Broadly How To Archives - Broadly Thu, 18 Jul 2024 15:21:52 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Broadly How To Archives - Broadly 32 32 How to Get Started in Automation for Small Business (and Why) Thu, 11 Jul 2024 08:55:48 +0000 Let’s face it: running a small business is tough. You’re…

The post How to Get Started in Automation for Small Business (and Why) appeared first on Broadly.

Let’s face it: running a small business is tough. You’re juggling a million tasks, from marketing and sales to customer service and bookkeeping. But what if you could automate some of those repetitive, time-consuming tasks? Introducing automation for small business!

That’s right, automation isn’t just for big corporations anymore. It’s becoming a game-changer for small businesses too, helping you boost efficiency, cut costs, and enhance the customer experience. Let’s check it out:

Why Automate as a Small Business?

Increased Efficiency

Think about all the repetitive tasks you do every day, like responding to the same customer inquiries or sending follow-up emails. Automation for small businesses can handle these tasks for you, freeing up your time for more important things. For example, with email and text campaigns, you can send welcome emails to new customers as soon as they sign up, saving you from having to do it manually. 

Cost Savings

Automation reduces the need for manual labor, which means you can save on wages and minimize errors that could cost you money. For instance, an automated invoicing system can ensure bills are sent out on time and track payments without you lifting a finger.

Improved Customer Experience

Customers expect quick responses and consistent service. Automation helps you meet these expectations by handling tasks like automated appointment reminders or customer service inquiries swiftly. Imagine a chatbot on your website that answers customer questions 24/7—your customers get immediate answers, and you can get more sleep!

Areas to Automate in a Small Business

To boost efficiency and get more done, small businesses can benefit greatly from automating more stuff. Using tech tools to streamline processes, minimize errors, and free up time for important work is key. In this section, we’ll look at the main areas where small businesses can automate to better grow and succeed.

1. Lead Capture and Marketing Automation

Automating Lead Generation

Use tools like chatbots on your website to capture leads even when you’re not there. Social media automation tools are also great because they can schedule posts and engage with followers, keeping your online presence active.

Lead Nurturing and Follow-up

Automated text campaigns and follow-ups keep potential customers engaged. Set up a series of texts or emails that go out over time to keep your business top of mind.

Also see: Learn the essentials of sending automated text messages in this handy guide.

Setting Up Automated Email Campaigns

Platforms like Mailchimp or our Campaign Builder allow you to create and schedule texts and emails tailored to different segments of your audience. For instance, you could send a special discount to new subscribers as soon as they sign up using automation triggers.

Pro Tip: Have the creativity of a rock? We get it. When you are juggling a million things at once, who has the time to be creative? Look for an automated email campaign platform that also supports AI to ensure you can write engaging, on-brand messages fast. 

Here’s an example of what ours is like so you can gauge what to be on the lookout for:

automation for small business campaigns broadly

2. Sales and Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

Automating Sales Processes

Tools like Salesforce and Yesware can score leads, assign tasks to your sales team, and schedule follow-up emails automatically.

CRM Automation Capabilities

Choose a CRM that integrates with your other tools. Look for one that can connect with your email marketing platform, allowing for more seamless data sharing and automation functionality.

Automating Customer Data Management

Keep your customer data organized and updated without manual entry. Automated systems can sort and segment your contacts based on their interactions with your business. 

3. Customer Service and Support

Automating Common Customer Service Tasks

You don’t have time for buggy tools that barely work. Implement intelligent chatbots that can answer FAQs, book appointments, or even process simple orders.

Automated Support Ticketing

Use systems like Zendesk or Broadly’s multi-channel inbox to route customer inquiries to the right team member. This ensures no request is overlooked and speeds up response times.

Customer Feedback Collection

Tools like SurveyMonkey can automatically send out surveys after a purchase or service interaction, enabling you to gather valuable feedback with a lot less hands-on work.

4. Operations and Project Management

Automating Project Planning

Platforms like Trello or Asana can assign tasks, track progress, and send reminders without manual intervention.

Invoicing and Billing

QuickBooks and Xero can automatically generate and send invoices, track payments, and even remind clients about due payments.

Inventory Management

Tools like TradeGecko can track your inventory levels, reorder products when stock is low, and manage order fulfillment automatically.

5. Human Resources and Employee Management

Employee Onboarding and Training

Automate onboarding with tools like BambooHR, which can send out training materials and collect necessary documents from new hires.

Payroll and Time Tracking

Gusto or ADP can handle payroll, track employee hours, and manage expenses automatically.

Employee Communication

Platforms like Slack, Google Chat, and Broadly’s Team Inbox can automate routine communications, ensuring everyone stays in the loop. 

automation small business: Broadly Inbox

Also see: Discover how automating Google reviews can streamline your online reputation management effortlessly.

6. Office and Administrative Tasks

Calendar Management

Tools like CalendarHero can help you manage your schedule, allowing clients to book appointments based on your availability. 

Document Management

Google Drive or Dropbox can manage and update documents automatically, ensuring everyone has access to the latest versions.

Data Entry and Backups

Zapier can automate data entry tasks by connecting different apps and transferring information between them. It can also handle regular backups to keep your data safe.

How to Get Started with Automation for Small Business

Looking to make your small business run smoother and save time? Automation can be a real game-changer. In this section, we’ll dive into the basics of getting started with automation for small businesses so you can boost productivity and efficiency.

Step 1: Identify Processes to Automate

List out all the tasks you and your team do regularly. Identify repetitive, time-consuming tasks that could benefit from automation. For example, if you spend a lot of time scheduling appointments, an automated scheduling tool could be a game-changer.

Step 2: Choose the Right Tools

Research automation tools that fit your needs and budget. Consider factors like ease of use, integration with your existing systems, and customer support. Platforms like Broadly offer a range of tools designed specifically for small business automation.

Pro Tip: Your time is valuable and often in short supply. Sometimes, it’s a good call to lean on an automation expert to streamline your small business operations and gather customer reviews effortlessly. That’s why Broadly’s review automation tools are worth a look. 

With easy integration and excellent customer support, Broadly offers a range of solutions designed to fit your needs. Take a step towards efficiency and effectiveness by exploring what Broadly has to offer. 

automation for small business automate review requests broadly

Step 3: Implement and Manage Workflows

Set up your chosen tools and test them to ensure they work as expected. Start with one or two processes and expand as you and your team become more comfortable with automation.

Step 4: Train Employees

Make sure your team understands how to use the new systems. Provide training sessions and resources to help them adapt to the changes. The smoother the transition, the more successful your automation efforts will be.

Also see: Check out how to automate email processes for enhanced productivity and customer engagement.

Step 5: Monitor and Optimize

Regularly review the performance of your automated systems. Gather feedback from your team and customers to identify areas for improvement. Automation is not a set-it-and-forget-it solution; it requires ongoing attention to maximize its benefits.

By following these steps, you can effectively integrate automation into your small business, enhancing efficiency and enabling you to focus on growth and strategic initiatives.

Calm the Chaos with Broadly Automation

By embracing automation for small businesses, you can unlock some major benefits, from increased efficiency and cost savings to improved customer experiences. Start your automation journey today and transform your business operations for the better.

Transform your local business with revolutionary AI-powered software


The post How to Get Started in Automation for Small Business (and Why) appeared first on Broadly.

Streamline Your Marketing with Social Media Scheduling Tools Thu, 27 Jun 2024 19:28:36 +0000 When it comes to staying relevant in your local community, maintaining…

The post Streamline Your Marketing with Social Media Scheduling Tools appeared first on Broadly.

When it comes to staying relevant in your local community, maintaining a strong social media presence is your best bet for success. Social media can do a world of good, like:

  • Drive engagement
  • Attract new customers
  • Boost sales

However, keeping up with regular posting can feel impossible, especially when you’re juggling all the big responsibilities that come with being a local business owner. This is where social media scheduling tools can be very handy to you. 

You see, they help make creating, scheduling, and posting content a heck of a lot easier, ensuring your business always has a consistent online presence that is guaranteed to turn heads. 

Intrigued? Well, let’s dive in.

Why Social Media Scheduling Tools are Essential for Local Businesses

Keeping up with social media can feel like a full-time job in itself, especially when you’re also trying to keep your small business above water. But don’t worry—social media scheduling tools are here to make your life easier! Here’s why they’re a must-have:

Saves Time

Who has time to post every day? You sure don’t. With social media scheduling tools, you can plan your posts well in advance.  For example, a local bakery can schedule posts about their daily specials a week ahead, allowing them to focus more of their time on baking enough bread to satisfy the lunch rush.

Maintains Consistency

Consistency is key to keeping your audience engaged. Even when you’re super busy, scheduled posts ensure your brand stays active online. For instance, a fitness studio can maintain a regular posting schedule, sharing workout tips on TikTok and class schedules on Facebook even when the staff is busy with clients.

