Reputation Marketing Archives - Broadly Thu, 18 Jul 2024 15:05:50 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Reputation Marketing Archives - Broadly 32 32 The Secrets to Unstoppable Text Subscription Success (5 Proven Steps) Wed, 17 Jul 2024 08:31:17 +0000 Are you tired of your email campaigns going unread, or…

The post The Secrets to Unstoppable Text Subscription Success (5 Proven Steps) appeared first on Broadly.

Are you tired of your email campaigns going unread, or not producing the results you’ve been looking for? It might be time to try out text subscriptions

You see, the world out there is changing, and staying current with how your audience prefers to communicate is one of the best ways to ensure your message reaches its target. But what exactly is a text subscription?

Text subscriptions are when a lead or paying customer signs up for regular updates from your business via text message. Think of appointment reminders, promo deals, and parcel tracking numbers.

Text subscriptions are more than just another marketing tool—they are a great strategy to increase engagement and build a loyal customer base. Let’s explore why text subscriptions might be just what you’re looking for, and review five proven steps to ensure that your text subscription strategy is truly unstoppable!

Send AI-enhanced personalized email and text campaigns

Why Text Subscriptions Matter

The amount of folks who send and receive text messages is expected to rise to 5.9 billion by 2025 (SlickText). That, combined with the fact that text-based communication strategies are not saturated in the small business market yet, means there is huge potential just waiting to be tapped into (Forbes). 

But enough talk. Here’s why text message subscriptions are a must-have in your marketing toolkit:

  • Higher Open Rates: SMS messages have an open rate that’s through the roof— over 98% (SlickText). That’s way better than emails or social media posts at making sure your message gets seen and heard.
  • Direct Communication: Text messages feel personal and urgent, in fact, nearly 90% of mobile users check a text message within the first 3 minutes (Sender).
  • Personalization: You can tailor your messages to each customer’s preferences. Personalized texts? Yes, please!

SMS vs. Email

To text, or not to text, that’s the question—and an important question too! 

To fully gauge if text subscriptions are a good fit for your small business’s goals, we gathered some really great insights from the internet. Check them out:

text subscription: sms vs email

(Source, Mailmodo)

Across the board, it’s clear that these numbers paint a pretty rosy picture of text subscriptions. 

While SMS can’t compete with free {we’re looking at you, emails and social media), the ROI of text subscriptions is still ten times your initial investment, with drastically higher open rates, click-through rates (CTR), and nearly twice the conversions of email subscriptions.

And that’s just a start, we’ll dive deeper into the benefits of text subscriptions in the next section.

Benefits of Text Subscriptions

Text subscriptions are nothing to sniff at—they’re actually incredibly effective. Here’s why you should hop on the SMS bandwagon:

  • Instant Engagement: Most texts are read within minutes. 
  • Cost-Effective: SMS marketing is budget-friendly and packs a comparatively high ROI to other paid marketing options. That means you can save money while making money.
  • Customer Loyalty: Regular, valuable texts build stronger relationships. After all, happy customers = repeat customers.

Now that you know what text subscriptions are, and why they’re awesome, it’s time to roll up our sleeves and dig into how to put them to work for your local business.

5 Steps to Starting Text Subscription Marketing

1. Building Your Subscriber List

First things first: you need a rock-solid subscriber list. Here’s how to build one the right way:

  • Incentivize Opt-Ins: Offer exclusive deals, special discounts, or cool giveaways. For example, a café might give a free coffee for signing up, or a flower boutique might offer a discount code on their client’s next purchase.
  • Referral Programs: Why not turn your subscribers into ambassadors? Offer rewards for referring friends and family by using a special code.
  • Use Lead Generation Tools: Lead generation software like the Broadly Inbox helps you capture and manage lead data like a pro. Efficient and easy!

2. Crafting Compelling Content

Your messages need to sparkle to keep subscribers hooked. Here’s how to craft text subscription messages that wow:

  • Be Concise: Short and sweet does the trick. Aim for 160 characters (or less) to keep it punchy.
  • Grab Attention: Start with a catchy hook—think questions, fun facts, or urgent calls to action (just not too urgent otherwise it might come off as spam).
  • Provide Value: Every message should offer something useful. Discounts, updates, tips—you name it.

3. Timing and Frequency

Timing is everything. Nail it with these tips:

  • Optimal Send Times: Research shows the best times are between noon, 2:00 pm, and 6-8 pm (Sender). Test different times to see what your audience responds best to.
  • Manage Frequency: Don’t be a text pest. Stick to 2-6 messages per month max.
  • Employ Automation Tools: Leverage tools like Broadly’s campaign scheduling feature to send messages automatically, saving you time and headache trying to do things by hand.

More helpful resources:

4. Compliance and Privacy

Playing by the rules keeps everyone happy. Here’s what you need to know:

  • Regulations: Stay on the right side of the law by abiding by the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPR) and General Data Protection Regulation. They’re there for a reason and are designed to protect your customers.
  • Proper Consent: Get clear consent before texting, also, make opting out of text subscriptions extremely easy to do.
  • Potential Consequences: Non-compliance can mean major fines, legal woes, and a bad reputation. Stay compliant so you can stay in the best light.

5. Measuring and Optimizing Performance

How are your text subscriptions actually doing? Not sure? Here’s how to track and tweak for success:

  • Open Rates: Track how many people open your messages. High rates mean your content is doing its job.
  • Click-Through Rates (CTR): See how many click your links. This shows how engaging and convincing your messages are.
  • Conversion Rates: Measure actions taken after your messages. Purchases, sign-ups, visits—Broadly can help with that!

Pro Tip: Broadly is for more than just gathering reviews. Campaign tracking, AI web chats, social media, and local SEO, we do that too!

text subscription: track individual engagement with Broadly

Best Practices

Let’s look at what the pros are doing to make their text subscription campaigns truly shine:

Consistency: Keep a Regular Schedule

Imagine you’re at a party and someone tells a fantastic joke. Now imagine that person falling off the radar for months and then randomly showing up to your house one day to tell another joke. It’s awkward, right? 

Consistency is key to avoiding that awkwardness in your text campaigns. Set a regular schedule for your messages to keep your brand top-of-mind. Whether it’s weekly updates, bi-weekly promotions, or monthly offers, sticking to a schedule helps build anticipation and reliability. Your text subscribers will start looking forward to your texts, just like they anticipate their favorite TV show.

Personalization: Tailor Messages to Individual Preferences

Everyone loves a personal touch. It’s the difference between receiving a generic “Hello, customer!” and a warm “Hey, Alex! We’ve got a special deal just for you.” 

Use the data you collect to personalize your messages. From there, segment your audience based on their behaviors, preferences, and past interactions. Did a customer recently purchase a summer dress? Send them a follow-up message with matching accessories or a discount on their next purchase. 

The long and short of it is that personalized messages make your subscribers feel valued and understood, increasing their engagement and loyalty to you.

Also see: Sample Text Messages to Customers

Clear Call to Action (CTA): Drive Your Audience to Act

Every message should have a purpose, and that purpose should be crystal clear to your subscribers. When conducting business text messaging, a compelling CTA guides them on what to do next. 

Whether you want them to “Shop Now,” “Sign Up Today,” “Claim Your Discount,” or “Learn More,” make your CTA stand out. You can use action-oriented language and create a sense of urgency when appropriate. 

For example, “Hurry! Limited stock available!” or “Sign up before midnight for an exclusive offer!” A strong CTA turns curiosity into action and boosts your conversion rates.

Experiment, Refine, and Shine

Don’t be afraid to test new ideas and strategies. What works for one audience might not work for another, so experimentation is key. 

Try different types of messages, send times, and offers. Track the performance of each campaign and use the data to refine your approach. 

Your audience may respond better to humor, or they might prefer straightforward, no-nonsense messages. You’ll discover what resonates best with your subscribers by continuously experimenting and refining your strategy. Tools like Broadly make it easy to test, track, and optimize your text subscriptions, ensuring a smooth and successful marketing journey.

Pro Tip: Seeing is believing, check out these real-life text subscription examples in our blog all about launching effective SMS campaigns for local businesses.

Text Smarter with Broadly

Text campaigns are your ticket to stellar engagement and business growth. Follow these five steps and best practices to send automated text messages that wow your audience and boost your bottom line.

For more awesome tips on text marketing, check out our related articles:

Start your text subscription strategy today and watch your business grow like never before!

Transform your local business with revolutionary AI-powered software

The post The Secrets to Unstoppable Text Subscription Success (5 Proven Steps) appeared first on Broadly.

How to Set up a Customer Referral Program for Local Businesses Thu, 11 Apr 2024 19:38:01 +0000 Word-of-mouth is a powerful thing, and the more happy customers…

The post How to Set up a Customer Referral Program for Local Businesses appeared first on Broadly.

Word-of-mouth is a powerful thing, and the more happy customers you have talking about you to their friends and family, the more customers you’ll get walking through your door. That’s what a customer referral program aims to do but goes about it in a more organized way.

Having a customer referral program can also give a major boost to your other marketing efforts. While things like ads and social marketing can be hit or miss, referrals are oftentimes seen as more trustworthy because they come from people who already love what you do. So, if you’re looking to expand your customer base and keep those profits rolling in, it’s time to get serious about your customer referral strategy. 

Here’s what you need to know to design a killer customer referral program right out of the gate:

Manage leads and customer communication in one place

Understanding the Basics of Referral Programs

Referral programs are like a win-win for everyone involved—the person referring (let’s call them the referrer) and the one being referred (we’ll call them the referee). 

Here’s how it works: When a happy customer refers a friend or family member to your business, they’re basically saying, “Hey, this place is awesome—you should check it out!” And when that friend or family member becomes a customer, both parties get rewarded—usually some kind of perk, like a discount or freebie.

But why do referral programs work so well? 

It’s all about trust. See, when someone we know very well recommends something to us, we’re much more likely to give it a try. It’s like getting a personal recommendation from a friend—it carries a lot more weight than just seeing an ad or hearing about it from a stranger. 

Plus, when we see other people having a great experience with a business, it makes us more confident that we’ll have a good experience too. That’s the power of customer referral programs; they tap into these psychological principles to help businesses gain a competitive edge in their local market.

Benefits of Customer Referral Programs to Local Service Businesses

Increases Word-of-Mouth

Customer referral programs greatly enhance the effectiveness of word-of-mouth marketing. By offering referral incentives to your current customer base for referring friends and family, you’re essentially turning them into brand ambassadors. These incentives make them more motivated to spread the word about your business, which can lead to a snowball effect of new customers walking through your doors or visiting your website.

Low Cost, High Trust Marketing

Compared to traditional advertising methods, customer referral programs are incredibly cost-effective. You’re essentially leveraging your existing customer base to bring in new business, which means you’re not spending a fortune on ads or promotions. Plus, because referrals come from people your potential customers already know and trust, they’re much more likely to convert into paying customers. 

