Broadly Thu, 18 Jul 2024 15:21:52 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Broadly 32 32 10 Tips & Tricks for Flawless Automated Local SEO Mon, 22 Jul 2024 08:31:15 +0000 Let’s be honest, when was the last time you looked…

The post 10 Tips & Tricks for Flawless Automated Local SEO appeared first on Broadly.

Let’s be honest, when was the last time you looked up a business in a phone book? With the majority of people turning to the internet these days to look for local products and services, it’s really important for small businesses to focus on their local search engine optimization (SEO) to reach the customers they desperately need. That’s where automated local SEO can be incredibly helpful.

There is no handbook on how to do effective SEO, and with algorithm preferences getting more complex, using automation can help you jump through fewer hoops to get effective local SEO.

In this blog, we will take a look into the basics of local SEO, and the growing trends of automation, and will give you 10 practical tips to best leverage automated local SEO for your business. 

Understanding Local SEO Fundamentals

It’s time to learn why local SEO is important for your business. People might make it out like SEO is some sort of advanced computer science mumbo jumbo, but in reality, local SEO is really just about optimizing your online presence to be useful and attractive enough to bring in more business from relevant local searches.

So, what does that all entail? It primarily involves a few tried-and-true strategies, including: 

  • Google Business Profile optimization
  • Listing and citation management
  • Getting more positive reviews

Also see: 15 Clever Ways to Ask for Reviews

Key Local Ranking Factors:

So, how exactly do you get your name out there using the strategies we just mentioned? Here are some key factors you should consider:

  1. Google Business Profile: Ensuring your profile is complete and up-to-date. This includes adding photos, updating business hours, and responding to reviews.
  2. Citations: Maintaining consistent NAP (Name, Address, Phone Number) data across top local listing directories.
  3. Reviews: Asking customers to leave positive reviews and managing them effectively. Reviews not only build trust but also influence local search rankings too! See how online reviews can boost your SEO.

Pro Tip: Don’t forget about phone users. Mobile optimization is super important since over half of local searches are conducted on mobile devices like phones and tablets (Statista). 

Search engines like Google and Bing give preference to mobile-friendly sites, so ensuring your website is following suit can greatly boost your local SEO performance. Not quite there yet? Broadly’s website services can help with that!

The Rise of Automation in Local SEO

As local SEO practices have evolved, so too have the challenges. Local businesses often struggle with the time-consuming nature of these tasks. Automation addresses these issues by leveraging AI and machine learning to handle repetitive grunt work, helping you to do local SEO effectively. 

By automating local SEO, businesses can maintain a consistent online presence, respond promptly to changes, and free up valuable time to focus on the more important stuff.

Click here to learn how to automate Google reviews for better customer engagement.

10 Local SEO Automations You Need to Implement

1. Site Monitoring

Maintaining optimal site performance is important for local SEO. Automated site monitoring tools help track key metrics like page load time, uptime, and broken links. These tools ensure your website remains accessible and performs well, which is key for a better user experience and improved search ranking.


Getting Setup

Use these tools to set up automated alerts for any significant changes in site performance. For instance, you can configure alerts to notify you if your site goes down or if there is a sudden increase in page load times.

2. Rank Tracking

Tracking your rankings for local search terms is key. It allows you to Identify relevant local keywords and monitor their performance using automated tools. This helps you understand which strategies are working and where adjustments are needed.


Getting Setup

Set up automated ranking reports and alerts to stay updated on your keyword positions. These reports can provide insights into how your local SEO efforts are paying off and help you make data-driven decisions.

See how you stand up to the competition with Local SEO. Maximize your business’s SEO and increase your online visibility with a local grid that tracks how your business ranks for searches in your area and the top keywords people use to find your services.


3. Backlink Analysis

Backlinks are a critical factor in local SEO. Automated tools can help monitor new links, lost links, and the quality of these links. High-quality backlinks from reputable sites can greatly boost your local search rankings.


Getting Started Tips

Regularly review automated backlink reports to ensure the quality and relevance of your backlinks. Focus your attention on acquiring backlinks from authoritative local sites to enhance your local SEO. 

4. Competitor Monitoring

Keeping an eye on local competitors can provide you with valuable insights. Track their rankings, content, and backlinks using automated tools. Understanding what works for your competitors can help you refine your own strategies and differentiate yourself.


Getting Started Tips

Use competitor data to refine your own local SEO strategies. For example, if a competitor ranks well for certain keywords, consider incorporating those keywords into your strategy.

5. Report Creation

Automated SEO reporting saves time and ensures everything is consistent across the board. These reports should include key local SEO metrics tailored to your customers’ behaviors and preferences. Regular reporting helps you track progress and communicate results to your team effectively.


Getting Started Tips

Customize reports to highlight the most important metrics for local SEO. Include data on rankings, traffic, and conversions to give your team a comprehensive view of performance.

Automation is for more than SEO. Discover how automated appointment service reminders can help your small business deliver better customer service.

6. Error Tracking

Technical SEO errors can negatively impact local rankings. Automated error detection tools can help identify and fix pesky issues quickly. Addressing these errors ensures that your site always remains search-engine friendly.


Getting Started Tips

Focus on fixing high-priority errors that could significantly affect your SEO performance. Common issues include broken links, duplicate content, and missing meta tags.

7. Keyword Ranking Information

Tracking local keyword performance helps you stay a contender in a sea of competition. Monitor rankings, traffic, and positioning changes with automated local SEO tools. This allows you to adjust your strategy based on real-time data.


Getting Started Tips

Use the data you receive to refine your keyword strategy and improve local SEO. Identify which keywords are driving the most traffic and focus on optimizing those.

8. Traffic Monitoring

Understanding local traffic patterns is crucial. Set up automated alerts to track significant changes in traffic. This helps you identify trends and respond to them proactively.


Getting Started Tips

Analyze traffic data to gain insights into your audience and optimize your strategy. Look for patterns such as peak traffic times and popular pages to enhance user engagement. 

9. Local Listings Management

Consistent business information across directories is essential. Automate NAP distribution, updates, and monitoring to maintain accuracy. This ensures that your business is easy to find and contact when customers need you most.


Maintenance Tips

Regularly check and update your listings to ensure they stay accurate. This includes correcting any inconsistencies in your business information across various platforms. If you don’t have time to do this task manually, Broadly’s Local SEO listing sync feature can do the heavy lifting for you.

10. On-page Optimization

On-page elements play a big role in local SEO optimization. You should automate optimization for title tags, meta descriptions, and schema markup because properly optimized on-page elements can improve your visibility in local search results. Read about simplifying local SEO for maximum ranking results in our recent blog.


Best Practices & Tips

Ensure your on-page elements are optimized for local relevance by including location-specific keywords and phrases to enhance your local search visibility.

Looking for even more tools to test drive? Check out the best local SEO tools here to streamline your SEO efforts.

Future Trends in Automated Local SEO

Emerging technologies are set to further revolutionize local SEO. How, you might ask? Voice search optimization is becoming increasingly important as more users rely on voice assistants like Alexa and Google Assistant. In fact, since 2019, over 42% of global users have conducted a voice search at least once a month (Statista).  

Staying ahead of these trends will help local businesses like yours maintain a competitive edge. And, as advancements in AI make these tools smarter, machine learning will continue to enhance the capabilities of automated local SEO tools. Click here to discover how to send automated text messages to enhance customer communication.

Some more helpful resources:

Get Local SEO Savvy with Broadly

Automating local SEO processes not only saves time but also improves your local business’s accuracy while leaving you with more time to focus on the important stuff. By implementing these 10 tips and tricks, businesses can boost their local visibility and drive more qualified traffic to their site and storefront. 

Embrace automation today to stay ahead in the competitive landscape of local SEO tomorrow!

Transform your local business with revolutionary AI-powered software

The post 10 Tips & Tricks for Flawless Automated Local SEO appeared first on Broadly.

Master Social Media Management for Local Businesses Thu, 18 Jul 2024 08:45:06 +0000 If you made it to this blog, you are probably…

The post Master Social Media Management for Local Businesses appeared first on Broadly.

If you made it to this blog, you are probably asking yourself “What is social media management and why should I care?” Well, let’s start by adding that social media management isn’t just a nice-to-have; it’s a must-have. 

You see, a strong social media presence can help your business stand out, engage with customers, and gradually grow your online presence, your brand image, and most importantly, your sales. 

Let’s dive into the nitty gritty about social media management, and how it’s something you shouldn’t be skimping on.

What is Social Media Management?

So, what exactly is social media management? It’s more than just posting updates on Facebook or Instagram. It’s all about the way you’re handling your online presence across various platforms. 

This includes: 

  • Creating content
  • Scheduling posts
  • Keeping an eye on mentions
  • Analyzing how well your posts are doing

Whether you’re on Facebook, Instagram, X, or LinkedIn, social media management helps you maintain a consistent brand voice and connect with your audience in a more meaningful way.

The Importance of Social Media Management for Local Businesses

Building Brand Awareness

That’s right, social media is your ticket to increasing your visibility. By posting regularly and engaging with your audience, you can reach more people and make your name more recognizable among a sea of competition. From roofers to dog groomers, everyone is doing it—and so should you.

One great example is this one from Gateway Meat Market, a deep-discount supplier of meats, veggies, and other kitchen staples. They post about their specials almost hourly on Facebook to build hype and a sense of urgency. In the post shown below, they even take a jab at how their jumbo hot dogs are half the price of a regular grocer:

Engaging with Customers

Social media is like a direct line to your customers. You can answer questions, respond to feedback, and have genuine human conversations.

Going back to Gateway Meat Market, we really like how they respond quickly to customer inquiries and preferences, for example, in this post, a user mentions how much they appreciate Gateway letting them know the product is gluten-free:

They even went the extra mile to reply with a photo listing all the ingredients:

Why is this small gesture so important? You see, for someone who might be gluten intolerant, not having a full understanding of an ingredient list can make them weary of buying something that could pose a risk. You would be surprised how many products out there say “gluten-free” or “gluten-friendly” and still come with a warning label saying that the product could still contain traces of gluten, nuts, or other allergens.

This small gesture from the business shows that they understand their gluten-intolerant customer’s needs, and makes them (and others who have similar allergies) feel more trust in doing business with them.

Driving Traffic to Your Website

Want more visitors to your website? Social media management can help with that! By sharing links to your site, you can drive more traffic there and boost your chances of converting these visitors into paying customers. 

For example, you can post about new arrivals and exclusive online deals, making it easy for followers to click through your posts and shop.

Staying Competitive

Keeping up with industry trends and what your competitors are doing is a really big deal. Social media management helps you stay in the know and showcase what makes your business different from the rest. 

