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No matter where you fall on the chain of command, it is likely you will have to deal with a difficult customer situation. If these tough situations make you feel uncomfortable, do not worry—we have a list of tips to help turn those difficult or angry customers into loyal customers.

Read on for common examples of angry customer scenarios and proven tips to resolve them.

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Tips for Dealing with Difficult or Angry Customers

Remain Calm

While this can be challenging, remaining calm is so important when dealing with difficult or angry customers. Here are some tips to help you keep your cool:

  • Don’t React: Avoid reacting impulsively to criticism or unreasonableness. Take a moment to breathe and collect your thoughts before responding.
  • Practice Empathy: Put yourself in the customer’s shoes and try to understand things from their perspective. Empathizing with their feelings can help defuse the situation.

Leverage Active Listening

It means a lot to customers to have their voices heard. Here’s how you can practice active listening with your disgruntled customers:

  • Interpret Customer Communication: Pay close attention to the customer’s words, tone, and body language to understand their underlying concerns.
  • Reflect Their Thoughts and Feelings: Respond to the customer by paraphrasing what they’ve said to show that you’re listening and understand their emotions.


Customer: “I’m frustrated right now because our budget is tight, and you won’t offer us a discount.”

Customer Success Manager: “Hey [Customer Name], from what I’m hearing, it sounds like our current pricing may not fit within your budget constraints and you’re looking for a discount that better accommodates your financial situation. Am I understanding you correctly?”

Thank Them for Bringing the Issue to You

Expressing gratitude to customers who voice their concerns shows that you value their feedback and are committed to resolving issues. Here’s why thanking them is important:

  • Valuable Insights: Customers who provide feedback offer valuable insights into areas where your business can improve.
  • Prevention of Negative Outcomes: Addressing issues directly with customers can prevent negative online reviews and potential word-of-mouth damage.
  • Demonstrate Care: Thanking customers for their feedback demonstrates that you take their concerns seriously and are dedicated to providing excellent service.

Take a Step Back and Apologize

Apologizing is very important. If you can take a breath and think through a series of deliberate steps, you may be able to “de-escalate” things. The key is to put yourself in the customer’s shoes. Rather than viewing the scenario as a personal attack, see the bigger picture of how you are dealing with a customer whose needs have not been met.

Always apologize and be willing to put their needs first, even if you don’t always agree with their opinion. If the customer is upset, they deserve an apology. It may be possible that you have a potential solution you can offer but it all starts with letting the customer know you are sorry first and empathizing with their situation.

Steps You Can Take to Solve the Problem

After offering your apology, it’s a good idea to outline the steps you’ll take to address the customer’s concerns. Here’s how you can effectively communicate your plan of action:

  • Provide Options for Resolution: Present the customer with several potential solutions to their problem. Giving them options empowers them to choose the course of action that best suits their needs and preferences.
  • Be Transparent: Clearly explain each step you’ll take to resolve the issue, including timelines and expected outcomes. Being upfront and honest builds trust and reassures the customer that their concerns are being taken seriously.

Give the Opportunity to Follow Up

Nobody likes being snubbed or ghosted, so always keep the line of communication open. Here’s how you can facilitate ongoing dialogue and support:

  • Leave Contact Details: Provide the customer with your contact information, including phone number and email address. Encourage them to communicate with you directly if they have any further questions or concerns rather than going to public channels to voice their frustrations. This can save you a lot of bad press on social media.
  • Promise Follow-Up: Assure the customer that you’ll follow up with them once the issue has been resolved. This proactive approach demonstrates your commitment to ensuring their satisfaction and reinforces trust you’ll follow through. Whether you have a solid answer ready yet or not, make sure to reach out via email every two business days so they know you are still looking into it. 

Leaving Things on a Better Note

When ending a conversation with a customer, don’t forget to ask if there is anything else you can be of help with. The customer may have been so focused on one particular issue or problem that they forgot about a second problem they also wanted to bring to your attention.

Asking to solve more problems is an easy way to remind the customer of any other problems, which will save both your teams’ and the customer’s time.

Show gratitude; despite any problems, the customer may have had and the stress you might be feeling, try to demonstrate that you appreciate their business. You may be surprised at the subtle way this can aid in winding down a situation. Don’t forget that they chose your business over the other options available to them!Here are some examples of common customer service scenarios you may encounter in your business and how to get moving in the right direction for both you and your customer.

how to handle angry customers examples

Difficult Customer Service Scenarios

Impatient Customer


A customer who feels they have been waiting too long for their product or service. Sometimes, circumstances arise that mean a customer is waiting longer than usual. How do you handle those who get particularly upset about it?


The first thing is to apologize. Next, explain as best as you can the reason behind the wait, and let the customer know that you are working on resolving the issue.

Another important tip is to use positive language. Instead of an apology like “Our supplier is out of stock, there’s nothing we can do,” try something like “We’re working with our supplier to get that back in stock as soon as we can.” Find the silver lining in a bad situation.

Explain the reason behind the wait, and let the customer know that you are working on resolving the issue as fast as you can. You can go an extra step and ask the customer to leave their contact info so someone can follow up with them when things are ready.

Indecisive/Quiet Customer


You have a customer who is close to purchasing but they seem very unsure about which option they should choose.


Try to get them to verbalize their concerns. Are they worried about the price? Maybe they are trying to figure out how a service visit will fit into their schedule. Once you can get them talking, you can better refine which options will work best for them overall.

Vague Customer


Customers feel like they know what they want but seem to have difficulty expressing it.


This customer scenario puts an extra burden on you and your customer service representatives to gain more information about their needs. Consider what information you and your group require to provide better support.

Don’t be afraid to ask questions. A statement like “Sorry, but we just need a few more details to work on your request” could be a good opener. Follow it with a specific list of questions.

how to handle angry customers examples

Customer Is Unhappy with the Service


Sometimes, a customer is simply not pleased with what they’ve been given. Complaints will happen.


Apologizing is again the first step to take, whether it seems like their complaint is justified or not. Attempt to resolve any specific issues within a limited time frame, balancing their complaint against your time and the needs of your other customers. Try to find a way to offer a solution. If you can’t, you may be able to offer a discount to keep them as customers.

You Don’t Have an Answer


Perhaps a unique or unusual situation has arisen, and you do not have an immediate answer for the customer about how to proceed. Simply saying that you don’t know won’t cut it.


The correct way to handle it is to let the customer know that you are going to research the options available and get back to them as soon as you can. It is important to follow through and truly respond promptly. Even if time has passed and you still don’t have an answer yet, you can still send a quick message to your customers to let them know that you are still working on a solution.

You Made a Mistake


It happens sometimes. Everyone makes mistakes, but it can be especially embarrassing in a professional setting.


Put ego aside and honestly evaluate the situation as objectively as possible. Apologize, and let them know that you acknowledge an error was made.

Being truthful is important in a case like this. Let your customer know that you are working to fix the mistake and how long it will likely take to be resolved. Show empathy to the customer, and let them know that you would be frustrated too if you were in their place.

how to handle angry customers examples

The Demanding Customer


Unlike a vague customer, occasionally, you may encounter a customer who feels they know what they want so well that they refuse to hear about any alternatives (even if there are options that might actually work better for them). They appear to be set in their ways.


Be respectful of their wishes, and appreciate the fact that they’ve put some time into thinking things over. Politely let the customer know there are other choices available. After that, let them decide how they want to go forward. The most important thing in a situation like this is to have an available source of information. The final choice still rests with the customer.

You Need to Transfer/Refer the Customer to Someone Else


The customer has an issue that is outside your area of expertise, but you think you know who can take care of their problem for them. How do you transfer or refer them to that other person without making the customer feel like they are being brushed off or ignored?


The response is to externalize a sense of confidence that you can pass on to them. Instead of a deflated-sounding line like “I’m not sure, let me go ask someone else,” use positive language like “We have a team member who is great at solving problems like these; let me refer you to them.”

Whenever possible, fill your colleague in on the details of the customer’s problem, so there is a limited amount of repetition on the customer’s part. They will appreciate you saving them the time and trouble of explaining their issue all over again.

how to handle angry customers examples

The Customer Requests Something That Can’t Be Fulfilled


In most cases, it’s good policy to go the “extra mile” and give something to the customer that they request, even if it is out of the ordinary rulebook procedure. Sometimes, though, it simply isn’t possible.

For example, the customer leaves a feedback message asking for an additional service that upper management has no immediate plans to add. Or perhaps the customer asks for an extension on a payment deadline that’s set in stone. These are just some examples of a few awkward scenarios where a customer service representative may feel like their hands are tied.


You have to find a way to turn the customer down gently. Tell them the truth of the matter as best as possible as to why their request cannot be fulfilled. If you can, offer some kind of compromise solution if one appears to be available. Maybe the customer is asking for a discount when no promotions are currently running. Perhaps none are available now, but you can let the customer give you their contact info and you can follow up when a discount becomes available for them to use.

The Customer Is Overdue on a Payment


It’s been a little while since payment was due and you haven’t heard anything from the customer.


Before sending things off to a collections department or outside collections agency, take the opportunity to follow up one last time by phone or email (or both). Unless there are outside circumstances to show otherwise, a lack of payment could just be an honest mistake or simple forgetfulness on the part of the customer. Having that extra communication shows you care about the customer and aren’t simply looking for another payday.

The Customer Wants a Full Refund


You have tried other means of attempting to remedy a customer’s issue and they still demand a refund.


The best course of action is usually to provide a refund. It can be a distressing situation to be in as a businessperson, but you should be prepared for it. Apologize to the customer, let them know you are placing a refund request, and let them know how long it should take before they see the money back in their account.

how to handle angry customers examples

Overly Talkative Customer


This is a unique situation in that the customer might not be upset with your product or service. In fact, they might love it. The problem is that they seem to have struck up a conversation with a customer service representative, and they don’t seem to plan on ending it any time soon.

Not every business might find this a problem. Zappos, the online shoe retailer noted for going above and beyond with their customer service philosophy, boasted once having a 10-hour phone conversation between a representative and a customer. They see it as a badge of honor and as a sign of how loyal their customers are. You might not have the spare resources and staff to allow for something like that, however. How do you politely turn them away?


One option is to shift the conversation to email. Let the customer know that the customer service representative they’ve been speaking to is needed elsewhere, but ask them for their contact info. The customer service representative can then follow up with them at a later time. You may even be able to leverage the customer into leaving a testimonial or positive review for your business.

Very Angry Customer


When a customer is extremely angry, it can be the most difficult customer to work with because emotions are so high. At times, a customer is just so upset that there is no way to immediately respond.

Tips for How to Handle Angry Customers:

The key here is to listen. Any answer at this point may just be seen as an excuse, especially if this is an ongoing problem. Give the customer a chance to vent their frustration, and, as mentioned above, try not to take it personally.

Apologize, as always. Let them know you understand that they are aggravated and frustrated. You must accept some responsibility for the way they are feeling, as a representative of your business or product. Don’t get caught in the wave of anger. Speak slowly and calmly; do not raise your voice. If possible, immediately begin work on some kind of solution and let them know you are making it a priority.


These are some examples of how to deal with difficult customers. If you need help, use our Broadly customer review software to get feedback from customers before it becomes a problem. Following a plan of action like the ones we outlined can help you handle the rough situations you may find yourself in. Good luck!

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This article was updated on April 18, 2024.

The post Examples of Dealing with Difficult or Angry Customers Professionally appeared first on Broadly.

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How to Check Business Name Availability in USA https://broadly.com/blog/find-if-a-business-name-is-available/ https://broadly.com/blog/find-if-a-business-name-is-available/#respond Thu, 11 Apr 2024 05:00:57 +0000 https://broadly.com/?p=7626 Choosing a name for your business can be a daunting…

The post How to Check Business Name Availability in USA appeared first on Broadly.

