Best practices for divorce lawyer marketing

While referrals are a great source of quality leads, family law practices looking to grow and expand should also take advantage of affordable digital marketing strategies. Even if a potential client hears about your firm through word of mouth, 75% of people looking for an attorney will still use the Internet during their search.

Inevitably, prospective clients will want to research your family law firm to ensure it’s reputable. It’s essential to establish a positive online presence so that you can convert referrals into qualified leads while also capturing local search traffic.

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What are the benefits of marketing my law practice?

Online marketing provides several benefits for divorce lawyers:

  • Search engine optimization (SEO) and pay-per-click (PPC) advertisements can increase your reach, allowing you to gain more clients who might not otherwise learn about your legal services
  • Client reviews, along with your firm’s responses, increase the credibility of your practice
  • Content marketing positions your firm as an authority on legal matters, which builds brand awareness
  • Certain digital marketing tools, like email marketing campaigns, allow you to communicate effortlessly with clients throughout their divorce

How do I market my divorce practice?

Build a website to help generate leads

An aesthetically appealing and professional law firm website will allow potential clients to find you through organic search, evaluate your services and even book a consultation directly. Your family law firm website should be responsive to mobile devices and optimized for local searches.

It should also contain the following components for effective law firm marketing:

  • A landing page: On your landing page, include buttons for each social media platform, your contact information, law office location and a call-to-action (CTA), such as “Book a Free Consultation.” Keep forms brief and easy to fill out so that prospective clients have a positive user experience.
  • Your practice areas: Your website should make it clear which practice areas you cover, like child custody, child support, alimony, premarital agreements or other specializations within family law. You can also include pricing estimates.
  • Team profiles: Use this section to highlight the years of experience, awards and degrees that make your family lawyers stand out from the pack
  • Testimonials: Showcase impressive customer reviews to increase your credibility and attract more family law clients.
  • Quality content: Content marketing will establish your firm as an authority in divorce law. You should regularly post relevant blog content on your website and try to get backlinks on other websites. Link-building opportunities include guest blogs on popular law websites and expert contributions to news articles.

Focus on reputation management

Plenty of marketing ideas can increase organic traffic, but it’s most critical that those search engine results pages (SERPs) reflect positively on your law firm. Do not underestimate the importance of reputation marketing, or your other marketing efforts may be wasted. For 65% of people, online reviews have a moderate to extreme impact on decision-making.

You should request, monitor and respond to client reviews across all platforms, including Google, LinkedIn and You’ll also need to remove fake reviews from competitors or even your client’s disgruntled ex.

Engage with clients on social media

Facebook and YouTube are the most popular social media platforms for middle-aged consumers. You should focus on maintaining an active Facebook Business page to reach your target audience and consider posting video content on YouTube.

It’s also crucial to have a presence on Instagram, Twitter and TikTok. You can post relevant legal advice at regular intervals and join legal groups to add to discussions. Take advantage of paid social media ads, which are typically more affordable and provide more high-quality leads than paper advertising.

Make yourself more accessible with web chat

With a well-developed SEO strategy and a targeted PPC campaign, you’ll see an influx of traffic to your website. Provide a great user experience for your website visitors with Broadly’s Web Chat feature. If you can answer questions from prospective clients immediately, you’ll stand out from the competition as a caring and responsive family law firm.

Send reminders through email marketing campaigns

Successful legal marketing requires a marketing plan with diverse strategies, including email marketing. Automated text reminders to clients for filling out legal documents or attending hearings help ensure consistent communication throughout the process of their divorce.

With templates designed for your industry, you can send stylish newsletters to potential clients who haven’t yet chosen your firm as legal counsel. Keeping in contact is sometimes necessary to convert leads into new clients.

Broadly helps you use top strategies for divorce lawyer marketing

Online marketing is essential for family law attorneys, but you don’t need to hire a marketing agency or in-house marketing expert to be successful.

Broadly provides a full suite of tools for family law firm marketing, including professional web design with a web chat, email marketing campaigns and a convenient platform to manage all your customer reviews and team communications.

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