A local Italian restaurant, for example, could highlight its customer reviews on social media, and mention special menu items like regional wines or cheeses folks can’t get anywhere else, helping them stand out in a busy market.

Gathering Customer Insights

Monitoring social media trends and audience behavior gives you a valuable look into what your target audience actually pays attention to. Analytics tools can, for example, show you what content your audience loves, helping you tailor your strategies. 

For instance, a local spa might find that posts about mental wellness tips get lots of engagement, so they can create more of that content and tie it into their relaxing massage packages or aroma therapy products.

Also see: How to Use Social Media for Small Businesses

Key Components of Social Media Management

Content Creation

Creating engaging and relevant content is at the heart of social media management. This means crafting posts that are genuinely interesting and aligned with your brand’s voice—which is often easier said than done.

One great way to get the creative juices flowing is to take a look at some of your competitors’ social media posts for inspiration and gauge what they are doing well, and where things are falling flat. 

Check your analytics to see if you have certain types of posts that stand out from the rest. This can help you tailor your posts to better appeal to the interests of your audience. 

Lastly, enlist the help of AI—we’re serious! While we can sense your hesitation, it’s important to understand that AI tools like the ones found in Broadly’s social media manager have become more user-friendly and even smarter over time. 

This means they are much more capable of suggesting topics, designing CTAs, creating images, and writing attention-grabbing social media posts for a wide range of platforms.

Here’s an example of what this functionality looks like on the Broadly platform:

Content Scheduling

Planning and scheduling your posts ensures your content goes out at the best times. This saves you countless hours throughout your week and helps keep your posting consistent. A local gym, for example, could schedule workout tips and motivational quotes to go live early in the morning when their audience is planning their day.

Social Media Monitoring

Keeping an eye on mentions, comments, and messages helps you stay responsive. This is key to maintaining a positive online reputation. A pet grooming business might quickly respond to customer inquiries about their services, showing they’re attentive and caring.

Also see: Our Guide to Facebook Business Manager

Engagement Strategies

Encouraging interactions through contests, polls, and Q&A sessions can increase user engagement. For example, you might be interested in running a monthly giveaway contest, encouraging followers to like, share, and comment for a chance to win.

Going back to our Gateway Meat Market example, notice how this account wanted to share their store hours, but instead of just creating a post mentioning that, they took things up a notch and included a daily special on grape jelly, and asked users if they ever tried it on meatballs. It is safe to say they got a lot of responses and tips from users on how to best enjoy grape jelly. 

Analytics and Reporting

Measuring the performance of your social media efforts helps you refine your strategies. In this case, tools that track metrics like engagement rates, follower growth, and conversion rates are invaluable to determine what’s working, and what’s not. 

Tools for Effective Social Media Management

Social Media Management Platforms

There are plenty of tools out there to streamline your social media efforts—but not all are created equal. Platforms like Hootsuite, Buffer, and Broadly’s Social Media Manager let you manage multiple accounts and locations, schedule posts, and respond to comments from one dashboard. And as we mentioned earlier, Broadly’s tool even uses AI to help create, schedule, and post content, making your life a lot easier!

Content Creation Tools

Graphic design and video editing software like Canva and Adobe Spark are great for creating eye-catching content. They’re user-friendly and offer lots of templates and design elements to make your posts pop.

Analytics Tools

Tools like Google Analytics and social media platform insights provide detailed performance metrics. They help you understand your audience’s behavior and measure the success of your campaigns.

The best part? Platforms like Broadly pull in all these insights so you can view all this important data all in one spot. 

How to Get Started with Social Media Management

Setting Clear Goals

Before you jump in, determine what you want to achieve. Whether it’s increasing brand awareness, driving website traffic, or boosting sales, having clear goals will guide your strategy and make sure you are not juggling conflicting interests.

Creating a Content Calendar

Are you writing and posting content on the same day? This could be doing more harm than good. Planning your posts in advance ensures consistency and saves you time during the day-to-day.

Don’t get us wrong, a spontaneous post is ok here and there, but you should not make it a habit because as you grow, you won’t have the time to sustain it. A content calendar helps you keep track of what to post and when, so you never miss an important date or event.

Engaging with Your Audience

Rather than spending your time writing and posting, invest your few precious hours each day regularly interacting with your followers. A good place to start is by responding to comments, joining conversations, and showing appreciation for your customers’ support.

Gateway Meat Market, for example, is big on liking posts to help other users see relevant and useful content and feedback, as well as to show appreciation:

Monitoring Performance

Nothing is perfect, and trends in behavior change quickly. That’s why it is a good idea to use analytics to track your progress and tweak your strategy as needed. Regularly reviewing your performance metrics helps you understand what’s working and where you can improve.

Broadly makes Social Media Management a Snap

Effective social media management is the key for local businesses looking to grow their online presence and engage with their audience. With the right tools and strategies, you can build a strong social media presence that drives engagement and supports your business goals. 

Ready to take your social media game to new heights? Sign up for a free demo of Broadly’s social media management tools and see how we can help increase your online presence and customer engagement!

Transform your local business with revolutionary AI-powered software

The post Master Social Media Management for Local Businesses appeared first on Broadly.

The Secrets to Unstoppable Text Subscription Success (5 Proven Steps) Wed, 17 Jul 2024 08:31:17 +0000 Are you tired of your email campaigns going unread, or…

The post The Secrets to Unstoppable Text Subscription Success (5 Proven Steps) appeared first on Broadly.

Are you tired of your email campaigns going unread, or not producing the results you’ve been looking for? It might be time to try out text subscriptions

You see, the world out there is changing, and staying current with how your audience prefers to communicate is one of the best ways to ensure your message reaches its target. But what exactly is a text subscription?

Text subscriptions are when a lead or paying customer signs up for regular updates from your business via text message. Think of appointment reminders, promo deals, and parcel tracking numbers.

Text subscriptions are more than just another marketing tool—they are a great strategy to increase engagement and build a loyal customer base. Let’s explore why text subscriptions might be just what you’re looking for, and review five proven steps to ensure that your text subscription strategy is truly unstoppable!

Send AI-enhanced personalized email and text campaigns

Why Text Subscriptions Matter

The amount of folks who send and receive text messages is expected to rise to 5.9 billion by 2025 (SlickText). That, combined with the fact that text-based communication strategies are not saturated in the small business market yet, means there is huge potential just waiting to be tapped into (Forbes). 

But enough talk. Here’s why text message subscriptions are a must-have in your marketing toolkit:

  • Higher Open Rates: SMS messages have an open rate that’s through the roof— over 98% (SlickText). That’s way better than emails or social media posts at making sure your message gets seen and heard.
  • Direct Communication: Text messages feel personal and urgent, in fact, nearly 90% of mobile users check a text message within the first 3 minutes (Sender).
  • Personalization: You can tailor your messages to each customer’s preferences. Personalized texts? Yes, please!

SMS vs. Email

To text, or not to text, that’s the question—and an important question too! 

To fully gauge if text subscriptions are a good fit for your small business’s goals, we gathered some really great insights from the internet. Check them out:

text subscription: sms vs email

(Source, Mailmodo)

Across the board, it’s clear that these numbers paint a pretty rosy picture of text subscriptions. 

While SMS can’t compete with free {we’re looking at you, emails and social media), the ROI of text subscriptions is still ten times your initial investment, with drastically higher open rates, click-through rates (CTR), and nearly twice the conversions of email subscriptions.

And that’s just a start, we’ll dive deeper into the benefits of text subscriptions in the next section.

Benefits of Text Subscriptions

Text subscriptions are nothing to sniff at—they’re actually incredibly effective. Here’s why you should hop on the SMS bandwagon:

  • Instant Engagement: Most texts are read within minutes. 
  • Cost-Effective: SMS marketing is budget-friendly and packs a comparatively high ROI to other paid marketing options. That means you can save money while making money.
  • Customer Loyalty: Regular, valuable texts build stronger relationships. After all, happy customers = repeat customers.

Now that you know what text subscriptions are, and why they’re awesome, it’s time to roll up our sleeves and dig into how to put them to work for your local business.

5 Steps to Starting Text Subscription Marketing

1. Building Your Subscriber List

First things first: you need a rock-solid subscriber list. Here’s how to build one the right way:

  • Incentivize Opt-Ins: Offer exclusive deals, special discounts, or cool giveaways. For example, a café might give a free coffee for signing up, or a flower boutique might offer a discount code on their client’s next purchase.
  • Referral Programs: Why not turn your subscribers into ambassadors? Offer rewards for referring friends and family by using a special code.
  • Use Lead Generation Tools: Lead generation software like the Broadly Inbox helps you capture and manage lead data like a pro. Efficient and easy!

2. Crafting Compelling Content

Your messages need to sparkle to keep subscribers hooked. Here’s how to craft text subscription messages that wow:

  • Be Concise: Short and sweet does the trick. Aim for 160 characters (or less) to keep it punchy.
  • Grab Attention: Start with a catchy hook—think questions, fun facts, or urgent calls to action (just not too urgent otherwise it might come off as spam).
  • Provide Value: Every message should offer something useful. Discounts, updates, tips—you name it.

3. Timing and Frequency

Timing is everything. Nail it with these tips:

  • Optimal Send Times: Research shows the best times are between noon, 2:00 pm, and 6-8 pm (Sender). Test different times to see what your audience responds best to.
  • Manage Frequency: Don’t be a text pest. Stick to 2-6 messages per month max.
  • Employ Automation Tools: Leverage tools like Broadly’s campaign scheduling feature to send messages automatically, saving you time and headache trying to do things by hand.

More helpful resources:

4. Compliance and Privacy

Playing by the rules keeps everyone happy. Here’s what you need to know:

  • Regulations: Stay on the right side of the law by abiding by the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPR) and General Data Protection Regulation. They’re there for a reason and are designed to protect your customers.
  • Proper Consent: Get clear consent before texting, also, make opting out of text subscriptions extremely easy to do.
  • Potential Consequences: Non-compliance can mean major fines, legal woes, and a bad reputation. Stay compliant so you can stay in the best light.

5. Measuring and Optimizing Performance

How are your text subscriptions actually doing? Not sure? Here’s how to track and tweak for success:

  • Open Rates: Track how many people open your messages. High rates mean your content is doing its job.
  • Click-Through Rates (CTR): See how many click your links. This shows how engaging and convincing your messages are.
  • Conversion Rates: Measure actions taken after your messages. Purchases, sign-ups, visits—Broadly can help with that!