In many ways, it is like getting a stamp of approval from a friend, which carries a lot more weight than any fancy ad or marketing campaign ever will.

9 Steps for Creating an Effective Custom Referral Program

Step 1: Set Clear Goals for Your Referral Program

Setting clear goals is the first step to ensuring your customer referral program is effective. Here’s how to do it right:

Define Success Metrics

Determine what success looks like for your referral program—this could include metrics like the number of new customers you’ve acquired over a given period, the increase in revenue you saw, or how much repeat business you have observed. By defining these metrics upfront, you’ll have a clear understanding of what you’re working towards.

Differentiate Short-term and Long-term Goals

Consider both short-term and long-term goals for your referral program. Short-term goals might include metrics like the number of referrals generated within the first 30, 60, or 90 days, while long-term goals could focus on the overall impact of the program on your business over the course of 6-months or more. 

By setting both types of goals, you’ll be able to track your progress and adjust your strategy accordingly.

Step 2: Know Your Audience

It’s about more than just knowing Frank’s favorite type or bagel or Sarah’s dog’s preferred treat; it’s about getting a well-rounded understanding of your intended customer for your referral program. 

Here’s how to do it:

Identify Your Most Loyal Customers

Take the time to identify customers who are most likely to refer others to your business. These customers are often your biggest fans and can be powerful advocates for your brand. 

Good candidates include:

  • Regular customers who frequently purchase from your business.
  • Customers who have provided positive feedback or testimonials in the past.
  • Customers who have referred others to your business before.

That being said, here’s how to spot someone who is definitely not a good fit:

  • Clients that you regularly butt heads with or who have had bad experiences with your company.
  • Individuals who are infrequent purchasers or have only made a one-time purchase.
  • Those who have expressed disinterest in recommending products or services to others.
  • Customers who lied about referring someone in a past referral program in order to try to get a discount.

Understand Their Needs and Preferences

Get to know the needs and preferences of your target market when it comes to referrals. 

Consider what incentives would motivate them to refer others, and what channels they prefer for communication. By understanding their preferences, you can tailor your referral program to suit their needs and increase the likelihood of success.

There are a few ways you can go about finding answers. These include:

  • Sending out surveys via text/email.
  • Getting feedback in-person.
  • Taking a look at online reviews about your business.
  • Using metrics to determine spending behaviors.
  • Looking at what your competitors are doing.

Step 3: Design Your Referral Program

The way you design your referral program is a pretty big factor in its success. Here’s what you need to consider before you start:

Choose the Right Incentives

Decide what incentives you’ll offer to encourage referrals. This could include discounts, free services, or even small gifts. Consider what would be most appealing to your customers and motivate them to refer others to your business.

Example: HelloFresh

A great example is the meal delivery giant HelloFresh. With their referral program, customers share a unique code with their friends to get $40 off their first delivery. Because their referral program goes both ways, every time a customer’s referral code is used, they receive a $24 credit towards their next box.

Decide on the Program Structure

Determine whether your referral program will offer one-sided or two-sided incentives.

In a one-sided program, only the referrer receives a reward for the referral. In a two-sided program, both the referrer and the referee receive incentives, which can be more effective in encouraging referrals. However, not all businesses have a big enough budget to offer a two-sided program, so choose the structure that aligns best with your goals and budget (and don’t be afraid to get creative to save some cash!).

Step 4: Leverage Technology for Your Program

Technology can feel intimidating at first, but leveraging it can help make your referral program run much more smoothly. Here’s how:

Use Reputation Management Software

Start by choosing a good-quality reputation management software to track referrals and manage rewards. These tools often include features like automated referral tracking, customer communication, and reward management, making it easier to monitor and incentivize referrals without having to keep track of things in a spreadsheet or with a pencil and pen.

Tech Automates the Referral Process

What if we told you all that manual work you’ve been doing to get referrals could be done automatically, without you having to touch a thing? 

Software makes it possible.

Look for solutions that allow for automated referral tracking, reward distribution, and follow-up communication with referrers and referees. 

By automating these tasks, you can ensure a seamless referral experience for both your customers and your team.

Step 5: Communicate Your Referral Program

Effective communication is key to a killer customer referral program. Here’s how to get the word out:

Plan a BIG Announcement

Spread the word about your referral program launch through various channels, such as email marketing, social media platforms, and your website. Make sure to craft engaging messages that clearly explain the program’s benefits and how it works, including any exclusions, exceptions, and limitations. Trust us on this, customer referral programs go a lot more smoothly when everyone is on the same page.

Utilize Email Marketing

When you first start your referral program, send out dedicated email campaigns to your existing customers, informing them about the referral program and encouraging them to participate. Highlight the rewards they can earn and make it easy for them to sign up for the program so they can start referring their friends and family right away.

Harness Social Media

Leverage your social media channels to promote your referral program. Periodically share posts and updates about the program, including testimonials from satisfied customers who have already participated. You should also encourage your followers to spread the word and join in on the referral fun. After all, everyone loves hopping on a trending hashtag.

Leverage Your Website

Make sure your website prominently features information about your referral program. Create dedicated landing pages that outline the program details and provide crystal clear instructions on how to participate. Use eye-catching graphics and persuasive copy to capture visitors’ attention and encourage them to take action now rather than later.

Step 6: Make It Easy to Refer

Simplify the referral process for your customers to encourage more participation:

Keep Things Simple

Let’s be honest, we’re humans, and our attention spans are very short. If something appears super complicated right out of the gate, there is no way your customers are going to go for it. That’s why you need to design an extremely user-friendly referral process that requires minimal effort from your customers. 

For example, utilize simple referral forms or dedicated referral pages on your website where customers can quickly and easily input their referrals’ contact information.

Provide Shareable Links or Codes

Offer shareable links, QR codes, or referral codes that customers can easily distribute via email, text message, or social media. This ensures that referrals are accurately tracked back to the original customer, making it easy for them to collect rewards.

Step 7: Track and Manage Referrals

Closely monitor your referral program to ensure it continues on the path to success:

Establish Tracking Systems

Try implementing reliable systems to track referrals from start to finish. This could be in the form of software for tracking referrals, which would allow for precise referral monitoring and reward distribution management. This helps you keep better tabs on the success of your program and know when to switch things up.

Review Program Performance 

Regularly assess the performance of your referral program to identify areas of improvement. That way, you can analyze key metrics such as the number of referrals generated, conversion rates, and reward redemption rates. From there, you can use this data to make informed decisions and refine your program for the best outcomes.

Make Any Necessary Adjustments

Stay agile by making the necessary adjustments to your referral program based on performance insights. Tweak the program structure, incentives, or communication strategies as needed to address any challenges. Regular adjustments ensure that your referral program remains effective and aligned with your business goals.

Step 8: Show Appreciation to Your Referrers

A small “thank you” can make a big difference. Let your referrers know you appreciate them by:

Sending Personal Thank-Yous

Send them a friendly message thanking them for their support. Personal touches go a long way in making them feel valued.

Offering Special Perks

Consider giving them exclusive deals or freebies as a kind gesture. It could be anything from discounts to free services, just make sure it is tailored to what they’d love.

Sharing Their Success

With their permission, highlight their referral wins on your website or social media. It shows others how awesome your referral program is and encourages more people to join in.

Step 9: Analyze and Optimize Your Referral Program

Gather Feedback

Actively seek input from participants about their referral journey. That way, you can get a better understanding of their perspectives on the program’s effectiveness, ease of use, and any challenges they encounter. At the end of the day, incorporating their feedback can refine the program you worked so hard to build for future success.

Data-Driven Insights

The devil is in the details, so don’t neglect to dive deep into the metrics provided by your referral platform. By understanding what drives successful referrals and where improvements are needed, you can better fine-tune your program to appeal to more customers.

Learn more:

Get More Customers in Less Time with Broadly

Creating a great customer referral program takes some careful planning but can be a real game-changer for local businesses if done right. By following the steps we’ve outlined, you can set up a system that encourages your satisfied customers to spread the word about your services.

Remember, start small, gather feedback, and keep refining your approach—and if you need assistance in managing your reputation and enhancing your referral program, don’t hesitate to reach out to the friendly folks here at Broadly. We’re here to help you succeed!

At Broadly, we understand the importance of reputation management in amplifying referral efforts. Contact us today to learn how our reputation management software can seamlessly integrate with your customer referral program.

Transform your local business with revolutionary AI-powered software

The post How to Set up a Customer Referral Program for Local Businesses appeared first on Broadly.

How to Check Business Name Availability in USA Thu, 11 Apr 2024 05:00:57 +0000 Choosing a name for your business can be a daunting…

The post How to Check Business Name Availability in USA appeared first on Broadly.

Choosing a name for your business can be a daunting task but don’t worry, we’re here to help you find one! Doing your homework beforehand and checking to see if your business name has already been taken will save you some headaches in the future.

In this article, you will learn the steps to ensure your business name is not competing with anyone and how to get it registered. If you need some help coming up with a good name for your company we will show you how to pick a great name.

Once you have a name, Broadly can help you take the next steps by setting up a business website, software to manage your leads, and tools to monitor your online reputation and gain online reviews.

Free Guide: How To Set Up Your Google Business Profile


Why Is It Important to Check Business Name Availability?

It’s important to find a unique name since every year there are over 3,000 cases of trademark infringement lawsuits, which have cost US companies over $250 billion dollars. State law requires businesses to have unique names as well. Add to that the risk of copyright infringement, and the legality is reason enough.

Having a unique business name also helps showcase the uniqueness of your brand. The last thing you want is to have a business with a name that’s similar—or the exact same—as your own that has a bad reputation, as that can lead to customers confusing your businesses for each other.

Definitions of Business Types

Before we dive into the steps on how to find your business name, let’s define some of the terms that we will be discussing to avoid confusion.

  • DBA refers to “Doing Business As” and is required to be filled out at a bank if you are setting up an account for your business. This type of business organization does not offer protection from organizations coming after your personal assets.
  • Sole Proprietorship is where one person is the owner and there is no legal or financial distinction between owner and business.
  • Limited Liability Company (LLC) or Corporation is a blend of corporations and partnerships with less regulation, and no one person is at risk for the business.
  • Nonprofit Organizations are tax-exempt companies. All money earned is put right back into the company.
  • Trademarks are words or symbols legally registered to represent a company or product. Think about the Nike “Swoosh” or McDonald’s “M” logo, which are both trademarks.

Best Practices for Choosing a Business Name

When choosing a business name, several best practices should guide your decision-making process. Incorporating these best practices into your business name selection can significantly contribute to your brand’s success and recognition.

Above all, make sure the name makes sense in relation to your goods or services so that clients can easily connect the dots. A great business name should be able to evoke emotion, resonate with your target audience, and elicit positive feelings or associations. It should be unique, setting your business apart from competitors and making it easily distinguishable in the market. 

Opt for a name that is easy to say and spell, facilitating word-of-mouth referrals and online searches. Lastly, aim for a memorable name that sticks with customers, leaving a lasting impression and increasing brand recall.