Choosing a name for your business can be a daunting task but don’t worry, we’re here to help you find one! Doing your homework beforehand and checking to see if your business name has already been taken will save you some headaches in the future.

In this article, you will learn the steps to ensure your business name is not competing with anyone and how to get it registered. If you need some help coming up with a good name for your company we will show you how to pick a great name.

Once you have a name, Broadly can help you take the next steps by setting up a business website, software to manage your leads, and tools to monitor your online reputation and gain online reviews.

Free Guide: How To Set Up Your Google Business Profile


Why Is It Important to Check Business Name Availability?

It’s important to find a unique name since every year there are over 3,000 cases of trademark infringement lawsuits, which have cost US companies over $250 billion dollars. State law requires businesses to have unique names as well. Add to that the risk of copyright infringement, and the legality is reason enough.

Having a unique business name also helps showcase the uniqueness of your brand. The last thing you want is to have a business with a name that’s similar—or the exact same—as your own that has a bad reputation, as that can lead to customers confusing your businesses for each other.

Definitions of Business Types

Before we dive into the steps on how to find your business name, let’s define some of the terms that we will be discussing to avoid confusion.

  • DBA refers to “Doing Business As” and is required to be filled out at a bank if you are setting up an account for your business. This type of business organization does not offer protection from organizations coming after your personal assets.
  • Sole Proprietorship is where one person is the owner and there is no legal or financial distinction between owner and business.
  • Limited Liability Company (LLC) or Corporation is a blend of corporations and partnerships with less regulation, and no one person is at risk for the business.
  • Nonprofit Organizations are tax-exempt companies. All money earned is put right back into the company.
  • Trademarks are words or symbols legally registered to represent a company or product. Think about the Nike “Swoosh” or McDonald’s “M” logo, which are both trademarks.

Best Practices for Choosing a Business Name

When choosing a business name, several best practices should guide your decision-making process. Incorporating these best practices into your business name selection can significantly contribute to your brand’s success and recognition.

Above all, make sure the name makes sense in relation to your goods or services so that clients can easily connect the dots. A great business name should be able to evoke emotion, resonate with your target audience, and elicit positive feelings or associations. It should be unique, setting your business apart from competitors and making it easily distinguishable in the market. 

Opt for a name that is easy to say and spell, facilitating word-of-mouth referrals and online searches. Lastly, aim for a memorable name that sticks with customers, leaving a lasting impression and increasing brand recall.

Step 1: Check Your Favorite Search Engine and Social Media

The quickest and easiest way to check potential name availability is to simply go to your favorite search engine (like Google) and do an online business name search. You can check this name with a .com, or .org on the end to see if any business entity comes up or if there is a similar name out there that would be competing with your brand.

For example: You probably don’t want to call your business “Apple Plumbing” because, as you can see in the image below, there are literally dozens of plumbing companies with that name. Beware—even if your brand name looks available with an online search, you still need to do the remaining steps in this article. A competitor could be in the process of completing its unregistered business name. It’s better to find out now that your brand name isn’t available before paying money for a business name you can’t use.

Check your business name on search engines

In addition to using search engines like Google, it’s also a good idea to check sites like Yelp. A quick Yelp search can reveal if there are businesses with similar names in your industry or locality.

Also, don’t forget to check the availability of social media profiles for your business name—consistency across online platforms is needed for branding and marketing efforts. Ensure that your desired name is available or easily adaptable for use on social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn. This proactive approach ensures that your brand maintains a cohesive online presence and avoids any conflicts or limitations in establishing your digital footprint

Step 2: Check to See If the Name Has a Trademark

You should check the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) in case any trademark infringement rights are being violated. Getting pinged for intellectual property theft for your company name is a sure way to get shut down.

You will also want to do a trademark search to see if anyone is registered in the country for that same name. The Trademark Electronic Search System (TESS) provided by USPTO is a valuable tool for checking trademark registrations. Conducting a search on TESS ensures that your chosen business name does not infringe on existing trademark rights, protecting your business from potential legal issues related to intellectual property.

check your business name on state trademark sites

Additionally, checking ICANN’s domain name registration data lookup helps in securing a branded domain name. When using the ICANN lookup tool, you can verify the availability of domain names matching your business name.

Owning a branded domain name can establish your online identity and also enhance your brand recognition and credibility. Similarly, checking the availability of social media profile URLs (such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn) ensures consistency and uniformity across digital platforms, strengthening your brand’s online presence and accessibility to customers.

After that, you are good to go! 

Step 3: How to Check the LLC Registry

An LLC is a blend of companies and partnerships registered at the state level. Many LLCs do not have trademarks, so it’s important to check this online as well. To do so, visit your state’s secretary of state’s website and search for the name. For example, Florida’s Division of Corporations can easily be checked by name, with other search options if needed.

find your business name on corporations and LLC search engines

Step 4: Registering Your Business Name

Lucky you! Let’s get things registered!

It’s a good idea to patent and trademark your business name so no one can take your great ideas from you. Use the USPTO’s free trademark database to get yours registered. Simply go to  http://www.uspto.gov/main/trademarks.htm and click “Search.” Then follow the instructions you see on the screen. 

how to check business name availability USA

What to Do If Your Brand Name Is Taken

This can be a really frustrating experience if you have the perfect name that captures your product or service but someone else is already using it, but don’t stress! There are actually multiple things you can do.

Check out Brand Bucket where you can get check out brandable domains that are available for sale.

You can also check on some different websites, like GoDaddy.com or Namecheap, to see if there is a different variation of your name available. They can come up with some really great domain idea names and you will instantly know if they can be used as a company domain name.

Try to stick with a .com as it looks more professional, and most people assume that your website will have your name followed by the .com domain.

What Makes a Good Brand Name?

Choosing a brand name can really set you up for success. Here are a few things to remember when choosing a name for your company:

  • The simpler, the better! Think about the computer brand “Apple,”  a simple and easy-to-recognize brand name.
  • A long name will be harder to remember. Entering a long domain name could be an obstacle for people who want to visit your website.
  • Give them something to remember. Marketing is a tricky game—you need to make a quick impression before people move on.
  • Having a difficult or unknown word as a domain could confuse customers.
  • If you can create a domain that can impress people with cleverness, they will be more likely to remember and see what you are about!
  • People might remember your brand, but if they can’t remember how to spell it, they might never end up on your website!
  • Ensure the name is related to your services. Businesses with their core service or services in their business name have a much easier time ranking well on search engines like Google. If you’re a carpet cleaning company, consider a name like “Jeff Thompson Carpet Cleaning” instead of “Jeff’s Carpet.” If you’re a power washing company, consider a name like “Bluebird Power Washing” instead of “Bluebird Solutions.”
  • Additionally, by including your core service in your business name, potential clients will know exactly what your main service is before they give you a call or visit your website.


Doing some homework before deciding on a brand name will save you a possible future headache. It’s worth the time and attention. Be particular with what you choose as a name because it can have a positive or negative impact on customers. Once chosen, make sure you protect your company name with patents and register your business with a trademark. The next steps are gaining leads and watching your business grow!

Transform your local business with revolutionary AI-powered software


This article was updated on April 11, 2024.

The post How to Check Business Name Availability in USA appeared first on Broadly.

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Why Is Communication Important in Business? https://broadly.com/blog/communication-important-business/ Thu, 14 Mar 2024 09:00:12 +0000 https://broadly.com/?p=8898 If you’ve stumbled upon this article, chances are you’ve been…

The post Why Is Communication Important in Business? appeared first on Broadly.

If you’ve stumbled upon this article, chances are you’ve been asking yourself, “Why is communication important in business?” Allow us to answer that for you! The importance of business communication to your company’s success cannot be emphasized enough. Think of the way you communicate as your brand image, and treat it with that level of strategy. 

Communications encompass every aspect of your business, from face-to-face chats over the counter to your marketing emails. Consistency is crucial. Here’s why you need to have an effective business communication strategy across the counter, on the phone, in written communication, and across all digital media.

Grabbing the top spot, or even the front page, on a Google search is not easy. There’s a lot of competition and everyone wants the same spot. How can a small business compete? Let’s find out.

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What Is Business Communication?

At its core, business communication encompasses the exchange of information within and outside a business. This exchange can take various forms, including written documents, verbal conversations, presentations, and visuals. 

Internal Dynamics

Internally, business communication involves the flow of information among employees, departments, and hierarchical levels. It’s the lifeline that keeps different parts of the business interconnected and working in harmony.

External Engagements

Externally, business communication extends beyond the business’s front door. It encompasses interactions with customers, suppliers, partners, regulatory bodies, and the broader industry. These external exchanges are critical for building relationships and fostering collaboration.

Key Components of Business Communication

Business communication is not limited to a singular method. It incorporates a spectrum of elements:

  • Written Communication: In the form of emails, reports, memos, and documentation.
  • Verbal Communication: Including meetings, presentations, and everyday conversations.
  • Digital Communication: Through various digital platforms, such as social media and other online channels.
  • Visual Communication: Through charts, graphs, and multimedia presentations.

Purpose and Impact

The ultimate goal of business communication is to convey information effectively, ensuring clarity and understanding among all stakeholders. It plays a pretty important role in team management, decision-making, problem-solving, collaboration, and, most importantly, in achieving your overall business goals.

The Importance of Effective Business Communication

Efficient business communication is the cornerstone of a well-functioning machine. It aids in preventing misunderstandings, streamlining processes, fostering a positive workplace culture, and enhancing the overall efficiency and productivity of the business.

Adapting to Diverse Contexts

Business communication is versatile and needs to adapt to various contexts, whether it’s negotiating a deal, addressing a customer concern, presenting a proposal, or conveying internal policies. The ability to tailor communication styles to different situations is a valuable skill that should be routinely fine-tuned.

Continuous Evolution

In the dynamic business landscape, communication methods change, evolve, and even disappear. Technological advancements, cultural shifts, and changes in consumer behavior all influence how businesses communicate. Staying attuned to these shifts is vital for maintaining relevance and effectiveness in communication strategies.

The Benefits of Effective Business Communication

Communication is obviously necessary to do any kind of business. You communicate with customers, employees, suppliers, other businesses, and the community at large. And still, some small businesses don’t seem to have a consistent communications strategy. 

Here are all the reasons you should take communication strategy seriously:

1. Communication Reinforces Brand Messaging

With every public or private communication, you give away information about your brand, whether you realize it or not. That’s why it’s important to establish a company policy on how to talk to customers. Is your company friendly, upbeat, and relaxed? Or do you want a serious, professional tone without a lot of chat? 

The tone you take with your customers should depend on who your customer base is. A software company whose customers are financial professionals would speak an entirely different language than a store retailing surfboards.

The key is to know your customers. Who they are, how they speak, and what they want. With customer knowledge in hand, you can develop an approach to communications that defines and reinforces your brand. This voice, or brand persona, should be consistent across your message, your marketing, and every aspect of communications. 

2. Communication Builds Customer Relationships 

Relationships, especially with customers, are incredibly important in today’s business world. Communication is key when it comes to building strong relationships and will ultimately benefit your business. 

Using positive language in emails and negotiations is a good way to keep a potential customer happy and feel comfortable with you. Sending personal notes or offers to a prospect on their birthday or another significant date (without attempting to sell them anything) is a great way to build a solid client relationship and keep them content while doing business with you.

3. Communication Boosts Creativity and Innovation

Giving your employees and customers the freedom to express ideas without fear of judgment is important when it comes to business communication. This way, creativity and innovation can develop and good business ideas can become great ideas. 

If something is not working as it should, the problem is only likely to come up if your employees feel comfortable sharing feedback. Open communication is also crucial when it comes to creating new promotional sales, improving products and services, analyzing customer feedback, making informed decisions, and sustaining business. 