Pro Tip: Broadly is for more than just gathering reviews. Campaign tracking, AI web chats, social media, and local SEO, we do that too!

text subscription: track individual engagement with Broadly

Best Practices

Let’s look at what the pros are doing to make their text subscription campaigns truly shine:

Consistency: Keep a Regular Schedule

Imagine you’re at a party and someone tells a fantastic joke. Now imagine that person falling off the radar for months and then randomly showing up to your house one day to tell another joke. It’s awkward, right? 

Consistency is key to avoiding that awkwardness in your text campaigns. Set a regular schedule for your messages to keep your brand top-of-mind. Whether it’s weekly updates, bi-weekly promotions, or monthly offers, sticking to a schedule helps build anticipation and reliability. Your text subscribers will start looking forward to your texts, just like they anticipate their favorite TV show.

Personalization: Tailor Messages to Individual Preferences

Everyone loves a personal touch. It’s the difference between receiving a generic “Hello, customer!” and a warm “Hey, Alex! We’ve got a special deal just for you.” 

Use the data you collect to personalize your messages. From there, segment your audience based on their behaviors, preferences, and past interactions. Did a customer recently purchase a summer dress? Send them a follow-up message with matching accessories or a discount on their next purchase. 

The long and short of it is that personalized messages make your subscribers feel valued and understood, increasing their engagement and loyalty to you.

Also see: Sample Text Messages to Customers

Clear Call to Action (CTA): Drive Your Audience to Act

Every message should have a purpose, and that purpose should be crystal clear to your subscribers. When conducting business text messaging, a compelling CTA guides them on what to do next. 

Whether you want them to “Shop Now,” “Sign Up Today,” “Claim Your Discount,” or “Learn More,” make your CTA stand out. You can use action-oriented language and create a sense of urgency when appropriate. 

For example, “Hurry! Limited stock available!” or “Sign up before midnight for an exclusive offer!” A strong CTA turns curiosity into action and boosts your conversion rates.

Experiment, Refine, and Shine

Don’t be afraid to test new ideas and strategies. What works for one audience might not work for another, so experimentation is key. 

Try different types of messages, send times, and offers. Track the performance of each campaign and use the data to refine your approach. 

Your audience may respond better to humor, or they might prefer straightforward, no-nonsense messages. You’ll discover what resonates best with your subscribers by continuously experimenting and refining your strategy. Tools like Broadly make it easy to test, track, and optimize your text subscriptions, ensuring a smooth and successful marketing journey.

Pro Tip: Seeing is believing, check out these real-life text subscription examples in our blog all about launching effective SMS campaigns for local businesses.

Text Smarter with Broadly

Text campaigns are your ticket to stellar engagement and business growth. Follow these five steps and best practices to send automated text messages that wow your audience and boost your bottom line.

For more awesome tips on text marketing, check out our related articles:

Start your text subscription strategy today and watch your business grow like never before!

Transform your local business with revolutionary AI-powered software

The post The Secrets to Unstoppable Text Subscription Success (5 Proven Steps) appeared first on Broadly.

How to Get Started in Automation for Small Business (and Why) Thu, 11 Jul 2024 08:55:48 +0000 Let’s face it: running a small business is tough. You’re…

The post How to Get Started in Automation for Small Business (and Why) appeared first on Broadly.

Let’s face it: running a small business is tough. You’re juggling a million tasks, from marketing and sales to customer service and bookkeeping. But what if you could automate some of those repetitive, time-consuming tasks? Introducing automation for small business!

That’s right, automation isn’t just for big corporations anymore. It’s becoming a game-changer for small businesses too, helping you boost efficiency, cut costs, and enhance the customer experience. Let’s check it out:

Why Automate as a Small Business?

Increased Efficiency

Think about all the repetitive tasks you do every day, like responding to the same customer inquiries or sending follow-up emails. Automation for small businesses can handle these tasks for you, freeing up your time for more important things. For example, with email and text campaigns, you can send welcome emails to new customers as soon as they sign up, saving you from having to do it manually. 

Cost Savings

Automation reduces the need for manual labor, which means you can save on wages and minimize errors that could cost you money. For instance, an automated invoicing system can ensure bills are sent out on time and track payments without you lifting a finger.

Improved Customer Experience

Customers expect quick responses and consistent service. Automation helps you meet these expectations by handling tasks like automated appointment reminders or customer service inquiries swiftly. Imagine a chatbot on your website that answers customer questions 24/7—your customers get immediate answers, and you can get more sleep!

Areas to Automate in a Small Business

To boost efficiency and get more done, small businesses can benefit greatly from automating more stuff. Using tech tools to streamline processes, minimize errors, and free up time for important work is key. In this section, we’ll look at the main areas where small businesses can automate to better grow and succeed.

1. Lead Capture and Marketing Automation

Automating Lead Generation

Use tools like chatbots on your website to capture leads even when you’re not there. Social media automation tools are also great because they can schedule posts and engage with followers, keeping your online presence active.

Lead Nurturing and Follow-up

Automated text campaigns and follow-ups keep potential customers engaged. Set up a series of texts or emails that go out over time to keep your business top of mind.

Also see: Learn the essentials of sending automated text messages in this handy guide.

Setting Up Automated Email Campaigns

Platforms like Mailchimp or our Campaign Builder allow you to create and schedule texts and emails tailored to different segments of your audience. For instance, you could send a special discount to new subscribers as soon as they sign up using automation triggers.

Pro Tip: Have the creativity of a rock? We get it. When you are juggling a million things at once, who has the time to be creative? Look for an automated email campaign platform that also supports AI to ensure you can write engaging, on-brand messages fast. 

Here’s an example of what ours is like so you can gauge what to be on the lookout for:

automation for small business campaigns broadly

2. Sales and Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

Automating Sales Processes

Tools like Salesforce and Yesware can score leads, assign tasks to your sales team, and schedule follow-up emails automatically.

CRM Automation Capabilities

Choose a CRM that integrates with your other tools. Look for one that can connect with your email marketing platform, allowing for more seamless data sharing and automation functionality.

Automating Customer Data Management

Keep your customer data organized and updated without manual entry. Automated systems can sort and segment your contacts based on their interactions with your business. 

3. Customer Service and Support

Automating Common Customer Service Tasks

You don’t have time for buggy tools that barely work. Implement intelligent chatbots that can answer FAQs, book appointments, or even process simple orders.

Automated Support Ticketing

Use systems like Zendesk or Broadly’s multi-channel inbox to route customer inquiries to the right team member. This ensures no request is overlooked and speeds up response times.

Customer Feedback Collection

Tools like SurveyMonkey can automatically send out surveys after a purchase or service interaction, enabling you to gather valuable feedback with a lot less hands-on work.

4. Operations and Project Management

Automating Project Planning

Platforms like Trello or Asana can assign tasks, track progress, and send reminders without manual intervention.

Invoicing and Billing

QuickBooks and Xero can automatically generate and send invoices, track payments, and even remind clients about due payments.

Inventory Management

Tools like TradeGecko can track your inventory levels, reorder products when stock is low, and manage order fulfillment automatically.

5. Human Resources and Employee Management

Employee Onboarding and Training

Automate onboarding with tools like BambooHR, which can send out training materials and collect necessary documents from new hires.

Payroll and Time Tracking

Gusto or ADP can handle payroll, track employee hours, and manage expenses automatically.

Employee Communication

Platforms like Slack, Google Chat, and Broadly’s Team Inbox can automate routine communications, ensuring everyone stays in the loop. 

automation small business: Broadly Inbox

Also see: Discover how automating Google reviews can streamline your online reputation management effortlessly.

6. Office and Administrative Tasks

Calendar Management

Tools like CalendarHero can help you manage your schedule, allowing clients to book appointments based on your availability. 

Document Management

Google Drive or Dropbox can manage and update documents automatically, ensuring everyone has access to the latest versions.

Data Entry and Backups

Zapier can automate data entry tasks by connecting different apps and transferring information between them. It can also handle regular backups to keep your data safe.

How to Get Started with Automation for Small Business

Looking to make your small business run smoother and save time? Automation can be a real game-changer. In this section, we’ll dive into the basics of getting started with automation for small businesses so you can boost productivity and efficiency.

Step 1: Identify Processes to Automate

List out all the tasks you and your team do regularly. Identify repetitive, time-consuming tasks that could benefit from automation. For example, if you spend a lot of time scheduling appointments, an automated scheduling tool could be a game-changer.

Step 2: Choose the Right Tools

Research automation tools that fit your needs and budget. Consider factors like ease of use, integration with your existing systems, and customer support. Platforms like Broadly offer a range of tools designed specifically for small business automation.

Pro Tip: Your time is valuable and often in short supply. Sometimes, it’s a good call to lean on an automation expert to streamline your small business operations and gather customer reviews effortlessly. That’s why Broadly’s review automation tools are worth a look. 

With easy integration and excellent customer support, Broadly offers a range of solutions designed to fit your needs. Take a step towards efficiency and effectiveness by exploring what Broadly has to offer. 

automation for small business automate review requests broadly

Step 3: Implement and Manage Workflows

Set up your chosen tools and test them to ensure they work as expected. Start with one or two processes and expand as you and your team become more comfortable with automation.

Step 4: Train Employees

Make sure your team understands how to use the new systems. Provide training sessions and resources to help them adapt to the changes. The smoother the transition, the more successful your automation efforts will be.

Also see: Check out how to automate email processes for enhanced productivity and customer engagement.

Step 5: Monitor and Optimize

Regularly review the performance of your automated systems. Gather feedback from your team and customers to identify areas for improvement. Automation is not a set-it-and-forget-it solution; it requires ongoing attention to maximize its benefits.

By following these steps, you can effectively integrate automation into your small business, enhancing efficiency and enabling you to focus on growth and strategic initiatives.

Calm the Chaos with Broadly Automation

By embracing automation for small businesses, you can unlock some major benefits, from increased efficiency and cost savings to improved customer experiences. Start your automation journey today and transform your business operations for the better.

Transform your local business with revolutionary AI-powered software


The post How to Get Started in Automation for Small Business (and Why) appeared first on Broadly.

Mastering Small Business Reputation Management: From Crisis to Success Wed, 10 Jul 2024 08:27:40 +0000 Let’s be honest, it is a jungle out there, and…

The post Mastering Small Business Reputation Management: From Crisis to Success appeared first on Broadly.

Let’s be honest, it is a jungle out there, and your small business’s reputation management needs to be king. Unlike the bigger guys that can take a punch or two, one bad review or a single viral post can topple a small business faster than you can say “Jumanji.” With potential customers sniffing around every corner, scrutinizing your reviews, and social media, maintaining a top-notch online presence isn’t just important—it’s essential. 