Step 1: Check Your Favorite Search Engine and Social Media

The quickest and easiest way to check potential name availability is to simply go to your favorite search engine (like Google) and do an online business name search. You can check this name with a .com, or .org on the end to see if any business entity comes up or if there is a similar name out there that would be competing with your brand.

For example: You probably don’t want to call your business “Apple Plumbing” because, as you can see in the image below, there are literally dozens of plumbing companies with that name. Beware—even if your brand name looks available with an online search, you still need to do the remaining steps in this article. A competitor could be in the process of completing its unregistered business name. It’s better to find out now that your brand name isn’t available before paying money for a business name you can’t use.

Check your business name on search engines

In addition to using search engines like Google, it’s also a good idea to check sites like Yelp. A quick Yelp search can reveal if there are businesses with similar names in your industry or locality.

Also, don’t forget to check the availability of social media profiles for your business name—consistency across online platforms is needed for branding and marketing efforts. Ensure that your desired name is available or easily adaptable for use on social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn. This proactive approach ensures that your brand maintains a cohesive online presence and avoids any conflicts or limitations in establishing your digital footprint

Step 2: Check to See If the Name Has a Trademark

You should check the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) in case any trademark infringement rights are being violated. Getting pinged for intellectual property theft for your company name is a sure way to get shut down.

You will also want to do a trademark search to see if anyone is registered in the country for that same name. The Trademark Electronic Search System (TESS) provided by USPTO is a valuable tool for checking trademark registrations. Conducting a search on TESS ensures that your chosen business name does not infringe on existing trademark rights, protecting your business from potential legal issues related to intellectual property.

check your business name on state trademark sites

Additionally, checking ICANN’s domain name registration data lookup helps in securing a branded domain name. When using the ICANN lookup tool, you can verify the availability of domain names matching your business name.

Owning a branded domain name can establish your online identity and also enhance your brand recognition and credibility. Similarly, checking the availability of social media profile URLs (such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn) ensures consistency and uniformity across digital platforms, strengthening your brand’s online presence and accessibility to customers.

After that, you are good to go! 

Step 3: How to Check the LLC Registry

An LLC is a blend of companies and partnerships registered at the state level. Many LLCs do not have trademarks, so it’s important to check this online as well. To do so, visit your state’s secretary of state’s website and search for the name. For example, Florida’s Division of Corporations can easily be checked by name, with other search options if needed.

find your business name on corporations and LLC search engines

Step 4: Registering Your Business Name

Lucky you! Let’s get things registered!

It’s a good idea to patent and trademark your business name so no one can take your great ideas from you. Use the USPTO’s free trademark database to get yours registered. Simply go to and click “Search.” Then follow the instructions you see on the screen. 

how to check business name availability USA

What to Do If Your Brand Name Is Taken

This can be a really frustrating experience if you have the perfect name that captures your product or service but someone else is already using it, but don’t stress! There are actually multiple things you can do.

Check out Brand Bucket where you can get check out brandable domains that are available for sale.

You can also check on some different websites, like or Namecheap, to see if there is a different variation of your name available. They can come up with some really great domain idea names and you will instantly know if they can be used as a company domain name.

Try to stick with a .com as it looks more professional, and most people assume that your website will have your name followed by the .com domain.

What Makes a Good Brand Name?

Choosing a brand name can really set you up for success. Here are a few things to remember when choosing a name for your company:

  • The simpler, the better! Think about the computer brand “Apple,”  a simple and easy-to-recognize brand name.
  • A long name will be harder to remember. Entering a long domain name could be an obstacle for people who want to visit your website.
  • Give them something to remember. Marketing is a tricky game—you need to make a quick impression before people move on.
  • Having a difficult or unknown word as a domain could confuse customers.
  • If you can create a domain that can impress people with cleverness, they will be more likely to remember and see what you are about!
  • People might remember your brand, but if they can’t remember how to spell it, they might never end up on your website!
  • Ensure the name is related to your services. Businesses with their core service or services in their business name have a much easier time ranking well on search engines like Google. If you’re a carpet cleaning company, consider a name like “Jeff Thompson Carpet Cleaning” instead of “Jeff’s Carpet.” If you’re a power washing company, consider a name like “Bluebird Power Washing” instead of “Bluebird Solutions.”
  • Additionally, by including your core service in your business name, potential clients will know exactly what your main service is before they give you a call or visit your website.


Doing some homework before deciding on a brand name will save you a possible future headache. It’s worth the time and attention. Be particular with what you choose as a name because it can have a positive or negative impact on customers. Once chosen, make sure you protect your company name with patents and register your business with a trademark. The next steps are gaining leads and watching your business grow!

Transform your local business with revolutionary AI-powered software


This article was updated on April 11, 2024.

The post How to Check Business Name Availability in USA appeared first on Broadly.

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Maximizing Business Growth with Referral Software Wed, 03 Apr 2024 18:02:09 +0000 Referrals are an extremely precious commodity. They’re recommendations from happy…

The post Maximizing Business Growth with Referral Software appeared first on Broadly.

Referrals are an extremely precious commodity. They’re recommendations from happy customers that bring in new business without much effort on your end. But keeping track of them all can be a headache—that’s where referral software can help.

Referral software is like a personal assistant that handles all your referral needs. It automates the process, making it easy to keep track of who’s referring who and quickly rewarding them for their efforts. It’s a simple yet powerful tool that can help you grow—and quickly!

In this blog, we’ll break down everything you need to know about referral software. From how it works to why you should be using it, like, yesterday. Let’s dive in and discover how referral software can help you build a thriving network of happy customers.

Automatically request reviews to amplify your online reputation

What Is Referral Software?

Referral software is a tool that helps businesses get more customers by making it easier for existing customers to refer their friends and family. It keeps track of who refers who and automatically distributes rewards to customers who bring in new business.

To break things down, referral software is all about getting your happy customers to spread the word about your business to people they know. It sends out emails or texts letting customers know about the referral program and tracks the progress of securing the new referral and the completion of a sale. From there, it can distribute coupons, discounts, or whatever else you would like to offer as a reward, and this is all done without a cumbersome spreadsheet, or worse, pen and paper.

This type of software is extremely valuable for time-pressed business owners because it leverages people’s trust in their friends’ recommendations without you having to lift a finger. Referrals are so powerful because when someone hears about your business from a friend they trust, they’re more likely to give it a try themselves.

The best part about referral software is that it’s not just a one-time thing. It’s a smart tool that businesses can use over and over again to keep growing their customer base.

Benefits of Implementing Referral Software

Has your growth begun to stagnate? Referral software might just be the secret ingredient you’ve been looking for. Here’s why:

1. Enhanced Tracking and Management of Referrals

Referral software streamlines the process of tracking and managing referrals. It keeps a clear record of each referrer’s progress, making it easy to monitor the effectiveness of your program and identify your most valuable advocates.

Referral software also has the added benefit of instantly generating referral codes that your customers can share with their friends. From there, they can track their progress—kind of like the famous Domino’s Pizza Tracker. Customers can access this code at any time, plus it provides transparency on the progress of their referral by showing them if their friend or family member decided to make a purchase. And just like that, the software can notify them when and if they will receive their reward.

Having a clear and easy way to help customers track the referral process makes them even more likely to refer more people to you in the future.

2. Automation of Referral Rewards and Incentives

With referral software, rewarding customers for successful referrals is completely automatic. Just set up predefined rewards or incentives for referrals, and the software handles the rest, giving you back your time to focus on other things.

3. Increased Customer Engagement and Loyalty

Referral programs encourage existing customers to engage with your business by recommending it to others. This not only helps you attract new customers but also helps build a stronger sense of loyalty among your existing ones, as they feel valued and highly incentivized to participate.

Think about it—if you could get a free side dish at your favorite stomping ground every time you refer a friend, would you? We sure would!

4. Detailed Analytics and Insights for Better Decision-Making

Referral software provides valuable insights into the performance of your referral program. You can track metrics such as referral conversion rates (how many referrals actually decide to stop by and make a purchase), customer engagement levels (how many customers decide to participate in the referral program), and the return on investment (or ROI for short) of your referral initiatives.

This data empowers you to make better, more informed decisions for your business, and find ways to refine your strategy for the best impact.

How Referral Software Supports Reputation Management

Are you frustrated by how your competition seems to be growing faster than you? You might be asking yourself, “What am I doing wrong?” Relax—you’re not doing anything wrong, but you might be overlooking something you need to get right: reputation management. One bad review could turn away countless potential customers. That’s why managing your reputation is so important. Here’s how referral software helps with that:

1. Making Your Happy Customers Your Biggest Fans

Referral software lets your happy customers spread the word about your business to their friends and family. When they do that, they’re basically saying, “Hey, this business is awesome!” This kind of word-of-mouth advertising is very effective because people trust recommendations from people they know more than an advertisement or even reviews on the internet.

There’s so much fake junk on review sites these days, so it can be hard to discern what’s real and what’s an AI bot. When a person gets a genuine recommendation from a friend, they know for certain that your business and the comments left about it are legit.

2. Turning Good Experiences into New Customers

Referral software helps you turn great experiences into new repeat business. When someone hears about your business from a friend and receives a perk or discount on a good or service you offer, they’re more likely to check you out. And if they like what they see the first time, there is a good chance they’ll come back a second time.

3. Working Hand-in-Hand with Your Reputation Strategy

With referral software and reputation management solutions, you can keep your public image in check while getting new customers. When good referrals leave positive reviews, it helps build up your online reputation, and if there’s ever any bad feedback, you can address it right away. This way, your reputation remains strong, and your business can continue to grow.

How to Choose the Right Referral Software for Your Business

When it comes to picking the perfect referral software for your business, there are a few things to keep in mind:

  1. Integration Capabilities: Look for software that can easily integrate with your existing systems and tools. This ensures smooth operations and prevents any hiccups in your workflow.
  2. Customization Options: Your business is unique, so your referral program should be too. Choose software that allows you to customize the program to match your branding.
  3. User-Friendliness: The last thing you want is to invest in software that’s a headache to figure out. Opt for a platform that’s intuitive and easy for both you and your customers to navigate.
  4. Analytics and Reporting: Tracking the performance of your referral program is important for its success. Make sure the software you choose provides detailed analytics and reporting features so you can monitor your program’s effectiveness and make well-informed decisions.

At the end of the day, it’s best to consider all the factors and explore your options carefully. That way, you’ll be able to choose the right referral software for you.

Best Practices for Implementing Referral Software

Implementing referral software can be a game-changer for your business, but it’s important to do it right. Here are some best practices to follow:

1. Strategies for Encouraging Customers to Make Referrals

  • Incentivize referrals with rewards or discounts for both the referrer and the referee.
  • Make it easy for customers to refer others by providing clear instructions and accessible referral links.
  • Leverage existing customers by targeting satisfied patrons likely to advocate for your brand.