Do you know how often your business should post on social media? According to Hootsuite, you should be posting this often on these popular platforms:

  • Instagram: 3 and 5 times per week.
  • Instagram Stories: 2 times per day.
  • Facebook: 1 to 2 times per day.
  • X (Twitter): 2 and 3 times per day.
  • LinkedIn: 1 to 2 times per day.
  • Threads: 2 to 3 times per day.
  • TikTok: 3 and 5 times per week.
  • Google Business Profile: 1 time per week.

Optimizes Timing

Timing can make a big difference. Social media scheduling tools let you post when your audience is most likely to engage. For example, a restaurant might find that posts about lunch specials get the most engagement when scheduled at 11 AM, just before folks start thinking about lunch. In this case, perfect timing equals more hungry customers entering their door!

Benefits of Using Social Media Scheduling Tools

Running a local business is no small feat, and keeping up with social media can often feel like a balancing act. That’s where social media scheduling tools come in—they’re like your trusty sidekick, making your life easier and your business more efficient. 

Whether you’re scheduling posts months in advance, optimizing your reach across multiple platforms, or diving into detailed analytics, these tools have got you covered. Let’s dive into how these tools can up your social media game.


Social media scheduling tools help you to schedule your posts days, weeks, or even months in advance. This frees up your time to focus on other aspects of your business. A clothing boutique for example can plan and schedule posts for an entire season, showcasing new arrivals and promotions without having to interact with the software for months. Just set it and forget it.

Several of these tools also offer AI functionality—like Broadly’s Social Media Manager! This means when you are tapped out of ideas, you have a little helper ready to swoop in and lend a hand, sparing you and your team from creative burnout. 

social media scheduling tools: efficiency

Reach Optimization

Social media scheduling tools ensure your posts reach the largest audience possible. You can use these tools to cross-promote content across different social media platforms through one simple social media automation

Do you have multiple locations? With Broadly, you also can post content to all (or some) of your locations simultaneously, saving you the hassle of copy and pasting the same thing over and over again. Here’s a sneak peek of what that looks like:

social media scheduling tools: reach optimization


Likes and comments are cool and all, but how are your social marketing efforts really doing? Social media scheduling tools can show you. They help you better track the performance of your posts so you can adjust your strategy based on detailed analytics and insights. For example, a local coffee shop can analyze which posts about new menu items get the most overall engagement and tailor future posts to highlight the most popular items.

Speaking of comments, are you struggling to keep up with the things your customers are saying about you? The cool thing about social media scheduling tools are their ability to actively listen out for and gather all the comments you receive in one place. That way, you can respond to questions and nice (or not-so-nice) feedback quickly.

With Broadly, you also have the option to generate a response with AI, so you can send consistent, professional, and on-brand responses in just a few clicks. Here’s what it looks like:

social media scheduling tools: analytics

Key Features to Look for in a Social Media Scheduling Tool

Not all social media scheduling tools are created equal. Here are some main features you should be on the lookout for:

User-Friendly Interface

Would you use a platform that is more trouble than it’s worth? Of course not! That’s why you need to choose a tool that is easy to use, even for the team members who are not tech-savvy. 

A great place to start is by looking for drag-and-drop features, simple navigation menus, and crystal-clear instructions and resource guides.

Multi-Platform Support

This is especially useful for businesses with a presence on multiple platforms like Facebook, Instagram, X, and LinkedIn. 

Content Calendar

Are you a visually oriented person? Then a social media scheduling tool with a content calendar might be advantageous for you. 

A visual content calendar helps you see all your scheduled posts at a glance, making it easier to plan and coordinate your content. For example, at Broadly, we offer a content calendar with drag-and-drop adjustment features that help businesses like yours stay organized and make tweaks easily.

Analytics and Reporting

Look for tools that provide detailed analytics on metrics such as: 

  • Likes
  • Shares
  • Comments
  • Engagement rates

This data helps you understand what content best vibes with your audience. As well, you should look for social media scheduling tools that compare and contrast data across all your locations, and carry the option to export your analytics data in easy-to-use formats like Excel spreadsheets.


There is nothing more frustrating than when platforms refuse to talk to each other. So, ensure the social media scheduling tool you choose is compatible with other tools and platforms you already use. 

Need a subscription diet? We get you. Did you know that some social media scheduling tools are more than meets the eye? For instance, Broadly’s platform offers more than just scheduling; it also offers review management, inbox communication, webchat lead generation, local SEO technology, and automated email/SMS campaigns.

How to Choose the Right Social Media Scheduling Tool for Your Business

You don’t need all the bells and whistles to run a stellar social media campaign. Here’s some strategies to help you find the best bang for your buck:

Assess Your Needs

Determine the specific features you need versus what would be “nice to have” based on your business goals. For example, if you need detailed analytics to track your posts’ performance, look for a tool that offers comprehensive reporting. 

How do I assess my needs? If you are having a difficult time determining what you need versus what you can live without, try writing down a list of features you need, and then ranking them from most important to least. 

If a social media scheduling tool does not include the things near the top of your list, it’s best to just walk away.

Budget Considerations

Evaluate free versus paid options to find a tool that fits your budget. Many scheduling tools offer tiered pricing plans, so choose one that provides the features you identified as important to you, at a price you can afford.

Ease of Use

Choose a tool that matches your skills. Exactly, why would you put yourself through a ton of headache when you don’t have to? We recommend looking for options that offer tutorials, customer support, and a user-friendly interface to ensure you can use them effectively.

Customer Support

Social media scheduling tools are run by people, not specters, so why put up with being ghosted? 

Ensure the tool you choose offers reliable customer support to assist you when you need it most. Good customer support can help you troubleshoot issues quickly, minimizing disruptions to your social media strategy.

And remember, this does not have to be just a customer support number, we’re talking about: 

  • Resource articles
  • Forums
  • Blogs
  • Video tutorials
  • AI webchats

Top Social Media Scheduling Tools for Local Businesses

Our editors did the hard work for you and gathered a list of some of the top social media scheduling tools out there. Check them out:

Sprout Social

Known for its robust analytics and reporting features, Sprout Social helps you understand your audience better. It also offers a user-friendly interface and multi-platform support.


A popular choice for its simplicity and ease of use, Buffer offers a straightforward way to schedule posts. It’s great for businesses looking for a no-frills, efficient scheduling tool.


With comprehensive multi-platform support, Hootsuite allows you to manage your social media accounts from one place. It also provides detailed analytics and a content calendar.

Post Planner

This tool helps you find and schedule high-quality content that engages your audience. It’s perfect for businesses looking to mix curated content with their own posts.

Broadly’s Social Media Manager

Broadly allows businesses to manage their social media accounts, use AI to create, schedule, and post content, and respond directly to customer comments. Designed with small businesses in mind, this tool helps you streamline your social media marketing efforts and improve engagement.

Learn more here: What is social media management?

Tips for Effective Social Media Scheduling

Plan Ahead

Create a content calendar to organize your posts for upcoming weeks or months. This helps maintain consistency and ensures you always have something to post. For example, a local bookstore can plan posts around upcoming author events, book releases, and reading tips.

Mix Content Types

Balance promotional posts with engaging and informative content to keep your audience interested. A local gym, for example, can mix posts about membership deals with workout tips, healthy recipes, and member success stories.

Monitor and Adjust

Nothing is perfect, and trends change quickly. That’s why you need to regularly review analytics to see what works and what doesn’t. Adjust your strategy based on these insights to improve engagement. For example, if videos about new products receive more engagement than other types of posts, consider increasing the frequency of video content you produce.

Engage with Your Audience

It never hurts to respond to comments and messages. It helps to foster a sense of community and build a stronger reputation with your followers. For instance, a local café can reply to customer comments about their favorite drinks or thank them for their visits, creating a more personal connection.

How Broadly Can Help

By using social media scheduling tools, you can ensure a consistent, engaging online presence that helps build and maintain strong relationships with your valued customers. Broadly is here to support you every step of the way with our powerful and easy-to-use tools.

Broadly’s solutions are designed to exclusively help local businesses attract, convert, and engage customers. Our Social Media Manager feature offers a comprehensive platform to manage all your social media accounts, create and schedule posts, and engage with your audience. With exciting new AI-enhanced capabilities, you can ensure your content is always top-notch and your posts are timed for maximum impact.

“The results have been great. [Broadly] has driven a lot of reviews for Google, Facebook, and Nextdoor, and it has brought more and more customers every single year.” —James, Auto Care

Ready to streamline your social media marketing and engage your audience like never before? Sign up for a free demo of Broadly’s services today and see how our tools can help your business grow.

Transform your local business with revolutionary AI-powered software

The post Streamline Your Marketing with Social Media Scheduling Tools appeared first on Broadly.