4. Communication Encourages Feedback

Encouraging feedback from employees and customers is incredibly valuable to maintaining and improving your business. Customer reviews can also put your business out there to new potential customers and help your company grow and profit. 

Communicating with your customers about their experience with your product or services not only allows you to develop your communication skills further but also helps build trusting relationships and return business. 

5. Communication Boosts Employee Morale

Customers are not the only beneficiaries of effective communications. Your employees benefit as well, and it shows in the numbers. In general, small businesses are more personal and communications are simple, and as a result, 80% of people who work for small businesses feel valued and heard, and that makes them happy. The increased employee engagement that comes with open communication can positively impact your bottom line. 

How to Communicate with Employees

How to Communicate With Customers

Communication is the lifeblood of any organization, fostering an environment where ideas flow, expectations are clear, and relationships flourish. Effective communication helps align goals, enhances collaboration, increases productivity, and keeps a cohesive company culture, among other benefits.

The types of workplace communication are the following:

  • Leadership Communication: Leaders should be transparent, provide clear directives, and set expectations. Regular updates and a willingness to listen can foster both trust and respect.
  • Upward Communication: Encourage open channels for feedback. Create platforms for employees to express ideas, concerns, and suggestions. Ensure that upper management is approachable and responsive.
  • Meetings: Define clear objectives for meetings. Distribute an agenda beforehand. Encourage active participation, and follow up with concise meeting minutes to ensure everyone is on the same page.
  • Presentations: Tailor presentations to the audience. Use visual aids to enhance understanding. Encourage questions and provide a forum for discussion after the presentation.
  • Announcements: Choose appropriate channels for announcements, such as emails or meetings. Clearly convey the key information and address potential concerns. Allow for questions and provide additional resources if needed.
  • Informal Interactions: Foster a culture where informal communication is valued. Encourage team-building activities, coffee chats, or virtual hangouts. This helps build rapport and strengthens interpersonal relationships.

Business Benefits of Effective Internal Communication

With effective internal communication, the following benefits can be seen:

  • Better Engagement: Engaged employees are emotionally invested in their work. Effective communication fosters engagement by keeping employees informed and connected to the organization’s mission.
  • Improved Morale: When employees feel well-informed and heard, morale skyrockets. A positive workplace culture, reinforced through effective communication, leads to greater job satisfaction.
  • Better Collaboration: Teams that communicate effectively share ideas, provide constructive feedback, and work seamlessly toward common goals.
  • Less Conflict: Miscommunication is a breeding ground for conflict. When communication is transparent and open, misunderstandings are minimized, reducing the likelihood of conflicts arising.
  • Reduced Employee Turnover: Employees are more likely to stay in an organization where they feel valued and connected. Effective communication contributes to a positive workplace environment, leading to reduced turnover.
  • Improved Customer Service: External communication often mirrors internal communication. Employees who understand their roles and feel supported are better equipped to provide excellent customer service, creating a positive image for the company. 

How to Communicate with Customers

It’s important to not just chat with customers but to communicate in a meaningful way. With focused communication skills, you can build your customer knowledge and make your customers feel heard and valued. Effective communications focus on these areas:

  • Share Information: Keep your customers up to date on sales, special offers, new products and services, and company news. 
  • Share Your Knowledge: Offer tips, tricks, use cases, and storytelling to connect with customers and answer their pain points. Be a go-to industry information site full of information about your industry and products.
  • Ask for Ideas: Who knows what customers want better than your customers? If you ask and listen, they’ll provide you with invaluable information you cannot get any other way.
  • Address Complaints: With today’s instant global communications, the way you respond to complaints is more critical to your company’s image than ever before. Act fast, be courteous, and do your level best to make things right.
  • Ask for Reviews: When your customer pays you a compliment, ask them to make it public. Happy customers are usually happy to help—if you ask. Online reviews are trusted by 84% of consumers and 87% won’t even consider doing business unless you have at least 3 stars! Tip: 15 Clever Ways to Ask for Reviews

Business Communication Channels

Why is communication important in business

Face-to-face communications are great, but not always practical. Today’s digital customers expect the full spectrum of communication options, and it’s not easy to be everywhere. As a small business owner, you’ll have to focus on those areas where you can best serve the largest number of customers. Here are some methods to consider:

Communicating on Your Website

Web chat is a great way to address customers when they need help most. They come to your website seeking answers, and a web chat agent can answer common questions immediately. For a small business, a fast response is often the difference between a missed opportunity and a sale. In our survey, 55% of small businesses think they have an hour or less to respond to customers before they move on.

Social Media

Today, almost everyone is on some sort of social media platform. Advertising and interacting with your customers through them is incredibly impactful.

A strong social media presence promotes your products and/or services to a variety of new people who may have never even heard of your company. It is not only important, but it is also super easy to communicate, both privately and publicly, through your social media pages

Your Email Lists

Giving your customers the option to subscribe to an email list is a great way to get the word out about promotions, specials, new products, and more. Offering incentives for people who sign up for your email list can allure more customers to join and news about your company will spread to more people and update them about your business. 

Telephone Communication

Professional Phone Etiquette

Effective business communication involves articulate conversations, both within the company and with external contacts. Ensure your speech is clear and concise so the person on the other line can clearly understand you. It might be a good idea to adopt a professional and amiable tone but avoid unnecessary jargon and business-speak that might alienate or confuse the person you’re talking with.

It’s important to note that more important than active communication is active listening. Understanding others’ needs is crucial for providing thoughtful and constructive responses. Don’t be afraid to keep a pen and paper handy to make sure you can jot down this important information.

Enhancing Your Verbal Communication

Problems can be challenging to navigate. Brushing up on your problem-solving skills to address inquiries or concerns can help you diffuse difficult situations and foster positive phone interactions.

Video Call Etiquette

Embrace the nuances of video calls, as they require a different set of skills compared to traditional phone conversations.

Some good pointers include:

  • Checking your camera and audio before the meeting to ensure everything is working.
  • Ensuring your background is tidy and free of distractions.
  • Confirming your internet connection is stable and able to handle a video call.
  • Counting to two after the other party ends their sentence to avoid talking over each other.
  • Have a backup plan in the event of poor connectivity.

Interpersonal Communication

Active Listening

When it comes to interpersonal communication, the best skill to have is active listening. This means actively listening to analyze and process what you are being told. Be careful not to interrupt others or impose your solutions as a fix on those already imposed—rather, present them as suggestions or other options. Keep an eye on your tone of voice, word choice, and body language when communicating.

Body Language

Part of communication is non-verbal communication, which can come from your body language. This is especially true of conversations that are had in person or over video calls. Nonverbal cues are merely communication at a subconscious level, which makes them that much more potent. Your body language can help punctuate your point when it matches what you are saying verbally, but can also undermine your message if the two don’t align. Train employees how to be mindful of body language when engaging with customers as well.

Visual Communication

Strategic Visual Elements in Business

Visual communication encompasses the strategic use of images and designs to convey business-related information effectively. It goes beyond text, offering a visual narrative that complements textual communication perfectly on visually-driven platforms.

Nailing the Aesthetic

Uphold a consistent and visually appealing brand image, encompassing elements like your company logo and marketing collateral. 

The color wheel is also your friend. Employ harmonious color schemes and well-thought-out designs to enhance brand recognition.

Inclusivity and Simplicity

Foster an inclusive image by considering inclusivity in your visuals and reflecting kindness and consideration for diverse audiences. Some great (and free!) resources for inclusive media include:

On that note, keep things simple. People skip over visuals that are too busy or unclear. When you opt for simplicity in your designs, you ensure what you are promoting is easy to comprehend while maintaining the professional aesthetic you’re going for.

Become a Communication Guru with Broadly

Without a successful communications strategy, your brand has no image. Creating lasting, trustful, and positive relationships with customers and employees is critical to running a successful and profitable business. Discover what Broadly can do for your communication strategy by scheduling a demo with us.

Transform your local business with revolutionary AI-powered software

This article was updated on March 14, 2024.

The post Why Is Communication Important in Business? appeared first on Broadly.

Nextdoor Reviews: How They Can Help Your Small Business https://broadly.com/blog/nextdoor-reviews-for-your-small-business/ https://broadly.com/blog/nextdoor-reviews-for-your-small-business/#respond Thu, 29 Feb 2024 09:23:50 +0000 https://broadly.com/?p=4648 If used correctly, Nextdoor reviews can be a powerful tool…

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If used correctly, Nextdoor reviews can be a powerful tool for growing small businesses.

Nextdoor is a neighborhood social network that requires a physical address and confirmation for you to be accepted. Once you’re in, you receive updates about anything you’d ever want to know about what’s happening in and around your neighborhood.

How To Use NextDoor To Promote & Grow Your Service Area Business

Why Your Business Should Care about Nextdoor

As a small business, your local customers are your lifeblood. Getting on Nextdoor is a savvy way to get neighborhood sponsorship and get your next-door neighbors to trust you—especially considering today’s consumerism trend of buying local.

Even compared to a review service like Yelp, Nextdoor believes there is more power in a recommendation from someone in your local community than from a stranger on the internet.

This is where Nextdoor’s potential lies.

Steps to Promote Your Business on Nextdoor

  1. Determine if your business will benefit from NextDoor
  2. Claim your business page on Nextdoor
  3. Optimize your Nextdoor business page
  4. Use your Business Posts
  5. Get Nextdoor recommendations
  6. Manage your Nextdoor recommendations

Step 1: Determine Your Business Goals for Nextdoor

Like any social media platform, not everything makes sense for everyone.

The truth is that certain types of platforms work better for certain industries. The same goes for the Nextdoor platform. Before listing your business on Nextdoor, think about whether people would turn to this hyper-local platform to search for your business.

An online marketing business, for example, probably wouldn’t fare as well as an auto shop down the street with great tire prices.

Evaluate the audience and determine whether your business would fit into the types of businesses people are recommending. Generally, home service companies such as roofers and cleaning companies’ lawn services will be popular search queries on this local community-focused website.

We’ve also seen great success with car services, medical offices, child-care recommendations, and restaurants, to name a few.

These types of professional business pages can benefit a lot from exposure to only Nextdoor members, compared to a wider audience, especially in marketing initiatives such as Nextdoor Local Deals.

Under the “Recommendations” tab, you can see the types of top categories Nextdoor suggests for people to leave recommendations for.

Nextdoor Reviews

Below, you also see that Nextdoor lists the top three local businesses with the most recommendations in their categories. Imagine how much more business you could get if you made it to the top three in your industry just by receiving personal recommendations!

Nextdoor Reviews

It’s safe to say that if you have a locally focused small business, you will do great on Nextdoor. Veterinarians, daycares, etc., will all have a place on Nextdoor recommendations.

Step 2: How to Claim Your Business Page on Nextdoor

If you’ve decided your business belongs on Nextdoor, your next step to getting visibility is to make sure your business is on there to be seen! Nextdoor Local Pages are for any individual or business that sells something or provides a service (that’s you).

To claim your Local Page on Nextdoor, you must be the owner, an employee, or an authorized company member.

1. Search for your company name in the Nextdoor directory here.

2. When options pop up, click Claim” next to your company.

Nextdoor Reviews: claim business

3. Claim your free business page as either a business or an individual (depending on what name you operate under).

You can also create a new business page through Nextdoor. Creating a new business page provides advantages compared to claiming an existing one, such as running local ads without any influence from your current reviews. However, you might not have much choice but to claim it if there’s already a well-established page about you.

4. Enter the name, email, and password you would like to use for the business account. You can also sign in from your Nextdoor account (if you have one) and claim your business through that.

However, we don’t recommend claiming your business through your personal account if you need help managing the Local Page because you will need to share your email and password with your employees. Thus, it is best to create a Nextdoor business account.