Welcome to your ultimate guide on small business reputation management, where we’ll spill the deets on everything from gauging your current standing to whipping your online image into shape. 

Whether you’re running a landscaping business, a spotless cleaning service, or any business aiming to stay on top of the competition, mastering small business reputation management is your ticket to transforming a crisis into a success story. 

Ready to turn your reputation into your secret weapon? Let’s dive in and unleash your business’s true potential!

Automatically request reviews to amplify your online reputation

The Importance of Reputation Management for Small Businesses

Reputation management is key for any business, but it’s especially important for small businesses. With all the PR nightmares out there on TikTok and X, it is becoming very apparent that our online presence significantly impacts how potential customers perceive our businesses. 

What we’re trying to get across is that good reputation management habits can lead to increased trust and customer loyalty, while a poor reputation can drive customers away. You don’t want that, and we don’t want that for you. So, let’s look at a few ways proactive small business reputation management is worth doing:

Key Benefits of Proactive Reputation Management

Improved Customer Trust

One of the great benefits of reputation management are customers are more likely to trust businesses with positive reviews and a good online presence. 

For instance, a small bakery that consistently receives praise for its delicious pastries and friendly service is more likely to attract new customers than one with mixed reviews.

Increased Visibility

A strong reputation can improve your search engine ranking on sites like Google and Bing, making it easier for customers to find you. 

For example, a solar panel installation company with numerous positive reviews on Google is more likely to appear in the top search results when someone searches for “best solar panels near me” versus a contractor that has only a handful. 

Competitive Advantage

We get it, standing out in a crowded market can be very challenging, but a well-managed reputation can give you the edge you need.

Imagine two nearby yoga studios: one with glowing reviews about its serene environment and experienced instructors, and another with no reviews at all. The studio with positive feedback is definitely more likely to attract new clients.

Also see: Reputation Management Examples

Understanding Your Online Presence

Before you can manage your reputation, you need to understand your current online presence. Conduct a comprehensive audit to see what customers are saying about you and where your business appears online. Here’s where you should start:

Steps for Conducting an Online Audit

Step 1: Search for Your Brand

Look up your business on major search engines like Google. Pay attention to search results, the Knowledge Graph, and the People Also Ask sections. For instance, a search for “Joe’s Pizza” might reveal reviews, social media profiles, and even mentions in local news articles.

Step 2: Check Review Sites

Visit popular review platforms like Yelp, Google Reviews, and industry-specific sites to see what customers are saying. 

A local dental practice might find reviews on health-focused listing sites in addition to Google and Yelp.

Also see: Mastering Reputation Management for Dentists

Step 3: Monitor Social Media

Analyze your presence on social media platforms like Facebook, X, and LinkedIn. See how often your business is mentioned, shared, or reviewed. 

For example, a boutique clothing store might find that their Instagram posts are frequently shared by fashion influencers multiple times a week.

Step 4: Use Monitoring Tools

Utilize tools like Google Alerts or Broadly’s reputation management services to keep track of online mentions. These reputation management tools can notify you whenever your business is mentioned online, helping you stay on top of your reputation.

Establishing a Strong Online Foundation

Building a strong online foundation is essential for effective reputation management. Start by claiming and optimizing your business profiles on major platforms.

Key Steps Establishing a Strong Online Foundation

Step 1: Claim Business Profiles

Ensure you have claimed your profiles on Google Business Profile, Bing Places, and relevant social media accounts like Facebook. 

For example, people love photos of baked bread and desserts, so a local bakery would benefit from prioritizing profiles on Instagram, Yelp, Facebook, and Google Business Profile to engage with customers across these different platforms.

A Legal Practice, on the other hand, would probably benefit from maintaining a listing on professional sites like LinkedIn.

A roofing contractor? They should make sure to have their business listed prominently on Angi.

Step 2: Keep Information Consistent

Maintain consistency in your Name, Address, and Phone (NAP) information across all major influential platforms. This helps customers find you easily and improves your search engine ranking.

Step 3: Have a Professional Website

Create and maintain a professional website that reflects your brand well. Include essential information like your services, pricing (if applicable), contact details, and customer testimonials. 

A well-designed website for a local spa, for instance, could feature images of the spa, a list of services, and an easy online booking process.

Step 4: Encourage Positive Reviews

Sometimes, our happy customers just need a little reminder. Using tools like Broadly’s review automation encourages satisfied customers to leave positive reviews—like this:

small business reputation management encourage positive reviews broadly

Proactive Reputation Building Strategies

To build a solid reputation in your local area, you need to be proactive. Enact strategies that encourage positive feedback and manage customer interactions effectively. Here’s how to ask for a review:

Encouraging and Managing Reviews

Solicit Reviews

Develop a process to regularly ask satisfied customers for reviews. Broadly’s small business reputation management features can streamline this process. How? For example, you can set up triggers to send automated text message review requests after a customer makes a transaction.

Respond Professionally

Always respond to reviews, both positive and negative, to show that you value customer feedback. 

If a customer leaves a positive review about a restaurant’s excellent service, the owner should thank them. If someone leaves a negative review about a long wait time, the owner should apologize promptly and offer a solution to make things right, like a discount on their next order.

Content Marketing and Thought Leadership

Blogging and Guest Posting

Share valuable content through your blog and guest posts on other websites to establish your expertise and web reputation

A local mechanic might write a blog post about car maintenance tips for their auto body business, or create a guest post on a prominent automotive website.

Social Media Engagement

Engage with your audience on social media by sharing informative content and responding to comments. 

For instance, a pet grooming business might share pet care tips and answer followers’ questions about grooming in the comments section.

Community Involvement and Partnerships

Local Partnerships

Collaborate with local businesses and participate in community events to build a positive reputation. 

For example, a coffee shop could partner with a local bakery on Valentine’s Day to offer joint promotions on a signature baked good and matching drink.

Employee Advocacy

The way a staff member talks about the business they work for speaks volumes. So, incentivize and encourage your employees to share positive content about your business online. 

Fitness coaches at a local gym, for instance, might share their experiences and fitness tips on social media.

Handling Negative Feedback and Crisis Management

Negative feedback is inevitable, but how you handle it can make all the difference. Develop a crisis communication plan to address issues quickly and effectively. Here’s what you need to do:

Steps for Handling Negative Feedback

Step 1: Crisis Communication Plan

Have a plan in place to respond to negative reviews and comments promptly. For example, if a customer complains about a product defect on social media, respond immediately with an apology and offer to discuss the option of refund or replacement via email.

Step 2: Address Issues

Acknowledge the feedback given, apologize if necessary, and offer a solution. If a customer mentions slow service at a restaurant, for example, it’s always best to own up to your shortcomings and explain the steps you’ll be taking to improve.

Step 3: Push Down Negative Results

While we all wish we could magically delete reviews, one option you have at your disposal is to use positive reviews and content to push down negative search results. 

Leveraging Technology for Reputation Management

Technology can significantly enhance your reputation management efforts. Broadly’s all-in-one platform, for example, offers tools for review management, social media, and customer communication with Web Chat and Inbox.

Useful tools you should test drive:

  • Broadly: Manage reviews, social media, and customer interactions all from one easy-to-use dashboard. 
  • Yesware: Use Yesware for email tracking and analytics to improve customer communication. This can help you understand how customers are interacting with your emails.

Measuring and Analyzing Reputation Management Efforts

Regularly measuring and analyzing your efforts is important for ongoing improvement. Identify key performance indicators (KPIs) and use tools to track your progress along the way.

Important KPIs you should consider:

  • Engagement Rates: Monitor how often customers interact with your content. High engagement rates indicate that your audience finds your content helpful.
  • Follower Growth: Track the increase in your social media followers. Steady growth suggests that your reputation is improving over time.
  • Conversion Rates: Measure the percentage of visitors who become paying customers. Higher conversion rates can indicate that your reputation management efforts are paying off.

Don’t forget to have Regular Audits

Conduct regular audits to review your reputation management strategy and make necessary adjustments. This can help you stay on top of trends and continuously improve your efforts.

Best Practices for Ongoing Reputation Management

Consistency and continuous improvement are key to maintaining a strong reputation.

Here are some best practices:

  • Consistent Messaging: Ensure your brand messaging is consistent across all channels. This helps build a strong, recognizable brand.
  • Employee Training: Train your employees on reputation management protocols. Well-informed employees can help maintain a positive reputation.
  • Stay Updated: Keep up with industry trends and algorithm changes. This helps you adapt your strategies as needed.
  • Customer Feedback: Use customer feedback to continuously improve your products and services. For example, if customers suggest a new product feature, consider implementing it.

Case Studies: Small Business Reputation Management Success Stories

Learn from real-world examples of small businesses that have successfully managed their online reputation strategy:

George Oren Tires

Atlas Heating & Air

By using these strategies and the right tools, small businesses can do a great job of managing their online reputation, building trust with customers, and achieving long-term success.

Transform your local business with revolutionary AI-powered software

The post Mastering Small Business Reputation Management: From Crisis to Success appeared first on Broadly.

The Benefits of Implementing a Web Chat Service for Local Businesses Fri, 05 Jul 2024 15:08:26 +0000 With people glued to the internet for nearly 6 hours…

The post The Benefits of Implementing a Web Chat Service for Local Businesses appeared first on Broadly.

With people glued to the internet for nearly 6 hours and 40 minutes a day, connecting with customers online is more important than ever (DataReportal). So, for local businesses, having a web chat service can be the edge they desperately need for sales and leads

That’s right, this nifty feature helps improve customer interaction with your business and carries the potential to boost satisfaction and loyalty because folks can trust you to be there when they need you. At the end of the day, people want quick answers, and a web chat service delivers just that. 

So, what is a web chat service and why do you need one? Let’s dive into why this cool tool is a must-have for your small business.

Automatically engage web visitors and capture contact information

What is a Web Chat Service?

A web chat service is like having a friendly and professional salesperson or receptionist available 24/7 on your website. It’s an online tool that lets you chat with visitors live, answering their questions and helping them make decisions without needing a human to help out. 

Popular examples include LiveChat,, and Broadly’s own web chat feature.

Here’s a quick peek:

Key Benefits of Web Chat Service for Local Businesses

Instant Customer Support

There is nothing more frustrating than being left hanging, except, perhaps, being left unread completely. 

Imagine, for a second, a potential customer browsing your website late at night, unsure about a product you offer. With web chat, they can ask questions and get real-time answers in seconds. This immediate support can make a really big difference between a sale and a missed opportunity. 

No more clogged inboxes or voicemails to sort through—just quick, helpful answers when they need them. It’s a good call to implement a web chat service so you can be there for your customers when they need you most.

