Broadly Success Stories Archives - Broadly Tue, 26 Mar 2024 23:27:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Broadly Success Stories Archives - Broadly 32 32 Paul Campanella’s Auto & Tire Center doubles their reviews in 6 months Tue, 14 Jun 2022 21:31:36 +0000 Paul Campanella’s Auto & Tire Center is a family-owned auto…

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Paul Campanella’s Auto & Tire Center is a family-owned auto repair shop in Delaware, providing high-quality, reliable, and affordable services to customers. They’ve been serving customers for 36 years, operating in multiple locations, and providing a range of services, including oil changes, brakes, and alignments.

The result?

They doubled their reviews in just six months.

Click here to learn how they did it.

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Our new locations report: How it can help your multi-location business Thu, 19 May 2022 16:07:31 +0000 As a business owner, you need to be on top…

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As a business owner, you need to be on top of things across all your physical locations. However, this can be extremely difficult if you don’t have the right tools that empower you with visibility into your business performance.

Broadly’s new Locations Report is just what you need to quickly and clearly understand how each of your business locations performs and how customer sentiment impacts each location.

Core locations report features

Opening a new location can increase the complexity of your operation; after all, you can only be in one place at a time! If you can’t keep an eye on how each of your locations is performing and growing, you could lose out on opportunities to improve and end up taking a loss.

Needless to say, managing multiple business locations can become very stressful, very fast.

That’s where Broadly’s Locations Report comes in.

Broadly offers a central hub where you can analyze and compare performance across locations. It features the following capabilities:

  • Real-time data updates
  • Location performance reporting:
    • Lead and customer counts
    • NPS & customer sentiment analysis
    • Review request response rate
    • Star rating across review sites
  • Visual, user-friendly interface 
  • Year, month, week, or custom time frames

These features allow prospering business owners to streamline their data gathering, transmittal, and analysis. With Broadly’s Locations Report, you can view  essential data for every business location and know instantly where each stands. 

Locations report benefits

In addition to Broadly’s other outstanding features, the Locations Report specifically delivers these benefits that you can enjoy:

  • Acts as a control center. With the Reports feature, you can see how the reputation of each of your locations is improving (or declining) and identify areas for improvement in one place—no more jumping around between reports and dashboards.
  • Delivers digestible data . With a simple format and real-time updates, you can leverage Broadly’s Locations Report to make crucial business decisions, including projected revenues and marketing spend, and identify high-performing and underperforming locations.

This powerful feature provides the information you need to make strategic and informed decisions that will allow your locations and your business as a whole to thrive. 

Get started with broadly

Broadly helps local, growing businesses build strong, lasting online reputations through one easy-to-use app. 

And with Broadly’s Locations Report, straight-forward data gives , you the visibility and transparency you need to evaluate and improve growth across locations.

Already with Broadly? Login now to begin using the Locations Report. 

Transform your local business with revolutionary AI-powered software


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Broadly + CCC ONE partner integration Tue, 26 Apr 2022 15:44:53 +0000 In an effort to bring you more value as a…

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In an effort to bring you more value as a reputation management software, Broadly, a CIC Gold Pin member, is proud to work with CCC ONE.


CCC ONE is a cloud-based SaaS platform and vehicle collision management system that provides digital and data services and connects all the parties associated with vehicle collision repair. Users include insurers, automotive manufacturers, collision repairers, parts suppliers, lenders, fleet operators, and many others. 

How Broadly works with CCC ONE 

Broadly and CCC ONE work together to help collision repair shops get more customers through the door and grow their business. 

While shop owners rely on CCC ONE to help bring in new business, Broadly provides an automatic follow-up and review request after every repair service. 

This ensures that collision shops can receive more positive reviews consistently, which will help them to: 

  • Grow their online reputation, 
  • Get more visibility with interested potential customers,
  • Attract more customers to their business, and 
  • Compete confidently with local competitors. 

How Broadly can help you grow your business

But it doesn’t just end there. Broadly has a wide range of features to help you grow your business!

  • Web Chat: Respond to customers and prospects anytime, anywhere using our web chat feature, directly from the Broadly app.
  • Inbox: Simplify communications with customers by connecting your Broadly inbox to all your business listings online.
  • Payment Options: Offer contactless payments to your customers and offer flexible payment options (you still get paid in full).
  • Reviews: Get unlimited automated review requests for Google, Facebook, and more!

Get started with Broadly premium

Broadly is an affordable service that can help you execute your marketing plan, even with limited resources.