How to Manage a Google Places Listing for a Service Area Business Thu, 07 Mar 2024 14:15:58 +0000 Google Business Profile, or GBP (formerly known as Google My…

The post How to Manage a Google Places Listing for a Service Area Business appeared first on Broadly.

Google Business Profile, or GBP (formerly known as Google My Business or GMB) is an invaluable tool to help local businesses grow. A Google Business Profile allows a business to have a listing on Google Places, or more commonly known as Google Maps. A startup or small business can create and manage a Google Places listing to improve its online visibility. By appearing in local search results and on Google Maps, you streamline the process of attracting new customers. 

In addition, a business owner can collect feedback from customer reviews and star ratings after setting up a Google Business Profile. Any entrepreneur, whether they operate a service business or retail store, can benefit from having a Google Places listing.

Free Guide: How To Optimize Your Google Business Profile

What’s a Service Area Business?

While traditional businesses may provide services or retail products at a physical location or storefront, a service area business directly provides deliveries or services for the customers. Some examples of service area businesses include HVAC contractors, locksmiths, plumbers, and landscapers who must go on-site to serve their clientele. 

Before deciding to do business with a company, potential customers should be aware of the company’s service area, which is the geographic location—often a zone or metropolitan area—where the business sells its products or services.

When creating a Google Places listing, a service area business can set up only one profile for the metro in which they operate or provide services.

How to Set up Google My Business for a Service Area Business

A service area business may not sell its products or services from a physical address, but it can still benefit from managing a profile on Google Business Profile. A GBP account improves search engine optimization (SEO), specifically local SEO, so potential customers can find relevant companies through a Google search.

Plus, owners can update business hours and key company details like their phone number or business category. The process of creating a Google Business Profile listing involves three simple steps:

Step 1: Claim Your Business on Google

Navigate to Google Business Profile, then click on “Manage Now.” A search box should appear, prompting you to enter your business name. If your company does not already have a Google Business Profile account, you should see an option to add a listing.

Step 2: Verify Your Business

Google aims to confirm the rightful business owner of a GBP listing to prevent fraudulent updates to a business profile. Though the verification process may sometimes take place through email, a phone call, or SMS, Google requires many local businesses to verify their listing via traditional snail mail.

In the latter case, Google mails you a postcard with a unique verification code, usually within 14 days. After you enter the code onto your Google Business Profile setup page, then verification is complete.

Step 3: Review Your Business Information

After verifying your listing, review your company details and contact information for accuracy. This includes your business address and phone number. These updates can take a few weeks to show up in Google’s search engine and Google Maps. 

How to Manage a Google Places Service Area Listing

Google Business Profile features an easy-to-use dashboard so a business owner can easily change or update information relative to their company, such as a business location or physical address. There is even a dedicated section on Google Business Profile for service area information.

How Do I Add, Remove, or Edit a Service Area in Google My Business?

Step 1: Open your Google Business Profile

Click on your profile Account Circle, located in the top right, then open “Your Business Profile.”

Step 2: Navigate to “Location and areas”

Choose “Edit Profile,” then go to “Business Information” to find “Location and areas.”

Step 3: Select “Edit”

Under “Location and areas,” next to “Service area,” click on Edit, which should look like a pencil icon.

Step 4: Choose or remove service areas

From here, you can either delete service areas outside the scope of your business, choose from suggested service areas, or input a new service area.

Step 5: Click on “Save”

Save your changes to update your Google Business Profile listing. It may take a few days for your edits to publish to Google Maps and other Google products, including its search engine.

How Many Service Areas Can You Add to Google Business Profile?

A service area business may serve more than one particular metro or zone. On your GBP listing, you can add up to 20 service areas determined by the zip codes, cities, or other areas in which you do business. 

A Guide to Optimizing Google Business Profile for a Service Area Business

Small business owners providing a local service will want to optimize their listing on Google Business Profile to increase their chances of appearing in a Google search. From collecting positive reviews from customers to choosing relevant categories containing keywords, a service area business can improve its digital marketing strategy and local SEO to reach new clientele. 

Step 1: Choose the Best Primary and Secondary Categories

Let potential customers know exactly what your service area business offers by choosing descriptive categories. A primary category is specific, describing your business in its entirety. 

For example, if you are a landscaper, your primary category should describe precisely what you do, so you may choose from “Landscape Lighting Designer,” “Rock Landscaping Contractor” or another option. 

If your niche isn’t available as a primary category, it may help to default to a general option like “Landscape Designer.” Your secondary category or categories can be broader than your primary, such as “Landscaper.” At this time, it is not possible to add new categories. 

Step 2: Add Services to Your Business Profile

To add services to your Business Profile, simply click “Edit services” when viewing your Business Profile in Google Search (click “Edit profile” and then “services” when viewing in Google Maps). From there, you can select the service you want to edit, or add a new service simply by selecting “Add more services.” Don’t forget to click “Save” once you have done so.

Step 3: Add Images or Videos to Your Listing

Pictures or videos can serve as a portfolio or simply show the types of services and products you are selling or have sold. These visuals give prospective clients an idea of what you offer as a service area business. 

A landscaping business owner, for example, may upload images of landscaping designs they have created for past customers.

Step 4: Use Local Customer Reviews to Gain More Online Visibility

Not only can Google reviews help customers find your business when they conduct a local search, but the feedback allows you to provide an exceptional customer experience. 

One of the perks of managing your Google Business Profile is the ability to respond to customer reviews. You can thank happy customers for their patronage and respond to negative reviews to resolve any issues. In addition, online reviews help with local SEO so your business can rank higher in a Google search.


Step 5: Create Posts for Google Business Profile

Use your GBP to publish offers, events, products, and services directly to Google Search and Maps. This can be done through the Business Profile Manager with ease. Be careful to refrain from posting a phone number in the posting, as it will likely be rejected.

Step 6: Create Local Business Links to Simplify the Conversion Process

On a Google Business Profile listing, add a link to your company’s website so searchers can seamlessly browse your services and products or schedule an appointment.

Use Social Media Marketing to Cultivate a Community

Engage with your customer base and expand your online presence by creating and managing accounts on different social media platforms. 

Small businesses and larger enterprises take advantage of popular platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Yelp, LinkedIn, and Twitter to build their community, spread brand awareness, and post about new products and services, as well as promotions and special sales.

Market Your Business with Broadly

Streamline how you manage your company’s customer experience and online reputation with Broadly’s review management software. Monitor and respond to online reviews from different listings and platforms, including your Google Business Profile, using a single intuitive tool.

Transform your local business with revolutionary AI-powered software


This article was updated on March 7, 2024.

The post How to Manage a Google Places Listing for a Service Area Business appeared first on Broadly.

How to Remove Spam Reviews from a Facebook Page Thu, 22 Feb 2024 22:48:28 +0000 Welcome, business owners, to the domain of the good, the…

The post How to Remove Spam Reviews from a Facebook Page appeared first on Broadly.

Welcome, business owners, to the domain of the good, the bad, and the downright spammy: online reviews!

Online reviews serve as modern-day word-of-mouth, influencing potential customers and shaping perceptions of your business. A well-crafted online presence, especially on platforms like Facebook, can build credibility and attract new clientele, but a spammy review can cast a negative shadow on your business. So how do you remove spam reviews from a Facebook page?

A potential customer landing on your Facebook page only to be met with a string of suspicious and generic reviews is going to have a bad first impression of your business, so getting rid of spam reviews is something all business owners should know how to do. Spam reviews can drive away customers and erode the trust painstakingly built with your audience, which makes managing online reviews, identifying spam reviews, and taking decisive action to protect your business’s online reputation that much more important.

But that’s where we come in! Read on to learn how to handle these digital nuisances with ease.

Generate 5-star Facebook reviews for your business automatically

Identifying Spam Reviews

Now that we’ve covered the why, let’s move on to the how. Here are some things to look for to help you spot those pesky spam reviews:

Generic or Irrelevant Content

Authentic reviews are usually specific about the product or service they are reviewing. Be wary of comments that appear generic, providing no clear details about the customer’s experience with your business. Genuine reviews often mention the particulars, expressing satisfaction or concerns related to the unique offerings of your business.

Similar Wording or Phrases

Pay close attention to the language used in reviews. If you notice a pattern where multiple reviews share strikingly similar wording or phrases, it could indicate a coordinated effort to manipulate your business’s online reputation. Authentic reviews reflect the diverse perspectives of different customers, each expressing their own unique experiences. Similar language across multiple reviews may be a sign something is fishy.

Lack of Specific Details

Authentic reviews provide details about the customer’s interactions with your business. Look out for reviews that lack specific information, such as the product or service purchased, the date of the experience, or any standout features. Genuine customers typically share specific anecdotes, helping future customers understand the context of their feedback. Vague or generic reviews may be an attempt to camouflage spam.