Did you know? Broadly’s web chat can respond in multiple languages, schedule appointments, and even capture lead information. This can prove useful if you do business in a diverse local community (and may even make you the go-to over the competition).

web chat service

Enhanced Customer Engagement

Web chat service creates a direct line of communication between you and your website visitors. This personal touch helps build stronger relationships with your prospects, helping a cold lead warm up to doing business with you. 

For example, a small bookstore can use web chat to recommend books based on a customer’s visitor history. This kind of personalized touch makes your customers feel valued and more connected to your business and offerings because you are not pushing things at them that they are not interested in.

Increased Sales and Conversions

There is nothing more deflating than seeing a customer fall off before making a sale. Having real-time support during the purchase process can greatly reduce cart abandonment on your website. 

For instance, a local clothing store can use web chat to assist hesitant customers with sizing questions, discount incentives, or to provide more information about a product, helping to seal the deal right then and there. 

Web chat services are a great way to turn browsers into buyers, allowing you to sit back, relax, and watch your sales soar.

Pro Tip: You can also set up email and SMS campaign triggers to remind customers about an abandoned cart. And yup, we can help you with that, too!

Cost-Effective Communication

Web chat reduces the need for extensive phone support because it allows you to manage multiple customer conversations at once, saving your admin staff time, and your business money. 

In many ways, it’s like having an extra team member without the added payroll. If you’re strapped for cash and light on hands, web chat service is a great way to streamline your communication while reducing the hassle and costs of hiring.

24/7 Availability

With automated responses and website chatbots, your business can offer support even outside of regular business hours. How cool is that?

This ensures customers can reach you anytime they need you.

Picture you’re a vegan café that uses chatbots to answer common questions about opening hours or menu items. A person with food allergies visiting the area decides to scope your café website out to see if your GF brownies contain soy. The chatbot can scan your website menu and ingredient list to tell the visitor in confidence there is no soy products. Your customer gets the help they need, and the next day, drop in to satisfy their craving.

Automation for small businesses is meant to make your life easier, not harder.

Features to Look for in a Web Chat Service

When choosing a web chat service, here are some things to look for:

  • User-Friendly Interface: Make sure the chat is easy to navigate for both customers and staff. No one wants to wrestle with clunky software.
  • Customizable Chat Widgets: It should be able to match the chat’s appearance with your brand’s look and feel. When it comes to branding, consistency is key!
  • Mobile Compatibility: Ensure the service works seamlessly on mobile devices. After all, everyone’s on their phones these days.
  • Automated Responses and Chatbots: You should not have the baby this thing. Your bot should be fully capable of handling common queries to free up your team’s time for more complex issues.
  • Analytics and Reporting: Your web chat should be able to track lead information and report performance insights to help you improve your customer service.

Speaking of tracking lead generation info… trying to keep up with communications in multiple places is tough. You don’t have time for all that nonsense. That’s why Broadly offers local businesses a centralized lead management and customer communication space located in one shared inbox

Now, you can respond to messages via text, email, your website, and even Facebook

web chat service

How to Implement a Web Chat Service

Believe it or not, setting up a web chat service is easier than you think. Each web chat software is a bit different, but these tips should help you get on the right track:

Choosing the Right Provider

Consider factors like features, pricing, and customer support when selecting a web chat service. We say this because it’s important to choose a provider that fits your specific business needs. 

Just don’t jump in and buy the first one you see. Do some research on your available options, and maybe even try out a few demos first before making this big decision.

The right provider will check all the right boxes and offer a seamless experience that aligns with your goals. This web chat service has a big job to fill, so take your time to evaluate options to pick the best one for your small business.

Pro Tip: If you’re having trouble deciding which web chat service provider to go with, start by listing out your needs and wants from most important to least important. The more high-priority items the provider checks off, the more aligned it is with your business needs and goals.

Setting Up the Service

Integrating a web chat service into your website is usually pretty straightforward. Most providers offer simple steps to get you up and running quickly. It’s often just a matter of going into your settings and adding a bit of code to your site. Follow the setup instructions provided to you and your web chat service will be live in no time.

Training Your Team

New things can feel scary to team members who are not the most tech-savvy. That’s why we recommend you equip your staff with the skills and resources to use web chat effectively. 

Training ensures that your team can provide the best possible customer service. Make it fun— role-playing common scenarios can be a great way to get everyone comfortable with the new tool. 

Need help? Unlike the big software names out there, the Broadly platform is specifically designed for the little guys, to us, you’re not a number, and we’re here for you every step of the way. We’ll give you the support you need to encourage your team to use web chat confidently. 

Also see: Why is Communication Important in Business?

Monitoring and Improving

It’s a smart move to regularly review chat performance and customer feedback. This helps you make the necessary adjustments to improve efficiency and effectiveness. Keep an eye on the data and tweak your approach as needed. We also recommend continuously monitoring and optimizing your web chat service to keep it running smoothly.

Did you know? Your web chat service can learn over time. You can train your AI model on frequently asked questions and feed it other helpful information like appointment booking links or sign-up prompts to improve its effectiveness when dealing with prospects.

Get more Sales with Broadly’s All-New AI Web Chat

Broadly’s new AI-Assisted Web Chat Lead Capture feature is designed to engage leads and capture important contact information while answering common questions about your business. This tool helps local businesses enhance their customer interactions, making communication no longer a big headache.

Implementing a web chat service can greatly impact the way your local business interacts with customers. From providing instant support to improving engagement and boosting sales, the benefits are there and ready for the taking—so don’t leave money on the table!

If you’re ready to enhance your customer interactions with a web chat service we’re here to help. Sign up for a free demo of Broadly’s web chat service today and see the difference it can make. Experience Broadly’s web chat service in action and start transforming your customer engagement right now!

Transform your local business with revolutionary AI-powered software

The post The Benefits of Implementing a Web Chat Service for Local Businesses appeared first on Broadly.

Local Listings Management: Boost Your Local SEO Tue, 02 Jul 2024 22:12:11 +0000 Keeping your online listings accurate and up-to-date is super important…

The post Local Listings Management: Boost Your Local SEO appeared first on Broadly.

Keeping your online listings accurate and up-to-date is super important for your business. Not only does it help people find you, but it also makes sure they get the right info about your business. But let’s be real, managing all those listings can be a headache. 

From dealing with outdated information to manually updating multiple platforms, the struggle is real. You might be facing inconsistent business details across sites, negative reviews going unnoticed, or simply not having the time to update everything regularly. 

That’s where local listing management strategies can prove useful. It cuts down the whole process, making sure your info is always spot-on and helping you look better than the competition—no SEO experience required.

Think it’s too good to be true? Let’s take a closer look.

What is Local Listings Management?

Good question! Let’s break it down a bit.

Local listings management is all about making sure your business info is correct across different listing websites and directories. This includes: 

  • Your name
  • Address
  • Phone number
  • Business hours

What kind of websites are we talking about? Think Google Business Profile, Yelp, and Bing Places. Keeping this info accurate on important sites helps people find your business more easily. Why? Because it tells search engine algorithms you are legitimate and are more likely to recommend you to users. This, in turn, means you show up higher in search results.

Traditionally, businesses might have kept track of their information manually, using spreadsheets or even paper records. This method is, quite frankly, time-consuming and prone to errors. In contrast, a local listings management tool completely automates this process, ensuring that your information is consistent across all platforms without all the manual effort.

Benefits of Local Listings Management for Local Businesses

Increased Online Visibility

Want to get noticed online? What are we saying, of course you do, you wouldn’t be reading this blog otherwise. Well, you’re in luck. Local listings management can boost your search engine rankings, making it easier for customers to find you.

For example, a local restaurant that ensures its details are correct on platforms like Google, Yelp, and TripAdvisor will appear more frequently in search results when people look for places to eat nearby. This means more potential customers discovering your business, and more potential money in your pocket.

Consistent Information

Nobody likes being given the wrong info. With local listings management, you can ensure your business details are always up-to-date everywhere. This means less confusion about where the heck you’re located, and more happy customers walking through your door ready to buy.

Consider a local hardware store. If they are open longer hours in the summer, ensuring that this information is updated on all their listings can prevent customers from showing up when the store is closed. Keeping things consistent not only improves your ranking on search engine results pages (SERPs) but also builds trust in your business—but more about that in the next section.

Enhanced Credibility and Trust

When your info is consistent and you have a good quantity of positive reviews on influential sites like Google, prospective customers are more likely to trust you. Keeping everything accurate and transparent shows that you’re reliable and professional.

For example, a spa with consistent business information on Google and Bing and glowing reviews across platforms like Facebook will appear more credible to potential customers compared to a competitor with outdated, missing or conflicting information.

Think about it, both of these businesses have a 5-star rating on Google, however, which would you pick?


local listings management example 1

Or this?

local listings management example 2

We’d hedge our bets that you would choose option #1. Not only are there more reviews listed, but they also mention that they have been in business for over 10 years, have eye-catching photos of the inside and outside of the spa, and list a website, something option #2 mysteriously leaves out.

Improved Customer Engagement

You can use local listings to interact with customers through reviews and comments. Replying to feedback shows you care about what your customers think, and it can help you improve your services, too.

Consider, for example, a local coffee shop that recently noticed a dip in business. They decide to check out their online listings and begin responding to reviews, both positive and negative. 

This engagement not only shows customers that their opinions are valued but also provides an opportunity to address any issues and improve the business based on real customer feedback. 

In this case, many negative or neutral reviews mentioned that their coffee lacked flavor, so the owner decided to change suppliers and notify customers about their new and improved brew selection. 

Key Features to Look for in a Local Listings Management Tool

Not quite sure what to look for? We got you. Here are some key features to have on your radar:

Ease of Use

Look for a tool that’s easy to use and integrates well with major listing platforms. Remember, you want something that makes updating your info a breeze, not a chore, otherwise, what’s the point, right? 

Automated Updates

Automation is your friend! Choose a tool that automatically syncs your business info across all listings and updates in real time whenever you make a change.

For instance, if you change your business hours, the tool should automatically update this information on all relevant platforms within minutes, saving you the hassle of doing it manually for each one.

Review Management

Managing reviews is not up for debate, it is a necessity for staying on top. Get a tool that alerts you instantly when there’s new feedback so you can respond quickly and keep the conversation going with your customers. You should also be on the lookout for AI-integrated features, such as suggested responses to help make replying to your customers faster.

Another feature to look for is the ability to respond directly from the tool. This keeps you on top of customer feedback and allows for timely interactions. For example, at Broadly, our review management platform does all three of these things, here’s what it looks like:

local listings management: review management

Analytics and Reporting

Know what’s working and what’s not with detailed analytics. Good tools will show you how your listings are performing so you can make the best and most informed decisions.