Our app provides easy-to-use tools help you better evaluate your online reputation, streamline customer communication across all channels into a single platform, and boost the number of positive customer reviews.

Transform your local business with revolutionary AI-powered software

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6 Ways Broadly web design can help you grow your business Mon, 18 Apr 2022 20:57:22 +0000 Did you know that only 71% of small businesses in…

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Did you know that only 71% of small businesses in the US have a business website? Even though small businesses account for 99% of all businesses registered and 54% of all sales logged in the country.

Many businesses are not going online to reach their customers, which is a considerable loss. Especially since the onset of the pandemic, where consumers are going online for a lot of their needs and using the internet to research businesses before they buy.

This article will discuss the benefits of having a website, the challenges of trying to build one yourself (DIY), and how you can overcome them.

Need a Professional Website For Your Business?

Why you should have a business website

Having a decent web presence has a long list of benefits for any modern business, especially small business owners – which is why you must be searchable online.

Here’s a list of the most significant benefits you can get from a website.

  • Professionalism. A well-made website conveys a sense of professionalism in your processes, which makes your business look more legitimate to newcomers.
  • Reach. The US has about 307 million internet users, and they spend about 3 hours and 45 minutes on their mobile devices, surfing the internet, or using social media. You can tap into this vast pool of potential customers with a website.
  • Better searchability. Brands have full disclosure over the level of detail that they can offer about their products, services, promotions, communications, store locations, and contact information like phone numbers and email addresses. This makes it easier for new customers to go on search engines and find out more about a business’s offerings.
  • Branding. Having a website also means that businesses have complete control over their branding. A website can be fully tailored to reflect who they are and what they stand for, much better than any other marketing tool.
  • Content. Your small business can publish content through the various online forms, adding to the body of knowledge about your industry and creating a loyal following.

These are just some of the most obvious benefits of establishing a website for your small business’s online marketing strategy. If you’re not online yet, it’s safe to say that you’re lagging.

That said, it’s also not as easy as it seems. The internet might be powerful, but it’s also very complex.

Competition is often fierce in local markets. Thus, if you want to succeed, you need to be diligent in establishing your online presence or enlist the help of experts.

Broadly is a reputation management software that also offers web design as a service that small businesses can use to develop their online presence quickly and cost-effectively.

However, if you prefer a more do-it-yourself approach, you must understand the challenges you may face.

The downside of DIY websites

If you have the expertise in-house to build, optimize, and maintain a website- great! If not, it’s important to discuss why a DIY website may not be the ideal option.

On the surface, this might look like a great solution. After all, small business owners, entrepreneurs, or startup founders won’t have to pay anyone to create their website, and they get to be in charge of every tiny detail.

But making one’s website and maintaining it is more complicated than it appears.

Here’s a list of the most pressing issues small business owners run into with building their DIY websites.

1. Very inefficient

If you want to make a successful website for your business, you need to pour a significant amount of time and resources into it.

Creating a website is by no means simple: you can learn it yourself, but just like learning any new skill, it takes time, dedication, and plenty of trial and error for you to master website building.

The time you spend learning how to build a website from scratch is time away from your business. Even if you have a reasonably stable operation, that time commitment could have been poured into improving your services for potential clients instead.

Second, you won’t always get the results that you’re expecting. Sure, you can learn to make a website within hours, but if you’re a complete beginner, you may struggle to optimize the website to convert visitors into paid customers.

Even builders like Wix, Squarespace, and WordPress that promise to make website development easy isn’t as straightforward as they seem. They often over-simplify the process to draw customers. It can take weeks to create a polished website, even if you just want a “simple” one.

And unless you already have a background in website development, you will have to undergo a long period of refinement before you get the results you want.

2. Unreliable maintenance

The internet is constantly evolving, and if you want to stay visible and relevant, you and your website need to evolve with it.

For example, Google has just recently conducted the March 2022 update, and often this requires that you modify some aspects of your website’s code in turn.

The problem is that often, these updates aren’t straightforward at all. You need to look at your website’s code, determine what has to be done and execute it.

Besides that, you will need to conduct regular maintenance and make updates as your business evolves to continue to support your business in the way it should.

Whether you want to add a new payment system for your checkouts or just change the layout, upgrading your self-made website’s standardized, out-of-the-box features can quickly become a hassle.

3. May appear unprofessional

Lastly, despite their best efforts, many business owners struggle to match the quality of a professionally designed website. Creating a professional and optimized website requires that you know not just web coding but also graphic design, user interface design, and even user psychology.

Professionals spend years perfecting these skills, and often they will have a team so that they can specialize and still cover all basis. As a result, your small business website may not connect with your target audience as you’d hoped.