2. Designing an Attractive and Compelling Referral Program

  • Offer tangible benefits to both the referrer and the new customer.
  • Make it visually appealing and easy to understand with clear branding and messaging.
  • Consider gamifying the referral process with challenges or competitions to increase engagement.

3. Measuring and Optimizing Performance

  • Track key metrics such as the number of referrals, conversion rates, and the revenue generated through referrals.
  • Use A/B testing (where you compare one thing to another) to experiment with different referral incentives and program structures to see what works best.
  • Continuously optimize your referral program based on performance data and customer feedback to get the best results.

See more referral best practices here:

Top Referral Software Providers for Small Businesses

Here’s a list of the top referral software providers for small businesses, including their websites, descriptions, prices, and pros and cons:

1. Referral Factory


Description: Referral Factory offers an easy-to-use platform with customizable features for creating and managing referral programs. It provides automated workflows to streamline the referral process and comprehensive tracking and analytics for measuring performance.

Pricing: Starting at $95


  • Easy-to-use platform with customizable features.
  • Automated workflows streamline the referral process.
  • Comprehensive tracking and analytics for measuring performance.


  • Limited integration options with other software platforms.
  • Pricing plans may not be suitable for all budget sizes—a starting plan sits at $95—and goes up to $400 for the professional subscription.

2. Giftbit


Description: Giftbit provides a wide selection of virtual gift card options and a flexible redemption process for recipients. It also offers integration capabilities with various referral program platforms. The best part? It’s FREE!

Pricing: Free


  • A wide selection of virtual gift card options.
  • Flexible redemption process for recipients.
  • Integration capabilities with various referral program platforms.


  • Less customization options for referral program design.

3. ReferralMD


Description: ReferralMD is tailored specifically for healthcare providers’ referral needs, improving communication and coordination in medical settings. One of the great things about it is that it ensures compliance with healthcare regulations and standards, making it suitable for dentists, optometrists, and many more specialized clinics.

Pricing: Not Disclosed


  • Tailored specifically for healthcare providers’ referral needs.
  • Improves communication and coordination in medical settings.
  • Compliance with healthcare regulations and standards.


  • Limited applicability outside the healthcare industry.
  • May lack some features found in more general referral software platforms.
  • Pricing is not found on the website, you will need to speak to a rep for more information.

4. Referral Rock


Description: Referral Rock offers robust features for creating and managing custom referral programs, including an automated rewards system and advanced tracking and reporting capabilities. One of the things it speaks the most about is how it is designed to optimize performance.

 Pricing: Starting at $175/month


  • Robust features for creating and managing custom referral programs.
  • An automated rewards system simplifies the incentive process.
  • Advanced tracking and reporting capabilities for optimizing performance.


  • Pricing is a bit steep for smaller businesses and may be higher for businesses with larger referral volumes.
  • Users might experience a learning curve for fully utilizing all features and functionalities.


As we wrap up, remember that referral software helps you grow faster by turning happy customers into your biggest fans, bringing in new clients and more money.

We encourage you to explore the different referral software options out there. From making your processes smoother to designing irresistible referral programs, there’s something for everyone. When referral solutions are combined with Broadly’s Reputation Management software, you’re in for a treat. Broadly integrates with scores of programs, making it easier for local businesses to benefit from our solutions without getting rid of the software they know and love. And if you ever need a hand figuring things out, our team at Broadly is here to help.

Do you have questions or want to chat more about referral software and reputation management? Don’t hesitate to contact us. We’re all ears and excited to support you on your path to success.

Transform your local business with revolutionary AI-powered software

The post Maximizing Business Growth with Referral Software appeared first on Broadly.

Smile Wide: Mastering Reputation Management for Dentists Tue, 26 Mar 2024 21:57:08 +0000 Today, more than ever, your online reputation matters. It’s not…

The post Smile Wide: Mastering Reputation Management for Dentists appeared first on Broadly.

Today, more than ever, your online reputation matters. It’s not just about how skilled you are—it’s about how patients perceive you before they even enter the door. That’s where effective reputation management strategies come into play. In this guide, we’ll specifically look at reputation management for dentists.

Throughout this installment, we’ll show you how to manage your online reputation effectively for dental practices. From handling reviews to building trust with potential patients, we’ll cover it all. Join us as we help you stand out in your local community.

Let’s get started!

Automatically request reviews to amplify your online reputation

Why Reputation Matters for Dentists

In dentistry, your reputation is everything. After all, the mouth is very sensitive, and people won’t trust their oral health to just anyone. Potential patients rely heavily on online reviews and social proof when choosing a dentist. Positive reviews and testimonials can instill trust and confidence in a dental practice and are normally the catalyst that pushes new patients to schedule appointments. 

On the flip side, negative reviews or a lack of an online presence at all can repel prospective patients, leading them to seek dental care at a place that appears more reputable. 

Instead of solely relying on recommendations from friends or family, patients now often turn to online platforms such as Google, Yelp, and social media platforms like Facebook to find and evaluate dental practices.

As a result, dentists need to prioritize their online reputation and actively manage it to attract and retain patients. If you do not create a business listing for your practice, someone else might, and it may not be the most accurate representation of your clinic. 

That’s why it pays to be proactive. By cultivating a positive online presence through proactive reputation management strategies, dentists can better showcase their expertise, professionalism, and commitment to patient care.

Common Challenges in Dental Reputation Management

We’re not going to sugarcoat it, managing a dental practice’s reputation online comes with its fair share of challenges. Here are some common hurdles that dentists often encounter and ways you can mitigate them:

1. Negative Reviews

There’s no such thing as bad publicity—except if you are a dentist. Bad feedback can impact you more than you’d expect, and handling these fires promptly and professionally is the key to keeping them from going out of control. Dentists must find ways to address negative feedback while maintaining patient confidentiality and privacy, here’s some tips that can help:

  • Respond Quickly: Pretty much as soon as you notice the review appear. Ideally, within the hour, or at the latest, within a day.
  • Be Polite and Professional: No matter the context of the concern, make sure to be calm and professional, and not point fingers or use language that could reignite strong emotions.
  • Take Things Offline: This not only keeps issues more quiet but also maintains patient privacy. In your initial response, offer a phone number or email address where the client can reach you to discuss the matter further. 
  • Do Not Mention Your Name: Whether it be your name or the clinic’s name, try to avoid using it in your responses to negative reviews to avoid the feedback showing up in search results.

2. Visibility in Local Search Results

With nearly everyone using search engines to find local services, dentists need to ensure their practice appears prominently in these local search results. This involves optimizing your content to appeal to these algorithms, including your website, Google Business Profile listing, and other relevant directories, to improve visibility among your local audience

3. Managing Patient Privacy

Responding to online reviews while safeguarding patient privacy is a difficult task. Dentists must navigate HIPAA regulations and ethical considerations when addressing patient feedback, ensuring that no protected health information is disclosed in public responses.

The best way to circumvent this hurdle is by making every effort to take the conversation offline. 

Best Practices for Building a Positive Online Presence

Building a positive online presence is essential for dentists looking to attract and retain patients. Here are some best practices to consider:

1. Create a Welcoming Website

Your website serves as the online face of your dental clinic. Ensure it is user-friendly, visually appealing, and provides essential information such as the communities you serve, services that are offered, contact details, and staff bios. You should also incorporate elements that reflect your practice’s values and commitment to patient care.

2. Develop a Content Strategy

A robust content strategy can help position your practice as a trusted source of dental information. Consider creating blog posts, articles, or FAQs that address common patient questions about dental procedures, oral hygiene tips, and overall dental health. Providing valuable content showcases loud and clear that you know your stuff, and builds trust with potential patients who might be scoping your practice out.

3. Optimize Google Business Profile Listing

Optimizing your Google Business Profile (GBP) listing is key for improving your clinic’s local search visibility. Ensure your GBP profile is complete and accurate, including your practice name, address, phone number, and business hours. Encourage satisfied patients to leave positive reviews on your GBP listing to enhance credibility and attract more local patients.

4. Engage on Social Media

Social media platforms offer valuable opportunities to engage with users and showcase your practice’s personality. Regularly post updates, educational content, and helpful tips to demonstrate your commitment to patient care and community involvement. Engaging with your audience on social media humanizes your practice and helps you to build those meaningful connections.

5. Ask for Reviews

Positive reviews from satisfied patients can greatly impact your practice’s online reputation. Encourage patients to leave reviews on platforms like Google, Facebook, and Yelp after their appointments. Make the review process as seamless as possible by providing clear instructions and thanking patients for their feedback. One great way is to send review requests directly via email or SMS right after their appointment so that you can capture their thoughts while the experience is still fresh in their minds.

By implementing these best practices, dentists can build a strong and positive online presence that attracts new patients and keeps them coming back.

Managing Reviews like a Pro

There are a plethora of benefits of effective reputation management, and reviews play a big role in shaping a dental practice’s online reputation. Here are some tips to better manage these reviews:

1. Encourage Positive Reviews

Satisfied patients are often willing to leave positive reviews, but they may need a gentle nudge. Train your staff to ask patients for feedback at the end of their appointments and provide them with instructions on how to leave a review. Consider including a link to your preferred review platform in post-appointment follow-up emails/texts, or on your practice website to streamline the process for patients.

2. Make it Easy

The easier you make the review process, the more likely patients are to leave feedback. Provide clear and simple instructions for leaving a review, including step-by-step guidance if necessary. Consider creating printed handouts or digital resources that patients can reference when they’re ready to leave a review. Additionally, try to ensure that your practice’s online profiles are easily accessible and optimized for review collection.

One step you can take to make this even easier for clients is to set up review request automations via a reputation management platform so that when they finish an appointment, they automatically receive a request for feedback on their smartphone. 

3. Respond Professionally

Responding to reviews, whether positive or negative, is an opportunity to demonstrate your commitment to patient satisfaction and professionalism. Always respond promptly to reviews, thanking patients for their feedback and acknowledging their experience. 

For positive reviews, express gratitude and highlight specific aspects of the patient’s experience that they appreciated. Try to respond promptly, and don’t be afraid to mention the name of the practice or doctor in the comment, as this can help the review appear in search results.

For negative reviews, address the patient’s concerns empathetically and offer to resolve any issues privately offline. Avoid getting defensive or engaging in arguments publicly, as this can reflect poorly on your practice. 

Just remember, no matter the sentiment of the review, you should always make every effort to abide by HIPPA confidentiality.

Pro Tip: Having trouble figuring out how to reply to feedback? You’re not alone. Check out our article: reputation management examples for local service businesses to get inspired.

4. Monitor and Manage

Regularly monitor your practice’s online review profiles to stay in the loop about new feedback. Set up alerts or notifications to receive updates whenever a new review is posted. From there, assign responsibility for review management to a designated staff member who can respond promptly and appropriately to reviews. You can also consider implementing a review management tool or software to streamline the process and ensure that no review goes unnoticed.

