools can help you develop your carpet cleaning marketing strategy:

  1. Your online presence
  2. Have a mobile-friendly website
  3. Company blog
  4. Google business profile
  5. Social media marketing
  6. Local search results
  7. Referrals and partnerships
  8. Customer reviews
  9. Email and SMS marketing
  10. Paid advertising
  11. Promotions

Your online presence

People in your town look up businesses online — even if they are just down the street! Over 70% of people search for local businesses online before visiting, so having an online presence is an enormous opportunity for business owners to connect with potential customers.

Have a mobile-friendly company website

With approximately 290 million American people online, you want to be intentional when building a website. Your website should include:

  • Your business information
  • Testimonials
  • A list of your services and pricing

Customers will visit your website to answer their questions, and they might search on a desktop or a mobile device. Make sure your site works well across devices.

Company blog

A blog is a great place to provide valuable information to your readers. Research which keywords and phrases your target audience is searching for and write posts about those topics. The more you publish, the more internet users and web crawlers will view you as an industry leader.

Loyal readers will trust your carpet cleaning expertise, and they’ll turn to you when they need carpet cleaning services.

Google Business Profile

A Google Business Profile will enable your website to show up in Google searches and show your business location on Google Maps. Fill out your profile information accurately and thoroughly to give customers reliable information.

Make sure you fill out profiles on other online directory sites like Yelp or your city’s chamber of commerce directories. Ensure your information is consistent and correct wherever listed to build trust with potential customers and search engines.

Social media marketing

Social media is a fantastic customer feedback tool for companies, and it helps you listen to your customers. About 71% of consumers who have a positive experience with a company on social media are likely to recommend that company to others. You can use your account to market your services to new customers, showcase recent jobs and advertise special offers.

Local search results

When people need carpet cleaning services, they’ll likely search for something like “carpet cleaning near me.” To appear in those search results, you must include local SEO (search engine optimization) in your marketing plan.

Amping up your local search results is a smart way to corner your local market. The more quality content you have on your website, the better your chance of showing up in Google search queries. Consider creating separate website pages for the various services you offer and set up each page to rank for specific keyword phrases.

Fill out profiles on business directory platforms like Facebook and Google and link them back to your company website. Always ensure your company name, phone number and address are consistent among directories.

Backlinks from reputable websites also help your SEO ranking. Get backlinks organically by posting solid content.

Referrals and partnerships

Word-of-mouth referrals are essential for small businesses. Just imagine what would happen to your customer base if you expanded your referrals across town.

Seeking out partnerships with other local companies (but not competitors) could be mutually beneficial for both companies. You might partner with a house rental company that can refer new renters to your services. You can also leave business cards at local establishments.

Customer reviews

Reviews are an effective way to earn new customers’ trust before they hire your services. Reviews are like referrals — 84% of people trust online reviews as much as a personal recommendation from a friend.

So, how do you get more reviews? All you need to do is ask. If you ask for a review from a customer immediately following their carpet cleaning, they’re likely to leave one.

What not to do to get more online reviews

When asking for online reviews, make sure customers know that it’s optional and do everything you can to make it easy for them to get to your reviews page. Never bribe customers, spam them or buy fake reviews.

Email marketing and SMS marketing

Once you collect contact information from your customers and leads, you can run email and SMS marketing campaigns to stay on their radar and offer promotions.

Email marketing

Email campaigns are cost-effective and typically have high open rates. You can send educational content or offer discounts. It’s easy to test different calls-to-action (CTAs), email content and images to see what gets the highest engagement.

Follow these email marketing tips to help run a successful campaign.

SMS marketing

SMS campaigns are delivered instantly as text messages. SMS marketing is more expensive than email, but it’s an effective way to target ads for individual customer buying habits and offer time-sensitive deals.

Paid advertising

Organic reach is a big part of marketing, but you may also want to include paid advertising. If you are smart about where you spend your ad dollars, you can have a high return on your investment.


You can run promotions for special events or holidays to market your carpet cleaning business. Offering occasional customer discounts via email newsletters or in-store sales will motivate on-the-fence buyers to take the plunge. These are some of our favorite ways to offer promotions:

  • Loyalty cards: Provide punch cards to customers that reward them after a chosen number of purchases
  • Birthday discounts
  • First-time discounts
  • Contests: Either on social media or with your referral program
  • Holiday discounts
  • Special local events with in-person discounts

Try different marketing tactics to see what gets the best customer response.

Maintaining strong relationships with carpet cleaning customers

Once you convert locals into paying customers, you want to maintain relationships so you have consistent clients.

Importance of customer retention

Once you get customers, you want to keep them. If customers think they’ll get better service from a competitor, they might choose to leave. The best way to retain customers is to provide consistent, excellent service.

Online reviews

Online reviews can help you build trust and bring in more business. You can ask for reviews on most review platforms, but you cannot ask for Yelp reviews. Their policy requires a more nuanced approach.

For platforms outside of Yelp, we’ve formulated these customizable templates to help you write the perfect email asking for reviews.

Web Chat

Web Chat is an excellent way to answer customer FAQs and help users navigate your website. Automating your Web Chat can help you handle simple queries and appointment settings so you can focus on more complex customer needs.

Online advertising

Since potential customers are searching online, it’s essential to include online advertising in your marketing plan.

Google Ads

One of the most popular and effective online advertising strategies is opting into the Google Ads program on your Google Ads account. Set your budget, follow the steps to make your ad and choose which keywords to target. Your ad will automatically appear at the top of the search when someone searches those keywords, regardless of your SEO.

Facebook Ads

You can run a paid promotion anytime through your Facebook Business Page. Facebook advertisements allow you to target very specific types of customers. You can choose the location, age, gender and interests of your preferred audience to help ensure your target audience is seeing your ad.

Carpet cleaning marketing FAQ

These are some of the most frequently asked questions about carpet cleaning marketing.

How do I generate more carpet cleaning leads?

A lot of the above tactics can result in generating carpet cleaning leads. Consider taking these actions to generate leads:

  • Offer promotions for first-time customers
  • Place CTA buttons on your website
  • Offer a free resource (DIY stain removal tips) in exchange for the lead name and email address
  • Collect customer reviews

You’ll likely see your business grow if you are consistent in your marketing efforts and provide excellent customer service.

How do I improve my carpet cleaning business’s reputation?

The best way to improve your carpet cleaning business’s reputation is to ask customers for reviews. Maybe you have a negative review or even a handful of them. Respond to the reviews, acknowledge the customer feedback and offer to make it right. Give your email or phone number to help resolve the issue privately.

If you continue getting favorable customer reviews, they will eventually drown out the negative ones. If customers see that you have changed and offer better service, they’ll likely forgive the negative reviews as outliers.

Where should carpet cleaning companies advertise online?

Do your best to advertise where your target audience spends time online. Email and SMS campaigns are good for keeping in touch with customers and carpet cleaning leads. Social media is an effective avenue to connect with your customer base.

Google and Facebook are excellent sites to run paid ads. One great tool is the re-targeting feature on the Facebook promotions platform, which allows you to re-target people who may have clicked on your ad but did not purchase anything.

Since you know these people are already interested in your services, re-targeting them with another ad can help drive that sale home. To create a great re-targeting ad campaign, check out this tutorial.

Grow your carpet cleaning business with Broadly

Broadly can help get you more reviews and manage your online reputation. You can also streamline operations with a consolidated inbox, automated web chat, email marketing tools and mobile invoicing. Broadly is a comprehensive platform with valuable features for local businesses.

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