Web design/development agencies can be pricey

Because of this, many business owners will immediately turn to development agencies that they find online or are recommended to them.

While we believe that this is a better solution than a DIY website, it has its own disadvantages. The most notable of all these disadvantages is the cost. After all, the price of a professionally designed website can be as much as $20,000.

In addition to the cost, here are some other difficulties in building and maintaining a website through most third-party developers.

  • Customization. You’ll most likely need to pay extra if you want additional features, such as chatbots and payment portals to be added to your website.
  • Lack of ROI. Third-party developers will do what you tell them to, but if you don’t know what you need, it can lead to pouring money into a slick-looking website that doesn’t help your business.
  • Communication. Expressing your small business’ brand will depend on how well you can relay your intent to the developing team and how well they interpret it.

As you can see, while paying third-party website designers is the most common path, it might not be the most efficient option. You can better spend your money on holistic solutions that work with you, such as Broadly web design.

Why you should consider Broadly web design

Broadly web design fills the gap between web design and marketing. Instead of being just another website builder blind to the marketing aspect of your website, Broadly web design considers a more holistic approach to staking your claim on your online presence.

We’ve designed our services to involve close collaboration with your small business.

We specialize in web design and reputation management, so we know the importance of branding and communicating your values. Broadly web design is a long-term solution that will work with you to build and maintain a site guaranteed to improve ROI.

You take care of your improving your services while we take care of your online presence. 

Broadly web design benefits

This section will examine the specific ways that Broadly can benefit your business.

1. Expert technical assistance 

One of the most pressing web design and maintenance problems is the lack of technical support, which could be disastrous for you. We designed our business by closely valuing our clients and providing them the help they need whenever they need it.

2. Worry-free site management

With Broadly web design service, you won’t have to worry about the day-to-day management of your website. We guarantee a painless and seamless experience in the following website management aspects.

3. Professional designer

Besides website maintenance and marketing campaigns, we can also guarantee top-notch web designers who can deliver your website’s exact vision.

We also guarantee that the designs will be refined and remade to our client’s satisfaction. Our services will try to accommodate as many design edits and customizations as possible.

4. Increased functionality

We guarantee that your website will equip you with the information that you need to secure quality ROI.

Our services extend to making integrations, analytics, advanced web apps, custom widgets, and more to ensure cutting-edge functionality that will launch your business to the next level.

5. Communication guarantee

When you work with Broadly, we guarantee that you will always talk to someone about questions, concerns, and issues. We prioritize our customers’ experience, so our support teams and representatives are always ready to listen to you.

Our Success Manager will also ensure that you’re getting your money’s worth with our services. The role of the Success Manager is to frequently touch base and listen to your feedback about the performance of our services to ensure success.

6. Improved performance

We won’t just make a website and then leave. Broadly web design guarantees site performance, so we’ve rolled in SEO, mobile, and site optimization together in our service packages.


Neither DIY nor third-party web design is the best solution for your missing online presence.

While you might save money if you do it yourself, you would likely lose out on the time and effort since you need massive investments to know how to make websites from the ground up. On the other hand, hiring third-party developers can quickly become expensive.

Need a Professional Website For Your Business?

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Introducing the new Broadly dashboard – here’s what it can do for you Mon, 28 Mar 2022 17:48:09 +0000 Here at Broadly, our goal is to help your business…

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Here at Broadly, our goal is to help your business succeed. The best way to accomplish that is by helping you provide exceptional customer service to existing customers to leave positive reviews that will attract new customers. 

We have made some significant improvements to the Broadly Dashboard, our reporting feature that allows you to analyze customer engagement and team performance to understand where you’re doing well and where you need to make improvements. 

How does the Broadly Dashboard help your business?

The Broadly Dashboard makes reputation management easier to grow your business faster. 

  1. The Dashboard offers easy-to-digest data for business owners who struggle with overwhelming reports, so you can spend less time trying to make sense of the numbers and more time taking action to keep your business growing.
  2. Franchise business owners can take an inventory of each of their locations, assessing review growth and team performance over time across locations.
  3. Dashboard data is specific to each feature on the Broadly platform, so you can quickly pinpoint what’s working and what may need a few tweaks.
  4. It removes the guesswork so businesses can adjust their marketing spend and efforts to double down on what’s working.
  5. It establishes a single source of truth for customer engagement insights so you can easily estimate the return on investment (ROI) of using Broadly.