Leveraging Patient Feedback for Improvement

Listening to what patients have to say online can really help your dental practice better serve them in the future. Here’s how:

1. Spotting What Needs Fixing 

When patients leave reviews online, pay close attention to what they’re saying. If you notice a lot of people talking about the same problem, like long waits or unfriendly staff, it’s a sign you need to make some changes.

2. Getting Useful Info

Besides online reviews, you can also ask patients to fill out surveys. Surveys help you dig deeper into what patients think about different parts of their visit, like how long they waited or if they felt well taken care of. Use what you learn to figure out where you can improve and keep track of how you’re doing over time.

3. Getting Patients Involved

Make sure your patients know you care about what they think. Encourage them to leave reviews or take surveys by offering them something in return, like a discount on a specific service, or a chance to win a gift card to a popular restaurant. 

You can also put up signs in your office asking patients to share their thoughts online or fill out a survey—just don’t forget to include those QR codes! When patients know you’re listening, they’re more likely to speak up and help you make things better.

Shine Brightly Online with Broadly

Now more than ever, managing your dental practice’s reputation online is important. It helps you attract more patients, gain their trust, and stand out from other dentists. Remember, it’s not just about fixing bad reviews—it’s also about showing off what makes your practice great and doing everything you can to ensure every patient has a good experience.

Keep working on your online reputation over time. Stay in touch with patients, ask for feedback, and make improvements to keep your practice growing.

At Broadly, we get how important reputation management for dentists is. Our tools are here to make it easy for you to handle your online reputation, bring in new patients, and build a positive image in your community. Want to learn more? Get in touch with us today for a free demo.

Transform your local business with revolutionary AI-powered software

The post Smile Wide: Mastering Reputation Management for Dentists appeared first on Broadly.

Stellar Referral Marketing Examples for Small Businesses Tue, 26 Mar 2024 21:28:01 +0000 Get ready to dive into the world of referral marketing.…

The post Stellar Referral Marketing Examples for Small Businesses appeared first on Broadly.

Get ready to dive into the world of referral marketing. If we could sum up the gist of referral marketing, in many ways, it is like word-of-mouth on steroids! In this blog, we’re going to share simple yet powerful strategies and referral marketing examples that can supercharge your business growth.

But before we jump into the good stuff, let’s chat about what referral marketing is all about. Picture this: you do a great job for a customer and they tell their friends about it. Those friends become customers too, and the cycle continues. That’s referral marketing pretty much in a nutshell.

At Broadly, we’re all about helping small businesses like yours thrive, and referral marketing is one of the best ways to do just that. So, grab a coffee, get comfortable, and let’s explore how referrals can benefit you.

Manage leads and customer communication in one place

The Basics of Referral Marketing

Referral marketing is like having your customers become your biggest cheerleaders, spreading the word about your business to their friends, family, and colleagues. It’s all about leveraging the power of word-of-mouth to attract new customers.

Why It’s Effective for Small Businesses:

1. Trust Factor

When someone recommends a business to their inner circle, it comes with a built-in level of trust. People are more likely to trust recommendations from friends than traditional advertising.

2. Cost-Effective

Referral marketing can be incredibly cost-effective compared to other forms of marketing. Instead of spending big bucks on ads, you’re tapping into your existing customer base to bring in new business.

3. Targeted Reach

Your customers know your target audience better than anyone else. By referring their friends, they’re essentially doing the targeting for you, connecting you with potential customers who are likely to be interested in your products or services.

The Importance of Customer Satisfaction

The key to a successful referral program lies in happy customers. If your customers aren’t satisfied with their experience, they’re not going to recommend you to others. That’s why it’s crucial to prioritize customer satisfaction at every touchpoint of their journey with your business.

Happy customers are not only more likely to refer you to others, but they’re also more likely to become repeat customers themselves. Plus, they’ll be more inclined to leave positive reviews online, further boosting your online reputation and credibility. 

In essence, customer satisfaction is the bedrock of any successful referral program. When you consistently deliver exceptional experiences, your customers become your most valuable marketing asset, helping you grow your business organically through referrals.

Referral Marketing Examples to Inspire You

Here are some referral program ideas to help you get started:

Local Dentist

Offer a discount on the next visit to your dental clinic for both the referrer and the new patient they bring in. It could sound a little something like this:

“Refer a friend and you both receive 20% off a whitening treatment at your next dental check-up!”

Auto Repair

For example, you could provide a free oil change for every referral that leads to a service booking:

“Your next oil change is on us when you refer a friend who books an inspection in August.”

Auto Collision

Try implementing a program where referrers get a discount on their next service for every referred customer who gets a repair job done:

“Enjoy a $50 discount on your next repair service when you refer a friend.”

Auto Parts Stores

Create a points program where customers earn points for each referral that can be redeemed for discounts on future purchases.

“Earn 100 points for each new customer you refer, redeemable for $10 off your next in-store purchase.”

Truck Services

Try offering discounts on things like vehicle inspections for every successful referral to truck service appointments.

“Refer a colleague to [Business Name] and get a complimentary vehicle inspection for both of you.”

Tire Dealers

Consider introducing a referral program that gives customers a discount on their next set of tires when they recommend you on social media.

“Receive a $10 discount on your next tire purchase when you mention us on Facebook!”

Motorcycle Shops

Get creative and plan a limited-time offer:

“This Father’s Day, when you roll up with your dad, you both receive a free accessory with your service.”

HVAC and Appliance Repair

A great way to get found in your service area is by offering a discount on things like future appliance repair and maintenance services for people living in the same neighborhood:

“Refer a neighbor and enjoy $20 off your next repair service, plus $20 off for them too!”

Carpet Cleaning

Design a referral offer that gives a percentage off the next carpet cleaning service for each new customer referral.

“For every friend you refer, receive 15% off your next carpet cleaning appointment.”

Damage Restoration

Property damage is rare and can happen out of the blue, making it difficult to build up a reliable stream of repeat customers. Rather than a traditional referral program, consider discounts on current jobs when clients allow you to feature a poster in their front yard.

“Get a FREE quote and 10% off your restoration services when you let us place our sign in your front yard for the duration of the work.”


Offer a free consultation or a discount on the next project for customers who refer to new drywall installation or repair jobs.

“Get 10% off your next project when you refer a friend.”

Dumpster Rental

Try proposing a referral program offering a small discount on their next rental:

“Refer a friend and both receive 20% off your next dumpster rental.”


Try offering service credits for maintenance and repairs:

“Enjoy a $50 service credit for your next repair or maintenance visit when your friend completes a job with us.”

Tool and Equipment Rental

Offer free rental delivery for referring a new customer:

“Your next overnight equipment rental delivery is on us when your friend or family member requests our services.”

Garage Door

Offer a free inspection or other type of service for every successful referral to a garage door installation or repair.

“Refer a friend or neighbor and get one 6-month service inspection for free on your most recently installed garage door.”

General Contracting

You can provide a discount on the next project for customers who refer you to new general contracting jobs.

“Refer us for a project and receive 5% off your next job for each new customer you bring in.”


Introduce a referral program that offers 1 free service hour for referring new business to the shop:

“Refer a friend and get one free hour of service on your next handyman project.”

Junk Removal

Seasonal programs can create a sense of urgency, helping you drum up new clients fast. 

“Spring cleaning is easier with friends! Refer a friend to us this April, and receive a 10% discount on your next junk removal service.”


During the summer, offer a limited-time promo for a free lawn care session when a referral leads to a new landscaping project.

“Share the love this season! Refer a friend or neighbor and receive a free lawn care service.”

Pest Control

Provide a free pest inspection or other service perk when you receive a new customer referral.

“When you refer a friend or family member to our 1-year pest management program, enjoy your next inspection visit on us.”


Try offering a discount on the next plumbing service for your referrer and their referral. It could look something like this:

“Get 10% off your next plumbing service or upgrade for both you and your friend when they sign up for service.”

Pool & Spa

When a referral turns into a job, offer your referrer upgrades to their pool maintenance services:

“When you refer a friend for pool maintenance, enjoy six months on our Premium Care Package for the price of the Basic plan.”


You can offer a discount on a future roofing service for a successful referral.

“Spring is here, is it time for a roof upgrade? When you refer a friend by May 30th, enjoy a 10% discount on architectural shingles for your home’s next project.”

Solar Contractor

Provide a rebate or discount on future services for customers who refer new solar installation projects.

“It’s time to soak up the sun, Dallas! If you refer a friend before Independence Day, enjoy $200 in rebates off your next solar project.”

Animal Trainer

Get more customers in the doggy door by offering a free training session for every new client referral.

“Obedience training is more fun with friends! Refer a new pup to [business name] and the next training session is free for both of you. Now that’s a bigger deal than you can shake a stick at!”

Pet Boarding

Try offering a discounted rate on the next boarding service for successful referrals or a complimentary service upgrade. It could look something like this:

“When you refer a furry friend to [business name], enjoy a FREE package upgrade, filled with sweet puppy perks like a free grooming service.”

Pet Grooming

Experiment with a program where customers get a free upgrade to their grooming package when they refer a friend.

“Receive a complimentary tooth cleaning service, fur dying, or pawdicure at your next groom when you refer a friend by May 30th.”


Offer a discount on special-diet pet food, toys, or accessories when a new patient is referred.

“Refer a friend to our practice and receive 30% off your next in-store purchase.”


Provide a free consultation session when you receive a new client referral.

“Refer a case to our law firm and you both will receive a free consultation session.”

See More: Successful Referral Program Examples

Crafting Your Referral Program

Creating a referral program for your business is a smart move that can boost your customer base while also keeping your current customers happy. Here are some simple tips to help you set up a referral program that fits your business and makes your customers excited to take part:

1. Stay True to Your Values

Make sure your referral program reflects what your business is all about. Whether it’s about rewarding loyalty or spreading the word about your great service, keep your program in line with what matters most to you, first and foremost.

2. Know Your Customers

Understand what your customers like and what motivates them. Then, offer referral rewards that they can’t ignore. Think about discounts, freebies, or special perks that will get them excited.

3. Keep it Easy

Don’t make your referral program so complicated that no one wants to join in. Keep things simple and straightforward so that anyone can understand how it works. Make sure it’s super easy for customers to refer their friends and family without any hassle.

4. Give Good Rewards

Make sure the rewards you offer for referrals are worth it. Whether it’s a discount on their next purchase or a freebie, make sure it’s something your customers will actually want. A free pen and notepad is just not going to cut it.

5. Tell Everyone About It

Spread the word about your referral program far and wide. Use social media, email, and signs in your store to let customers know how they can refer their friends and family.

6. Let Them Track Their Progress

This is based on your bandwidth, but if you have it, you should give your customers a way to see how their referrals are doing. That way, they’ll know when they’ve earned their reward and can feel good about helping out your business. This can be in the form of an email, text message, or letter.

7. Reward Both Sides

Make sure both the person referring and the person being referred get something out of the deal. That way, everyone wins!