Sudden Influx from New or Inactive Accounts

Keep an eye on the activity of accounts leaving reviews. If you notice a sudden surge of reviews from new or previously inactive accounts, it’s time to be suspicious. Spam tactics often involve creating multiple accounts to flood review sections with fake feedback. A rapid influx of reviews from unfamiliar profiles could be a sign that your business is being targeted.

Profiles with Limited Information or No Pictures

Genuine customers are more likely to have complete profiles with pictures and detailed information. If you come across reviews from profiles with limited or no information, it’s worth investigating further. Mysterious profiles lacking personal details or pictures may be a front for spammy activities. A legitimate customer is usually more transparent about their identity when sharing their experiences.

Reviews with Links or Promotional Content

Authentic reviews focus on sharing personal experiences rather than promoting external content. If you encounter reviews that include links or promotional content, that’s a big red flag. This behavior is a common tactic employed by spammers attempting to redirect traffic or engage in promotional activities. Legitimate reviews center around the customer’s experience, not external links or unrelated content.

Steps to Remove Spam Reviews on Facebook

So you’ve spotted a spam review. Now what? Luckily, the steps to declutter your Facebook page are quite easy. Follow these simple steps:

1. Go to your Facebook page and find the Reviews section.

2. Locate the spam review you want to remove.

3. Click on the three dots next to the review for the menu.

4. Select “Find support or report recommendation.”

5. Choose the “False information” category and follow the prompts.

6. Repeat for any other spam reviews.

Regularly monitor your Reviews section to tackle spam promptly. Considering how easy it is to remove reviews, it’s best to be on top of it; the longer spam reviews stay on your page, the worse of an effect they create.

Preventing Future Spam Reviews

Stay one step ahead with these proactive measures:

Engage with Legitimate Reviews Regularly

Interacting with your customers through review responses is a powerful way to showcase your commitment to customer satisfaction. Responding to positive reviews and negative reviews demonstrates that you value customer feedback. Engaging in a genuine and constructive manner not only fosters a positive online community but also reassures potential customers that their opinions are being heard.

Encourage Satisfied Customers to Leave Positive Reviews

Your satisfied customers can be your biggest advocates. Actively encourage them to share their positive experiences by leaving reviews. This boosts your overall rating and also helps drown out any potential spam. Satisfied customers often have authentic and heartfelt testimonials, making their reviews a valuable asset in maintaining a positive online reputation.

Tip: How to Get the Best Facebook Page Reviews with Examples

Set up Strong Privacy and Security Settings

Protecting your Facebook page prevents unwanted spam and maintains a secure online environment. Ensure that your privacy and security settings are configured to the highest standards. This includes managing who can post on your page, controlling visibility settings, and implementing additional security features provided by Facebook. A well-secured page is less susceptible to malicious activity.

Educate Your Audience on Proper Review Use

Transparency is key to fostering a genuine review environment. Communicate the intended purpose of reviews on your Facebook page and encourage customers to share honest feedback. Educate your audience on the proper use of reviews and how they can report any issues they encounter. When customers are well-informed, they are more likely to report spam and contribute to the authenticity of your review section.

Tip: How to Request a Review on Facebook

Implement Filters or Moderation Tools

Many platforms, including Facebook, offer tools to filter and moderate reviews. Take advantage of these features to automatically screen for potential spam. Set up filters based on specific criteria, such as language patterns or suspicious account behavior. This proactive approach can save you a lot of time skimming, all while maintaining the quality of your review section by preventing spam from being published in the first place.

Clearly Communicate Your Brand’s Review Policies

Clearly outlining your brand’s review policies can serve as a deterrent to potential spammers. Communicate what is considered acceptable behavior in your review section, and make it clear that any form of manipulation or spam will not be tolerated. Creating a transparent environment with well-defined guidelines sets the tone for authentic interactions and discourages individuals from engaging in deceptive practices.

Stay Vigilant and Report Suspicious Activity

The key to a healthy online environment is vigilance. Regularly monitor your reviews to detect any irregular patterns or suspicious activities. If you come across reviews that raise concerns, don’t hesitate to report them to Facebook for further investigation. Proactively addressing potential issues makes sure that your online reputation remains credible and trustworthy.

In Conclusion

The impact of spam reviews on your business is not to be underestimated. But fear not! By staying vigilant, identifying and removing spam, and implementing preventive measures, you can navigate the online review landscape with confidence. And for those looking for extra help, Broadly has solutions to help manage reviews and encourage positive customer engagement. Contact us today for a free demo!

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How to Disable Facebook Reviews Thu, 18 Jan 2024 21:04:25 +0000 Online reviews are a key factor in shaping the reputation…

The post How to Disable Facebook Reviews appeared first on Broadly.

Online reviews are a key factor in shaping the reputation of businesses. Among the different platforms, Facebook reviews and recommendations are particularly important, making it vital for businesses to manage them effectively. In this article, we will explain how to disable Facebook reviews as a last resort and explore alternative approaches to handling negative feedback.

Generate 5-star Facebook reviews for your business automatically

When and How to Disable Facebook Reviews

Identifying Situations for Disabling Reviews

There are instances when disabling Facebook reviews becomes a strategic move. Situations such as a PR crisis leading to an influx of negative reviews or a sudden surge in spammy feedback may warrant considering this option. If negative reviews are significantly impacting your business’s reputation, it might be time to explore the disabling process.

Step-by-Step Guide to Disable Facebook Reviews

Step 1: Access Your Facebook Business Page

Navigate to your Facebook business Page and log in.

Step 2: Access Settings

Click on Settings situated on the left-hand side of your screen.

Step 3: Navigate to Privacy Settings

In the Settings menu, select Privacy on the left.

Step 4: Choose “Page and Tagging” Options

Within the Privacy settings, click on Page and Tagging.

Step 5: Disable Reviews

Find the option that says “Allow others to view and leave reviews on your Page?” and switch the slider from right to left, turning it from blue to gray.

Considerations Before Disabling Reviews

Before taking this step, it’s important to weigh the potential consequences. Yes, disabling reviews could protect you against an influx of spam or negative reviews from bad PR, but it could also limit genuine feedback and even affect your business’s overall credibility. Consider some alternative approaches to negative reviews before deciding to disable the feature.

Alternative Approaches to Negative Reviews

When someone leaves a bad review, it can be tempting to disable the reviews altogether. But before you do that, consider other ways to handle it. 

Try encouraging happy customers to talk about their positive experiences to drown out negative reviews, or even use the feedback from those not-so-happy customers to make some improvements. By doing this, you can deal with negative feedback and still show off your business’s strengths. In a way, it’s a lot like killing two birds with one stone.

Proactive Reputation Management Tips

Managing your reputation online is important for businesses today. To do it proactively, it’s a good idea to encourage happy customers to leave positive reviews. This can really help sway the public’s opinion of your business. 

Last but not least, we want to touch on other social media platforms. Facebook is all fine and good, but don’t forget to utilize other relevant social media platforms to promote your brand and interact with your followers. 

The Broadly Difference: Elevating Your Review Management

Take your review management to the next level with Broadly’s comprehensive software designed for small businesses. Our platform goes beyond simple review collection, offering features that set us apart from the competition. With Broadly, you can effortlessly encourage positive reviews, address negative feedback, and manage your online reputation seamlessly.

Key Features and Benefits

     ✔ Simplify Review Collection: Streamline the review collection process and encourage satisfied customers to leave positive feedback.

     ✔ Address Negative Feedback: Effectively manage negative reviews with personalized responses and solutions.

     ✔ Boost Online Reputation: Elevate your online presence and build trust with potential customers.

Unlock Your Potential with Broadly

See the difference Broadly can make for your business in just 30 days. Take control, engage with your customers, and let Broadly supercharge your review management strategy.


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How to Claim a Business Page on Facebook Thu, 21 Dec 2023 18:50:42 +0000 Big or small, having a strong online presence is important…

The post How to Claim a Business Page on Facebook appeared first on Broadly.

Big or small, having a strong online presence is important for any business, especially on social media heavyweights like Facebook. We can’t emphasize this enough, Facebook, with over 3 billion monthly active users, is the most influential platform in town and plays a key role in shaping your business’s image (Statista).

In this guide, we’ll walk you through how to claim a business page on Facebook like a pro, whether you’re choosing to start from scratch or trying to revamp an existing page.

Generate 5-star Facebook reviews for your business automatically

How to Create a Facebook Business Page with a Personal Facebook Account

Step 1: Access your Personal Facebook Account

Log in to your personal Facebook account.

Step 2: Navigate to the Create Button

In the top-right corner, click on the Create button (represented by an icon with 9 small dots).

Step 3: Choose “Page” from the Pop-up Menu

Select the Page option from the pop-up menu or use the direct link: Create A Facebook Page.