Bottom line: Broadly’s Dashboard was created to provide direct consumer engagement and performance insights for business owners looking for no-nonsense statistics, allowing them to maximize their return on investment as they grow their business. 

Broadly is committed to helping you grow your small business

As a business, performance data is critical to your success. If you don’t know how you’re doing, you can’t grow. If you don’t know where you started, you can’t measure how far you’ve come over time.

Our goal is to eliminate those challenges through the Broadly Dashboard. With it, you’ll get real-time updates, location-specific insights (for all your locations), team performance reports, and a summary of your success with Broadly features in a visual, user-friendly interface. 

We care about our customers and their ability to take care of your customers. We’ve now made it easier for you to manage your data and make more informed decisions about the best tactics to grow your business.

Ready to see the Broadly Dashboard in action? Current customers can view their dashboard here

Transform your local business with revolutionary AI-powered software


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Broadly wins top 100 remote-first companies award 2022🏆 Tue, 22 Feb 2022 21:47:52 +0000 We are very proud and excited to announce that Broadly…

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We are very proud and excited to announce that Broadly has been chosen for BuiltIn’s 100 Best Remote-First Companies to work for in 2022! Our much-loved “Our Time Off” (OTO) perk, which gives all Broadly employees two three-day weekends per month, has helped carve out a unique place for Broadly in today’s remote cultures.
Our team values open, honest feedback that provides for continuous, positive improvement. We love to learn, have fun, and support each other in and outside of our remote “walls”. We’ve built (and keep adjusting to fit this ever-changing world!) a whole-person set of benefits that includes Our Time Off, Flexible PTO, equity, growth opportunities, 100% company covered medical benefits, and much more!
At Broadly, we believe the customer experience is at the heart of every local business; positive encounters lead to more conversations, more referrals, and a more valuable impact on the community. We are proud to be a part of building those opportunities for companies all across the country.
BuiltIn is an online community for national startups and tech companies that shares tech news, promotes events, and helps individuals find jobs in startup spaces. This year, they built their Top 100 list by reviewing salary and benefit information provided by People teams and individual employees from 1,000 remote companies.
Interested in learning more? You can check out our open job opportunities here.

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Jobber professional development day 2022 Tue, 15 Feb 2022 14:04:12 +0000 On Wednesday February 16th, our partner Jobber is hosting their…

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On Wednesday February 16th, our partner Jobber is hosting their Professional Development Day. This is a great opportunity for small business owners to sharpen their leadership skills, and business acumen. Attendees will learn strategies to implement in the different People, Profit, and Process aspects of the business.

Click here to register.

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Now Live – Broadly trainings with institute for automotive business excellence Fri, 11 Dec 2020 19:49:59 +0000 We have partnered with our friends at The Institute for…

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We have partnered with our friends at The Institute for Automotive Business Excellence, for a couple of training sessions to help you with your online reviews strategy. These classes are free and open to everyone. 

The class lineup:

Getting better reviews

You have a lot of satisfied customers – how can you get them to tell everyone, and generate more business for your shop? We’ll show you how to get more reviews, the most important metrics to watch, what they mean to you, and how to use that information to drive and convert more customers to your business. 

Class - Get more reviews

Responding to reviews

Did you know responding to your reviews is just as important as collecting them? Customer reviews are one of the first things prospective customers look at before they choose to give you their business, and they are looking for positive reviews, negative reviews, and how you handle your feedback. We’ll show you how to use this as a tool to generate more business, up level your online presence. We’ll also share the best ways to respond, and give you a checklist to follow so you’ll be responding like a pro.

Class - Responding to reviews

Check them out, and let us know what you think!

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Broadly partner spotlight: Castrol and Bosch complete auto repair Tue, 08 Dec 2020 18:12:56 +0000 When Bosch Car Service and Castrol partnered to bring joint-branded…

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When Bosch Car Service and Castrol partnered to bring joint-branded auto shops to Florida in October 2019, they expected to encounter opportunities and challenges. But what they didn’t anticipate was how integral Broadly would be in solving some of these challenges and helping them build a premium automotive network in the United States.

The pilot program — the first partnership of its kind in the United States from the two leading automotive brands — involved establishing a network of 25 dual-branded workshops across Orlando and Tampa. Castrol’s high-quality lubricants and Bosch’s expertise in auto parts and services were the obvious differentiators in this high-end concept. Additionally, as part of the premium maintenance experience, each shop began adopting modern, digitally enriched software and processes — including Broadly.