8. Say Thank You 

Show your appreciation to customers who refer their friends and family because it is free marketing you don’t have to pay an arm and a leg for! They are doing you a big service, and a simple thank-you goes a long way in making them feel valued.

If you follow these tips, you’ll be well on your way to creating a referral program that helps your business grow and keeps your customers happy. You can thank us later.

Promoting Your Referral Program

Once you’ve set up your referral program, it’s time to spread the word and get your customers excited about it. Here are some strategies for effectively marketing your referral program:

1. Utilize Social Media

Share your referral program on your social media channels. Create eye-catching graphics or videos that explain how the program works and encourage your followers to participate.

2. Email Newsletters

Send out regular emails to your subscribers promoting your referral program. Include information about the rewards they can earn and how easy it is to participate. Personalize the emails to make them more engaging and relevant to each recipient.

3. In-Store Signage

Place signs in your store or office promoting your referral program. Use clear and concise language to explain the benefits of participating and how customers can get involved.

4. Engaging Content

Create engaging content that tells stories about successful referrals or highlights the benefits of your products or services. Use testimonials from happy customers to showcase the value of your referral program.

5. Interactive Contests or Challenges

Encourage participation in your referral program by hosting contests or challenges. Offer additional rewards or prizes for customers who refer the most friends or family members within a certain time frame.

6. Partner with Influencers

Collaborate with influential people on social media or in your local community who can help promote your referral program to their fans. Their endorsement can help reach a wider audience and drum up more business for you.

7. Offer Exclusive Rewards

Create special rewards or referral incentives that are only available to customers who participate in your referral program. This can make the program more enticing and exclusive, encouraging more folks to get involved. 

8. Track and Reward Referrals

Make sure to track referrals accurately and promptly reward customers for their participation. This will show that you value their efforts and encourage them to continue referring others.

By implementing these strategies, you can effectively market your referral program and encourage more customers to take part, ultimately helping your business grow through the magic of word-of-mouth referrals.

Measuring the Success of Your Referral Program

Tracking your referral program’s performance is the best way to understand if it’s effective—or if it needs some work. 

Keep tabs on key metrics like referral conversion rates and revenue impact using analytics tools. Some things you could track include click-through rates and social media shares, you can also collect feedback to gauge participants’ experiences. 

Analyze your performance to identify trends and areas for improvement, benchmarking your results against set goals. The world is not perfect, and likely, you will not get things right the first time—and that’s ok! When in doubt, try, try again, and test different strategies to ensure your referral program remains effective in driving referrals for your business.

How Broadly Can Help Amplify Your Referral Marketing

Happy Customers: With Broadly, keeping customers satisfied and engaged is simple. Our tools make it easy for them to refer friends and family, all without you having to lift a finger.

Easy Management: We take the hassle out of running referral campaigns. Track referrals effortlessly and see the real-time impact they have on your business.

Great Reputation: Managing your online reputation is important to attracting customers. Broadly helps you stay on top of reviews, building trust and credibility with your audience.

Boost Your Business: With Broadly’s support, referral marketing can turn the tables for your small business success.

Get Started with Broadly Today!

Whether you’re just starting out with referral programs or seeking ways to improve your current strategy, Broadly is here to support you every step of the way. Get in touch with us for expert guidance on how to implement referral marketing strategies and use reputation management tools to grow your business.

Transform your local business with revolutionary AI-powered software

The post Stellar Referral Marketing Examples for Small Businesses appeared first on Broadly.

Referral Incentives for Local Service Business Owners Thu, 07 Mar 2024 19:33:56 +0000 Hey there, local business owners! Ready to give your business…

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Hey there, local business owners! Ready to give your business a boost without breaking the bank on traditional marketing strategies? Well, you’re in luck because today, we’re looking closer at referral incentives, a powerful tool that can turn your satisfied customers into your best promoters.

Referral incentives, simply put, are rewards you offer to customers who refer your services to others. It’s like turning your customers into brand ambassadors, and who wouldn’t want that?

So read on to learn how best to use referral incentives, and how to gain the most from this marketing tool.

Send AI-enhanced personalized email and text campaigns

Understanding Referral Incentives

Different types of referral incentives abound. From discounts and freebies to cold, hard cash, or VIP treatment, the possibilities are endless. The beauty of it? Your customers get a little extra, and you get new customers through the door.

Now, let’s debunk a myth: offering incentives for Google Reviews might sound tempting, but it’s a big no-no. Google guidelines frown upon such practices, and in the US, it is banned by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). So, keep your incentives separate from those valuable reviews.

Types of Referral Incentives

Here are some of the different types of referral incentives you can offer:

  • Discounts or Coupons: Everybody loves a good deal. Offering a percentage off or a coupon code can entice your customers to spread the word.
  • Free Products or Services: Who can resist something for free? Give a little, gain a lot, by offering complimentary items or services for successful referrals. This could be a buy-one-get-one offer, or even a free trial-type service that ties into what their referral featured information about.
  • Cash Rewards or Gift Cards: Cash and gift cards still stand as the universal language of appreciation. Cold, hard cash or a gift card to further experience your business can motivate your customers to share their positive experiences and increase customer loyalty.
  • Loyalty Points or Rewards Programs: Encourage repeat business by implementing a loyalty program. Accumulated points for successful referrals? Now, that’s a strategy! Feed into the competitive nature of humans by offering special tiered rewards that are publicly shown so customers can see where they stand.
  • Exclusive Access or VIP Treatment: Make your customers feel special! VIP treatment, exclusive access, or early bird privileges can be an instant boost to the referral experience.

Designing Your Referral Incentive Program

When it comes to crafting an effective referral incentive program, start by identifying your target audience and understanding their preferences. Recognize what resonates with them, whether it’s discounts, exclusive access, or loyalty points. Knowing your customers allows you to tailor incentives that genuinely capture their attention and encourage them to participate in your referral program.

Next, set clear goals and objectives for your referral program. What do you aim to achieve? Whether it’s boosting customer acquisition, increasing brand awareness, or promoting specific services, having well-defined goals provides direction and enables you to measure the success of your program. This clarity ensures that every incentive offered aligns with your broader business objectives.

Finally, choose the right incentive structure for your business. Not all incentives fit every business model, so make certain to align your offerings with your brand identity. Whether you opt for discounts, free products, or exclusive experiences, make sure your incentives are not only attractive to your customers but also financially viable for your business.

Promoting Your Referral Incentive Program

Creating compelling marketing materials is the first step in promoting your referral incentive program effectively. Design eye-catching posters, engaging social media graphics, or a catchy tagline that clearly communicates the benefits of participating. Your materials should not only be visually appealing but also convey a sense of excitement and value associated with referrals.

Once you’ve got your materials ready, leverage various channels to spread the word. Use social media platforms to reach a broader audience, send out enticing email newsletters to your existing customer base, and strategically place banners on your website. By covering multiple channels, you maximize the visibility of your referral program, ensuring that your message reaches potential referrers wherever they engage with your brand.

The Best Practices for Referral Incentives

When implementing referral incentives, offer value to both referrers and referees. The incentives should be enticing enough to motivate your customers to refer your services while also providing real value to those who are referred. Achieving this balance ensures a positive experience for everyone involved, fostering a sense of goodwill around your brand.

To create a sense of urgency and drive action, consider setting expiration dates or limitations on your referral incentives. This not only encourages referrers to act promptly but also adds a layer of exclusivity, making the incentives more desirable. At the same time, do your best not to create unnecessary pressure, or limit participation by making the expiration dates too small. 

If you have a constant referral incentive in place, for example, you could have the odd smaller one that lasts for only a week or so, but having one and not the other leads to a sense of scarcity and difficulty that customers can find unappealing.

Lastly, keep the referral process simple and easy to understand. Streamline the steps involved in making a referral, and make it so that both the referrer and the referee can easily navigate the process. A straightforward referral process enhances the overall user experience and increases the likelihood of continued participation in your program. 

Things that are easy to do are much more likely to get done than things that take time and effort, no matter what they are, and that includes referral incentives.

See more referral guides here:

A Referral Program That Will Work

Referral incentives can work well to help your business grow. They bring in new customers, and can also turn your existing ones into loyal advocates. So, why not give it a shot?

It might seem daunting at first, but that’s where Broadly can help. Feel free to reach out for further assistance or consultation on designing and optimizing your referral incentive programs. Your success is our success, and we can’t wait to see your business thrive through the power of referrals!

Make it even easier on yourself by trying out Broadly’s email campaign software—and we have so much more. Try a free demo today!

Transform your local business with revolutionary AI-powered software

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Sending Automated Text Messages for Local Service Businesses Thu, 07 Mar 2024 19:25:15 +0000 We’ve all heard it before: there’s nothing better for a…

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We’ve all heard it before: there’s nothing better for a business than good communication. How else are you going to reach your potential customers and keep your loyal customers coming back for more? From appointment scheduling to customer satisfaction, every interaction shapes your business and its success. Now imagine if the communication was automated—that’s right, sending automated text messages makes communicating with your customers that much easier!

Automated text messaging is a great way to boost your business and its lines of communication. With communication evolving into a seamless experience that’s not only efficient but downright delightful, you’re sure to see business rolling up to your doorstep in no time.

Ready to learn how to use automated text messaging to your advantage? In this guide, we’ll get into the brass tacks of how best to send automated text messages.

Send AI-enhanced personalized email and text campaigns

Benefits of Sending Automated Text Messages

Imagine your customers getting personalized texts reminding them of their upcoming service appointment. They appreciate the reminder and, in turn, become a loyal customer. 

That’s just one of the perks of automated text messaging!

Here are a few more advantages of automated text messaging that we particularly like:

  • Increased Customer Engagement: Automation brings a personal touch to your interactions, making customers feel valued and fostering a stronger connection.
  • Improved Appointment Management: Say goodbye to no-shows with timely reminders and the convenience of easy appointment scheduling through text messages.
  • Enhanced Customer Service: Address customer queries promptly, offering support and information whenever they need it, to build brand trust and loyalty.
  • Higher Conversion Rates: Craft targeted promotional messages to boost sales and revenue, turning potential leads into satisfied, repeat customers.

Tip: How to Send Automated Text Messages

Best Practices for Implementing Automated Text Messaging

With these benefits in mind, here are our best practices for implementing automated text messaging to make the most of your business:

Obtain Consent

Always get customer consent before sending messages. This not only ensures compliance with regulations but also builds trust and goodwill with your audience. Clearly communicate the purpose of your messages and how often they can expect to hear from you and provide an opt-in option on your website, during service interactions, or through a dedicated sign-up process.

Personalize Messages

Who wants to see the same, boring old text message over and over? No one, that’s who! Give your texts a personalized touch. This is easy enough to do by using your customer data: address them by name and reference previous interactions or purchases they have made with you. Segment your audience based on preferences or behaviors to send targeted, relevant content as well.