Step 4: Complete Page Setup

Input your page name, category, and description. From there, you can preview how your page will appear on desktop and mobile. Once you are happy with how things look, click Create Page to complete the setup.

For more in-depth guidance on best practices for creating and filling out a new Facebook business page, check out our guide on How to Create a Facebook Business Page.

How to Claim an Existing Facebook Business Page With a Personal Facebook Account

Claiming an existing page can be challenging, especially with the removal of the “Is this your business?” option. However, not all hope is lost. Let’s look at some strategies you can try.

Contact the Administrator

If the page is claimed and has an administrator, reach out directly to them. Ask them to follow the steps outlined here to remove the page from their Facebook account and grant ownership to you.

Unable to Contact Admin? Prove Ownership

Hearing crickets from the administrator? Another way you can gain control of the business page is by gathering proof of business ownership to validate your claims through Facebook Business Manager. This would include showing required documentation, such as:

  • A valid Government ID matching the name of a page admin.
  • Signed statements from the organization, including specific details like:
    • Clarification of your association with the page
    • Identification of the current page manager(s) by name.
    • Indication of the relationship between you and the page.
    • Elaboration on the nature of your request.
    • Identification of the Business Manager who owns the page.
    • A statement saying that the requester is unaware of any administrators and can’t contact them.
    • Confirmation of the accuracy and truthfulness of the provided information.
    • Any other documents supporting the request, such as screenshots or videos.

How to Claim a Facebook Business Page Through Facebook Business Manager

Step 1: Access Business Settings

Navigate to Facebook Business Manager settings by selecting the gear icon next to your business account name. 

how to claim a business page on Facebook step 1

Step 2: Select Business Assets

Within the “Accounts” tab, choose “Business Assets” to view all Facebook pages you manage.

how to claim a business page on Facebook step 2

Step 3: Claim an Existing Facebook Page

Click Add Assets.

how to claim a business page on Facebook step 3

From there, choose the Facebook Page option.

how to claim a business page on Facebook step 4

Then choose the Claim an existing Facebook Page option.

how to claim a business page on Facebook step 5

Step 4: Complete the Claim Process

Provide the name or URL of the Facebook Page and click Add Page to finalize the claim process.

If the page is already claimed, you can opt to submit a support request through Facebook Business Help. However, don’t be surprised if you don’t hear back, Facebook support is notoriously difficult to get a hold of.

If All Else Fails, Create a New Facebook Page

If claiming proves impossible, and Facebook support remains elusive, it might be time to cut your losses and create a new page. 

Before you’re done though, make sure to report the old page to help Facebook take it down sooner. You can do this by:

Step 1: Find Support or Report

Navigate to the old page and select the three dots on the far right. From there, click on Find support or report.

how to create a new Facebook page step 1

Step 2: Report the Issue

Once Find support or report has been selected, click Pretending to be something from the dropdown menu that appears.

how to create a new Facebook page step 2

Step 3: Defining the Issue

Once you have hit Pretending to be something, select A business from the list of options available to you. Follow the prompts until you can paste in a link to your new Facebook page, then submit your complaint for review.

How Broadly Helps With Online Reputation for Small Businesses

At Broadly, we understand the significance of a strong online presence for local businesses. Our platform is designed to make it easier for business owners to manage their online reputation. From claiming business listings to gathering positive reviews, Broadly is your partner in building and maintaining a reputation that keeps customers coming back.

Ready to take action on your online reputation? Sign up for a personalized demo!

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How to Send Automated Text Messages Fri, 15 Dec 2023 18:58:40 +0000 Are you doing your best as a business to stay…

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Are you doing your best as a business to stay connected while also managing your reputation? We have the ideal solution to help—learning how to send automated text messages! These will quickly become your secret weapons for building strong customer relationships and managing your online reputation.

Automated text messages are quick and direct, and customers love them. Sending personalized and timely messages helps build trust and keeps your business in your customers’ minds.

Why should you care about automated text messages? You’d be shocked to discover how easily they engage customers and get their feedback. Happy customers mean a stellar reputation, and that’s the name of the game. So keep reading as we get into just how to send automated text messages and grow your business with ease!

Send AI-enhanced personalized email and text campaigns

Choosing the Right Platform

There are many platforms out there, but which one is your knight in shining armor? Look for features that suit your business, like easy integration with your existing systems. A good platform is the backbone of your SMS strategy.


There’s a bunch of different platforms out there, but here are a few stars:

  • Twilio: It’s like the Swiss Army knife of messaging. Twilio lets you send SMS, MMS, and even WhatsApp messages. It’s robust and trusted by big players.
  • EZ Texting: Simple and effective. EZ Texting is great for small businesses. It’s user-friendly, so you won’t feel like you’re decoding a spaceship manual.
  • TextMagic: A pocket-friendly option. TextMagic packs a punch without emptying your wallet. It’s reliable and has solid customer support.


Features to consider when choosing which platform to use include the following:

  • User-Friendly Interface: No one likes a complicated dashboard. Look for a platform that’s easy to use, so you can focus on your business, not decoding tech stuff.
  • Personalization Tools: Make your messages stand out. Look for platforms that let you personalize texts so you can add a dash of your business’s personality.
  • Automation Capabilities: The whole point is automation, right? Ensure your chosen platform can set up triggers and send messages without you pressing a hundred buttons.
  • Reporting and Analytics: Numbers are your friends. Choose a platform that gives you insights, such as who opened your messages and what they liked.

If you’re using a CRM tool, make sure your chosen platform plays nice with it. Seamless integration means fewer headaches.

Selling stuff online? Your messaging platform should also sync up with your online store. It keeps everything in harmony.

If you want to share your messages on social media, picking a platform that can work across multiple platforms is also something to watch out for.

Remember, the right platform is like a good sidekick—it makes your life easier. 

Building Your SMS Contact List

Get those digits! Collecting and organizing customer phone numbers might seem like a daunting task, but with the right strategies, it becomes a breeze. 


Here are some practical and easy-to-implement strategies for collecting numbers:

  • Digital Sign-Up Forms: Place a simple sign-up form on your website. Offer an incentive, like a discount or early access to new products, to sweeten the deal.
  • Loyalty Programs: If you have a loyalty program, use the customer’s phone number as their ID. This not only simplifies the process but also ensures you have accurate contact information.
  • Email Campaigns: If you have an email newsletter, include a field for phone numbers during the registration process. Explain the added benefits of joining your SMS list.
  • Referral Programs: Incentivize customers to refer friends by offering exclusive deals. Collect phone numbers as part of the referral process.


When you’re ready to organize them effectively, consider trying out the following strategies:

  • Segmentation: Organize phone numbers based on customer preferences, purchase history, or demographics. This helps with targeted messaging.
  • Regular Updates: Periodically check and update customer phone numbers. Remove duplicates or incorrect entries to maintain accuracy.
  • Data Security: Ensure that customer data, including phone numbers, is stored securely and complies with data protection regulations.
  • Opt-Out Options: Always provide customers with an easy way to opt-out if they no longer wish to receive messages. This builds trust and shows respect for their preferences.

Remember to always ask for permission before sending messages. Consent is key when it comes to personal information, and it’s important to be careful with it once you receive it. Keep your contact list clean and updated as well—maintaining your contact list leads to more effective communication with your customers and helps build trust.

Crafting Engaging and Effective Messages

Writing texts might sound easy, but it’s an art. Make your messages short, sweet, and compelling. Personalize them to make customers feel special, and don’t forget a call-to-action—it’s your way of saying, “Hey, let’s do business!”

Don’t forget to include a call-to-action. Without a call-to-action, messages are merely informative and don’t give your customers an easy way to get in touch with you. Sometimes all it takes is a “contact us” to get your business some attention.

Timing and Frequency

Timing is everything, and you have to find the sweet spot between being helpful and annoying. You can do this by understanding your customers’ habits. Are they more likely to engage in the morning, during lunch, or in the evening? Tailor your timing based on their typical behavior. 

Different days result in different responses as well. Test different timings for different customer segments and see what works best, including different days and different periods in between messages. This way, you can see what works best for your audience, which you can then implement in future text messages.

When to Use Automated Text Messages

Automate wisely! Use triggers based on customer interactions and milestones. Here are some examples of effective automation scenarios you can use to your advantage:

Responses to FAQs

When customers hit your website or messaging platforms with common queries, automated responses can provide instant, accurate answers. This not only saves time for both customers and your team but also ensures consistency in the information shared.

Drip Campaigns

Drip campaigns allow you to send a series of well-timed messages that guide customers through their journey with your business. Whether it’s a welcome series for new customers, educational drips to showcase your expertise, or re-engagement campaigns to win back inactive customers, you can use drip campaigns like a personalized road map for each individual.

