Top Tips for Family Law Marketing

Most people looking for a family lawyer will research their legal issues online before hiring a lawyer, and 57% of consumers use a search engine to find a local family law attorney.

This means that word-of-mouth referrals or directories, while still valuable, are outdated. To effectively reach potential clients, you need a family law marketing strategy that meets potential clients where they are—online!

Whether you’re a solo family lawyer with a local client base or a large firm with multiple locations, an effective marketing strategy is necessary to remain competitive.

Automatically request reviews to amplify your online reputation

How Can Marketing Help My Law Firm?

Growing a family law firm is like building any service-based business: You need a constant stream of new leads and prospective clients to succeed. Unless a client goes through a challenging child custody battle or complicated divorce, they will likely use your services once and move on.

Nowadays, many clients begin their search for legal services on Google, with nearly 100% of people looking for legal advice on the Internet. If you want potential clients to find your family law firm, you must rank high in local search engine results pages (SERPs). It’s wishful thinking that new clients will find your local law firm simply because you exist—or that you can still rely solely on referrals from existing clients.

Family law is a highly competitive market. If you want to differentiate yourself from other local law firms, you need to skip cookie-cutter marketing to make your law firm stand out.

Law firm marketing doesn’t need to be formulaic, but it does need to be strategic.

Advice for Marketing Your Family Law Practice

Marketing is a critical ingredient in the growth of your law firm. Yet, over 50% of law firms don’t have an annual marketing budget.

Designing a digital marketing plan focused on search engine optimization (SEO), social media and email campaigns are just a few strategies you can use to grow your family law practice.

Don’t be part of the other 50% that doesn’t prioritize marketing. 

Use our tips below and stay ahead of the competition with family law marketing strategies that work:

Create a Website Designed for Lead Capture

There are a lot of well-meaning family law firm websites on the Internet. However, only some of them are designed for lead capture.

While you want a nice-looking website, your website is the core of your marketing efforts and needs to bring in quality leads. The components of a website designed for lead capture include:

  1. Valuable Content with SEO in Mind: A blog is a great place to develop SEO-optimized content that offers value to potential clients. Focusing on searchable keywords and topics will help rank your blog posts high on Google search results and increase clicks to your website. Don’t be afraid to be engaging and inject some personality into your content!
  2. Easy Navigation: If people can’t find what they are looking for or feel like they are going around in circles, they’ll leave your website as quickly as they found it. A website design with easy navigation will keep visitors on your website longer.
  3. Mobile-Friendly: Half of all web searches are performed on mobile devices. Internet searchers expect websites to be mobile-friendly. If yours isn’t, visitors will leave and continue their search elsewhere.
  4. Fast Loading: Google uses site speed in its ranking algorithm. Websites that load in under three seconds are given priority because they provide a better user experience.
  5. A Place to Capture Email Addresses: Email marketing is an excellent way to keep in touch with past clients via a newsletter and build relationships with new clients via email marketing campaigns.
  6. Social Proof: People put greater weight on testimonials than referrals from friends and family. Include reviews from social media sites on your website to build trust with prospective clients.

With these critical elements, your website can convert new leads. At Broadly, we understand the importance of these components and build responsive, affordable websites with your family law firm in mind.

Engage With Your Target Audience on Social Media

Social media is an extension of your website and a necessary marketing tool for any family lawyer. Potential clients want to get to know you through as many channels as possible. Use social media to humanize your law firm, respond to clients, and share relevant information with your target audience.

Social posts are an excellent way to show off your expertise in your practice area. Break legal advice into bite-size posts relatable to your target audience and show that you understand what they’re going through.

Stretch your marketing efforts to include social media sites such as Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook, and TikTok, and watch your client base grow. You can do this by posting content in line with what works on the platform:

  • For Facebook, focus on localized content. Facebook offers advanced targeting options, allowing you to specify the geographical location of your target audience. 
  • Target high-net-worth clients on LinkedIn with professional thought leadership articles and engage in professional groups. High-net-worth individuals often use LinkedIn as a valuable resource for staying informed about industry trends and connecting with peers. Sharing thought leadership content positions you as an industry expert and demonstrates your expertise, making you more appealing to this audience.
  • Take to TikTok, Youtube, and Instagram if you want to use video content. All three platforms prioritize video content, meaning users are more receptive to video marketing. The algorithms are also optimized to promote video content, increasing your visibility and reach.
  • If you’re more interested in showcasing visual content, head over to Instagram and Pinterest. Pinterest is all about visual discovery and inspiration. Users actively search for and engage with content related to their interests, making it a valuable platform for businesses with visually appealing products or services. Instagram is primarily a visual platform as well. This makes it an ideal choice for businesses looking to showcase their products, services, and brand aesthetics through high-quality imagery.

Social media platforms are free to use and easy to set up. Don’t miss this opportunity to market your local practice.

Get Listed on Family Law Directories

  • Avvo is an online legal marketplace that provides information about lawyers, legal advice, and legal services. The website allowed users to search for and connect with lawyers and legal professionals in their area, read attorney profiles and reviews, and ask legal questions.
  • Justia provides free access to legal information, legal resources, and legal services.
  • is a comprehensive online legal directory and resource portal designed to offer a wide range of information and resources related to the legal profession and various legal topics. 
  • Super Lawyers is a reputable attorney rating service and legal directory that helps individuals and businesses find highly qualified lawyers in various practice areas. 
  • FindLaw connects those searching for legal help to everything they need to get their legal needs met.
  • can help individuals find a lawyer by legal issue and zip code.