Free Guide: How To Overcome Top Challenges For Auto Shop Owners in 2023

At the start of the pilot, the Castrol Bosch team began using Broadly as a high-level tool to measure and evaluate the shops’ online reputations; specifically, they used Broadly’s Dashboard feature to track reviews, star ratings and NPS scores across the pilot’s entire network. But as the months went on and each of the shops started being onboarded to Broadly, it became apparent that its full suite of services — including Reviews, Web Chat, and Inbox — was helping individual shops drive new business and increase revenue.

“Shops absolutely loved the system,” said Emily Eastman, Strategic Partnerships Manager for Bosch, Automotive Aftermarket Division and Project Manager/Bosch representative within the pilot program. “They really liked how the Web Chat feature was so interactive, not to mention successful in converting website visitors into leads and then getting those visitors actually in the door.”

Eastman also said that Broadly’s reviews process, which made collecting positive reviews from happy customers a breeze, proved invaluable to individual shops’ day-to-day operations. Reviews on Google, Facebook, and other third party sites help shops get discovered more easily, build trust with potential customers, and bring in more new business.

And for the Castrol Bosch leadership team, having both a micro view into the shops’ operations contributed to the success of the pilot.

“We’re so used to looking at metrics from a very high level,” Eastman said. “But with Broadly we have the ability to actually zoom in see what customers are saying about their individual experiences in the reviews and make adjustments to improve the service and experience on the ground level.”

Great auto parts and expertise are essential for high quality auto service. But Castrol Bosch also knows that building trust with customers and providing exceptional customer experience is key to success, driving new business and retaining quality customers. And that’s where companies like Broadly, which focuses on helping businesses deliver meaningful customer experiences and build lifelong relationships, can help. Why does this matter? Because providing great customer experiences ensures that quality customers become lifelong customers, and establishing those relationships will help build your business’ legacy.

“Broadly is one of the only parts of the ecosystem we have that is end-customer focused,” Eastman said. “So hearing directly from those customers about their experience [through reviews] and using that feedback to improve upon the experience has been instrumental in proving the concept to and grow this program.”

No matter what happens next with the joint network, Broadly is looking forward to continuing to serve as a collaborative and supportive partner for years to come.

For more information about the joint-branded auto network, visit Castrol and Bosch Complete Auto Repair.

Transform your local business with revolutionary AI-powered software

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Broadly is Neighborly’s vendor of the year! Thu, 03 Dec 2020 19:51:46 +0000 We are so excited to be named Neighborly’s vendor of…

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We are so excited to be named Neighborly’s vendor of the year during the annual Neighborly United celebration this fall. Neighborly is the world’s largest home services franchisor of 27 brands and more than 4,300 franchises serving over 10 million customers.

We have been working with Neighborly as a preferred vendor  for a little over a year so far. We are honored to have an impact on for the Neighborly franchise owners in such a short period of time. Additionally, we were recognized by two of the franchises in the Neighborly family of companies, Mr. Electric and Window Genie, as Vendor of the Year, for helping these franchise owners power customer and revenue growth. 

Luke Stanton, president of ProTradeNet®, Neighborly’s preferred vendor network said:

“Our decision to work with Broadly has been incredibly beneficial to franchise owners, and this franchise-owner-chosen award recognizes that. In just their inaugural year as a preferred vendor, Broadly has done an extraordinary job providing franchise owners with exceptional customer service as well as a streamlined and effective product that helps them grow their business.” 

More from our release:

Neighborly®, the world’s largest home services franchisor of 27 brands, named Broadly its “Vendor of the Year” at its virtual gathering in early October.

Broadly was chosen for this prestigious award by Neighborly franchise owners based on several criteria including its high level of customer service and value to franchise owners. Additionally, Broadly was recognized by two Neighborly franchise brands, Mr. Electric® and Window Genie®, as the brand’s Vendor of the Year.

“Our entire team at Broadly is honored and proud to receive these awards,” said Mindy Lauck, CEO of Broadly. “We’re very excited about continuing to support Neighborly’s amazing portfolio of brands and growing together.”

Since launching in 2014, Broadly has helped thousands of franchise owners across the United States grow successful businesses through a variety of high impact features — including NPS scores, Text Messaging, and Automated Review Requests — all aimed at increasing revenue and efficiency while delivering meaningful customer experiences.

“Broadly and Neighborly share a common goal: interacting with customers in a way that consistently exceeds their expectations,” said Chris DeIanni, Head of Business Development at Broadly. “We’re proud to offer franchise owners solutions to improve customer experience, while growing their reviews and building a strong online reputation.”

Check out our full press release on PRNewswire.

Transform your local business with revolutionary AI-powered software

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