For example, a tool that provides insights into which listings are driving the most traffic and which keywords are most effective can help you fine-tune your SEO strategy and improve your online presence. 

Not an SEO guru? The cool thing about listing management tools is that they can come up with keyword suggestions for you using AI. With Broadly’s Local SEO functionality, you just need to type in a keyword, and a list of suggested keywords will appear that you can click and add. Like this:

local listings management: SEO

Also see: How to do local SEO

How Local Listings Management Can Boost Your Business

Higher Search Engine Rankings

Search engines want to recommend the best results to their users. Each algorithm has its own criteria for what it deems “the best” but overall the more high-quality, consistent information about your business online, the better your chances of improving your ranking in local search. 

You might be asking yourself how important being near the top of SERPs really is. And to be frank, it matters quite a lot. Vendasta recently put together a great article discussing how impactful it is to be within the top 3 results on Google (known as the local 3-pack). Here are some findings that we think might intrigue you:

  • 44% of people click on Google 3-pack results.
  • 86% rely on search to find a local business.
  • 80% of local searches convert into a lead.
  • 46% of Google searches are for local businesses.
  • Search queries with the phrase “near me” have surged over 500% in recent years.

Better Customer Experience

Make sure customers always have the right info about your business. We can’t say this enough. Accurate listings mean more foot traffic and, in turn, more potential to make a sale.

For example, a hair salon with accurate contact information and business hours across all platforms makes it easy for customers who prefer different search engines to book appointments and visit the salon without any confusion.

Stronger Brand Reputation

Positive reviews and consistent info build a strong, trustworthy brand in the eyes of search engines and users alike. Not to mention, responding to reviews shows you care and helps build long-term customer loyalty.

For example, a local gym that consistently receives and responds to reviews and questions demonstrates their knowledge about health and fitness and passion for customer care. This, in turn, builds a loyal customer base that trusts they will get the support they need and attracts new clients looking for a reputable place to work out.

Also see: Benefits of online reputation management

Competitive Advantage

It’s no contest. Standing out from the competition is easier with well-managed listings. More visibility and better info out there about you online means more customers choosing you over the others.

Implementing Local Listings Management: Tips for Local Business Owners

Now that you know what local listings management tools are, and why they are important, it’s time to dig deeper into how you can make them work for your local business. Here are some strategies to help you get the most out of local listing management.

Audit Your Current Listings

When was the last time you Googled your business? Now might be the perfect time to start. 

Start by finding out where your business is listed online and make sure all the info is correct. This involves searching for your business on various platforms and noting any discrepancies in the information.

Is the address listed as Willow Crt. instead of Willow St. on Facebook, for instance? These are the types of things you need to keep an eye out for.  

At the end of the day, a thorough audit of your online presence will give you a clear picture of where you need to make updates.

Also see: How to claim a business page on Facebook

Choose the Right Tool

Pick a local listings management tool that best fits your needs. Look at ease of use, features available, and the overall cost.

Pro Tip: Consider tools that offer a free trial period so you can test them out before committing. Be mindful of your options and choose one you foresee yourself using for the long haul, because a yearly subscription is often cheaper than a monthly one.

Keep Information Updated

Regularly check and update your business info. You heard us right. Even if you have local listings management software by your side, some listing sites can be reluctant to update information or still require it to be updated manually. 

Also, no matter how good your listing management tool is, it is useless if you don’t tell it when information about your business changes. This includes changes in hours, new locations, or updated contact details.

Setting a monthly reminder to review and update your listings can ensure that your information remains accurate and up-to-date.

Engage with Customers

Monitor and promptly respond to bad reviews. Ideally, within the first hour.

How can you achieve this? Create a schedule for checking and responding to positive and negative reviews. You can divide and conquer by enlisting the help of team members to ensure that no feedback goes unnoticed and customers feel heard. 

Monitor Performance

Track how your listings are doing with analytics. You can use these valuable insights to keep improving your online presence gradually over time.

Regularly review the key performance metrics you have selected for your business listings, such as search rankings, click-to-calls, and star ratings, as these can help you identify areas for improvement and optimize your listing strategy.

How Broadly Can Help

Broadly has got you covered with the awesome features available through Local SEO.

  • Syncs to Google, Facebook, Instagram, X, and Apple Maps
  • Local SEO search grid
  • Reporting on up to 15 keywords
  • Weekly keyword refresh rate
  • Keyword suggestions
  • Google Business Profile insights
  • Citations reporting
  • And more!

Broadly’s comprehensive toolset ensures that your business listings are always accurate and optimized for maximum visibility. With features like real-time updates and review management, you can stay on top of your online presence with a lot less hassle.

Ready to overhaul your online presence? Sign up for a demo of Broadly’s software and see how it can help your local business get to the top. 

Transform your local business with revolutionary AI-powered software

The post Local Listings Management: Boost Your Local SEO appeared first on Broadly.

Streamline Your Marketing with Social Media Scheduling Tools Thu, 27 Jun 2024 19:28:36 +0000 When it comes to staying relevant in your local community, maintaining…

The post Streamline Your Marketing with Social Media Scheduling Tools appeared first on Broadly.

When it comes to staying relevant in your local community, maintaining a strong social media presence is your best bet for success. Social media can do a world of good, like:

  • Drive engagement
  • Attract new customers
  • Boost sales

However, keeping up with regular posting can feel impossible, especially when you’re juggling all the big responsibilities that come with being a local business owner. This is where social media scheduling tools can be very handy to you. 

You see, they help make creating, scheduling, and posting content a heck of a lot easier, ensuring your business always has a consistent online presence that is guaranteed to turn heads. 

Intrigued? Well, let’s dive in.

Why Social Media Scheduling Tools are Essential for Local Businesses

Keeping up with social media can feel like a full-time job in itself, especially when you’re also trying to keep your small business above water. But don’t worry—social media scheduling tools are here to make your life easier! Here’s why they’re a must-have:

Saves Time

Who has time to post every day? You sure don’t. With social media scheduling tools, you can plan your posts well in advance.  For example, a local bakery can schedule posts about their daily specials a week ahead, allowing them to focus more of their time on baking enough bread to satisfy the lunch rush.

Maintains Consistency

Consistency is key to keeping your audience engaged. Even when you’re super busy, scheduled posts ensure your brand stays active online. For instance, a fitness studio can maintain a regular posting schedule, sharing workout tips on TikTok and class schedules on Facebook even when the staff is busy with clients.

Do you know how often your business should post on social media? According to Hootsuite, you should be posting this often on these popular platforms:

  • Instagram: 3 and 5 times per week.
  • Instagram Stories: 2 times per day.
  • Facebook: 1 to 2 times per day.
  • X (Twitter): 2 and 3 times per day.
  • LinkedIn: 1 to 2 times per day.
  • Threads: 2 to 3 times per day.
  • TikTok: 3 and 5 times per week.
  • Google Business Profile: 1 time per week.

Optimizes Timing

Timing can make a big difference. Social media scheduling tools let you post when your audience is most likely to engage. For example, a restaurant might find that posts about lunch specials get the most engagement when scheduled at 11 AM, just before folks start thinking about lunch. In this case, perfect timing equals more hungry customers entering their door!

Benefits of Using Social Media Scheduling Tools

Running a local business is no small feat, and keeping up with social media can often feel like a balancing act. That’s where social media scheduling tools come in—they’re like your trusty sidekick, making your life easier and your business more efficient. 

Whether you’re scheduling posts months in advance, optimizing your reach across multiple platforms, or diving into detailed analytics, these tools have got you covered. Let’s dive into how these tools can up your social media game.


Social media scheduling tools help you to schedule your posts days, weeks, or even months in advance. This frees up your time to focus on other aspects of your business. A clothing boutique for example can plan and schedule posts for an entire season, showcasing new arrivals and promotions without having to interact with the software for months. Just set it and forget it.

Several of these tools also offer AI functionality—like Broadly’s Social Media Manager! This means when you are tapped out of ideas, you have a little helper ready to swoop in and lend a hand, sparing you and your team from creative burnout. 

social media scheduling tools: efficiency

Reach Optimization

Social media scheduling tools ensure your posts reach the largest audience possible. You can use these tools to cross-promote content across different social media platforms through one simple social media automation

Do you have multiple locations? With Broadly, you also can post content to all (or some) of your locations simultaneously, saving you the hassle of copy and pasting the same thing over and over again. Here’s a sneak peek of what that looks like:

social media scheduling tools: reach optimization


Likes and comments are cool and all, but how are your social marketing efforts really doing? Social media scheduling tools can show you. They help you better track the performance of your posts so you can adjust your strategy based on detailed analytics and insights. For example, a local coffee shop can analyze which posts about new menu items get the most overall engagement and tailor future posts to highlight the most popular items.

Speaking of comments, are you struggling to keep up with the things your customers are saying about you? The cool thing about social media scheduling tools are their ability to actively listen out for and gather all the comments you receive in one place. That way, you can respond to questions and nice (or not-so-nice) feedback quickly.

With Broadly, you also have the option to generate a response with AI, so you can send consistent, professional, and on-brand responses in just a few clicks. Here’s what it looks like:

social media scheduling tools: analytics

Key Features to Look for in a Social Media Scheduling Tool

Not all social media scheduling tools are created equal. Here are some main features you should be on the lookout for:

User-Friendly Interface

Would you use a platform that is more trouble than it’s worth? Of course not! That’s why you need to choose a tool that is easy to use, even for the team members who are not tech-savvy. 

A great place to start is by looking for drag-and-drop features, simple navigation menus, and crystal-clear instructions and resource guides.

Multi-Platform Support

This is especially useful for businesses with a presence on multiple platforms like Facebook, Instagram, X, and LinkedIn. 

Content Calendar

Are you a visually oriented person? Then a social media scheduling tool with a content calendar might be advantageous for you. 

A visual content calendar helps you see all your scheduled posts at a glance, making it easier to plan and coordinate your content. For example, at Broadly, we offer a content calendar with drag-and-drop adjustment features that help businesses like yours stay organized and make tweaks easily.

Analytics and Reporting

Look for tools that provide detailed analytics on metrics such as: 

  • Likes
  • Shares
  • Comments
  • Engagement rates

This data helps you understand what content best vibes with your audience. As well, you should look for social media scheduling tools that compare and contrast data across all your locations, and carry the option to export your analytics data in easy-to-use formats like Excel spreadsheets.


There is nothing more frustrating than when platforms refuse to talk to each other. So, ensure the social media scheduling tool you choose is compatible with other tools and platforms you already use. 