Deadline Alerts

Deadline alerts automate the process of notifying customers about crucial dates. Whether it’s a subscription renewal, a limited-time promotion, or any other time-sensitive event, these alerts ensure that your customers are in the loop.

Appointment Reminders

Details like time, location, and any necessary preparations are neatly included in automated appointment reminders. These reminders not only reduce no-shows but also show your commitment to a smooth and professional customer experience.

Billing Reminders

Billing reminders ensure that your customers are always aware of their financial commitments. Send notifications for upcoming payments, complete with clear instructions and payment links. For overdue payments, automated alerts can provide information on late fees and offer assistance options, showcasing your dedication to transparent and hassle-free transactions.

See Also: 40 Sample Text Messages to Delight Your Customers [Templates]

Monitoring and Analyzing Performance

Numbers don’t lie, so use analytics to measure your success. Track engagement and response rates to see what’s working and what needs a little boost. Adjust and conquer! Nothing in business is ever stagnant, and that includes the performance of your automated messages. Keep an eye on how they’re doing, and make changes to help improve them for the better.

See Also: Best Practices for Broadly Text and Email Campaigns

How Broadly Helps With Online Reputation for Small Businesses

At Broadly, we’re on a mission to make your online reputation soar. With our tools, you can effortlessly manage customer feedback, get more reviews, and be the local hero your business deserves. Schedule a demo below and let’s build your stellar online reputation together!

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How to Leave a Review on Facebook Wed, 15 Nov 2023 14:23:50 +0000 Before visiting a business, most Facebook users look them up…

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Before visiting a business, most Facebook users look them up on Facebook to check their reviews. Customer reviews across platforms such as Yelp and Google show what past customers say about a business, offering social proof that you provide a good product or service. This makes managing a positive online presence an essential aspect of running a small or local business in the modern age.

Discover the difference between Facebook reviews and recommendations in this step-by-step guide on how to leave a review on Facebook.

Generate 5-star Facebook reviews for your business automatically

What Are Facebook Reviews vs. Recommendations?

Facebook reviews and recommendations allow users to leave reviews on business pages. For years, Facebook used a traditional review system using a five-star review scale and an optional space for a comment supporting the given star rating. In 2018, however, they updated the star rating system to “Recommendations,” which asks users if they recommend a business, yes or no.

Facebook Reviews

Reviews on Facebook used a five-star rating and the option to leave an accompanying comment. Anyone could like and comment on reviews. Existing star ratings and Facebook reviews are still available for social media users to see, and Facebook will continue to display them; however, you can no longer leave a traditional review with a star ranking.

Facebook Recommendations

Recommendations are an updated version of reviews on Facebook. The current “Review” tab does not show five-star ratings. Instead, it tells social media users whether their social network recommends a business. 

When users click the “Reviews” tab, Facebook sends them to the “Recommendations” feature, which asks, “Do you recommend (Business name)?” Users respond yes or no and can add tags, photos, or a written recommendation. Facebook intends for recommendations to be more personal and allows users to see what friends in their network think of local businesses. All you need to know is that, in effect, reviews and recommendations on Facebook are one and the same. 

For the purpose of this article, and to avoid confusion, we will refer to reviews and recommendations as “reviews”, as some users might still call recommendations by their former name. 

Why Are Reviews on Facebook Important for Businesses?

Facebook reviews play an important role in the success of local businesses. Let’s look deeper into why they matter, with some examples to help along the way:

Enhance Online Presence

Think of reviews on Facebook as your business’s online billboard. More reviews mean more people can find you, just like how a well-lit sign on a popular street attracts passersby. For example, if you run a café and receive glowing reviews, say, for your lattes and friendly staff, people searching for a great coffee spot in town are more likely to discover and choose yours. That’s the kind of thing we are talking about.

Build Trust

Trust is truly a precious commodity—with that being said, positive reviews on Facebook are kind of like trust-building blocks. When someone leaves a heartfelt review praising your products or services, it’s akin to a friend recommending your business. Just as you’d trust a pal’s opinion about whether or not to go see a movie, potential customers trust these reviews to gauge whether or not to do business with you.

Customer Engagement

Customer reviews create an opportunity for direct and meaningful communication. When customers share their thoughts, it’s quite similar to having a conversation. You can respond to their reviews on Facebook, just as you would chat with friends (just a little more professional). This interaction shows your customers that you value their opinions and appreciate their feedback.

Also see: How to manage customer communications for your automotive shop

Social Proof

On social media, we are often drawn to what everyone else is talking about, and reviews on Facebook provide that extra nudge. When you see a product with lots of positive reviews, it’s like a group of friends giving it the seal of approval. For instance, if you’re looking for a new smartphone and find one with many five-star reviews talking about its great camera and long battery life, you’re more likely to choose that model over another.

Improve SEO

Consider reviews as your website’s hypemen. The more reviews you have, the more prominent Google will find you, and the higher your website will rank in search results. This means more and more people will likely visit your business online.

Valuable Feedback

Reviews on Facebook aren’t just compliments—they’re also a great source of feedback. They provide insights on how you can improve your operations or products. Suppose you own a clothing store, and customers leave reviews asking for a more extensive range of sizes. This feedback helps you make informed decisions to better serve your customers.

Competitive Edge

In a sea of similar businesses, a collection of great reviews is like a beacon guiding customers directly to you. It differentiates your business from others, making potential customers more likely to choose you. With a reputation built on positive reviews, your business can stand out and secure a larger share of the market.

Word-of-Mouth Marketing

Good reviews on Facebook can be the starting point of a chain reaction. One friend reads your reviews, decides to visit, and tells another friend about how great you are. Before you know it, this word-of-mouth marketing multiplies your customer base.

Customer Loyalty

Responding to reviews isn’t just about appreciation—it’s about building relationships. When you thank a customer for a positive review, it’s like inviting them to become a part of your brand’s community. Over time, this engagement fosters loyalty and long-term connections.

Monitor Customer Satisfaction

Think of reviews on Facebook as a barometer for customer happiness. They provide a continuous stream of feedback about how well your business is meeting the needs of your valued customers. You can use this feedback to refine your services and ensure your customers are always satisfied.

For example, if you run a tech support business and consistently receive reviews mentioning fast response times, it reassures potential customers that they can count on your quick assistance.

In a nutshell, Facebook reviews serve as advocates for your business. They not only enhance your online visibility but also provide valuable feedback and set you apart from competitors. Take steps to improve and nurture your online presence, and it will pay you back tenfold.

Did You Know: Google My Business and Facebook Messaging is Now Available in the Broadly App

How Do I Leave a Review on Facebook?

Leaving a review impacts a business’s online reputation. The more customers that leave reviews on your business page, the more social trust you build with new potential customers. 

If a Facebook user has a friend ask for recommendations, they can write a comment and tag your Facebook business page. Customers can also leave reviews directly on your page. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to leave a review on Facebook. 

  • Log into Facebook
  • Go to the page of the business you want to review
  • Click the “Reviews” tab in the left-hand corner
  • Click “Yes” or “No” when prompted at the bottom of the page under “Do you recommend (Business name)?” 
  • Write a recommendation of up to 25 characters
  • Add tags or photos
  • Post the recommendation 

Where Do I Find Facebook Reviews?

Facebook has made it easy to find reviews all in one place. Follow these straightforward steps to see what customers think of your local business. 

  • Log into your business Facebook account
  • Click “Reviews” to navigate to the recommendations and reviews 

How Do I Respond to Facebook Reviews?

Respond to all reviews on Facebook to show customers you appreciate their feedback. When responding to positive reviews, you can simply like the review or write a quick reply, personalizing it to their name and getting specific when thanking them for their feedback. 

  • To respond to recommendations and reviews on your business Facebook account, you need to first log in to your account. 
  • Once you are logged in, navigate to the “Reviews” section of your page. Here, you will be able to see all the recommendations and reviews left by your customers. 
  • To respond to a particular review, simply click on it. You will now be able to see the details of the review, including any comments left by other users. 
  • To comment on the review, type your response in the comment box just like you would on any other Facebook post. 
  • Once you are done, click “Post” to publish the comment. 

It’s important to respond to reviews in a timely and professional manner to show your customers that you value their feedback and care about their opinions.

It’s a good idea to respond to negative reviews to show customers you care about their experience. When responding to a negative review, customize your response to the reviewer. Acknowledge their feedback, give them your business phone number or email address, and offer to work toward a solution outside of the reviews page. 

A customer might edit their initial negative review or leave a second review explaining how you handled the situation. Potential customers might see your effort, and a negative review could benefit your business. 

Are Reviews on Facebook Public?

Yes, Facebook reviews are public on a business page’s “Reviews” tab for anyone to see. They cannot be made private. 

Can I Delete or Edit My Facebook Reviews?