Timing Is Key

Be mindful of when and how frequently you send messages. Nobody likes to be bombarded with texts, so strike the right balance to avoid being a digital nuisance. Consider your audience’s time zone and working hours to send messages at convenient times, and find the sweet spot when it comes to message frequency—enough to stay top-of-mind but not so much that it becomes overwhelming.

Integration Is a Must

Integrate text messaging seamlessly into your existing systems and workflows. The goal is to enhance efficiency, not create additional complexities. Select a platform that can integrate with the tools you use daily, such as scheduling software or your CRM, but make sure the integration improves rather than interferes with your current workflows.

Build Your List with Sign-Up Forms

Create sign-up forms to organically grow your contact list to ensure you’re reaching a genuinely interested audience that is more likely to engage with your messages. Place sign-up forms on your website, on social media, and at physical locations where customers interact with your business. Offer incentives, such as discounts or exclusive content, to encourage customers to sign up.

Use Cases and Examples

Now, let’s look at some practical applications of automated text messaging.

  • Appointment Reminders: Minimize no-shows and improve customer satisfaction with friendly reminders that make scheduling convenient for your customers.
  • Promotional Offers: Boost sales by sending exclusive discounts and offers to your loyal customers. Create a sense of exclusivity by making them feel appreciated.
  • Feedback Requests: Improve your services by collecting valuable feedback through automated messages. This shows you value their opinion and helps you make necessary improvements.
  • Emergency Alerts: Keep your customers in the loop with instant updates on service changes or emergencies. This builds transparency and trust.

Tip: How to Write and Send SMS Review Requests

Choosing the Right Automated Text Messaging Platform

When looking for the right platform, keep the following factors in mind:

  • Scheduling: Ensure the platform allows you to schedule messages in advance, helping you plan and execute your SMS campaigns strategically. Remember, automation for small businesses is supposed to make your job easier, not harder.
  • Customization: A good platform should allow you to customize messages according to your brand voice and the preferences of your audience.
  • Analytics: Analytical tools enable you to measure the success of your campaigns, providing insights into open rates, response rates, and conversion rates.
  • Integration: Ensure seamless integration with your existing tools. The transition should be smooth, not disruptive.

Ensuring Compliance and Avoiding Pitfalls

In order to avoid legal hassles, make sure you understand and adhere to regulations like the TCPA. This helps build trust in your company as well as prove your commitment to compliance. Stay informed about regulations in your industry and region to make sure that commitment doesn’t falter. Regularly update your processes to align with any changes in regulations as well. 

Common pitfalls to avoid include the following:

  • Maintain Respect for Customer Privacy: Clearly communicate how customer’s data will be used, implement data protection measures, and assure customers that their information is secure when sending text messages. Allow customers to easily opt-out of messages if they choose to do so. 
  • Continuously Monitor and Optimize Message Campaigns: Learn from mistakes, gather insights, and refine your strategy for ongoing success. Regularly analyze performance metrics to identify areas for improvement. Collect customer feedback on the messaging experience and use it to enhance your approach. Campaigns should never be stagnant; always make sure they’re working to their full potential by keeping an eye on feedback and analytics to best optimize them.

Measuring Success and Optimizing Campaigns

Similarly, keep track of your performance to maintain your ongoing success. The following key performance indicators (KPIs) will help you gauge the effectiveness of your automated text messaging campaigns:

  • Open Rates: Measure how many customers are opening your messages. A high open rate indicates that your messages are grabbing attention.
  • Response Rates: Gauge the level of engagement with your audience. A higher response rate means your messages are resonating with customers.
  • Conversion Rates: Track the number of customers converting after receiving a message. This metric directly ties your messaging efforts to business outcomes.

Make sure to continuously analyze these KPIs to identify trends and patterns. A/B testing different message variations, timing strategies, and calls-to-action can also provide valuable insights.

Collecting customer feedback on their messaging experience will also offer qualitative data for improvement. Nothing’s better than hearing from your customers themselves what they thought of the texts for both positive feedback and areas for improvement.

How Broadly Can Help

Now, why not make your life even easier with Broadly? With Broadly’s user-friendly software, you can streamline your financial workflows and simplify the invoicing process.

Impress your customers with sleek invoice templates for email and SMS campaigns that showcase your professional and consistent brand image. Send real-time review requests following invoice payments to increase the number of reviews your company receives. With the ability to effortlessly synchronize your invoices with Quickbooks Online for effective bookkeeping, Broadly’s text platform is the best option for local service companies.

Want to see for yourself? Try a free demo today!

Transform your local business with revolutionary AI-powered software

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A Guide to Text Campaigns: Key Strategies and Best Practices Thu, 29 Feb 2024 21:08:37 +0000 Text campaigns have emerged as powerful tools that offer a…

The post A Guide to Text Campaigns: Key Strategies and Best Practices appeared first on Broadly.

Text campaigns have emerged as powerful tools that offer a direct and personalized way to connect your business with its audience. Why? Well, for starters, text messages boast an impressive open rate, ensuring that your message doesn’t get lost in a sea of emails or overlooked on social media.

This is where Broadly and its marketing campaign tool take center stage. This handy tool is designed to make your life easier, helping you craft and manage effective text campaigns for your business effortlessly. 

But how do you craft those amazing text campaigns that will get your business going? Read on, because we’re about to get into some best practices and pitfalls to avoid so your next text campaign hits the right note.

Send AI-enhanced personalized email and text campaigns

Text Campaign Best Practices

When creating text campaigns, keep these top ten best practices in mind:

  • Crafting Clear and Concise Messages: Keep it short, sweet, and to the point. Your message should be crystal clear, leaving no room for confusion.
  • Personalization for Engagement: Add a personal touch to your texts. Use the recipient’s name or relevant details to make your message more engaging and relevant.
  • Optimal Timing and Frequency: Timing is everything. Figure out when your audience is most receptive, and don’t overwhelm them with excessive messages.
  • Compliance with Regulations: Stay on the right side of the law. Adhere to marketing regulations to build trust and avoid legal complications.
  • Choosing the Right Tools: Opt for platforms that align with your business needs. Broadly’s marketing campaign tool is a great choice because of its user-friendly features.
  • Tracking and Analytics: Keep an eye on your campaign’s performance using analytics tools. Data-driven improvements are much more successful than improvements that aren’t data-backed.
  • Real-time Adaptation: Stay flexible. Adapt your strategies based on performance and changing customer preferences.
  • Customer Relationship Building: Use text campaigns to foster two-way communication and build stronger relationships with your customers. 
  • Avoiding Common Pitfalls: Steer clear of pitfalls like excessive messaging or generic content that can harm your campaign’s effectiveness.
  • Integration into Overall Marketing Strategy: Make text campaigns an integral part of your broader marketing strategy for a cohesive and effective approach.

Also See: Best Practices for Broadly Text and Email Campaigns

Key Strategies for Text Campaign Marketing

Step one, drafting the campaign. It’s complete, so now what? Time to look into the marketing side of things with some key strategies.

These strategies, when applied thoughtfully, can elevate your text campaigns and contribute to a stronger and more effective marketing strategy while also impacting customer engagement and response rates. There are five strategies to consider for text campaign marketing:

1. Segmentation for Targeted Messaging

Instead of sending generic messages to your entire contact list, divide your audience into segments based on demographics, behavior, or preferences. This allows you to tailor messages to specific groups, making them more relevant and engaging. For instance, sending a discount offer to loyal customers and new product announcements to potential leads can greatly boost your campaign’s effectiveness.

2. Automation for Efficiency

Automation tools can be your best friend—time is money, and automation saves time, after all! Schedule messages in advance, trigger responses based on customer actions, and streamline campaign management with automation. With Broadly’s marketing campaign tool, for example, you can set up automated responses, saving you time (that you do not have to waste!) and ensuring timely communication with your audience.

3. Interactive Content and Calls-to-Action

Include interactive elements in your text messages, such as polls, quizzes, or clickable links. Clear calls-to-action (CTAs) prompt recipients to perform a specific behavior, whether it’s making a purchase, visiting your website, or participating in a promotion. Interactive content not only boosts engagement but also provides valuable data about your audience’s preferences.

4. Feedback Loops and Surveys

Text campaigns shouldn’t be a one-way street. Incorporate feedback loops and surveys within your messages to gather insights, assess customer satisfaction, and refine your strategies. Ask for opinions on your products, services, or recent interactions. This shows your customers that their input is valued, and provides you with valuable information to continuously improve your offerings.

5. Multichannel Integration

Your customers interact with your brand across various channels, and your marketing efforts should reflect that. Integrate your text campaigns with other channels like email, social media, and even traditional advertising for a cohesive customer experience. Consistency in messaging and branding across platforms reinforces your brand identity and greatly enhances overall customer engagement.

Also See:

Pitfalls to Avoid

You have the campaign drafted, and now you know how to market it. Next, let’s steer clear of some of the more common mistakes you might encounter along the way:

  • Overwhelming Frequency: Don’t bombard your customers; find the sweet spot for message frequency. Think of it this way: one well-worded message is nice, while three in three days feels intrusive.
  • Irrelevant Content: Tailor your messages; irrelevant content can lead to disengagement. If you sell socks, you really have no business talking about sandals.
  • Lack of Clear Opt-Out Option: Respect your customers’ preferences by providing a straightforward opt-out mechanism.
  • Ignoring Privacy Regulations: Stay informed about and adhere to privacy regulations to build trust with customers.
  • Unoptimized for Mobile: Texts are not novels; keep them short and sweet. When you have something to say, make sure you craft mobile-friendly messages to enhance the user experience.
  • Generic and Impersonal Messages: Text messages are inherently a very personal way of communicating. That’s why you should personalize your content to create a stronger connection.
  • Limited Testing: Practice makes perfect. Regularly test different strategies to optimize your approach.
  • Poor Timing: Be mindful of when you send your messages to maximize engagement. The best time is when experiences are fresh, such as after a swell in business (so you know they just had great experiences and might want to return) or an appearance at a local business show..

Moving Forward on the Right Foot

Text campaigns are one of the key factors in effective communication. With the right strategies and tools, like Broadly’s marketing campaign tool, you can revolutionize your marketing game. Start incorporating text campaigns today and watch your business thrive in the world of direct and personalized communication. 

Want to give Broadly’s marketing campaign tool a try? Reach out to us for a free demo today!

Transform your local business with revolutionary AI-powered software

The post A Guide to Text Campaigns: Key Strategies and Best Practices appeared first on Broadly.

Understanding Online Reputation Marketing Thu, 22 Feb 2024 23:26:56 +0000 Reputation, in essence, is the collective perception and opinion that…

The post Understanding Online Reputation Marketing appeared first on Broadly.

Reputation, in essence, is the collective perception and opinion that customers, partners, and the wider community hold about a business. While products and services play a part, what it boils down to is an intangible currency of trust, credibility, and overall goodwill. This is where reputation marketing, a strategic plan designed to harness and amplify a business’s positive image, comes in.