Need a subscription diet? We get you. Did you know that some social media scheduling tools are more than meets the eye? For instance, Broadly’s platform offers more than just scheduling; it also offers review management, inbox communication, webchat lead generation, local SEO technology, and automated email/SMS campaigns.

How to Choose the Right Social Media Scheduling Tool for Your Business

You don’t need all the bells and whistles to run a stellar social media campaign. Here’s some strategies to help you find the best bang for your buck:

Assess Your Needs

Determine the specific features you need versus what would be “nice to have” based on your business goals. For example, if you need detailed analytics to track your posts’ performance, look for a tool that offers comprehensive reporting. 

How do I assess my needs? If you are having a difficult time determining what you need versus what you can live without, try writing down a list of features you need, and then ranking them from most important to least. 

If a social media scheduling tool does not include the things near the top of your list, it’s best to just walk away.

Budget Considerations

Evaluate free versus paid options to find a tool that fits your budget. Many scheduling tools offer tiered pricing plans, so choose one that provides the features you identified as important to you, at a price you can afford.

Ease of Use

Choose a tool that matches your skills. Exactly, why would you put yourself through a ton of headache when you don’t have to? We recommend looking for options that offer tutorials, customer support, and a user-friendly interface to ensure you can use them effectively.

Customer Support

Social media scheduling tools are run by people, not specters, so why put up with being ghosted? 

Ensure the tool you choose offers reliable customer support to assist you when you need it most. Good customer support can help you troubleshoot issues quickly, minimizing disruptions to your social media strategy.

And remember, this does not have to be just a customer support number, we’re talking about: 

  • Resource articles
  • Forums
  • Blogs
  • Video tutorials
  • AI webchats

Top Social Media Scheduling Tools for Local Businesses

Our editors did the hard work for you and gathered a list of some of the top social media scheduling tools out there. Check them out:

Sprout Social

Known for its robust analytics and reporting features, Sprout Social helps you understand your audience better. It also offers a user-friendly interface and multi-platform support.


A popular choice for its simplicity and ease of use, Buffer offers a straightforward way to schedule posts. It’s great for businesses looking for a no-frills, efficient scheduling tool.


With comprehensive multi-platform support, Hootsuite allows you to manage your social media accounts from one place. It also provides detailed analytics and a content calendar.

Post Planner

This tool helps you find and schedule high-quality content that engages your audience. It’s perfect for businesses looking to mix curated content with their own posts.

Broadly’s Social Media Manager

Broadly allows businesses to manage their social media accounts, use AI to create, schedule, and post content, and respond directly to customer comments. Designed with small businesses in mind, this tool helps you streamline your social media marketing efforts and improve engagement.

Learn more here: What is social media management?

Tips for Effective Social Media Scheduling

Plan Ahead

Create a content calendar to organize your posts for upcoming weeks or months. This helps maintain consistency and ensures you always have something to post. For example, a local bookstore can plan posts around upcoming author events, book releases, and reading tips.

Mix Content Types

Balance promotional posts with engaging and informative content to keep your audience interested. A local gym, for example, can mix posts about membership deals with workout tips, healthy recipes, and member success stories.

Monitor and Adjust

Nothing is perfect, and trends change quickly. That’s why you need to regularly review analytics to see what works and what doesn’t. Adjust your strategy based on these insights to improve engagement. For example, if videos about new products receive more engagement than other types of posts, consider increasing the frequency of video content you produce.

Engage with Your Audience

It never hurts to respond to comments and messages. It helps to foster a sense of community and build a stronger reputation with your followers. For instance, a local café can reply to customer comments about their favorite drinks or thank them for their visits, creating a more personal connection.

How Broadly Can Help

By using social media scheduling tools, you can ensure a consistent, engaging online presence that helps build and maintain strong relationships with your valued customers. Broadly is here to support you every step of the way with our powerful and easy-to-use tools.

Broadly’s solutions are designed to exclusively help local businesses attract, convert, and engage customers. Our Social Media Manager feature offers a comprehensive platform to manage all your social media accounts, create and schedule posts, and engage with your audience. With exciting new AI-enhanced capabilities, you can ensure your content is always top-notch and your posts are timed for maximum impact.

“The results have been great. [Broadly] has driven a lot of reviews for Google, Facebook, and Nextdoor, and it has brought more and more customers every single year.” —James, Auto Care

Ready to streamline your social media marketing and engage your audience like never before? Sign up for a free demo of Broadly’s services today and see how our tools can help your business grow.

Transform your local business with revolutionary AI-powered software

The post Streamline Your Marketing with Social Media Scheduling Tools appeared first on Broadly.

Contact Management System: Your Secret Weapon for Success Wed, 26 Jun 2024 13:12:04 +0000 Keeping track of your contacts is an important pillar of…

The post Contact Management System: Your Secret Weapon for Success appeared first on Broadly.

Keeping track of your contacts is an important pillar of success. But without the right tools, it can quickly become overwhelming. If that’s what brought you to this article, you are in the right place because we can help with that!

This is where a contact management system (CMS) comes in handy. Let’s dive deeper into how this powerful tool can greatly improve the way you manage your business contacts.

Manage leads and customer communication in one place

What Is a Contact Management System?

Think of a contact management system as your grandmother’s address book—but on steroids. It’s a centralized database that not only stores all your customer information but also tracks every interaction, communication, and engagement with them. 

Unlike traditional methods like spreadsheets or paper records, a CMS offers advanced features and functionalities to streamline your contact management process and enhance your overall customer relationships.

Benefits of a Contact Management System for Local Businesses

Now that we got that out of the way, let’s dive in and discuss why a CMS system matters and what you, as a business owner, get out of using it. There are many benefits of using a CSM.

Streamlined Communication

With a CMS, all your customer interactions are stored in one convenient location. Whether it’s emails, phone calls, or in-person meetings, you can easily access contact information and communication history with just a few clicks. 

This improved communication flow ensures that you never miss a beat and can respond to customer inquiries or follow up on leads quickly before they have a chance to turn elsewhere.

Improved Customer Relationships

Personalization is key to building strong customer relationships. A CMS allows you to tailor your interactions based on customer preferences and past interactions, leading to more meaningful and impactful communication. 

By keeping track of customer preferences, purchase history, and feedback, you can provide a tailored experience that better vibes with your customers and fosters genuine loyalty.

Enhanced Organization

Gone are the days of sifting through endless spreadsheets or sticky notes to find the information you need. With a CMS, you can organize your contacts into categories, set reminders for follow-ups, and stay on top of important dates effortlessly. 

This level of organization not only saves you and your sales team heaps of time but also ensures that you can efficiently manage your contacts and provide timely and relevant communication.

Increased Efficiency

That’s right, say goodbye to manual tasks and hello to automation. A CMS automates routine tasks like sending appointment reminders and follow-up emails, freeing up valuable time for you (and your admins) to focus on growing your business. 

By automating repetitive processes, you can simplify your workflow, reduce errors, and improve overall efficiency. Additionally, automation allows you to scale your efforts without sacrificing quality, enabling you to reach more customers and drive better results. 

Key Features to Look for in a Contact Management System

Contact management systems might sound all fine and good, but not all CMSs are created equal. With that said, what should you be on the lookout for? Most CMSs worth their salt share a few common traits:

Ease of Use

Look for a CMS with a user-friendly interface and simple setup process. It should be intuitive and easy to navigate, even for users with limited technical expertise.

Automation Capabilities

Ensure the system offers automation features like automated emails and text reminders. This helps you save time and effort by automating repetitive tasks and ensures consistent communication with your contacts.

Customization Options

Choose a CMS that allows you to customize fields and tags for organizing contacts. This flexibility enables you to tailor the system to your specific business needs and workflow.

Security and Privacy

Prioritize a CMS with secure data storage and compliance with data protection regulations. We can’t stress this enough. Your customers’ data should be protected against unauthorized access, and the system should adhere to industry standards for data security and privacy.

How a Contact Management System Can Boost Your Business

Better Lead Management

Track leads through the sales funnel and improves conversion rates with timely follow-ups. By centralizing lead information and automating lead nurturing activities, you can simplify your sales process and, in turn, increase revenue. 

Enhanced Customer Retention

Build stronger relationships with personalized communication and increase repeat business through targeted marketing. A CMS allows you to stay connected with your customers, deliver relevant content and offers, and provide exceptional customer service, leading to higher retention rates and customer satisfaction.

Improved Reputation Management

CMSs allow you to centralize customer feedback and reviews and respond to inquiries and issues promptly. By actively managing your online reputation and addressing customer feedback in a timely manner, you can build trust and credibility with your audience and enhance your brand reputation.

Need a more convenient way to ask for reviews? Broadly can help you more effectively manage your reputation through automated review requests.

contact management system: Broadly reviews

You can automatically request reviews when services are complete so that when you ask, your business is at the top of customers’ minds. 

Implementing a Contact Management System: Tips for Local Business Owners

Start with a Clear Plan

Define your CMS goals and objectives, and identify key features you need. Before selecting a CMS, take the time to assess your business needs and requirements, and create a clear action plan to make sure you’re always moving forward.

Choose the Right System

Evaluate different CMS options based on factors like cost, scalability, and support. Consider your budget, business size, and growth projections, and choose a system that aligns with your long-term goals and objectives.

Train Your Team

There is nothing more stressful than trying to deal with resistance to change. That’s why you’ll need to provide training to ensure everyone is comfortable using the system, and feel encouraged to regularly use and maintain it. 

At the end of the day, it is completely worth it to invest in training programs and resources to onboard your team members to ensure they have the skills and knowledge to effectively utilize the CMS you plan on using.

Monitor and Adjust

Things change over time, and so do people’s behaviors and preferences. This means that you need to regularly review your CMS usage and performance, and make adjustments to improve effectiveness.

We recommend that you monitor key metrics and KPIs, gather feedback from users, and make data-driven decisions to optimize your contact management process over time.

Broadly: Communication at Its Best

A robust contact management system is essential for your success. By centralizing your customer information, streamlining communication, and enhancing organization, a CMS can help you take your business where you want it to go.

Whether you’re a small local shop or a growing chain of locations, investing in a contact management system can provide you with the tools and capabilities you need to thrive in today’s competitive market. 

contact management system: Broadly inbox

With Broadly, you can centralize lead management and customer communication from one shared inbox. Local businesses can automatically import contacts from their business system and consolidate leads from Facebook, Instagram, Web Chat, and website contact forms into one shared inbox.

Ready to experience the benefits of an effective contact management system? Sign up for a demo of Broadly’s customer engagement and relationship management software today and see how it can transform your business.