5. Once you claim your Nextdoor business page, Nextdoor will call the phone number you provided to verify your account. You will be asked to enter a verification code then boom—you’re in!

Step 3: Optimize Your Nextdoor Business Page

Now you’re ready to start converting Nextdoor members into potential customers.

If people click on your Nextdoor business page from a recommendation or via search results, you want them to be able to retrieve any type of information they are looking for.

Imagine if your professional business page had no contact information! You would lose every potential customer that comes across it simply because they don’t know how to get in touch with you.

The key info you’ll want to include on your Nextdoor business page is your address, contact information (preferably a couple of options), the services/products you offer, and your business hours.

Tell people exactly what they need to know to hire you or buy from you. Your local business page is an extension of what you would have on your website, so don’t be shy about making it robust with helpful information.

In addition, be sure to add a clear and approachable profile photo! People are much more likely to trust a company they can visualize than just a gray square of mystery. This gives you a good chance of standing out from the crowd.

Step 4: Use your Business Posts

Two Business Posts are available for free every month once your account is verified. As such, use this to your advantage: utilize Business Posts to engage with neighbors and gather recommendations. You can also use Business Posts to share your business story and highlight the products and services you offer.

Spotlighting existing recommendations in your own Business Posts also helps boost the credibility of your business, so give it a try. Encourage engagement from your neighbors by asking them to like, recommend, or even both. Finally, leverage recommendations in your Business Posts to boost your visibility and trustworthiness. Those who left the recommendations will appreciate the attention, and it also serves as free advertising, making it a win-win situation.

Step 5: Network to Get Recommendations

Nextdoor Reviews: networking with people

Even though you listed your business page, it won’t show up to people who search until you have recommendations.

One way your business can get recommendations is when people ask for recommendations on a post. Then, friendly neighbors can comment on their recommendations of a business that fits the bill—if they type in your business name, Nextdoor will help them link to your business’s Local Page.

The other way to get recommendations is for people to leave them directly on your business page. This is where you can be proactive and ask for recommendations from your trusty loyal customers.

How can you ask for recommendations, you might wonder? Fortunately, it’s quite simple: you just have to reach out.

Like collecting reviews on any other review platform, the same tip applies to Nextdoor: if you want more reviews or recommendations, you need to ask for them.

Luckily, though, there are quite a few ways to do this. Here are some of our favorites:

Send Email Requests

Send a well-crafted email to your past customers and politely ask for a recommendation. We’ve created a few email templates to help you get started; you’ll just have to customize them to fit your business and the language that makes sense for Nextdoor (for instance, using the word “recommendation” instead of “review”).

Ask Them in Person

Ask for customer feedback in-person after the customer has paid for the service or product. It can be as simple as, “Thanks again for choosing us for _____ today. If you have a minute when you get home, we would appreciate your recommendation on Nextdoor!”

Let Customers Know about Upcoming Events

Put company sales and events in the Events Calendar to stay on your community radar and market your business without being pushy. Keep in mind that the community guidelines dictate you cannot post about events in the regular newsfeed, so keep them in the Calendar to avoid getting your account locked.

Putting your events on the calendar lets local customers plan ahead. Plus, it gives potential new customers a good chance to try out your services.

Be Active in the Community

Another way you can get people to give more reviews is by contributing to your local community pages. For this, you can post your recommendations or reply when community members ask for help.

Reply to people’s posts asking for recommendations and tagging your business, but be sure to disclose your relationship with the business. You can make it personal by saying, “Hi ____, I’m the owner of _____, and we would be happy to help you with your _____. Please call or email me at _____ whenever you’re ready so we can get you taken care of!”

Inform Customers about Local Deals

Customers love local deals, which means these are great opportunities for a local business to ask for reviews.

There are multiple ways that you can do this.

First, you can advertise local deals through Nextdoor Local Deals on your Nextdoor business profile. The Nextdoor Local Deals feature allows you to advertise local deal ads to your local customers, which makes it easier for you to market to your neighborhood.

You can also promote your business through local deal ads on various social media platforms.

Whether you decide on local deal ads or social media advertisements, when regulars and new local customers flock to your doors, ask them for a review. Take advantage of Nextdoor Local Deals to get regulars and potential customers to gather at your local business, and then try to persuade them to write their first impressions.

Always Remember to Be Polite

As with any review service, being polite is the key to asking for Nextdoor recommendations. Whether you’re making Nextdoor Local Deals ads, responding to comments, or answering a question from nearby neighbors, effective communication is the key.

As long as you keep the customer’s needs at the forefront of your Nextdoor strategy, you will learn how to reach your neighbors effectively.And once your neighbors fully trust you, there’s no limit to the number of positive recommendations you can receive. Maybe you’ll even make it on Nextdoor’s “Favorites” list this year!

Step 6: Manage Your Recommendations

Online Reputation Management Reviews: Nextdoor Reviews

Make sure you respond to good and not-so-good recommendations in a timely manner. Online review management shows customers you are listening and appreciate their feedback. Responding quickly to negative reviews gives you the opportunity to resolve the customer’s concern or complaint.

Nextdoor: Your Best Friend in Hyper-Local Reputation Management

Nextdoor is a dominating star when it comes to hyper-local marketing.

Regular people are using it to share neighborhood news and recommend businesses specifically in your area for other neighbors who might be looking for those services.

This means that Nextdoor holds plenty of potential for local businesses. You can use Nextdoor’s trusted word-of-mouth referrals platform to get a neighborhood sponsor and advertise your business through well-positioned marketing strategies.

How Broadly Can Help You Manage Your Local Reputation

As a business owner, you are busy running your business and it’s hard to stay on top of checking your online reviews on all the platforms like Google, Yelp, Facebook, and now Nextdoor for your local community.

Broadly is a reputation management platform that can help you unlock your local business’s full potential by helping you maintain a spotless online presence. 

Broadly’s Reviews supercharge your review management processes so that you can keep a finger on everything you need to, not just Nextdoor.

Here is a snapshot of what Broadly has to offer.

  • Centralizes Your Management: The platform allows you to check and respond to all these review platforms in one place.
  • Automates Crucial Tasks: You can automatically request reviews from customers via email or SMS text.
  • Mobile Payments: The Payments tool enables you to get paid faster with mobile invoices and payments.

These features will be critical in ensuring you have a spotless, customer-friendly online presence that people can recommend on Nextdoor.

This might sound too good to be true—but fortunately for you, it isn’t.

Transform your local business with revolutionary AI-powered software


This article was updated on February 29, 2024.

The post Nextdoor Reviews: How They Can Help Your Small Business appeared first on Broadly.

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How to Remove Facebook Reviews https://broadly.com/blog/how-to-remove-reviews-from-facebook/ https://broadly.com/blog/how-to-remove-reviews-from-facebook/#respond Thu, 01 Feb 2024 13:51:38 +0000 https://broadly.com/?p=3852 Facebook reviews are a critical element of Facebook business pages.…

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Facebook reviews are a critical element of Facebook business pages. These pages allow consumers to give small businesses and local businesses one- to five-star reviews, with or without an added explanation or customer review. No business owner wants bad Facebook reviews. One of the first questions that may come to mind if negative comments appear is: How can I remove Facebook reviews?

If you’re a business owner or manager, maybe you’ve noticed negative reviews on your Facebook page and want to manage your social media reputation. You’ve come to the right place. We’ll explain why online reviews matter and your options for removing bad reviews on Facebook. Let’s dive into how to handle negative Facebook reviews and your broader online reputation.

Free Guide: 10 Tips To Get More Customers From Facebook

Can I Remove Facebook Reviews?

Yes, you can remove Facebook reviews from your page by eliminating the reviews section from your Facebook page. See the guidelines below on how to do this in the “How to remove the review section from Facebook.”

That said, you cannot remove individual Facebook reviews. According to Facebook, you can report reviews with comments that don’t adhere to Facebook’s Community Standards. However, you can’t report reviews that only include a star rating without customer feedback.

Individuals who write business reviews on Facebook can delete their own Facebook reviews at any time. Businesses themselves, however, cannot edit reviews.

If you don’t want bad reviews with profanity showing up on your business page on Facebook, you can block comments that include swear words by turning on the profanity filter. 

Ask the Reviewer to Remove or Edit the Review

When it comes to legitimate reviews, only the reviewers themselves can remove the reviews. However, if you address the complaint and resolve the issue with professionalism, you can then diplomatically ask the reviewer to delete or modify the review to reflect such. 

To make it easier for them (because who doesn’t like a helping hand now and then?) give them the following instructions so they can remove their review:

  1. Once you’ve logged into your Facebook account, find your review and click on the three dots (…) located in the top right corner of the review.
  2. Select the “Edit or Delete” option from the dropdown menu.
  3. Choose “Delete” to remove your review, or “Edit” to modify your review.

Should I Remove Facebook Reviews?

To remove all negative reviews from your Facebook page, you have to remove the entire reviews section from your Facebook page. A business with multiple negative reviews might think it’s best to remove the reviews section, but remember that removing your Facebook business reviews will also remove all positive ones. It’s better to have some good reviews to show potential customers than no reviews at all.

Having both positive and negative online reviews still increases your chances of landing new customers. Positive reviews shine a spotlight on the strengths of your business, but negative reviews can also be something that helps your business. How? Negative reviews are sore points that your customers have noted; when you respond to them professionally and with class, you showcase your customer-forwardness and how important feedback from your customers is, while also addressing the concerns and fixing the issues so that your business can grow. If you still want to take it down, here are the steps to remove the reviews section from your Facebook business page.

How to Remove the Review Section from Facebook

To disable Facebook page reviews, follow these step-by-step instructions:

  1. Visit your Facebook News Feed and click on “Pages” in the left-hand menu.
  2. Go to your Facebook business page.
  3. Click the “Page Settings” button on the bottom left of your Facebook page.
  4. Click “Templates and Tabs” from the left-hand menu options.
  5. Click to the right of “Reviews” to turn the reviews tab off, removing this section from your page.

How to remove Facebook reviews

Remember that disabling your reviews does not delete Facebook reviews; it just hides them. The same Facebook reviews will appear if you decide to enable your reviews again.

How to Delete Negative or Fake Facebook Reviews

You may have some great reviews and wonder how to delete only the bad or fake ones. Unfortunately, you cannot delete individual reviews from Facebook, even false reviews. You can report reviews that don’t meet Facebook’s Community Standards, including those containing objectionable content like profanity or hate speech.

How to Report a Facebook Review

  1. Go to the Facebook review you’d like to report and click the three dots (…) in the top right corner.
  2. Click “Find support or report recommendation.”
  3. Follow the step-by-step instructions that appear on the screen.

How to report a Facebook review

Why Are Facebook Reviews Important for Small Businesses?

Public sentiment can impact your company’s success. About 90% of customers read customer feedback from online reviews before they trust a business. Plus, customers spend around 31% more if a company has positive reviews, showing that online reviews can strongly influence purchase decisions

How to Manage Facebook Reviews

So, you can’t just remove bad reviews, and reporting Facebook reviews might not solve your problem. What to do? Your best bet for managing your online reputation on the social media platform is to learn how to respond appropriately to Facebook reviews. Keep track of reviews and follow these steps:

  • Engage with positive feedback. At the very least, you should “like” your positive Facebook reviews.
  • Take things a step further by thanking reviewers for their positive feedback. Doing so will encourage them to continue speaking highly of you. 
  • Use positive review response templates if you’re unsure how to engage with positive customer feedback.

Should I Respond to Negative Reviews on Facebook?

It’s best to respond to negative reviews to show customers that you care about their experiences. Handle negative Facebook reviews with class and honesty. Apologize to customers who share bad reviews and offer to resolve the issue offline via email or over a phone call. Even though you can’t remove negative Facebook reviews, you can still influence the narrative with a thoughtful response.