Only review authors can delete their reviews on Facebook. Business owners cannot delete individual comments, but you can report recommendations that go against the Facebook Community Standards

Sometimes Facebook takes down posts before you report them, and others will stay up even after Facebook admins review them. Facebook will review all reports and remove recommendations they deem to violate their rules. 

You can choose to disable the reviews tab of your Facebook business page by navigating to the “Settings” tab, clicking “Templates and Tabs and switching the “Reviews” section toggle from on to off. 

Taking down your reviews will also remove all positive reviews. If there are only a couple of negative or fake reviews on Facebook, it might be better to get more reviews from customers. There are several simple ways to ask customers to leave reviews:

  • Ask customers in person after they purchase something from your business
  • Send an email or text message with a direct link to your review page 
  • Place signs in your waiting room or lobby asking customers to leave a review and provide a QR code to your reviews page
  • Embed positive Facebook reviews on your website 
  • Offer an incentive to customers who check-in 

If you have enough positive reviews, the negative and fake ones will stand out as outliers. 

Also see: Here’s Why You Should Never Buy Reviews

How Do I Rate a Seller on Facebook?

Facebook goes beyond businesses and allows sellers to offer items on Facebook Marketplace where all Facebook users can see the post and interact with the seller. Buyers can only rate sellers after purchasing something or interacting with them. These are the steps to leaving a rating for a seller:

  • Log in to your Facebook account
  • Click the Marketplace tab
  • Next to the search icon at the top of the screen, click the person icon
  • Click “Buying” and find your chat with the seller
  • Click “Rate Seller”
  • You can rate the seller by choosing either a happy face or a sad face
  • If you would like, include the reason for your rating
  • Click “Done” to publish your rating

Manage Your Online Presence With Broadly

If you’re looking to streamline your online presence and engage with customers effectively on Facebook, Broadly might be the right partner for you.

With Broadly, you no longer have to regularly check multiple platforms to find reviews, compile insights manually, or remember to send individual review requests to customers. Work smarter, not harder, with our suite of automated solutions. Start your journey to success with Broadly today.

Transform your local business with revolutionary AI-powered software

The post How to Leave a Review on Facebook appeared first on Broadly.

How to Create a Facebook Business Page Tue, 17 Oct 2023 01:41:09 +0000 Today, it’s really important for businesses, no matter how big…

The post How to Create a Facebook Business Page appeared first on Broadly.

Today, it’s really important for businesses, no matter how big or small, to be visible online. One way to do that and connect with your customers is by creating a Facebook Business Page. We’re going to show you how—step by step—you can make the most of this social media platform.

Key Takeaways

  • Why You Should Have a Facebook Business Page: With over 3 billion monthly active users, Facebook is a vital platform for businesses to engage with local customers and build loyalty.
  • Major Benefits for Local Businesses: A Facebook Business Page offers increased visibility, audience insights, cost-effective marketing/advertising, and valuable business analytics tools.
  • Setting Up Your Facebook Business Page is Easy: By the end of this guide, you will have the fundamental knowledge of how to create a professional-looking and functioning Business Page on Facebook. 

Generate 5-star Facebook reviews for your business automatically

The Importance of a Facebook Business Page

Before diving into the specifics, let’s understand why having a Facebook Business Page is kind of a big deal. With over 3 billion monthly active users, Facebook provides a vast platform to reach the people you want to connect with (Statista). Your Facebook Business Page serves as a direct hub for online engagement, allowing you to connect with your local audience, share updates, and build customer loyalty.

Overview of the Benefits for Businesses

Now that we have gone over why you should care about having your business on Facebook, let’s go over just a few of the perks of being on the platform:

Increased Visibility

When you have a Facebook Business Page, it can actually boost your chances of showing up in search engine results like Google. This means more people can find you online, even when they’re not on Facebook.

Audience Insights

With a Facebook Business Page, you get access to a treasure trove of information about the people who follow you. Facebook Insights gives you data on things like their age, where they live, and what they like. This knowledge can help you tailor your content to better suit your audience’s preferences and needs.

Cost-Effective Marketing

Facebook has a powerful advertising platform that allows you to create and run ad campaigns. The beauty of this is that you can target these ads specifically to reach the people who are most likely to be interested in your products or services. This means you’re not wasting money on ads that won’t work for your business.

Customer Engagement

Facebook is a very local-centric platform. People use it to swap and sell used goods, share common interests, and create neighborhood community pages. Having a Facebook Business Page gives you the chance to tap into this hyper-local space and interact with your customers directly, where they spend most of their time. You can respond to comments, feedback, and messages, and even create posts that spark discussions. This engagement helps build a sense of community around your local business and fosters stronger loyalty among your customers.

Also see:

Business Analytics

Facebook also provides tools like the Meta Business Suite to help you measure the performance of your Business Page and content. This includes data on how many people have seen your posts, engaged with them, or clicked on your links. These insights are invaluable for fine-tuning your marketing or advertising strategy and making it more effective.

Setting Up Your Facebook Business Page

Now, let’s get started on creating your Facebook Business Page:

Step 1: Log into Your Personal Facebook Account

Begin by signing in to your personal Facebook account. If you don’t have one, you’ll need to create one before you can move on to the next step.

Step 2: Navigating to the Pages Section

Click on the “Pages” section located in the left sidebar of your Facebook home page. You might have to click “See more” to see the whole list of sidebar options.

How to Create a Facebook Business Page

Step 3: Creating a New Page

Select “Create” to begin the process. 

How to Create a Facebook Business Page

You’ll be prompted to choose a page type that best suits your business, such as “Local Business,” “Company or Organization,” or “Brand or Product.”

We filled out the form to show you what this kind of information should look like. Once you have checked for spelling and accuracy, you can click “Create page.”

How to Create a Facebook Business Page

Congrats! You just made your very own Facebook Business Page! You might be asking yourself, “Is that really all there is to it?” The short answer is yes! However, to get the most out of your business page, we recommend setting up your page with a few more settings and details. 

Page Configuration and Setup

Now, let’s configure and set up your Facebook Business Page:

Making Updates to Your Contact Information:

Update your business category and fill in important business details, including your business name, description, phone number, address, operating hours, website, email, and more. It should look something like this:

How to Create a Facebook Business Page

From there, you can hit “Next” to proceed further through the set-up process. If you are worried you made a mistake, no worries! You can always go to the About tab on your main page to adjust the finer details, such as highlighting your service area and adding additional contact info.

Follow steps 1–5 of the set-up process to complete your configuration.

Uploading a Profile Picture and Cover Photo

Enhance your page’s visual appeal by uploading a profile picture (usually your logo) and an eye-catching cover photo. This can be done using the buttons found on the far right of your business page.

How to Create a Facebook Business Page

Customizing Your Username (Vanity URL)

Tell us, which URL looks better to you?

Option A: 

Option B:

That’s right, Option A. This version will be much easier for users to remember and can have a hand in helping you better connect with clients looking for you both on and off of the platform. However, when you look up the URL on your new page, you are most likely to see a big jumble of numbers and symbols rather than a perfectly branded link. 

So how can you make your Facebook business link look put together and professional, like your peers? The answer is customizing your username. 

First, navigate to your settings from the main options on the left-hand side of your page.

How to Create a Facebook Business Page

From there, you will see the General Page settings appear. Under the username section, fill in your preferred username to update your custom URL.

How to Create a Facebook Business Page

Hit “Save changes” to complete the process.

Crafting an Appealing About Section

Nothing is more impactful than a well-told origin story. So, what better way to distinguish yourself from the rest than by crafting a compelling About section? You can provide essential information about your business in this space to help users discover why they should do business with you.

Some key things you should mention include: 

A Detailed Business Description

Offer a comprehensive business description that highlights your products, services, and unique selling points.

Highlighting your Mission and Values

Communicate your business’s mission and values to connect with customers who share these common interests.

Accurate Contact Details

Ensure customers can easily reach you by including your website link and other contact details (double-check everything before you save!)

Did You know?

Your Facebook reviews can also be visible on your Google Business Profile listing. Learn more by visiting our latest blog on the topic: How to Add Facebook Reviews to Your Google Business Profile.

Customizing Your Call-to-Action Button

Your Call-to-Action (CTA) button is a powerful tool for driving user engagement. Not only can users interact with the button on your page to direct them to visit your website or book an appointment, but it can also be integrated into ads on Facebook to give your CTA even more visibility (Facebook). Continue reading to learn how to create a CTA button for yourself!

Step 1: Getting Started

Begin by navigating to your main Business Page. Scroll down the page until you see a button that reads “Add an action button.” Click on this prompt to activate the set-up process. 

Step 2: Choosing the Right CTA

Are you a dog groomer that only does online booking? Perhaps you are a bakery that exclusively takes custom orders over the phone. When it comes to crafting the perfect action button, it is important to select a CTA that aligns with your business goals, such as “Book Now,” “Shop Now,” or “Contact Us.”