Reputation marketing showcases not just what a business does but also how it is perceived in the eyes of the public. It also guides potential customers toward a business with a trusted standing, influencing decisions and building a foundation of enduring success.

Want to harness online reputation marketing to better your business? Then read on, and learn how to do just that!

Generate 5-star Facebook reviews for your business automatically

The Power of Online Reviews

The influence of online reviews on businesses is nothing short of transformative and can impact businesses in the following ways:

Consumer Trust

Positive online reviews serve as digital endorsements, akin to personal recommendations from friends or family. When potential customers encounter a stream of favorable reviews, it creates a sense of trust and credibility in the business. The authentic experiences shared by previous customers act as testimonials, providing reassurance to newcomers that they are making a reliable choice.

Purchase Decisions

With the abundance of choices available at the click of a button, consumers seek guidance in navigating the digital marketplace. Whether it’s a product or a service, the majority of consumers turn to reviews to gain insights into the real-world experiences of others. Positive reviews provide a window into the product or service’s performance, quality, and overall value, helping consumers choose with confidence.

SEO Boost

Positive reviews act as digital breadcrumbs, leading search engines to recognize and raise a business’s online presence. The more positive reviews a business accumulates, the higher its chances of appearing prominently in search results. This SEO boost not only increases visibility but also enhances the credibility of the business. It’s a symbiotic relationship where satisfied customers contribute to a business’s prominence online.

Competitive Advantage

Positive online reviews provide businesses with a distinct competitive advantage. They act as virtual testimonials, setting businesses apart from competitors and influencing potential customers to choose them over alternatives. In the eyes of consumers, a business backed by positive reviews is often perceived as more reliable, trustworthy, and deserving of their patronage.

Brand Reputation

The collective sentiment expressed in reviews forms the collective voice of the customer, resonating with potential buyers. While positive reviews boost a brand’s image, on the flip side, negative reviews can have a lasting impact, highlighting areas for improvement and influencing how a brand is perceived by a wider audience.

The weight of online reviews in purchase decisions is staggering, with a substantial majority of consumers relying on them to make informed choices. A report by the Spiegel Research Center revealed that products with reviews are 270% more likely to be purchased than those without. 76% of consumers “regularly” read online reviews for local businesses, further underscoring the importance of a strong online presence through positive testimonials.

Building a Positive Online Presence

So how do you build a positive online presence? Try the following strategies for encouraging satisfied customers to leave reviews:

Offer Incentives

Give a token of appreciation to customers who go the extra mile to share their experiences. This could be in the form of exclusive discounts, loyalty points, or other small incentives. By acknowledging and rewarding their effort, customers are more likely to feel valued and motivated to contribute their thoughts.

Timing Matters

Capitalize on the momentum of a positive experience by asking for feedback at strategic moments, such as right after a successful transaction or a service delivery. This ensures that the positive impressions are fresh in the customer’s mind, increasing the likelihood of them sharing their satisfaction.

Use User-Friendly Platforms

Simplify the review process for customers by providing direct links or QR codes leading to review platforms. A seamless and user-friendly experience reduces friction, making it more likely for customers to follow through with leaving a review.

Get Social Media Engagement

Showcase positive testimonials on your social platforms, creating a positive narrative around your brand. Encourage followers to share their experiences and contribute to the positive chatter, creating a community where satisfied customers champion your business.

Integrate with Feedback Surveys

Integrate review requests into post-purchase feedback surveys. This not only streamlines the process for customers but also consolidates valuable insights into their overall experience. By combining review requests with feedback surveys, you show a commitment to continuous improvement while encouraging customers to share their thoughts in a way that feels effortless.

Show Recognition

Publicly recognize and thank customers who take the time to leave reviews. Whether through social media shout-outs, email newsletters, or a dedicated section on your website, acknowledging their contribution fosters a sense of appreciation. This recognition not only reinforces positive behavior but also encourages a stronger connection between your brand and satisfied customers.

Keep Your Business Profile Up-to-Date

Maintaining a consistent and accurate business profile across platforms is the bedrock of a trustworthy online presence. From contact information to business hours and service offerings, discrepancies can erode customer trust. A unified and accurate profile ensures that customers encounter a seamless experience across various platforms, reinforcing your brand’s reliability and professionalism. Consistency in presenting your business details fosters credibility and reinforces the positive image you’ve worked hard to cultivate.

Handling Negative Feedback

Addressing negative reviews with tact, empathy, and a commitment to resolution not only showcases a business’s dedication to customer satisfaction but also presents an authentic and human side. This proactive approach not only diffuses potential damage but also demonstrates to the wider audience that challenges are viewed as stepping stones for growth. 

By acknowledging and learning from negative feedback, businesses mend individual relationships while also cultivating an atmosphere of continuous improvement, solidifying their positive reputation in the long run.

When addressing negative reviews, remember the following best practices:

Timely Response

Swift responses to negative reviews demonstrate a commitment to resolving issues promptly. It reassures both the reviewer and potential customers that concerns are taken seriously and that your business is actively engaged in maintaining customer satisfaction.

Personalized Replies

Avoid generic responses by addressing the reviewer’s concerns directly. Personalized replies demonstrate genuine care, showing that your business is attentive to individual experiences and willing to understand and address specific issues.

Stay Professional

Emotions can run high in response to negative feedback, but maintaining a professional tone is crucial. Avoid defensive or confrontational language, focusing instead on a constructive dialogue that aims for resolution.

Offer Solutions

Offering tangible solutions in response to negative reviews showcases a proactive commitment to problem-solving. Whether it’s rectifying a specific issue or inviting the customer for further discussion offline, this approach demonstrates a genuine effort to find resolutions.

Encourage Further Communication

Public platforms may not be the ideal space for resolving intricate issues. Encourage further communication by inviting customers to discuss their concerns privately. This enables a more comprehensive and personalized resolution process.

Highlight Positive Changes

Turn negative experiences into catalysts for positive change. Communicate openly about improvements or changes made in response to customer feedback. This not only shows a commitment to growth but also highlights the business’s dedication to addressing concerns constructively.

Apologize Sincerely

A sincere apology goes a long way in diffusing tension. Acknowledge the customer’s experience, express regret for any inconvenience caused, and assure them that their concerns are being taken seriously.

Maintain Brand Voice

Consistency is the key to maintaining brand integrity. Ensure that responses align with your established brand voice and messaging, reinforcing a cohesive and authentic image even in challenging situations.

Show Appreciation

Express gratitude for the customer’s feedback, emphasizing that their input is invaluable for the business’s ongoing commitment to improvement. This demonstrates humility and encourages an ongoing positive relationship with the customer.

Utilizing Social Media for Reputation Enhancement

Social platforms not only amplify the reach of a brand but also provide a dynamic space for real-time engagement and narrative crafting. Integrating social media into your reputation marketing strategy can cultivate a positive digital presence and foster meaningful connections with its audience.

Here are some tips for how to integrate social media into your reputation management:

Showcasing Positive Reviews

Spotlight glowing testimonials, customer success stories, or snippets of positive feedback on your business’s social profiles. Creating visually appealing posts that highlight the positive experiences of customers not only reinforces the credibility of the brand but also engages the audience in a narrative of satisfaction—just make sure to get permission first.

Engaging with Customers and Audience

Respond promptly to comments, direct messages, and mentions. Foster a two-way conversation by asking questions, seeking feedback, and responding to inquiries. This engagement not only demonstrates a commitment to customer satisfaction but also humanizes your brand, making it relatable and approachable.

Sharing Behind-the-Scenes Content

Share stories about the team, the creative process, or the values that drive the business. Authenticity resonates on social media, and by providing a transparent view of the workings of your business, a positive narrative is woven, contributing to an enhanced online reputation.

Utilizing Visual Content

Leverage images, infographics, and videos to convey positive aspects of the business. Whether it’s showcasing a satisfied customer, a successful project, or a sneak peek into upcoming offerings, visual content captures attention and reinforces the positive image of the brand.

Promoting Community Involvement

Actively participating in or promoting community initiatives through social media not only highlights your business’s commitment to social responsibility but also strengthens its positive image. Sharing stories of community involvement, charitable efforts, or environmentally conscious practices is a great way to get in people’s good books.

Monitoring and Addressing Feedback

Regularly monitor comments, mentions, and reviews on social platforms. Address both positive and negative feedback promptly and professionally. Demonstrating attentiveness to customer concerns and showcasing gratitude for positive experiences contributes to a much better online reputation.

Consistent Branding Across Platforms

Your branding elements, such as logos, colors, and messaging, should be consistent across all social media platforms. This not only reinforces brand identity but also contributes to a polished and professional online reputation.

Implementing Paid Advertising Strategically

Targeting specific demographics with content that emphasizes positive reviews, testimonials, or success stories can enhance the visibility of favorable aspects of the brand and contribute to a positive online image.

Encouraging Customer Advocacy

Customer advocacy is the art of turning satisfied customers into enthusiastic brand ambassadors, leveraging their positive experiences to shape a business’s online reputation. 

Advocates serve as living testimonials, influencing potential customers through genuine word-of-mouth endorsements. Fostering a community of brand advocates helps your business benefit from organic and authentic promotion and creates a reservoir of positive sentiment that fortifies your online reputation.

Exceptional customer experiences are the seeds from which brand advocates sprout. Cultivate brand advocates by going above and beyond with outstanding products or services. A seamless and memorable customer journey, from initial interaction to post-purchase support, lays the foundation for advocacy. 

Encourage satisfied customers to share their positive experiences through reviews, testimonials, or social media shout-outs. Leverage these advocates for word-of-mouth marketing, tapping into the genuine enthusiasm and trust they’ve built with their own communities.

Monitoring and Adapting Strategies

The consequences of neglecting online reputation monitoring can be severe. Instances of negative reviews left unaddressed, misleading information circulating unchecked, or social media crises escalating without intervention can tarnish a brand’s image swiftly. Slacking on monitoring opens the door to misinformation, erodes customer trust, and may lead to long-lasting reputational damage. 

Feedback, whether positive or negative, provides invaluable insights into customer expectations, preferences, and pain points. Adapting strategies based on this feedback not only addresses immediate concerns but also positions the business for continuous improvement.

Similarly, staying attuned to market trends allows businesses to align their reputational marketing efforts with the changing landscape. For example, if customers express a preference for video testimonials over written reviews, adapting to this trend can enhance the effectiveness of reputation marketing efforts.

Elevating Your Business through Reputation Marketing

From leveraging satisfied customers as advocates to adapting strategies based on market trends, businesses have a myriad of tools at their disposal. By actively shaping and managing your digital image, your business can build trust, foster customer loyalty, and gain a competitive edge in crowded markets. That’s why a proactive investment in reputation marketing is an investment in sustained growth. 

If you’re looking to amplify your positive online presence, Broadly can help. With our review management software, you can keep an eye on all of your social media platforms and harness the reviews you get to streamline your business’s reputation and marketing strategies.

Give a free demo a try, and see how Broadly can help your business today!

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