If you want to use negative review response templates to navigate negative comments quickly and gracefully, that works great; just remember to personalize each response to the customer to whom you’re responding.

How to Get More Reviews on Facebook

The best way to manage your online reputation is to continually ask for reviews from happy customers. Eventually, you’ll have so many great reviews that the bad ones won’t even matter!

Sponsor your positive Facebook reviews. Broadly has a unique service that helps turn positive reviews into clickable Facebook ads, amplifying those stellar results you are promising. Let your best reviews outshine the few bad eggs, and encourage more customers to leave great reviews.

Let Broadly Handle Your Business Reputation Management

Looking to grow your business using positive Yelp, Facebook, or Google Reviews? Broadly teams up with business owners to help both small and local businesses improve their social media presence, attract new potential customers, and enhance their online customer experience.

Want to see how Broadly’s digital marketing and review management tools can help you manage your online reviews on Facebook and across social media channels?

Schedule a demo with us!

Transform your local business with revolutionary AI-powered software


This article was updated on February 1, 2024.

The post How to Remove Facebook Reviews appeared first on Broadly.

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How to Ask for Recommendations on Facebook https://broadly.com/blog/how-to-ask-for-recommendations-facebook/ https://broadly.com/blog/how-to-ask-for-recommendations-facebook/#respond Mon, 08 Jan 2024 10:03:55 +0000 https://broadly.com/?p=6887 In the spring of 2018, Facebook started improving how customers…

The post How to Ask for Recommendations on Facebook appeared first on Broadly.

In the spring of 2018, Facebook started improving how customers leave business page reviews. In the past, a review consisted of a paragraph explaining a person’s experience along with their rating. Facebook has simplified the social media review process into what they call their recommendations feature. So, now you might be wondering where to begin when deciding how to ask for recommendations on Facebook.

The process starts with a simple question: “Would you recommend this place?”

With an answer of yes or no, the screen will open up with different tabs, allowing tags, photos, and space for additional feedback. This feedback will accumulate on a Facebook Business Page, allowing viewers to see what other people, especially their friends, say about a business.

Since 84% of people trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations, getting positive reviews is a great way to impress consumers in your area.

This article will cover how to set up Facebook recommendations for your business page, why it’s essential to have a business Facebook page, and simple ways to get more recommendations.

Generate 5-star Facebook reviews for your business automatically

Are Facebook Reviews and Recommendations the Same Thing?

Facebook reviews have taken the place of reviews. In the past, reviews allowed customers to assign a star rating with a written review. However, with the introduction of Facebook recommendations, the dynamics have changed.

Recommendations let customers rate whether they recommend a business with a “yes” or ‘no” answer and allow for written reviews under 25 characters. Anyone can respond to a review, but only people in a poster’s network can respond to their recommendations.

This transition has altered the way customers express their opinions and feedback on the platform.

>> Click here to get some additional tips on how to generate customers from Facebook!

The Impact Facebook Reviews and Recommendations Have on Businesses

Having great reviews online is essential, and a strong Facebook page can get your business in front of the 182 million active American Facebook users. Up to 37% of people search for companies on Facebook to read customer reviews before visiting them. Facebook users are more likely to find and patronize companies with higher ratings, so if you’re a business owner, you’ll want to ensure you actively seek Facebook recommendations.

How to Set Up Facebook Recommendations for Your Business

If you previously set up your business for Facebook reviews, you don’t have to worry about setting up recommendations, as the system was updated automatically and you can already receive recommendations. If you haven’t set up Facebook reviews or recommendations, here are the steps to setting it up on your business page:

  • Click “Settings” on your Facebook page
  • Click “Privacy”
  • You will see under the Page section an option to allow others to view and leave reviews on your page. Slide the button next to “Reviews” from off to on.

Now customers can quickly jump to the reviews page when they visit your page.

To check if your page is currently eligible for Facebook Recommendations, follow these steps:

  • Click “settings” on your Facebook page
  • Click “New Pages Experience”
  • Click “Page Recommendation”

How to Ask For Facebook Recommendations

Asking for reviews might seem intimidating, but ‌most customers will leave a review if askedso don’t be afraid to ask! Sometimes people need a reminder to leave a review, as they might not think about it or realize how vital it is to their favorite local business.

Here are eight easy ways to ask customers for reviews:

1. Include Facebook buttons in email follow-ups

Send an automated review email after you complete a service to ask customers to recommend your business on Facebook. Include a Facebook button within the message to quickly guide your customers to the right place.

2. Ask People to Check-in

Checking in on Facebook is a simple and fun way for customers to show their Facebook friends what they’re doing. It will also prompt Facebook to remind the user to leave a recommendation.

Offer incentives for customers to check in to your Facebook page, like access to a Wi-Fi password, a free upgrade, or a small discount.

3. Include a Facebook Call to Action on Your Website

Your webpage can include a CTA for the user to recommend your business. Include a Facebook icon that links directly to your page to simplify the process for people and rack up recommendations on your company’s Facebook page.

4. Promote Great Reviews

Everyone loves a good review to showcase. Let the world know what people are saying about you. Promote a great review on Facebook as a testimonial and bring in new customers. It might also inspire other happy customers to write glowing reviews.

Over time, you’ll likely encounter some negative reviews. Always respond to negative reviews to show existing and potential customers that you care about their customer experience.

5. Ask People for Recommendations

Asking for recommendations is easier said than done, but even putting a sign with a QR code in a visible place with a review request is effective. Customers are probably on Facebook, anyway! When you ask a customer directly if they would leave a review, ensure they know it’s optional.

Don’t underestimate the power of gratitude. Let your customers know how important their business is to you and how much you appreciate recommendations and feedback. This will promote a stronger sense of loyalty and more long-term customers.

6. Post on Your Wall

One of the most direct ways to encourage Facebook recommendations is by reaching out to your current followers through a dedicated wall post. This method taps into your existing community, making it a personalized and engaging approach. Craft a warm and inviting post, expressing gratitude for the support you’ve received so far and kindly asking for recommendations from your followers.

Encourage them to share their stories and experiences. This could turn your business page into a lively hub of positive interactions. By leveraging your established network, you not only enhance your online reputation but also foster a sense of community around your business.

7. Send Facebook Messages

For a more personal touch, consider reaching out to specific individuals through direct messages (DMs). Sending personalized messages allows you to tailor your request based on your relationship with the recipient. 

Whether it’s a loyal customer, a long-time supporter, or someone who recently engaged with your business, sending a friendly message asking for their recommendation shows that you value their opinion. 

Remember to keep the message concise, express your appreciation for their support, and provide easy instructions on how they can leave a recommendation on Facebook. This targeted approach can yield great results and strengthen the connection between your business and its supporters.

8. Network on Facebook

Expanding your reach beyond your immediate followers involves networking within the broader Facebook community. Joining relevant Facebook Groups allows you to connect with individuals who share common interests or demographics related to your business. 

Actively participate in these groups, sharing insights and engaging with members. Additionally, follow other businesses and individuals in your local community. This not only broadens your online presence but also opens up opportunities for cross-promotion and collaboration. 

Engaging with the broader Facebook ecosystem can lead to organic recommendations as you become an active and respected member of the online community.

Incorporating these strategies into how you ask for recommendations on Facebook ensures a multi-faceted and personalized outreach. By combining direct engagement with your current followers, personalized messages, and active participation in broader Facebook networks, you have all the ingredients for a strategy that fosters positive interactions and builds a robust online presence for your business.

Manage Your Facebook Interactions with Broadly

Broadly can help automate reputation management so you can focus on your business. Remember that over three billion people are using Facebook, and one out of three use the recommendation and review section to find local businesses.

Want to see how Broadly can help your business use recommendations to grow your online presence and manage your online reputation?

Transform your local business with revolutionary AI-powered software

This article was updated on January 8, 2024.

The post How to Ask for Recommendations on Facebook appeared first on Broadly.

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How to Advertise Your Business on Facebook https://broadly.com/blog/how-to-promote-your-business-on-facebook/ https://broadly.com/blog/how-to-promote-your-business-on-facebook/#respond Wed, 03 Jan 2024 14:29:01 +0000 https://broadly.com/?p=7760 Are you using social media to promote a small business?…

The post How to Advertise Your Business on Facebook appeared first on Broadly.

Are you using social media to promote a small business? If you are wondering how to advertise your business on Facebook, creating a Facebook page for your business is a great place to start.

After all, Facebook is the biggest social media platform in the world. The platform currently has about 2.89 billion active users every month and brings in an additional source of audiences from owning four of the other biggest platforms (WhatsApp, Messenger, and Instagram).

You’ve probably heard of this by now, but if you want to establish a stronger online presence, you need to blow up your business on Facebook.

You can create Facebook pages, run Facebook ads, and access Facebook groups. These are tools a local business can use to enhance their social media marketing strategy—but does Facebook advertising really work? What can you get out of it?

This article goes into the specific benefits of advertising your business on Facebook so that you can implement the right strategies for success!

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The Facebook Advantage for Businesses

Exposure is everything in today’s interconnected world; if you can’t reach your audience, your competitors will. To ensure you stay on top of your game, you must use the best tools available to you, such as Facebook business pages.

Facebook offers various significant advantages for big brands and small businesses alike.

how to advertise your business on Facebook

A Large and Diverse Audience

Based solely on numbers, Facebook has the broadest reach out of all the other social media sites. According to Statista, Facebook has 226 million users in the US alone. You can talk to anyone on the street, and most of them will have a Facebook account.

Another report states that the most significant demographic on the platform consists of millennials aged 25 to 34, with young adults aged 18 to 24 following closely behind. These are all working-age demographics with high potential buying power, which you can take advantage of regardless of your business’s industry.

If your target audience is on Facebook, it’s high time you were, too.

Free Advertising

One of the best benefits this social media platform offers is the ability to advertise your business without paying anything.

While Facebook has effective paid advertising and audience targeting functionality, that doesn’t mean you need to shell out money to promote your business. Instead, you can organically improve your exposure with the right strategies, such as:

  • Creating interesting content
  • Encouraging engagement through prompts
  • Offering partnerships with influencers or Facebook personalities

Increased Visibility

Brand visibility is incredibly efficient on Facebook.

Not only does it have a massive audience reach, but it also has a complete set of tools for audience targeting, post scheduling, optimization, and engagement.

A Facebook business page gives you the optimal ecosystem to establish and grow your online presence.

Facebook Tips for Business Owners

Advertising on Facebook is great, but how can you take advantage of these fantastic tools yourself? Here are a few tips to consider.

Creating a Page

Your personal Facebook account shouldn’t be your sole account for your business. And it’s not just because you might want to create a separation between your personal and business lives—but also because a Facebook business page offers more tools and services than a personal profile has.

A Facebook business page creates a seamless process for advertising and engagement. This allows your time spent marketing on Facebook to be more efficient than if you just used a personal account. 

Plus, a business account is more professional and can serve as better social proof for your audience. Make sure your Facebook business page has a professional cover photo, logo, and relevant information. 

how to advertise your business on Facebook

Posting Relevant and Engaging Content

The best way for your business to expand its exposure and reach its audience is to add value for your audience. People consume things that are worth their time, whether through entertainment, information, or everything else in between.

In other words, creating relevant and engaging content is an excellent strategy to reach your target audience. Here are several examples of how you can do this.

  • Posting informational content. Create, repost, or feature informative things related to your industry on your Facebook business page to give your audience a better idea of what you do and show your expertise.
  • Conducting surveys. Gauge what your audience wants through surveys that ask relevant questions about your audience’s experience.
  • Create entertaining content. Give your audience content that they won’t regret consuming.
  • Join Facebook groups. Join groups related to your business niche and interact with the members to gain connections and build rapport.