Transform your local business with revolutionary AI-powered software

The post Contact Management System: Your Secret Weapon for Success appeared first on Broadly.

How to Send a Text Blast for Local Service Businesses Thu, 20 Jun 2024 20:34:36 +0000 Things change fast out there. Are you keeping up?  Effective…

The post How to Send a Text Blast for Local Service Businesses appeared first on Broadly.

Things change fast out there. Are you keeping up? 

Effective communication is hands down the key to success for local service businesses. One powerful strategy that has emerged in recent years is the text blast. But what exactly is a text blast, and how can local businesses leverage it?

Well, you’re in luck because, in this guide, we’ll walk you through everything you need to know about how to send a text blast, from building your contact list to crafting compelling messages—that’s right, the whole shebang. Let’s get started!

Send AI-enhanced personalized email and text campaigns

What Is a Text Blast?

Before we get into the nitty-gritty details, let’s start with the basics: what exactly is a text blast? 

A text blast, also known as an SMS campaign, mass texting, or SMS marketing, involves sending a single text message to a large group of recipients all at once. Unlike individual text messages, which are sent one by one, text blasts allow businesses to reach their entire customer base or specific segments with just a few clicks. 

Text blasts are highly effective for both promotional and informational purposes. Whether you’re announcing a flash sale, sharing important updates, or reminding customers of upcoming appointments, text blasts offer immediate communication that’s hard to ignore—we mean it! 

With open rates as high as 98%, text blasts ensure that your messages are seen and acted on by your audience (Forbes).

Build Your Contact List

The success of your text blast campaigns begins with a solid contact list. Start by collecting phone numbers from your customers through various touchpoints, such as website sign-ups, service calls, and in-person visits. 

But hold on a second before pulling the trigger. It’s incredibly important to ensure that you have explicit consent from customers to send them text messages, so be sure to offer clear opt-in options (and incentives if you like!) for signing up. 

In addition to building your contact list organically, you’ll also need to choose the right text blast platform to manage your campaigns effectively. Several popular platforms are available, each offering unique features and pricing options. With so many options, how can you choose?

Well, we recommend taking a step back and considering factors such as ease of use, compliance with regulations, and the ability to send personalized messages when selecting a platform that suits your business needs.

Choose the Right Text Blast Platform

When it comes to selecting the right text blast platform for your local service business, there are several factors to consider to ensure you make the best choice for your needs.

Popular Platforms

There are numerous text blast platforms available, each offering different features and functionalities. Take the time to compare and contrast platforms to find the one that best suits your business requirements.

Factors to Consider

As you evaluate text blast platforms, consider things such as ease of use, available features, and pricing. We recommend looking for a platform that offers easy-to-use interfaces, customizable message templates, and analytics tools to track campaign performance. 

Additionally, consider your budget and choose a platform that offers pricing plans that align with your financial resources.

Compliance with TCPA

Compliance with regulations such as the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) is essential when sending text blasts to customers. Ensure that the platform you choose adheres to all relevant legal requirements to avoid potential fines or legal issues.

Broadly’s Campaign Software

As you explore text blast platforms, consider leveraging Broadly’s campaign solution. This powerful tool allows local businesses to send personalized texts and emails that engage customers, nurture leads, and boost sales with an AI-enhanced, user-friendly campaign builder.

how to send a text blast: Broadly campaigns

With Broadly, you can assess proof of performance for every marketing campaign you send. Your team can replicate successful campaigns, improve on others, and explore your leads’ interest levels.

Craft Effective Text Messages

Now that you’ve built your contact list and chosen the right platform, it’s time to craft text messages that will reverberate with your audience. Here are some campaign best practices for writing effective text messages:

1. Keep it Concise and Engaging

Text messages have limited space, so get straight to the point. Use clear and concise language to convey your message and grab the recipient’s attention.

2. Use a Clear Call To Action (CTA)

Every text message should include a clear and compelling call to action that tells recipients what you want them to do next. Whether it’s booking an appointment, redeeming a discount, or visiting your website, make it easy for recipients to take action.

3. Personalize Messages

Personalization is key to engaging your audience. Address recipients by name whenever possible and tailor your messages to their specific needs and preferences.

4. Include Important Information

In addition to your main message, be sure to include important details such as your business name, what you’re offering, and how recipients can take action. This ensures clarity and helps recipients understand the purpose of the message.

5. Highlight Customer Testimonials and Reviews

Incorporating customer testimonials and reviews into your text messages adds credibility and encourages recipients to take action. Share positive feedback from satisfied customers to showcase the value of your products or services.

Timing and Frequency

In addition to crafting compelling messages, it’s important to consider the timing and frequency of your text blasts. Here are some guidelines to keep in mind:

Determine the Best Times to Send Text Blasts

Pay attention to when your audience is most likely to be receptive to your messages. Avoid sending texts too early in the morning or too late at night, and consider factors such as time zones and work schedules.

Find the Right Frequency

While it’s important to stay top-of-mind with your audience, you don’t want to bombard them with too many messages. While many digital marketing companies and affluent industry sites recommend 1-2 texts per week, not every recipient may appreciate this frequency. 

Try your best to find a balance that keeps recipients engaged without overwhelming them, and consider factors such as the nature of your business and the preferences of your audience.

By timing your text blasts effectively and finding the right frequency, you can maximize engagement and drive results for your business.

Segment Your Audience

Segmenting your audience allows you to send targeted messages to different groups of recipients based on their needs, behaviors, and preferences. Here are four ways to effectively segment your audience for text blasts:

1. Identify Key Segments

Start by identifying different groups of customers based on factors such as their purchase history, demographics, and interests. Common segments include new customers, repeat customers, and customers who have expressed interest in specific products or services.

2. Create Targeted Messages

Once you’ve identified your segments, tailor your text messages to each group’s specific needs and preferences. For example, you might send new customers a welcome message with a special offer, while sending loyal customers exclusive discounts or rewards.

3. Use Data to Inform Your Segmentation

Use data from your CRM system or email marketing platform to better understand your audience and identify meaningful segments. Track customer interactions and behaviors to identify patterns and opportunities for segmentation.

4. Test and Refine Your Segments

Continuously monitor the performance of your segmented campaigns and use A/B testing to optimize your messaging. It never hurts to experiment with different segmentation criteria and message content to find what vibes best with each group.

When you segment your audience effectively, you can deliver more relevant and targeted messages that drive upward engagement and conversions.

Compliance and Best Practices

When sending text blasts, it’s important to ensure compliance with regulations and follow best practices to protect your business and maintain a positive relationship with your audience. Here are some key considerations you should be thinking about:

Ensure Compliance with Regulations

Familiarize yourself with regulations such as the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) and the Cellular Telecommunications Industry Association (CTIA) guidelines to ensure that your text blasts comply with all legal requirements.

Provide an Easy Opt-Out Mechanism

Have you ever received a text from a store and at the end it says something like “Reply HELP for info; STOP to opt out,” if you have, this is what we are talking about. Include clear instructions for recipients to opt out of receiving further messages if they no longer wish to receive communications from your business.

Make it easy for them to unsubscribe by providing a simple reply option like we mentioned, or a link to opt-out. 

Include Your Business Name

Include your business name in every text message you send to ensure transparency and help recipients identify the sender. People are naturally weary of harmful spam or scammers, so reassuring them who you are goes a long way for building the trust you need for this strategy to work.

Avoid Overly Promotional Language

While it’s important to promote your products or services, avoid using overly promotional or salesy language in your text messages. It’s frankly cringey. 

Instead, focus on providing value and addressing the needs of your audience.

By following these compliance and best practices guidelines, you can ensure that your text blasts are effective, ethical, and compliant with regulations.

More Helpful Resources:

Analyze and Measure Success

Tracking key metrics is essential for evaluating the effectiveness of your text blast campaigns and making informed decisions to optimize your strategy. Here are some important metrics to track and analyze:

  1. Delivery rate: The percentage of text messages successfully delivered to recipients’ phones. A high delivery rate indicates that your messages are reaching their intended recipients.
  2. Open rate: The percentage of recipients who open your text messages. A high open rate indicates that your messages are compelling and engaging enough to capture recipients’ attention.
  3. Click-through rate (CTR): The percentage of recipients who click on links or calls to action included in your text messages. A high CTR indicates that your messages are driving action and engagement among recipients.
  4. Conversion rate: The percentage of recipients who take a desired action, such as making a purchase or booking an appointment, as a result of receiving your text messages. A high conversion rate indicates that your messages are effectively persuading recipients to take action.
  5. Opt-out rate: The percentage of recipients who unsubscribe or opt out of receiving further messages from your business. Monitoring opt-out rates helps you understand how your audience is responding to your messages and identify opportunities to improve your messaging strategy.

By regularly tracking and analyzing these metrics, you can gain valuable insights into the effectiveness of your text blast campaigns and make informed decisions to optimize your strategy and improve results.

Integrate Text Blasts with Other Marketing Channels

To maximize the impact of your text blast campaigns, consider integrating them with other marketing channels for a cohesive and holistic approach. Here are some ways to integrate text blasts with other marketing channels:

Promote Text Sign-Ups on Your Website and Social Media

Encourage visitors to your website and followers on social media to sign up for text updates by highlighting the benefits of receiving exclusive offers, promotions, and updates via text message.

Use Text Blasts to Drive Traffic to Your Website and Social Media

Include links to your website, blog posts, and social media profiles in your text messages to encourage recipients to visit and engage with your online content.

Coordinate Text Blasts with Email and Social Media Campaigns

Align your text blast messaging with your email marketing and social media campaigns to create a consistent and cohesive brand experience across multiple channels. Use text blasts to reinforce key messages and promotions featured in your other marketing channels. 

Do Mobile Better with Broadly

There’s no argument text blasts are a powerful tool for local service businesses to communicate with customers quickly, effectively, and directly. By sending targeted messages to your audience’s mobile phones, you can achieve immediate communication, high open rates, and increased customer engagement.

Throughout this guide, we’ve explored the key steps involved in executing successful text blast campaigns, from building your contact list and choosing the right platform to crafting compelling messages and analyzing campaign performance. 

By following these steps and best practices, you can better leverage text blasts to enhance your customer communication and drive meaningful results for your business. Just remember to always prioritize compliance with regulations and respect your audience’s preferences and privacy.

Ready to take your customer communication up a notch with text blasts? Sign up for a demo of Broadly’s customer engagement and relationship management software today and start engaging your customers like never before!

Transform your local business with revolutionary AI-powered software

The post How to Send a Text Blast for Local Service Businesses appeared first on Broadly.