Select the option that best fits your needs, and hit “Next.”

Step 3: Adding Your Info

Now that you have chosen your desired CTA, it is time to add the corresponding information Facebook asks for. In our example, we chose the “Sign Up” CTA. From here, we can link our CTA button to our demo booking page. Each CTA requests slightly different information, so be sure to choose the destination that best aligns with your goals to guide user actions the most effectively.

Once finished, hit “Save.”

Managing Page Roles

Running a business is no easy feat, and sometimes it is best to leave managing your online presence to an expert by hiring a social media specialist or enlisting the help of an outside agency. Many hands make light work, so to efficiently manage your page, consider adding team members and assigning roles for particular duties. Here’s what you need to do

Step 1: Adding and Assigning Page Admins and Editors

To invite trusted team members to collaborate on your page, scroll down the main menu until you see the option “Page access.” Select it to bring up permissions settings.

Step 2: Defining Roles and Permissions

The individuals you choose to add will require a Facebook account to join and manage duties on your page. Once everyone has an account, click “Add New” to invite them to join your page. Hit “Manage” to set specific roles and permissions for each team member to ensure secure and efficient page management.

Important Note: Be careful who you entrust with these responsibilities. It’s always best to have agreements written down and signed by all parties before any permissions are given. Don’t be afraid to consult legal counsel for further guidance, especially if you are entrusting the management of your page to a third party or a freelancer.

Creating Content and Posting

Content is king on Facebook, so regularly craft engaging posts to keep your audience informed about all the exciting things you are up to! Posting content is not only nice to have, but essential to keeping users coming back to your page again and again. Here are some tips to guide you on your drafting journey:

Craft Engaging Posts and Updates

Create compelling content that resonates with your audience’s interests. Once you are ready to post, navigate to the top right of your page to begin crafting your next masterpiece.

Once you are happy with the final product, you can hit the “Post” button to publish it.

If you want to schedule the post later, copy your content and hit the “Meta Business Suite” link to open your calendar. From there, you can click on the day you would like to schedule the post to go out. Once in the post builder, add your content and click on the “Schedule” tab to choose a specific time you would like for the content to be posted.

Schedule Posts Consistently

Maintain a regular posting schedule to keep your audience engaged. One of the best ways to appeal to Facebook’s algorithm is by sharing content with users once a day (Inc.). That might sound intimidating at first, but these updates can be something small, like wishing everyone a happy holiday, featuring a stellar employee, or letting people know that you are having a local food drive coming up. 

If you need help drumming up ideas, enlist the help of free programs like GrammarlyGo or ChatGPT. Here’s an example we created on ChatGPT to give you some inspiration:

How to Create a Facebook Business Page

Get Creative with Images and Video

Visuals have a knack for drawing the eye. So, why not incorporate photos, videos, and stories to make your posts even more appealing? It might just land you your next sale.

In fact, according to a Facebook survey, more than half of those who use the stories feature said they buy more things online as a result of them.

Engaging with Your Audience

User engagement is key to building a loyal online community. Here are some things you can try to help you hit the ground running:

  • Respond to comments and messages promptly.
  • Encourage user interaction by running polls and hosting contests.
  • Try out Meta Business Suite to refine your content strategy.

All in all, a well-managed Facebook Business Page is a valuable tool for your local business. By continually updating and engaging with your community, you can foster customer loyalty and drive meaningful growth. Harness the potential of this hyper-local marketing and advertising tool to take your business to greater heights.

Broadly Can Help

If you’re looking to streamline your online presence and engage with customers effectively on Facebook, Instagram and more, Broadly might be the right partner for you.

With Broadly, you no longer have to regularly check multiple platforms to find reviews, compile insights manually, or remember to send individual review requests to customers. Work smarter, not harder, with our suite of automated solutions. Start your journey to success with Broadly today.

Transform your local business with revolutionary AI-powered software

The post How to Create a Facebook Business Page appeared first on Broadly.

The Ultimate Guide to SEO for Roofing Companies Wed, 01 Feb 2023 01:43:14 +0000 Consider how you shop for a new product or service…

The post The Ultimate Guide to SEO for Roofing Companies appeared first on Broadly.

Consider how you shop for a new product or service provider: You most likely start with a Google search on the Internet to see what and who is out there. If this sounds familiar, you’re not alone.

Most shoppers use a search engine such as Google or Bing to begin their decision-making. This is especially true for home and commercial service providers, such as roofing contractors.

When prospective customers are searching for roofing services, how do you make your roofing website appear on the first page of Google search results and convince shoppers to choose you over the competition? Search engine optimization (SEO) can be your secret weapon.

Transform your local business with revolutionary AI-powered software

What is roofing SEO?

Roofing SEO is a collection of techniques to help your website rank higher on Google. These optimizations are how you put your best foot forward in organic search and make it more likely you’ll rise to the top of search engine results pages (SERPs).

Many of these techniques focus on content within your own website, but may also include backlinks from other high-authority professional sites to your website. Additionally, there are behind-the-scenes (backend) technical SEO optimizations.

Specifically for a local service area business, like roofing, considerations for local SEO are critical to focus your energy within your community.

It may sound complicated, but it can be extremely powerful to ensure that your website is listed higher in Google search results.

Why do roofers need SEO?

As a business owner, you already have a full plate. So why should you add SEO strategy to your digital marketing plan? In order to be hired for a roofing repair or replacement, your company has to be considered, which means you have to be seen.

In a competitive landscape with plenty of roofing companies vying for business, you have to take every opportunity to be visible when customers are looking for the services you offer.

Once you start working on your SEO and begin ranking well, your website presence and professional appearance will increase lead generation from your website traffic. The additional leads can help you secure more business and sales.

How can I promote my roofing company by improving my SEO? 6 tips to get started

You may choose to work with an SEO company, but it can be cost-effective and easy to do-it-yourself. Some of our best tips to help you get started:

  1. Do keyword research. Keyword research helps you find roofing keywords, phrases and questions that potential customers are searching for. Use your expertise to create high-quality website or social media content. Content marketing based on keyword research makes it easy to establish yourself as a trusted resource.
  2. Use on-page SEO tactics. Test your website speeds, especially on a mobile device. Ensure your web design looks professional and functions well. If you use lead forms or scheduling apps, verify there are no site errors. User experience is a ranking factor that Google search accounts for and, ultimately, impacts your lead conversion rate.
  3. Do link building. Leverage your business connections to build backlinks to your website. If you’re a member of a professional organization or a local chamber of commerce, these tell search engines that you’re trustworthy and reputable. This can also be valuable to potential customers as social proof and credibility.
  4. Implement local search tactics. Local SEO is an easy way to support your website. Many platforms allow you to create a free listing, such as Google Business Profile (formerly Google My Business), which then allows customers to leave roofing company online reviews and powers Google Maps results.

As you create these listings, make sure to use the same name, address and phone number (often called NAP). Search engines often verify the NAP citations to verify the authenticity of a business website and rank accordingly.

5. Think locally. Integrate local geographically-based terms into your targeted keywords, such as the name of your town or other large cities in your service area.

Most customers will search for a service provider “near me” or near their city. You can put these locally focused keywords in the copy on your website, as well as in more technical implementations, such as title tags or meta descriptions.

If you serve several larger cities or metro areas, consider creating separate landing pages on your site for each individual city or area to optimize the SEO for each one.

6. Start somewhere. With all of the options for techniques, it can be hard to know where to start with roofing SEO. The answer is simply: Start somewhere. SEO is never fully done, as search engines are constantly updating and changing their algorithms.

Since there is no finish line to optimizing your site, it doesn’t matter where you start. As with other marketing, you simply want to make consistent and regular improvements over time.

How can SEO help me get clients for my roofing business?

When customers are looking for roofers, you want to be in front of them. SEO is the answer to getting your site listed higher than your competition. Effective SEO can help you get roofing leads so you can connect, assess their needs and then you do what you do best.

Your ultimate goal is more leads from your website, not just more traffic to it. SEO can be a valuable part of your roofing business marketing strategy toolbox, alongside pay-per-click (PPC), email marketing and social media.

Making time for search engine optimization can be the difference between you or your roofing industry competitors getting the job. Once you have leads, you can focus on converting those prospective customers into clients and jobs.

Team up with Broadly to improve your roofing SEO

You are never “done” with search engine optimization. There are always more opportunities to improve and changes to the algorithms.

If you don’t have time to regularly invest in your roofing SEO campaigns, or if this sounds daunting to you, Broadly is here to help. We have a platform specifically designed to support roofing businesses to navigate the challenges of roofing marketing.

Ready to learn more or get started with Broadly’s business management platform?

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The post The Ultimate Guide to SEO for Roofing Companies appeared first on Broadly.