Interacting with Your Audience

Aside from the massive reach and comprehensive Facebook marketing tools, another thing that Facebook does well is let you directly interact with your target audience. The business system integrates seamlessly with the Facebook ecosystem so customers can message your page directly from their personal accounts. You can also ask for Facebook reviews.

You can always answer questions, respond to inquiries, receive feedback, and address your audience’s concerns about your products and services through comments on posts or direct messages.

Take full advantage of this opportunity by interacting with your audience on Facebook. Automate chat responses to save time answering basic questions, but always have a team member ready to respond to more involved chats. This way, your customers will always feel that you are taking care of their needs, improving their perception of your brand.

how to advertise your business on Facebook

Advertising on Facebook

If you’re ready to go the paid route, consider using Facebook Ads. Creating Facebook ads is easy, and the price structure can fit any marketing budget.

You can even promote your business on other social media platforms, such as Instagram, because the Meta Business Suite has cross-platform functionality, allowing for more efficiency when making Facebook posts for your small business.

Whether boosting posts or creating banner ads, you have many options to maximize the benefits of Facebook’s tools.

Setting Up Your Business Account on Meta Business Manager

Step 1. Create a Facebook Account

Before diving into Meta Business Manager, ensure you have a personal Facebook account. If you don’t, head over to Facebook and sign up using your details.

Step 2. Sign Up for Meta Business Manager

Navigate to the Meta Business Suite and sign in with your Facebook profile. Click on Create Account and follow the prompts to set up your Business Account.

Adding People to Your Business Account

Before you start, ensure you have complete control of your Business Account and have activated two-factor authentication for added security.

  1. Head to the Business Settings section.
  2. Navigate to Users and click on People.
  3. Click the Add People option.
  4. Input the email address of the individual you wish to add and click Next.
  5. Specify the access level and click Next.
  6. Choose the asset you want to assign and the corresponding access type. For partial access, specify the task relevant to their role. Once done, click Invite.
  7. Review the invitation details and hit Send Request. Your invitee will receive an email prompting them to join your Business Account.

Adding Pages to Your Business Account

  1. Navigate to the Business Settings section.
  2. Choose Pages from the Accounts tab.
  3. Click on the Add option.
  4. From the dropdown menu, select Add a Page.
  5. Enter the name or URL of your Facebook Page.
  6. Click Add Page. Your page will be visible on the next screen, where you can further manage and add team members.

Important Note: Individuals who previously had access to the page before its integration into a Business Account will retain their access and management privileges. The transition won’t disrupt existing permissions.

Adding Ad Accounts in Business Manager

  1. Start by heading to the Business Settings section.
  2. Click on the Accounts option in the left-side menu, then navigate to Ad Accounts.
  3. Locate and click the blue Add dropdown menu.
  4. Choose from three options: Add an ad account, Request access to an ad account, or Create a new ad account.
  5. If opting to request access or add an ad account, input the ad account ID. Not sure where to find it? Learn where to locate the account ID.
  6. Follow the prompts to designate team members and set access levels.

Note: Deactivating an ad account doesn’t remove it entirely from your business. Even when deactivated, the ad account still contributes to your overall ad account limit.

Requesting Access to a Page in Business Manager

Before you request access to a page, ensure you’ve added a primary page to your Meta Business Manager.

  1. Begin by navigating to Business Settings.
  2. Under Accounts, select Pages.
  3. Click the blue Add dropdown button.
  4. Opt for Request access to a Page.
  5. Enter the Facebook page name or URL.
  6. Toggle the switches to select the specific permissions you require.
  7. Click Request access.

Congrats! Your request is now on its way to the page admin. Once approved, you’ll seamlessly see the page incorporated into your Business Account.

Adding an Instagram Account in Business Manager

Before adding an Instagram account to your Meta Business Manager, ensure it is a professional account on Instagram and that you have the username and password at your fingertips. Additionally, ensure the Instagram professional account is not owned by another business, as only admins can initiate this process.

  1. Start by heading to Business Settings.
  2. Click on Accounts.
  3. Navigate to Instagram accounts.
  4. Click the blue Add button.
  5. Opt to Connect your Instagram account.
  6. Enter your Instagram username and password. For added security, a verification code may be sent to your associated email or phone.
  7. On the next screen, choose the ad accounts and pages you wish to assign. Click Finish.

Connecting Your Ad Account to the Instagram Account

  1. Go to Business Settings.
  2. Click on Accounts.
  3. Move to Instagram accounts.
  4. Select the Instagram account you added.
  5. Click on Connected Assets.
  6. Hit Add Assets.
  7. Choose an ad account.
  8. Click Add.

And there you go—you’ve integrated your Instagram account into your Business Manager. Now, your social media assets are ready to collaborate to create a synchronized advertising presence.

Setting Up Your First Ad Campaign on Facebook

Adding Facebook Pixel to a Website

Setting up a pixel for your website can seem like a daunting task, but fear not! We’ve broken down the process step-by-step to help you effortlessly create and customize your Meta Pixel.

Step 1: Creating Your Pixel and Adding the Base Code

Before you start, ensure you have a functioning website for your business. Confirm that you or your developer have the capability to update your website’s code if you plan to set up the pixel manually using code.

Now, let’s get started:

  1. Go to Meta Events Manager.
  2. Click Connect data sources and select Web.
  3. Click Connect.
  4. Enter a name for your pixel and click Create Pixel. This action generates a new ID, viewable in Events Manager.

Note: Events from your Meta Pixel are shared to a dataset, grouping events from different sources. Your new dataset ID is the same as your new pixel ID.

Depending on whether you have a website or not, proceed accordingly:

  • If you have a website, enter your website URL to check for easy partner integration setup options, and click Check.
  • If a partner integration is available, follow the onscreen instructions to set up your pixel and events through your partner’s website.
  • If partner integration is not available, proceed to the next step.
  • If you don’t have a website, check the box next to I don’t have a website and click Continue.

Step 2: Set Up the Meta Pixel and Events on Your Website

Continue with the setup based on your preferences:

  1. Select Get guidance if you want setup recommendations. Follow the onscreen instructions in Events Manager.
  2. Select Do it yourself if you already know how to connect your data. Continue with the following instructions. Select Conversions API and Meta Pixel or Meta Pixel only as your setup option.

If you choose the Conversions API and Meta Pixel:

  • Select setup options: Set up with partner integration, Set up with Conversions API Gateway, or Set up manually.
  • Follow onscreen instructions to set up the pixel, Conversions API, and events based on your chosen option.
  • If you’re unsure, compare Conversions API setup options by cost and complexity.
  • Complete the setup according to your chosen method.

If you choose Meta Pixel only:

  • Choose how to set up your pixel code: Install code manually or Check for partner.
  • If you have a developer assisting you, you can click Email instructions instead.

Setting Up an Ad Campaign, Ad Set, and Ad

Setting Up an Ad Campaign

Choosing Your Buying Type:

The buying type you select for your campaign dictates how you pay for, target, and measure your ads. This decision requires a thoughtful consideration of your campaign goals. You have two options: auction or reservation. Familiarize yourself with the differences between these buying types before proceeding to ensure the best results.

Creating a Campaign with Auction as Your Buying Type:

  1. Navigate to Ads Manager and select Create to initiate the process.
  2. Opt for Auction as your buying type.
  3. Choose a relevant ad objective that aligns with your campaign goals.
  4. Continue to open the creation pane.
  5. Provide a descriptive name for your campaign in the designated text box.
  6. Optionally, turn on the Special ad category and choose a category from the dropdown.

Note: If your campaign involves credit, employment, housing, social issues, elections, or politics, selecting the appropriate Special Ad Category is mandatory.

  • Explore options for A/B testing and Advantage campaign budget.
  • Set your daily or lifetime budget based on your preferences.
  • Show more options to run ads on a schedule if desired. (Schedules available for lifetime budgets.)

Creating a Campaign with Reservation as Your Buying Type:

  1. Visit Ads Manager and select Create to commence the process.
  2. Opt for Reservation as your buying type.
  3. Choose an ad objective, with options like awareness and engagement for reservation campaigns.
  4. Continue to open the creation pane, proceeding directly to the ad set creation.
  5. If applicable, enable the Special ad category and choose a relevant category from the dropdown.
  6. Upon completion, select Close to save your campaign or Next to advance to ad set creation.

Setting Up an Ad Set

Consider your ad placement options carefully, as they greatly impact the objectives you choose at the campaign level. The chosen objective determines the potential appearance of your ads on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and the Meta Audience Network.

Creating Your Ad Set:

These steps are tailored for campaigns using auction as the buying type. If you opt for reservation as your buying type, check out how to set up a reservation campaign.

  • Create a Campaign
      1. Kickstart the process by creating a campaign using the steps we mentioned in the previous section.
      2. Provide a descriptive name in the ad set name text box.
  • Objective and Conversion Location
      1. Depending on your campaign’s objective, select a conversion location.
      2. Optionally, turn on dynamic creative at this level. Keep in mind that, once activated, manual customization of ads per placement at the ad level won’t be possible.
      3. In the Conversion section, prioritize the desired result by clicking Edit. Note that not all objectives offer more than one option.
  • Budget and Schedule
      1. If applicable, set your daily or lifetime budget and enter the amount.
      2. Skip this step if you’ve activated Meta Advantage campaign budget at the campaign level.
      3. Choose start and end dates, ensuring the start date isn’t in the past.
      4. Explore more options to schedule ads for different times of the day. Note that schedules are only available for lifetime budgets.
  • Audience Definition
      1. Define your target audience using a custom audience or a lookalike audience.
      2. Alternatively, hover over Locations, Age, Gender, Detailed targeting, and Languages. Click Edit to create a new audience, and Save this audience to use it later.
  • Ad Placements
      1. Choose your ad placements wisely.
      2. You can opt for Advantage+ placements to allow the system to display your ads where they are likely to perform best.
      3. Alternatively, select Manual placements to choose your ad placements manually.
  • Save and Move On
      1. Click Close to save your ad set.
      2. Alternatively, click Next to proceed to ad creation.

Setting up an Ad

The choices made at the campaign and ad set levels play a big role in shaping the options available during the creation of your ad. These strategic decisions are key to enhancing the effectiveness of your campaign. 

Get Started with Ad Creation:

    1. Navigate to Ads Manager and initiate the ad creation process after setting up your campaign and ad set.
    2. Enter a descriptive name for your ad in the designated text box.
    3. Choose a Facebook Page and Instagram account to represent your business, as all ads require an associated Facebook Page.
    4. Select an ad format from options like single image or video, carousel, or collection.
    5. Choose your media based on the selected ad format:
  • For single image or video ad:
        • Add Media to upload new media or select from previously uploaded images or videos.
        • Create a video using templates for a dynamic approach.
  • For carousel ad:
        • Select Image to upload new media or choose from previously uploaded images or videos.
        • Add an optional headline, description, and website URL for each card in the carousel.
  • For collection ad:
      • Create a catalog (required).
      • Choose to display catalog products dynamically or manually select up to four products.
      • Upload or select media from your account, Facebook Page, Instagram account, or Meta Media Library.
      • Depending on your choices, additional options may be available, such as adding a call-to-action button or choosing a pixel.
      • Preview your ad and when satisfied, select Publish.
      • To assess how your ad will appear across different placements, review the placement thumbnails alongside the ad preview.
      • Before your ads go live on Facebook or Instagram, Meta automatically reviews them against their Advertising Policies. You can monitor the status of your ad in the Delivery column of Ads Manager.

By following these steps, you’ll be on your way to creating visually compelling and strategically impactful ads that resonate with your audience.