Curate Reviews From Happy Clients

If someone is looking for a divorce lawyer they can trust, they want to read reviews from happy clients. 

Collecting reviews on sites such as Google Business Profile, your Facebook Business Page or Yelp has many benefits. First, remember that 57% of people who need a family lawyer use a search engine. More positive reviews on these sites increase your rankings on Google. Considering that very few people ever move past page one on Google, reviews should be a part of your SEO initiative.

Reviews are also social proof you can use on your website as evidence that real people have had a positive experience with your family law firm. Online reviews are digital referrals and today’s equivalent of word of mouth.

Setting up third-party review sites can feel daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. A tool like Broadly can automate the process of collecting reviews and remove the pressure to verbally ask every client to leave a review.

Get Involved in the Community

Want to boost your family law business? Take action and participate in your neighborhood in the following ways: 

Sponsor Community Events

Put your family law firm’s name in the spotlight by sponsoring local community events. Whether it’s a charity run, a school fundraiser, or a neighborhood festival, becoming a sponsor can give your firm invaluable exposure. Plus, it shows your commitment to the community, which can attract clients who appreciate your involvement.

Provide Legal Services to Low-Income Families

Make a real impact and expand your family law practice by offering pro bono or reduced-fee services to low-income families in need. Not only is it a chance to give back, but it also highlights your firm’s commitment to social responsibility. Word-of-mouth can be a powerful tool in attracting clients, and this altruistic approach can bring in new cases while helping those in your community.

Volunteer at Local Charities

Getting involved with local charities not only feels good but can also benefit your family law business. Volunteering your time and legal expertise at local charities can create meaningful connections. You’ll meet people who may need your services or refer you to others. Plus, it’s a chance to build a positive reputation in your community as a lawyer who cares.

Start a Family Law Podcast

Hosting a podcast on family law matters can position you as an authority in the field, attracting clients seeking expert advice. Share your knowledge in the following ways:

Answer FAQs

Simplify the complex world of family law by answering frequently asked questions on your website or social media. Clear, concise responses to common queries demonstrate your commitment to client education and build trust. Clients appreciate attorneys who provide valuable information, and this can lead to more inquiries for your services.

Provide Practical Advice

Show possible clients that you understand their concerns and can guide them through legal challenges. Being a helpful resource can set you apart and drive potential clients to choose your family law firm.

Share Relevant Stories and Experiences

Connect with your audience by sharing real-life stories and experiences from your family law practice. Highlight cases (without revealing client identities) that showcase your expertise and empathy. Personal anecdotes humanize your practice and make potential clients feel comfortable reaching out to you.

Interview guests and encourage them to share the episode

Collaborate with other legal experts, therapists, or even former clients to share their experiences and insights. Encourage guests to share the episode with their networks, expanding your reach and credibility within the legal community and beyond.

Use Email Campaigns to Grow Your Database

Keeping in touch with clients and building relationships with potential new clients is essential to growing your family law firm. Once your website design is optimized and you are collecting email addresses, you can easily automate email campaigns to grow your database.

Offer free downloads to collect email addresses. A “divorce checklist,” or something similar, can be relevant and valuable to your potential clients. You can share free downloads on all your digital marketing channels. Add it to your Instagram bio, and then use it in your pay-per-click (PPC) advertising on Google Ads and anywhere else your clients engage with you.

But don’t stop at the download. Once you’ve captured someone’s email address, follow up with an email campaign and convert your new email subscriber into a customer.

If you think email campaigns are an intrusive marketing form, stop there. Email marketing can be the most intimate and personalized form of marketing you can use to engage with potential clients. The people on your email list are there because they want to be.

Not sure where to begin? Seek outside help from a tool like Broadly to build and run email campaigns. At Broadly, we can help with everything from customizable templates for your monthly newsletter to targeted promotions designed to re-engage previous clients.

Highlight Your Reviews and Awards Online

Put your marketing efforts to work and highlight your best reviews and any awards or accolades your family law firm or individual attorney has received. Having these on your website shows you’re a competent family lawyer. And it helps to build trust and credibility with potential clients who find you online.

A review widget is a simple yet effective way to display reviews on your website.

Ensure You’re Readily Available for Clients With Web Chat

As live web chats grow in popularity, it’s hard to believe only 5% of law firms use one in their marketing efforts. Considering that 44% of people say a live Web Chat is the most valuable tool on a website, adding one to your website will set you apart from the local competition.

Your best opportunity to engage with a potential client is when they are active on your website. This signals they are searching for a family lawyer. Catching them in the moment and answering their questions quickly will help you win their business before they move on to a local competitor.

Broadly offers a Web Chat tool to help you convert more visitors to your website. It’s easy to install and monitor.

Improve Your Family Law Marketing With Broadly

Marketing your family law practice is essential to keep new clients coming through the door.

Broadly can streamline your marketing efforts with tools that automate many of these strategies. From capturing Google reviews to an SEO-optimized website design, Broadly can help make marketing your law firm easy with a centralized dashboard.

Discover how Broadly can help grow your family law clients through digital marketing and lead generation.

Transform your local business with revolutionary AI-powered software

This article was updated on November 7, 2023.