Top 7 electrical contractor software solutions

Running an electrical contracting business isn’t easy, but these cloud-based electrician software solutions can help. This list of top user-friendly electrical contractor software tools enables service businesses to grow and deliver critical business results.

What are the benefits of using electrical contractor software?

A top benefit of using electrical contractor software includes streamlining day-to-day operations for your entire team — from field service workers out on job sites to back-office staff. You can also improve cash flow, drive customer satisfaction, boost conversions, free up your team’s time to focus on priority construction projects and complete more work orders faster.

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What are some of the most popular software solutions for electrical contractors?

Spend less time on tedious, manual and repetitive tasks with these electrical business software solutions that automate and simplify many daily activities that help electricians keep the lights on, attract new customers and generate more work orders.

1. Mobile invoicing software

Do you have unpaid invoices piling up? If so, you’re not alone. The average small business owner has around $84,000 of outstanding client payments. This can create serious cash flow issues for electrical contractor businesses. That’s where mobile invoicing platforms, such as Broadly’s Payments, can help.

Part of Broadly’s all-in-one suite of software solutions for home service businesses, Payments offers mobile invoicing for electricians with key features and functionality to:

  • Instantly collect payments from homeowners and clients via their preferred payment methods (credit cards, debit cards, etc.) from any device, including Android and iOS mobile devices — no mobile app is required
  • Automate sending payment reminders with customer relationship management software (CRM) integrations
  • Get real-time notifications when payments are made to keep track of cash flow
  • Streamline business finances with seamless integrations with popular accounting software, such as QuickBooks Online

 2. Online reputation management software

Improving business ratings on review websites and regularly responding to customer reviews have been found to drive conversion rates for businesses and boost total revenue — making online reputation management well worth the investment.

That said, monitoring and responding to reviews and asking customers for new online reviews can be time-consuming. If done manually, team members could end up spending a significant portion of the hours logged on their timesheets on tedious, repetitive tasks.

Fortunately, online reputation management solutions like Broadly’s Reviews and Dashboard offer key features and functionality to help electricians:

    • Automatically request customer reviews to get immediate results
    • Consolidate reputation management efforts across review platforms, like Google and social media
  • Take action based on customer feedback to improve customer loyalty
  • Evaluate team performance to see how techs and subcontractors are impacting your company’s online reputation

3. Customer management and messaging tools

Spending time tracking down customer messages — or accidentally having important customer messages slip through the cracks — can have negative consequences for electrical contractors’ budgets.

Make it easier for back-office staff, general contractors and on-site field techs to keep up with incoming customer inquiries from your company website, Google and social media platforms. Broadly’s Inbox is a field service management software solution designed to create a single destination for your company’s key customer conversations.

  • Improve job management by responding to customer inquiries faster
  • Ensure sure every customer is heard promptly, driving customer satisfaction
  • Spend less time on customer management and free up staff time for more pressing activities, such as project management, inventory management and job costing

4. Team messaging software

Want to improve both job management and customer management? Investing in a shared company communication and collaboration platform like Broadly’s Team software solution could help you improve workflows across the entire team.

  • Get a central inbox for general contractors, field techs and back-office staff to keep everyone connected
  • Grant everyone shared access to respond to customer conversations and feedback in one place
  • Reward strong-performing team members who go above and beyond their expected job duties

5. Website design software

More than likely, some potential customers are looking for your home services right now. The question is: Can they find your business when they search online? With a modern, mobile-friendly website optimized for search engines, there would be no doubt.

As you consider which electrical contractor software solutions to invest in, don’t overlook a website design service that will help your business come out on top — the top of search engine results and top of mind for customers in your market.

Look no further than Broadly’s Website for beautiful, responsive website templates tailored to your business needs and designed to help you convert website visitors into new customers.

6. Electrical contractor marketing campaigns software

Given the importance of electrician marketing for long-term business growth and success, there’s no question that investing in a robust CRM platform is a must for electricians. Broadly’s Campaigns is a popular choice for electricians who want to:

  • Nurture relationships with new leads and existing customers via SMS text and email marketing
  • Send effective SMS and email marketing campaigns that lead to new work orders, growing your business
  • Automate appointment and payment reminders by integrating with your scheduling software and accounting software
  • Create emails optimized for mobile devices (iOS and Android devices) and all screen sizes

Broadly’s drag-and-drop features, templates, automations and integrations with other platforms make relationship and customer management a breeze.

7. Real-time web chat

Reduce the number of customer service calls with Broadly’s Web Chat software solution. Home service providers use Web Chat to:

  • Automatically collect customer information (phone numbers, email addresses and job requirements) for marketing efforts
  • Answer customer service inquiries in real time
  • Generate new electrician leads and new work orders

Companies that use web chat services have been found to:

  • Increase customer satisfaction rates by 15 to 20%
  • Reduce costs related to customer service calls and support by 20 to 40%
  • Drive conversion rates by 20%

Get the best electrical contractor software with Broadly

Offering a range of user-friendly home service management and electrical business management solutions, Broadly is a trusted partner of home service businesses like yours, including electricians, plumbers and HVAC contractors.

Ready to learn how Broadly offers the best electrical contractor software to grow your business?

Transform your local business with revolutionary AI-powered software