Congratulations! You’ve set up your Business Account on Meta Business Manager and launched your first Facebook ad campaign. Keep experimenting and refining your strategy to maximize your online presence. Good luck!

Promoting Your Business with Broadly

Your small business’s Facebook page will be the new frontline for your marketing operations. The world is moving fast, and it’s heading towards the realms of social media marketing. It’s high time you take advantage of the many opportunities that Facebook advertising has for your business.

Juggling multiple social media apps, managing customer reviews, and driving your digital marketing efforts can be overwhelming for a small business owner. Broadly’s comprehensive platform is the best way to organize your time and manage campaigns. Gain new leads, broaden your audience, and improve your online reputation all in one place with Broadly’s tools.

Transform your local business with revolutionary AI-powered software

The post How to Advertise Your Business on Facebook appeared first on Broadly.

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What is Reputation? Here’s What It Means For Your Business https://broadly.com/blog/define-reputation-business/ https://broadly.com/blog/define-reputation-business/#respond Thu, 21 Dec 2023 10:20:02 +0000 https://broadly.com/?p=7072 The saying is true: Your reputation does precede you. But…

The post What is Reputation? Here’s What It Means For Your Business appeared first on Broadly.

The saying is true: Your reputation does precede you. But what is reputation? And how exactly do you define it?

The Cambridge English Dictionary defines reputation as: “the general opinion that people have about someone or something.” Whether you have a good reputation or a bad one is up to you. It’s important to focus on your company’s reputation because it could make or break your business.

Automatically request reviews to amplify your online reputation

The Impact a Reputation Has on Your Business

No matter if you’re dealing with a major PR crisis or a single negative review, you must be diligent in managing your reputation. In the world of social media and online reviews, one small complaint can quickly become common opinion with enough firepower behind it.

Let this sink in: 8 out of 10 internet users in the USA say negative information they read online made them change their minds about purchasing something. That’s eighty percent of business you’re losing to negative online reviews.

A good reputation, on the other hand, can improve your business just as much, if not more. If you can retain customers, studies show people will continue to spend more money with you as time goes on. Positive online reviews also outweigh the negative comments, acting as damage control.

Some other benefits of a good reputation are:

  • Distinguishes you from competitors
  • Attracts loyal supporters
  • Creates growth opportunities

Think about the businesses with good reputations—Apple, Google, Patagonia—their success stems from their fantastic reputations!

There’s no doubt that reputations are important to uphold. Sometimes, though, it’s not so simple. What if a competitor is trying to badmouth you? What if there is a small miscommunication and one angry customer starts spewing falsehoods online? Even if what’s said about you isn’t true, the general public does not know that. 

88% of adults either agree or strongly agree that it would be very difficult to remove inaccurate information about them online. So, how do you “fix” your reputation before it becomes irreparable?

Taking active steps to manage your reputation can help mold public opinion.

What is Reputation?

Is Subjective Reputation Quantifiable?

In the world of business, reputation is often considered a subjective matter, open to interpretation and personal opinions. However, dismissing negative reviews as merely subjective can be a costly mistake with tangible effects on a business’s bottom line. Let’s dive into the ways to quantify the impact of reputation, from the risk of revenue loss to measuring return on investment (ROI) in reputation management campaigns.

The Ripple Effect of Negative Reviews

A single negative article on the first page of search results can send shockwaves through a business, potentially leading to a 22% loss of revenue. This startling statistic, revealed by Moz, underlines the influence that online reviews have on consumer behavior. Negative online content can steer potential customers away, affecting not only sales but also the overall perception of the business.

Calculating ROI in Reputation Management

Quantifying the impact of reputation management efforts involves a nuanced calculation. To measure the overall ROI, add the lost revenue with the potential revenue earned and then take away the campaign cost. You then divide by the campaign cost and multiply the result by 100 for the percentage. This formula, highlighted by Reputation.ca, provides businesses with a concrete way to assess the effectiveness of their reputation management strategies.

It should look something like this:

Lost Revenue + Earned Revenue – Campaign Cost / (Campaign Cost) x 100 = Percentage of Overall ROI

For a deeper dive into ROI measurement, Forbes also offers insights in their article on how to measure the ROI of online reputation management.

Brand Equity: Placing a Value on Reputation

Brand equity, while often associated with big brands, provides an interesting perspective on placing a valuation on reputation, even for local businesses. The price premium method is one way to measure brand value. This involves calculating the price difference between a branded product and a generic one and then multiplying this difference by the total branded sales volume. This method, explained by Clootrack, demonstrates how the perception of a brand can directly impact its financial value.

Here’s what this formula should look like:

Price of Your Product – Price of Generic Product (Total Branded Sales Volume) = Brand Value

In a nutshell, the impact of reputation on a business is not merely a matter of perception; it has real, quantifiable consequences. From revenue loss to ROI calculations and brand equity, understanding the numbers behind reputation is key for local businesses looking to scale.

Tips to Improve Your Business’s Reputation

If you want your business to have a good reputation, there are a few key areas you can focus on. Below are our best tips for establishing a good reputation.

Tip 1: Communicate (And Stick To) Your Story

Much like people, businesses can easily be misunderstood. Make sure your mission is clearly defined internally and communicated effectively externally. What values are your company passionate about? Try to appeal to customers on a human level. People who align with your values will become your ideal customers. When people know what to expect from you, there will be fewer moments of what feels like “betrayal.”

Tip 2: Gather Online Reviews

There’s your side of the story, and then there are your customers’ sides. Gathering online reviews can feel like letting the floodgates open to criticism. However, getting customer feedback is imperative to company growth. 

Feedback is how you improve. At the very least, getting feedback will give you insight on how to improve your reputation. Further, those positive reviews will boost you online. To make it easy on you, Broadly created online reputation management software that automates the review process. This way, you can gather and respond to reviews with ease. You can free up your time while managing your reputation.

Tip 3: Use Social Proof

Reputations are widely built on trust. One savvy way to increase the public’s trust in your brand is to use social proof. Show off the positive reviews you receive. For even more positive results, you can promote these reviews on Facebook. You can also include information about your expertise in the industry. “Proudly servicing the Cleveland area for 35 years” gives you a lot of heft.

Tip 4: Improve Customer Service

Poor customer service is a surefire way to kill your company. Some brands have earned bad reputations because of their poor customer service. And, many times, these reputations are too far gone to recover. Keep stellar service at the top of your to-do list and see how it rewards you. There are many automated ways to improve customer service without hiring extra manpower. 

Install web chat on your site to help customers while they are in the buying mindset.

Tip 5: Be Honest

Trust is not built by lying. If your company does mess up, it is always more honorable, in the public’s opinion, to own up to your mistakes. Covering up a mistake is a fast way to earn a bad reputation. Though it’s not always pretty, it is best to be honest when PR mishaps occur. Similarly, keep customer communications clear in times of confusion and chaos. Nobody likes to be left hanging.

Clearly, your company’s reputation is much more comprehensive than the dictionary definitions. Your reputation either brings you buckets of new business or it can turn away potential customers. Earning public esteem is not without work, but it is worth it! Plus, with new innovations and automation software, online reputation management is becoming easier day-by-day.

Want to see how Broadly can help you build your online reputation and stand out from your competition?

Transform your local business with revolutionary AI-powered software

The post What is Reputation? Here’s What It Means For Your Business appeared first on Broadly.

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6 Tips for Responding to Positive Reviews With Reply Examples https://broadly.com/blog/how-to-respond-positive-reviews/ https://broadly.com/blog/how-to-respond-positive-reviews/#respond Wed, 18 Oct 2023 08:52:01 +0000 https://broadly.com/?p=3169 Getting online customer reviews on Google, Facebook, and Yelp has…

The post 6 Tips for Responding to Positive Reviews With Reply Examples appeared first on Broadly.

Getting online customer reviews on Google, Facebook, and Yelp has become one of the most important ways to market your business. In fact, 93 percent of consumers say online reviews impact their purchasing decisions.

That’s why it’s so crucial that you tidy up your online presence and ensure you’re putting your best foot forward. Once you’ve nailed down the process of asking for reviews, it’s time to make the most of your positive reviews.

The first step is to actually respond to them. Yes, all positive reviews should be acknowledged and not taken for granted. You will want to thank the reviewer promptly and be concise and authentic. Then, you should include a call-to-action for further marketing purposes.

Below, we will break down all of these steps and include example templates to ensure your business is ready to respond to positive reviews with purpose.

Key Takeaways

  • Reply to Positive Reviews: It’s important to respond to positive reviews to show your appreciation and encourage customer loyalty.
  • Effective Response Tips: To respond well, thank the reviewer, do it promptly, keep it short, and invite them to take action, like sharing their experience on social media.
  • Share Positive Reviews: Share these good reviews on your website and social media to attract more customers. It’s all about making the most of your positive feedback!

Monitor and respond to reviews all in one place

Why You Should Respond to Positive Reviews

Positive reviews show you who your cheerleaders are. These are the promoters of your business—the people who rave about your company and want to tell their friends about it. These are also the people who will return to your business again and again, which is important considering it costs almost seven times more to attract new customers than it does to keep the ones you already have.

Without these positive reviews, your professional business can be drowned in negative reviews that come up, especially considering it takes 12 positive customer experiences to make up for one negative review. After you receive new positive reviews, phrase your responses to hype up your cheerleaders even more and encourage them to be your own special army of free-marketing.

How to Respond to Positive Reviews

Here are a few of the things you should keep in mind when responding to positive reviews for maximum impact:

1. Thank the Reviewer

The reviewer just said something nice about your company—it would be poor manners if you didn’t thank them! Be sure to always thank the reviewer first and foremost, so they know that their kind deed didn’t go unnoticed. After all, they didn’t have to leave you a nice review or give you feedback at all. Show your appreciation and make it personal. Reference specific things they mentioned, like agreeing if they point out one of your stellar employees.

The following example shows you actually took the time to read and appreciate what your customer wrote.

Thank you so much for your kind words, Jane. We really appreciate you taking the time out to share your experience with us—and we agree—Jordan is truly a gem to have on our team! We count ourselves lucky to have customers like you. We look forward to working with you again in the future! 

2. Respond Quickly to Positive Reviews

Reviews are often left immediately following a purchase, visit, or specific experience. Time is of the essence for you as a business owner. If you let a positive review sit for months before responding, it looks like you didn’t care at all about it, even though your customer cares a lot about you.

By responding as soon as you can, you show how appreciative you are of the customer—it’s a simple action that will accompany your words of thanks. Otherwise, if you wait too long, the customer will be alerted to the late response and reminded that they were ignored. They will also probably have moved on and forgotten about you if you don’t stay top-of-mind.

Did you get a negative review? Here’s how to write an effective response and make it work for you.

3. Keep It Short

Nobody likes to read lengthy responses; keep them short and sweet. Do your kind customers a favor and keep your message brief but impactful. If you say too much, the value of your words could decrease, and you might even come off a little too enthusiastic. Short and simple wins every time.


Thanks for the awesome review, Dan! We work hard to meet expectations like yours, and we’re happy to hear we hit the mark for you. Come back and see us soon. Cheers!

4. Be Authentic and Personal

Most people agree that robots pretending to be humans on the internet are not cool, so don’t act like one! Customers can immediately tell if they are getting a cookie-cutter automated response versus a warm, real human connection. This person took the time to talk about your company, so the very least you can do is give them the decency of a real response. Don’t forget to sprinkle in specifics or personality while keeping it short.


George, thank you for the great review! We’re so happy you loved your experience, and we can’t wait to have you back for your next service appointment. Until then, we’re here if you need anything.

5. Invite Them to Take Action

Responding to positive reviews is great, but if you want to maximize your success, it’s important to add in a small call-to-action. Make it feel natural. It could be anything: asking them to share their experience with their friends, sign up for another appointment, or find you on social media. It’s up to you and your business goals. But make sure to strike while the iron’s hot and invite reviewers to take further action while they’re happy.


Thank you for the kind words, Laura! We’re so happy your visit went so smoothly. Would you mind sharing with your friends who are due for a service appointment, too? We’d love to continue providing great service to awesome customers like you. Thanks again!

6. Share the Positive Review

Finally, while you’re asking reviewers to share, you should be sharing as well! Share the good news of the good reviews on your social channels—people who follow you but don’t do business with you (yet) might be prompted to look more into your services or products. 

For example, you can take a positive Google review and post it on your business’s Facebook page or add it to the testimonial section of your website so any visitors know right off the bat what to expect. Get the good news out there for everyone to see.

Related Topics:

Other Examples of Great Responses to Positive Reviews

Responding to positive reviews is more than just acknowledging praise; it’s an opportunity to foster customer loyalty and show genuine appreciation. When customers take the time to leave glowing feedback, it’s a reflection of their satisfaction and loyalty, so do everything in your power to retain this loyalty by showing how much it means to you.

In this section, we’ll explore even more examples of excellent responses to positive reviews, emphasizing the significance of genuine gratitude and the potential to strengthen your brand’s reputation.

Here are even more examples of great responses to positive reviews:

We’re absolutely delighted to receive your 5-star review! We’ll be sure to pass your kind words on to our dedicated store team to inspire their ongoing commitment to excellence.

This response not only expresses gratitude but also highlights the impact of the review on the store team. It reinforces the idea that positive reviews motivate employees to maintain high standards.

Your decision to share a 5-star review with us fills us with immense gratitude. It’s customers like you who make our journey all the more rewarding.

This response recognizes the act of sharing a positive review as a meaningful gesture. It establishes a connection between the customer’s action and your business’s journey.

We genuinely thank you for your generous 5-star review. Your support as a customer and your willingness to spread the word about us means the world. Remember, we’re here for you, anytime.

This response not only expresses gratitude but also encourages further engagement. It invites the customer to return, fostering a lasting connection that you need to hold onto.

Your 5-star review is truly appreciated, and we can’t express our gratitude enough. Sharing your rating with us and the broader community is such a kind gesture.

This response emphasizes the act of sharing the review as a kind gesture, reinforcing the idea that positive reviews benefit not only your business but also the local community.

Thank you so much! Your dedication to leaving us a 5-star rating warms our hearts, and we greatly appreciate you taking the time and effort to do so.

This response recognizes the customer’s dedication and effort, reinforcing the idea that their action is genuinely valued.

We’re deeply appreciative of your 5-star review and the time you took to share your positive feedback. Thank you!

This response expresses deep appreciation and acknowledges the customer’s effort in sharing their positive feedback.

Thank you for your glowing review! We’re thrilled to hear that you enjoyed your experience with us. Our team strives to deliver exceptional service, and it’s wonderful to know we hit the mark. We look forward to welcoming you back soon!

This response not only expresses gratitude but also highlights your team’s commitment to exceptional service. It also anticipates the customer’s return.

We’re delighted to hear about your satisfaction with our product and service! Providing top-quality products and excellent customer service is our priority. Thank you for choosing us, and we hope to serve you again in the future.

This response emphasizes the customer’s satisfaction and reiterates your team’s commitment to quality.

Thank you for your kind words! We’re pleased to hear that you had a wonderful experience with us. We can’t wait to welcome you back on your next visit.

This response expresses pleasure and anticipation of the customer’s return, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere.

We’re grateful for your loyalty and your kind words! It’s customers like you who inspire us to maintain the highest standards. We’re committed to delivering exceptional products and experiences, and we’re excited to continue serving you for years to come.

This response acknowledges the customer’s loyalty and inspires a sense of commitment and appreciation for the customer.

Thank you for sharing your positive experience! Our team is committed to going the extra mile for our customers, and we’re thrilled to hear that it made a difference for you. Your satisfaction is our motivation, and we’re here whenever you need us.

This response emphasizes the team’s commitment and positions the business as responsive and dedicated to helping.

We’re pleased to hear about your positive shopping experience! Our team takes pride in providing assistance and maintaining a well-organized store to make your visit an enjoyable one. Thank you for your kind words, and we look forward to serving you again in the future.

Responding to positive reviews is an art that goes beyond simple thankfulness. It’s about building connections, fostering loyalty, and creating a positive image of your business in the eyes of your customers. By acknowledging and appreciating customers who take the time to leave positive feedback, businesses can strengthen their relationships and inspire ongoing support.

So, remember, the next time you receive a glowing review, respond with authenticity and gratitude, and watch how big of a difference it makes.

Claim Your Business Listing to Respond to Reviews

Remember, before you can respond to reviews, you need to claim your business listing.

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to add or claim your Business Profile on Google. When you claim your business, you can then verify it through email, text, phone, or video.

Once this is done, your updated business information will show across Google, so you’re ready to respond to reviews confidently.

Final Thoughts on Responding to Positive Reviews

We hope you’ll realize the importance of responding to positive reviews. By doing this small service, you can reap big rewards and gain some loud internet cheerleaders. Just remember to thank your reviewer, be timely, concise, and personal, and invite them to take action. Then, share the positive online reviews so everyone can see how great your company is. Happy responding!

Transform your local business with revolutionary AI-powered software

This article was updated on October 18th, 2023.

The post 6 Tips for Responding to Positive Reviews With Reply Examples appeared first on Broadly.

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How to Create a Google Review Link to Send Your Customers https://broadly.com/blog/create-a-google-review-link/ https://broadly.com/blog/create-a-google-review-link/#respond Wed, 27 Sep 2023 14:08:06 +0000 https://broadly.com/?p=4874 Want to know how to get Google reviews easily? The…

The post How to Create a Google Review Link to Send Your Customers appeared first on Broadly.

Want to know how to get Google reviews easily? The best way is to create a Google review link, also known as a short URL. Once you have a Google review link, you can use it in your social media outreach, email marketing, and website to ask your current customers about their recent customer experience.

Your online reviews—both positive reviews and negative reviews—will:

It’s easy to attract new customers with the world’s leading search engine and business review platform: Google. You just have to invest a little time and effort to get those valuable Google reviews by consistently asking customers to leave reviews.

To streamline the process for your customers, it’s best to send a Google review link that takes them directly to your Google Business Profile online reviews page, so there’s a minimal margin for confusion.

Free Guide & Checklist: How To Respond To Reviews

What Is a Google Review Link?

As the name suggests, a Google review link is a short URL or direct link that takes people right to your company’s Google Business Profile, formerly known as Google My Business (GMB). This is a review page found in Google Maps and Google Search results that includes your:

  • Business name
  • Business Profile
  • Business location(s)
  • Phone number
  • Online reviews

How to Create a Google Review Link for Your Business

Previously, business owners and small businesses had to use the PlaceID Lookup Tool and Google Search to create a Google Reviews link. Now, it’s easier than ever to create a Google reviews link with Google’s new review link generator process (no bit.ly account and no QR codes required!)

Steps to Create a Google Review Link Short URL on Your Computer

  1. Log into your Google Business Profile Manager (your Google account) from your browser’s address bar.
  2. If you have more than one business profile, select the business profile you want to create a Google review link for.
  3. Go to the left menu and click on Home.
  4. Find the “Get more reviews” button and copy your short URL. You can share this Google review link with customers to take them directly to your Google Business Profile.

Steps to Create a Google Review Link Short URL on Your Mobile Device

  1. Open your Google Business Profile app on your mobile device.
  2. If you have more than one business profile, select the business profile you want to create a Google review link for.
  3. Tap the “Customers” button, then click the “Review” button.
  4. In the top right corner, click the share icon.
  5. Copy your Google Business Profile’s short URL to share with your customers and get more reviews.

Congratulations! You’ve successfully created your short URL. You can use this link to ask customers about their recent customer experience and get more online reviews.

How to Get a Customized Google Review Link

If you’re looking to make it easier for your customers to leave Google reviews or want to create a branded and memorable review link, you’re in the right place. In this section, we’ll explore how to get a customized Google review link and why it has its perks.

Third-Party Link Shorteners

One way to customize your Google review link is by using third-party link shorteners. Here are a few popular options:


Bitly is a well-known link-shortening service that allows you to create custom short URLs. It’s user-friendly and offers analytics to track link performance.


Rebrandly is another excellent choice for creating custom short URLs. It’s particularly useful if you want to brand your links with your domain name for a professional touch.


TinyURL is a straightforward and free service that lets you shorten and customize URLs. It’s user-friendly and doesn’t require registration—it’s a win-win! 

How to Create a Custom Google Review Link

Creating a custom Google review link is actually not that complicated. It is a pretty user-friendly and straightforward process. Here’s a general guide to help you out:

Step 1: Visit a URL Shortening Website

Go to one of the third-party link-shortening services mentioned above (Bitly, Rebrandly, or TinyURL).

Google review link: URL shortening website

Step 2: Paste Your Google Review Link

Copy your Google review link, which should look something like “https://search.google.com/local/writereview?placeid=YOUR_PLACE_ID” and paste it into the shortening service.

Google review link: shorten a long URL

Step 3: Customize Your Link

Most shortening services allow you to customize the end of the URL. You can add your business name or a relevant keyword. For example, you could turn a URL that just uses a string of letters and numbers into something like “https://tinyurl.com/broadlyfeedback”.

Google review link: customize your link

Step 4: Save and Share

Once you’ve customized your link, save it and share it with your customers. You can use this customized short URL and QR code on your website, in email signatures, on social media, or in printed materials.

Google review link: save and share your URL

Benefits of a Custom Short URL

Now, let’s get into why customizing your Google review link can be highly advantageous:

Easier to Read

Long, complex URLs can be challenging for customers to remember or type. A customized short URL is clear and concise, eliminating any barriers to customers accessing your Google review page.

Consistent Branding

Custom short URLs can include your business name or a keyword related to your business. This branding reinforces your business identity, makes you look more professional, and helps customers associate the link with your local business.


A customized short URL is more memorable than a random string of characters or numbers. When customers recall your review link easily, they’re more likely to leave a review. Get creative! There are countless ways to market a memorable review link online or over social media, including jingles, challenges, and more.

Improved Click-Through Rate

Have you ever been emailed or texted an unfamiliar link? These links could be harmless, but either way, you are not going to risk clicking them to find out. Custom short URLs often have higher click-through rates because they look cleaner and more trustworthy. Customers are more likely to click on a link that appears reputable and branded.

Tracking and Analytics

Numerous link-shortening services provide monitoring and analytics capabilities. You can track the performance of your review link by keeping tabs on metrics such as click counts and the geographical distribution of users.

Can You Make a Google Five-Star Review Link?

No, you can’t make a Google five-star review link. It used to be possible to share a Google review link with special formatting that was pre-populated with only five-star reviews from your business account, but that’s no longer an option.

Some Google review link generator platforms may claim to provide five-star review generator services, but the reality is that customers are in control. If asked for feedback, they may leave five-star reviews, but they might not. The only surefire way to get more positive reviews is to work to improve the customer experience your business provides.

Let Broadly Handle Your Business Reputation Management

Looking to grow your business reviews on sites such as Google Maps, Yelp, and social media platforms?

Broadly helps business owners, small businesses and local businesses improve their local SEO rankings, increase their number of reviews, attract more potential customers, and optimize their customer experience.

Want to step up your overall online presence? Broadly can help you grow your positive reviews and improve customer engagement over SMS, mobile devices, social media, and your business listings across platforms such as Yelp and Google Maps.

Transform your local business with revolutionary AI-powered software


This article was updated on September 27th, 2023. 

The post How to Create a Google Review Link to Send Your Customers appeared first on Broadly.

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